The border wars of New England, commonly called King William's and Queen Anne's wars . 2 a Till: JJOIIDER AVARS OF. NEW ENGLAND COMMONLY CALLED KING WILLIAMS ANDQUEEN ANNES WAKS BY SAMUEL ADAMS DRAKE Honors a good brooch to wear in a mans hat, at all times.—B. Jonson WITH ATAXY ILLUSTRATIONS AXD MAPS ^ 3^ l^z-.^i^l 1^ NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS 1910 COPTRIGHT, 189T, BT CHARLKS SCRIBNERS SONS iiTJCIUS TUTTLE, Esq. CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 King Williams War CHAP. I. Hostilities Begin 9 1688-1689. II. The S.xck ok Dover 14 Jane 27, 1689. III. The Captivity of Sarah Gerrish . . .23 IV. Pe Stock Photo
RM2AWK1X3–The border wars of New England, commonly called King William's and Queen Anne's wars . 2 a Till: JJOIIDER AVARS OF. NEW ENGLAND COMMONLY CALLED KING WILLIAMS ANDQUEEN ANNES WAKS BY SAMUEL ADAMS DRAKE Honors a good brooch to wear in a mans hat, at all times.—B. Jonson WITH ATAXY ILLUSTRATIONS AXD MAPS ^ 3^ l^z-.^i^l 1^ NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS 1910 COPTRIGHT, 189T, BT CHARLKS SCRIBNERS SONS iiTJCIUS TUTTLE, Esq. CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 King Williams War CHAP. I. Hostilities Begin 9 1688-1689. II. The S.xck ok Dover 14 Jane 27, 1689. III. The Captivity of Sarah Gerrish . . .23 IV. Pe
. The border wars of New England, commonly called King William's and Queen Anne's wars. English borderers,self-preservation was the higher law. The final appealmust therefore be to a Higher Court than ours. KING WILLIAMS WAR HOSTILITIES BEGIN 1688-1689 THE renewal of hostilities with the Abenakis, after tenyears of peace, was distinctly the result of Englishaggressions. At the bottom lay the one irritating causeof all the Indian wars from that day to this, never to beremoved except by the final subjugation of First cause ofone or the other race. By the rapid growth ^^** and steady extension of Stock Photo
RM2CEM1DF–. The border wars of New England, commonly called King William's and Queen Anne's wars. English borderers,self-preservation was the higher law. The final appealmust therefore be to a Higher Court than ours. KING WILLIAMS WAR HOSTILITIES BEGIN 1688-1689 THE renewal of hostilities with the Abenakis, after tenyears of peace, was distinctly the result of Englishaggressions. At the bottom lay the one irritating causeof all the Indian wars from that day to this, never to beremoved except by the final subjugation of First cause ofone or the other race. By the rapid growth ^^** and steady extension of