Young male Markhor, (Capra falconeri), lateral head portrait, close view Stock Photo
RF2A4XGCD–Young male Markhor, (Capra falconeri), lateral head portrait, close view
A young Greater Kudu Bull looks over its shoulder back towards the vehicle showing the start of the spectacular spiral horn growth. Stock Photo
RMPX9JW6–A young Greater Kudu Bull looks over its shoulder back towards the vehicle showing the start of the spectacular spiral horn growth.
Lamb, sheep, Sheep, Ovis aries, are quadrupedal, ruminant mammals livestock, Artiodactyla even-toed ungulates, ram and ewe, Stock Photo
RMDNFHA9–Lamb, sheep, Sheep, Ovis aries, are quadrupedal, ruminant mammals livestock, Artiodactyla even-toed ungulates, ram and ewe,
. Bulletin of the Department of Geology. Geology. 300 University of California Publications. [Geology. Figs. 78a and 78b. Ilingoceros alexandrae Merriam. Fragment from the distal region of horn. No. 11886, X %. Thousand Creek Beds, Thousand Creek, Nevada. Fig. 78«, lateral view showing spiral; fig. 78b, cross-section of horn. Fig. 79. Ilingoceros alexandrae Merriam. Posterior view of base of ' left horn-core; a, spiral ridge arising over the postero-superior region of the orbit; s, cross-section of horn-core. No. 11880, type specimen, natural size. Thousand Creek Beds, Thousand Creek, Nevada. Stock Photo
RMRGFHXE–. Bulletin of the Department of Geology. Geology. 300 University of California Publications. [Geology. Figs. 78a and 78b. Ilingoceros alexandrae Merriam. Fragment from the distal region of horn. No. 11886, X %. Thousand Creek Beds, Thousand Creek, Nevada. Fig. 78«, lateral view showing spiral; fig. 78b, cross-section of horn. Fig. 79. Ilingoceros alexandrae Merriam. Posterior view of base of ' left horn-core; a, spiral ridge arising over the postero-superior region of the orbit; s, cross-section of horn-core. No. 11880, type specimen, natural size. Thousand Creek Beds, Thousand Creek, Nevada.
male Markhor, (Capra falconeri), lateral head portrait, close view Stock Photo
RF2A74TYW–male Markhor, (Capra falconeri), lateral head portrait, close view
. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Geology. 288 THE EARLIEST GOATS AND OTHER ANTELOPES post cornual groove, orbital rims strongly projecting, braincase not strongly angled, longer braincase, frontals low between the horn bases, no raising of the mid-frontals suture, infraorbital foramen high over P3, a less strong median ridge on the occiput, poor styles and ribs on the upper molars, the lateral wall of P4 indented in front of the hypoconid, P3 relatively smaller, and the front and back edges of P3 and P4 not set transversely. Phytogeny of spiral horned A ntilopini On the ques Stock Photo
RMRGJT67–. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Geology. 288 THE EARLIEST GOATS AND OTHER ANTELOPES post cornual groove, orbital rims strongly projecting, braincase not strongly angled, longer braincase, frontals low between the horn bases, no raising of the mid-frontals suture, infraorbital foramen high over P3, a less strong median ridge on the occiput, poor styles and ribs on the upper molars, the lateral wall of P4 indented in front of the hypoconid, P3 relatively smaller, and the front and back edges of P3 and P4 not set transversely. Phytogeny of spiral horned A ntilopini On the ques
. Bulletin - United States National Museum. Science. Fig. 39.—Ovis canadensis. Skull of adult male. Three Buttes, Montana. Cat. No. 13962, I'.s.x.m.i. a, Lateral view; &, dorsal vii « the Northern Boundary Survey in Montana (No. 13962, U.S.N.M). The horns of the male of the Gaillard bighorn are curved in a closer spiral than those of the northern typical form (fig. 30), and in Oris stonei," 0. canadensis <I<illi, and 0. iuri<-I<i the tips of the horns become more and more divergent. Two pairs of horn- of adult males were measured at Tinajas Altas. Yuma County, Arizona (Nos Stock Photo
RMRG77BE–. Bulletin - United States National Museum. Science. Fig. 39.—Ovis canadensis. Skull of adult male. Three Buttes, Montana. Cat. No. 13962, I'.s.x.m.i. a, Lateral view; &, dorsal vii « the Northern Boundary Survey in Montana (No. 13962, U.S.N.M). The horns of the male of the Gaillard bighorn are curved in a closer spiral than those of the northern typical form (fig. 30), and in Oris stonei," 0. canadensis <I<illi, and 0. iuri<-I<i the tips of the horns become more and more divergent. Two pairs of horn- of adult males were measured at Tinajas Altas. Yuma County, Arizona (Nos
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