Lincoln to boston railway line Stock Photos and Images
. Electric railway gazette . nderson, Boston, Mass. Filed Feb. 16.1894. A double insulation separates the line terminals,and a non-conductor is interposed between the termi-nals which the trolley wheel engages when passingfrom one terminal to another. Tbere are auxiliary re-movable terminals co-operating with the line terminals. 528,788. Bond for Klectric Railways; HenryB. NichIs and Frederick H. Lincoln, Philadelphia. Pa.Filed .?ept. 20, 1894. The bonding joint comprises a railprovided with an opening, a bonding wire, nuts en-gaging therewith and provided with flanges entragingI be opening of Stock Photo
RM2CGXPYD–. Electric railway gazette . nderson, Boston, Mass. Filed Feb. 16.1894. A double insulation separates the line terminals,and a non-conductor is interposed between the termi-nals which the trolley wheel engages when passingfrom one terminal to another. Tbere are auxiliary re-movable terminals co-operating with the line terminals. 528,788. Bond for Klectric Railways; HenryB. NichIs and Frederick H. Lincoln, Philadelphia. Pa.Filed .?ept. 20, 1894. The bonding joint comprises a railprovided with an opening, a bonding wire, nuts en-gaging therewith and provided with flanges entragingI be opening of
. The Street railway journal . ing its line through to Whitinsville, makinghourly trips. PALMER, MASS.—The stockholders of the Palmer & Monson StreetRailway Company held their annual meeting Dec. 10. The following di-rectors were elected: Charles E. Fiske, Charles B. Fiske, Edward Fair-banks, W. H. Fairbanks, C. A. Granis, W. G. Bushnell, A. W. Paige, George C. Flynt, G. D. Fuller. LINCOLN, MASS.—The Railroad Commissioners have denied the appli-cations of the Lexington & Boston Street Railway Company and the Concord& Boston Street Railway Company for locations here. MILLBURY, MASS.—There was a Stock Photo
RM2CRC91F–. The Street railway journal . ing its line through to Whitinsville, makinghourly trips. PALMER, MASS.—The stockholders of the Palmer & Monson StreetRailway Company held their annual meeting Dec. 10. The following di-rectors were elected: Charles E. Fiske, Charles B. Fiske, Edward Fair-banks, W. H. Fairbanks, C. A. Granis, W. G. Bushnell, A. W. Paige, George C. Flynt, G. D. Fuller. LINCOLN, MASS.—The Railroad Commissioners have denied the appli-cations of the Lexington & Boston Street Railway Company and the Concord& Boston Street Railway Company for locations here. MILLBURY, MASS.—There was a