Raspberry daylily blossoms in the garden. Hemerocallis LINDA BECK Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/raspberry-daylily-blossoms-in-the-garden-hemerocallis-linda-beck-image367592912.html
RF2CA18E8–Raspberry daylily blossoms in the garden. Hemerocallis LINDA BECK
Title page of 'The famous Victories of Henry the Fifth'. The famous Victories of Henry the Fifth. Containing the Honourable Battell of Agin-court. As it was acted by the Kinges Maiesties Seruants. [In prose and verse.] MS. note [by J. O. Halliwell]. London, 1617. Source: C.34.l.9, title page. Language: English. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/title-page-of-the-famous-victories-of-henry-the-fifth-the-famous-victories-of-henry-the-fifth-containing-the-honourable-battell-of-agin-court-as-it-was-acted-by-the-kinges-maiesties-seruants-in-prose-and-verse-ms-note-by-j-o-halliwell-london-1617-source-c34l9-title-page-language-english-image227086585.html
RMR5CK75–Title page of 'The famous Victories of Henry the Fifth'. The famous Victories of Henry the Fifth. Containing the Honourable Battell of Agin-court. As it was acted by the Kinges Maiesties Seruants. [In prose and verse.] MS. note [by J. O. Halliwell]. London, 1617. Source: C.34.l.9, title page. Language: English.
. Review of reviews and world's work. THE FIItST OF MAY IN PARIS. From the Press (Binghaniton). he did it so well, hed do it agin, agin.Lieutenant Hobson: If shes got to be sunk, Im theboy to sink lier.—From the Journal (Minneapolis). SOME REPRESENT ATI l^E CARTOONS OF THE MONTH.. INDOMITABLE. From the World (New York). Uncle Sam : Take heart from the lessons of the past.From the Tribune (Chicago). SOME CARTOON TRIBUTES TO THE GRIT OF SAN FRANCISCO. 673 THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REF/EIV OF REI^IEIVS. ^j^<Al±?^ Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/review-of-reviews-and-worlds-work-the-fiitst-of-may-in-paris-from-the-press-binghaniton-he-did-it-so-well-hed-do-it-agin-aginlieutenant-hobson-if-shes-got-to-be-sunk-im-theboy-to-sink-lierfrom-the-journal-minneapolis-some-represent-ati-le-cartoons-of-the-month-indomitable-from-the-world-new-york-uncle-sam-take-heart-from-the-lessons-of-the-pastfrom-the-tribune-chicago-some-cartoon-tributes-to-the-grit-of-san-francisco-673-the-american-monthly-refeiv-of-reiieivs-jltal-image336714206.html
RM2AFPJBA–. Review of reviews and world's work. THE FIItST OF MAY IN PARIS. From the Press (Binghaniton). he did it so well, hed do it agin, agin.Lieutenant Hobson: If shes got to be sunk, Im theboy to sink lier.—From the Journal (Minneapolis). SOME REPRESENT ATI l^E CARTOONS OF THE MONTH.. INDOMITABLE. From the World (New York). Uncle Sam : Take heart from the lessons of the past.From the Tribune (Chicago). SOME CARTOON TRIBUTES TO THE GRIT OF SAN FRANCISCO. 673 THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REF/EIV OF REI^IEIVS. ^j^<Al±?^
Purdue debris . PRES. KNKALE Senior Class Organization Motto—Success is Born of Resolution.Colors—Black and Azure.Yell—Boom-a-raka. Boom-a-raka! Boom! Bah!! Bix!!! Ki-yi! Ki-yi!! Nineteen-Six !!!! OFFICERS. President—Robert D. Kneale. Vice-President—T. II. Johnston. Secretary—Bertha J. Moffitt. Treasurer—E. V. Cook. Athletic Director—L. E. Rush. Director of Class Athletics—II. H. Bentley. S6 Z^ou. Then Agin Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/purdue-debris-pres-knkale-senior-class-organization-mottosuccess-is-born-of-resolutioncolorsblack-and-azureyellboom-a-raka-boom-a-raka!-boom!-bah!!-bix!!!-ki-yi!-ki-yi!!-nineteen-six-!!!!-officers-presidentrobert-d-kneale-vice-presidentt-ii-johnston-secretarybertha-j-moffitt-treasurere-v-cook-athletic-directorl-e-rush-director-of-class-athleticsii-h-bentley-s6-zou-then-agin-image338469327.html
RM2AJJH27–Purdue debris . PRES. KNKALE Senior Class Organization Motto—Success is Born of Resolution.Colors—Black and Azure.Yell—Boom-a-raka. Boom-a-raka! Boom! Bah!! Bix!!! Ki-yi! Ki-yi!! Nineteen-Six !!!! OFFICERS. President—Robert D. Kneale. Vice-President—T. II. Johnston. Secretary—Bertha J. Moffitt. Treasurer—E. V. Cook. Athletic Director—L. E. Rush. Director of Class Athletics—II. H. Bentley. S6 Z^ou. Then Agin
Mortarboard . GEORGENE HOFFMAN Our clinical psychologist,A Whos Who shell be yet;At losing pens and pocketbooksShes great right now you bet. HELEN HOFFMAN If a body see a body swimming or at tennis,Wed guess Helen, and be glad that she was not agin us. MARY HUBBARD She has Quakerlike manners,And sweet voice unique, Shes out for a good time,This transfer—so chic. ANITA HUGHES A dainty maid with heart sympa-thetic, A true little student with mind mathematic;Serene and, we should say, esthetic.A mighty good sport tho not athletic. [One Hundred Sixty-nine]. EDXA ISSERTEI.L The usual run of menIs E Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/mortarboard-georgene-hoffman-our-clinical-psychologista-whos-who-shell-be-yetat-losing-pens-and-pocketbooksshes-great-right-now-you-bet-helen-hoffman-if-a-body-see-a-body-swimming-or-at-tenniswed-guess-helen-and-be-glad-that-she-was-not-agin-us-mary-hubbard-she-has-quakerlike-mannersand-sweet-voice-unique-shes-out-for-a-good-timethis-transferso-chic-anita-hughes-a-dainty-maid-with-heart-sympa-thetic-a-true-little-student-with-mind-mathematicserene-and-we-should-say-esthetica-mighty-good-sport-tho-not-athletic-one-hundred-sixty-nine-edxa-isserteil-the-usual-run-of-menis-e-image339972611.html
RM2AN32EY–Mortarboard . GEORGENE HOFFMAN Our clinical psychologist,A Whos Who shell be yet;At losing pens and pocketbooksShes great right now you bet. HELEN HOFFMAN If a body see a body swimming or at tennis,Wed guess Helen, and be glad that she was not agin us. MARY HUBBARD She has Quakerlike manners,And sweet voice unique, Shes out for a good time,This transfer—so chic. ANITA HUGHES A dainty maid with heart sympa-thetic, A true little student with mind mathematic;Serene and, we should say, esthetic.A mighty good sport tho not athletic. [One Hundred Sixty-nine]. EDXA ISSERTEI.L The usual run of menIs E
The Northern . SwartzJ. L. SpencerC. L. SterlingL. E. WagnerN. D. WaughW. C. Weaver B. V. YardleyW. O. McMullenW. A. McNallyJ. A. Porath F. N. Rieser C. D. Varcel H. A. Donithen KILLED IN ACTION Kline D. Mayberry 105 0 60^ tjsborn Kling Baker Milliiiian Williams France Verbrite Litzenberg Agin Randall Hobson Tiumble Quigey Frisbie Trostle Clark Lehner Ackerman Sanborn Henshaw Farrow Hettish Parkin 106 ^ Sigma Phi Epsilon Founded at Richmond College, 1901Colors: Purple and Red Flowers; American Beauty Roses and Violets OHIO ALPHA CHAPTEREstablished 190 fi FRATRES IN FACULTATE Dean W. W. RunserC Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-northern-swartzj-l-spencerc-l-sterlingl-e-wagnern-d-waughw-c-weaver-b-v-yardleyw-o-mcmullenw-a-mcnallyj-a-porath-f-n-rieser-c-d-varcel-h-a-donithen-killed-in-action-kline-d-mayberry-105-0-60-tjsborn-kling-baker-milliiiian-williams-france-verbrite-litzenberg-agin-randall-hobson-tiumble-quigey-frisbie-trostle-clark-lehner-ackerman-sanborn-henshaw-farrow-hettish-parkin-106-sigma-phi-epsilon-founded-at-richmond-college-1901colors-purple-and-red-flowers-american-beauty-roses-and-violets-ohio-alpha-chapterestablished-190-fi-fratres-in-facultate-dean-w-w-runserc-image342739314.html
RM2AWH3DP–The Northern . SwartzJ. L. SpencerC. L. SterlingL. E. WagnerN. D. WaughW. C. Weaver B. V. YardleyW. O. McMullenW. A. McNallyJ. A. Porath F. N. Rieser C. D. Varcel H. A. Donithen KILLED IN ACTION Kline D. Mayberry 105 0 60^ tjsborn Kling Baker Milliiiian Williams France Verbrite Litzenberg Agin Randall Hobson Tiumble Quigey Frisbie Trostle Clark Lehner Ackerman Sanborn Henshaw Farrow Hettish Parkin 106 ^ Sigma Phi Epsilon Founded at Richmond College, 1901Colors: Purple and Red Flowers; American Beauty Roses and Violets OHIO ALPHA CHAPTEREstablished 190 fi FRATRES IN FACULTATE Dean W. W. RunserC
Harper's weekly . VKIiCK OF THE STEAMER ?fOMMODOBF,.-Fi:OM a Ski i.ii nv Eiia.moi «. Smitii.-[Seb Pack 411.] HARPERS WEEKLY.. the brightly-lighted, lltiekly-< arj? ? -t..-^ 1 ]i:ill.caught glimpse-, through ni.cn doors, of/ , ,l ly-furnished rooms. Therewaa child, it pnve her a pony, and li;it ll.-Hii-lnliu agin nlUiral | She enjoyed istrong apprerhu = -W^ iif til ,, mi hour. Then t all the ideal aged. ahard-niauiiered,-minded woman, : . U-tes were -imple, rinu roof- v. on Id I To Lionel Talbot, his second son, fiveand pound?, and a recommendation !?? g . ???. LouU I ? old cii..ii,1i e of Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/harpers-weekly-vkiick-of-the-steamer-fommodobf-fiom-a-ski-iii-nv-eiiamoi-smitii-seb-pack-411-harpers-weekly-the-brightly-lighted-lltiekly-lt-arj-t-1-iillcaught-glimpse-through-nicn-doors-of-l-ly-furnished-rooms-therewaa-child-it-pnve-her-a-pony-and-liit-ll-hii-lnliu-agin-nluiral-she-enjoyed-istrong-apprerhu-=-w-iif-til-mi-hour-then-t-all-the-ideal-aged-ahard-niauiiered-minded-woman-u-tes-were-imple-rinu-roof-v-on-id-i-to-lionel-talbot-his-second-son-fiveand-pound-and-a-recommendation-!-g-louu-i-old-ciiii1i-e-of-image339061330.html
RM2AKHG56–Harper's weekly . VKIiCK OF THE STEAMER ?fOMMODOBF,.-Fi:OM a Ski i.ii nv Eiia.moi «. Smitii.-[Seb Pack 411.] HARPERS WEEKLY.. the brightly-lighted, lltiekly-< arj? ? -t..-^ 1 ]i:ill.caught glimpse-, through ni.cn doors, of/ , ,l ly-furnished rooms. Therewaa child, it pnve her a pony, and li;it ll.-Hii-lnliu agin nlUiral | She enjoyed istrong apprerhu = -W^ iif til ,, mi hour. Then t all the ideal aged. ahard-niauiiered,-minded woman, : . U-tes were -imple, rinu roof- v. on Id I To Lionel Talbot, his second son, fiveand pound?, and a recommendation !?? g . ???. LouU I ? old cii..ii,1i e of
. Breeder and sportsman . es of the skin of theanimal. Opposed, But Not Opposed. Yes, we are agin the hand separator,and we are one of itB best friends at oneand the same time. The hand separatorhaB been a godsend to the farmers ofthose districts which are less denselypopulated than our own Marin countyand where it would be impossible for awhole milk creamery to survive. Theyhave been the means of furnishing a com-modity which can be shipped to a centralchurning point, and by thus being fur-nished a market for their product thefarmers have been encouraged to go intothe dairy business more or l Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/breeder-and-sportsman-es-of-the-skin-of-theanimal-opposed-but-not-opposed-yes-we-are-agin-the-hand-separatorand-we-are-one-of-itb-best-friends-at-oneand-the-same-time-the-hand-separatorhab-been-a-godsend-to-the-farmers-ofthose-districts-which-are-less-denselypopulated-than-our-own-marin-countyand-where-it-would-be-impossible-for-awhole-milk-creamery-to-survive-theyhave-been-the-means-of-furnishing-a-com-modity-which-can-be-shipped-to-a-centralchurning-point-and-by-thus-being-fur-nished-a-market-for-their-product-thefarmers-have-been-encouraged-to-go-intothe-dairy-business-more-or-l-image369591850.html
RM2CD8A4X–. Breeder and sportsman . es of the skin of theanimal. Opposed, But Not Opposed. Yes, we are agin the hand separator,and we are one of itB best friends at oneand the same time. The hand separatorhaB been a godsend to the farmers ofthose districts which are less denselypopulated than our own Marin countyand where it would be impossible for awhole milk creamery to survive. Theyhave been the means of furnishing a com-modity which can be shipped to a centralchurning point, and by thus being fur-nished a market for their product thefarmers have been encouraged to go intothe dairy business more or l
. The Wilderness road to Kentucky, its location and features . nd Itiver & traxclDown it alxMil 1(1 miles llirougli Some turralxl Cainhrakes as wewent down al)rams mair Ran into I he l{i-er with Ilcr load & Swamover he followd her & got on hei i^ made her Swim Iiack agin it is avery Raney Eavening we take up camp near Richland Creek theyKill a Beef Mr. Drake Bakes Bread with out Wasliing his hands weKeep Sentry this Xight for fear of the indians— Wednesday I^th this is a Raney morning But we jiack uj) &go on we come to Richland creek it is high we toat our packs over atree & swim our horses o Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-wilderness-road-to-kentucky-its-location-and-features-nd-itiver-traxcldown-it-alxmil-11-miles-llirougli-some-turralxl-cainhrakes-as-wewent-down-alrams-mair-ran-into-i-he-li-er-with-ilcr-load-swamover-he-followd-her-got-on-hei-i-made-her-swim-iiack-agin-it-is-avery-raney-eavening-we-take-up-camp-near-richland-creek-theykill-a-beef-mr-drake-bakes-bread-with-out-wasliing-his-hands-wekeep-sentry-this-xight-for-fear-of-the-indians-wednesday-ith-this-is-a-raney-morning-but-we-jiack-uj-go-on-we-come-to-richland-creek-it-is-high-we-toat-our-packs-over-atree-swim-our-horses-o-image372076881.html
RM2CH9FT1–. The Wilderness road to Kentucky, its location and features . nd Itiver & traxclDown it alxMil 1(1 miles llirougli Some turralxl Cainhrakes as wewent down al)rams mair Ran into I he l{i-er with Ilcr load & Swamover he followd her & got on hei i^ made her Swim Iiack agin it is avery Raney Eavening we take up camp near Richland Creek theyKill a Beef Mr. Drake Bakes Bread with out Wasliing his hands weKeep Sentry this Xight for fear of the indians— Wednesday I^th this is a Raney morning But we jiack uj) &go on we come to Richland creek it is high we toat our packs over atree & swim our horses o
. The blue and the gray, or, The Civil War as seen by a boy : a story of patriotism and adventure in our war for the Union . hnnies. This is not a personal affair, at all. But just thesame weve got to fight em because theyre agin the govern-ment. Ralph looked closer at Bill. Youre wounded, and will becarried to prison, too! Oh, Bill, what will become of you? Its nothing but a scratch. I lay here awhile till those : ■ ■ 1 -fwP r™!fr%y MRk H£i; [.-y0^ m: v;;^✌️,■ #*-: ,j£>- * Xv fe*-* ■■^■•■-.- ■■■■iyCi;<--.:;.■■ i-!--y2 ■■*r fik:^#. ;; ■;•■■;■ < ■• ■ - i-;::-M|{::::l ^ft|P feiiill ^dj& Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-blue-and-the-gray-or-the-civil-war-as-seen-by-a-boy-a-story-of-patriotism-and-adventure-in-our-war-for-the-union-hnnies-this-is-not-a-personal-affair-at-all-but-just-thesame-weve-got-to-fight-em-because-theyre-agin-the-govern-ment-ralph-looked-closer-at-bill-youre-wounded-and-will-becarried-to-prison-too!-oh-bill-what-will-become-of-you-its-nothing-but-a-scratch-i-lay-here-awhile-till-those-1-fwp-r!fry-mrk-hi-y0-m-v-jgt-xv-fe-iycilt-i-!-y2-r-fik-lt-i-ml-ftp-feiiill-dj-image371667287.html
RM2CGJWBK–. The blue and the gray, or, The Civil War as seen by a boy : a story of patriotism and adventure in our war for the Union . hnnies. This is not a personal affair, at all. But just thesame weve got to fight em because theyre agin the govern-ment. Ralph looked closer at Bill. Youre wounded, and will becarried to prison, too! Oh, Bill, what will become of you? Its nothing but a scratch. I lay here awhile till those : ■ ■ 1 -fwP r™!fr%y MRk H£i; [.-y0^ m: v;;^✌️,■ #*-: ,j£>- * Xv fe*-* ■■^■•■-.- ■■■■iyCi;<--.:;.■■ i-!--y2 ■■*r fik:^#. ;; ■;•■■;■ < ■• ■ - i-;::-M|{::::l ^ft|P feiiill ^dj&
. The American florist : a weekly journal for the trade. Floriculture; Florists. THIS IZ Ml PICTER. THE EVERLASTIN HINGE. WOEPftRTURE," ^VENT)L(TIM& /PPl.iaNCE,^ Best and Cheapest on arth. Spring hez kum agin, bi gum. An i'me as glad ez i l<in B, Fur everi thing iz ful uv spring, Frum rattle snake to wiked fie. YIS i luve the Spring time, when the Robbios is robbin and the SwoIIers iz a swollerin, the Beez iz beezwaxin, the Butterflize iz a makin butter, an the Flourist iz makin flour. This iz the time when the arth puts on its green klozc an hez a Rainbo '^Mt a neckti, frogs laf Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-american-florist-a-weekly-journal-for-the-trade-floriculture-florists-this-iz-ml-picter-the-everlastin-hinge-woepftrturequot-ventltimamp-ppliance-best-and-cheapest-on-arth-spring-hez-kum-agin-bi-gum-an-ime-as-glad-ez-i-lltin-b-fur-everi-thing-iz-ful-uv-spring-frum-rattle-snake-to-wiked-fie-yis-i-luve-the-spring-time-when-the-robbios-is-robbin-and-the-swoiiers-iz-a-swollerin-the-beez-iz-beezwaxin-the-butterflize-iz-a-makin-butter-an-the-flourist-iz-makin-flour-this-iz-the-time-when-the-arth-puts-on-its-green-klozc-an-hez-a-rainbo-mt-a-neckti-frogs-laf-image237440485.html
RMRP89N9–. The American florist : a weekly journal for the trade. Floriculture; Florists. THIS IZ Ml PICTER. THE EVERLASTIN HINGE. WOEPftRTURE," ^VENT)L(TIM& /PPl.iaNCE,^ Best and Cheapest on arth. Spring hez kum agin, bi gum. An i'me as glad ez i l<in B, Fur everi thing iz ful uv spring, Frum rattle snake to wiked fie. YIS i luve the Spring time, when the Robbios is robbin and the SwoIIers iz a swollerin, the Beez iz beezwaxin, the Butterflize iz a makin butter, an the Flourist iz makin flour. This iz the time when the arth puts on its green klozc an hez a Rainbo '^Mt a neckti, frogs laf
. The American florist : a weekly journal for the trade. Floriculture; Florists. THIS IZ Ml PICTER. THE EVERLASTIN HINGE. WOEPftRTURE," ^VENT)L(TIM& /PPl.iaNCE,^ Best and Cheapest on arth. Spring hez kum agin, bi gum. An i'me as glad ez i l<in B, Fur everi thing iz ful uv spring, Frum rattle snake to wiked fie. YIS i luve the Spring time, when the Robbios is robbin and the SwoIIers iz a swollerin, the Beez iz beezwaxin, the Butterflize iz a makin butter, an the Flourist iz makin flour. This iz the time when the arth puts on its green klozc an hez a Rainbo '^Mt a neckti, frogs laf Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-american-florist-a-weekly-journal-for-the-trade-floriculture-florists-this-iz-ml-picter-the-everlastin-hinge-woepftrturequot-ventltimamp-ppliance-best-and-cheapest-on-arth-spring-hez-kum-agin-bi-gum-an-ime-as-glad-ez-i-lltin-b-fur-everi-thing-iz-ful-uv-spring-frum-rattle-snake-to-wiked-fie-yis-i-luve-the-spring-time-when-the-robbios-is-robbin-and-the-swoiiers-iz-a-swollerin-the-beez-iz-beezwaxin-the-butterflize-iz-a-makin-butter-an-the-flourist-iz-makin-flour-this-iz-the-time-when-the-arth-puts-on-its-green-klozc-an-hez-a-rainbo-mt-a-neckti-frogs-laf-image237440502.html
RMRP89NX–. The American florist : a weekly journal for the trade. Floriculture; Florists. THIS IZ Ml PICTER. THE EVERLASTIN HINGE. WOEPftRTURE," ^VENT)L(TIM& /PPl.iaNCE,^ Best and Cheapest on arth. Spring hez kum agin, bi gum. An i'me as glad ez i l<in B, Fur everi thing iz ful uv spring, Frum rattle snake to wiked fie. YIS i luve the Spring time, when the Robbios is robbin and the SwoIIers iz a swollerin, the Beez iz beezwaxin, the Butterflize iz a makin butter, an the Flourist iz makin flour. This iz the time when the arth puts on its green klozc an hez a Rainbo '^Mt a neckti, frogs laf
. The American bee keeper. Bee culture; Honey. 32 THE AMERICAN BEE-KEEPER February, Know he'll try 'n' guess he'll win Here she goes for hit him ag'in." "Von Humbug is the man wot owns all these ere shows, ,, i . 1 ^ 'T • 1 ' ^;^ And if you'll give him half a chance Arter all guess best let Lish np ^>,j, ^^j,^ ^^ ^^^^,^ ^^ ^^^^^ „ along. It s royal fun for em as amt -' blind in their own conceits. John Hardscrabble. 414414 ??»»?»? ???»??»?? -M-M-^4-^H^A. THE Bee-Keeping World 4444M»H ????????????- AUSTRIA. GERMANY. E. L. Gatter was probably the origi- nal inventor of the drone tr Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-american-bee-keeper-bee-culture-honey-32-the-american-bee-keeper-february-know-hell-try-n-guess-hell-win-here-she-goes-for-hit-him-aginquot-quotvon-humbug-is-the-man-wot-owns-all-these-ere-shows-i-1-t-1-and-if-youll-give-him-half-a-chance-arter-all-guess-best-let-lish-np-gtj-j-along-it-s-royal-fun-for-em-as-amt-blind-in-their-own-conceits-john-hardscrabble-414414-m-m-4-ha-the-bee-keeping-world-4444mh-austria-germany-e-l-gatter-was-probably-the-origi-nal-inventor-of-the-drone-tr-image237605055.html
RMRPFRJR–. The American bee keeper. Bee culture; Honey. 32 THE AMERICAN BEE-KEEPER February, Know he'll try 'n' guess he'll win Here she goes for hit him ag'in." "Von Humbug is the man wot owns all these ere shows, ,, i . 1 ^ 'T • 1 ' ^;^ And if you'll give him half a chance Arter all guess best let Lish np ^>,j, ^^j,^ ^^ ^^^^,^ ^^ ^^^^^ „ along. It s royal fun for em as amt -' blind in their own conceits. John Hardscrabble. 414414 ??»»?»? ???»??»?? -M-M-^4-^H^A. THE Bee-Keeping World 4444M»H ????????????- AUSTRIA. GERMANY. E. L. Gatter was probably the origi- nal inventor of the drone tr
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