GAFA, Glossopdale Action For Allotments, Gamesley Estate, Melandra Castle Road, Gamesley, High Peak,England, UK, SK13 0BN Stock Photo
RM2K1P06N–GAFA, Glossopdale Action For Allotments, Gamesley Estate, Melandra Castle Road, Gamesley, High Peak,England, UK, SK13 0BN
The Pennsylvania-German : devoted to the history, biography, genealogy, poetry, folk-lore and general interests of the Pennsylvania Germans and their descendants . chil-dren of Mrs. Heinrich Prantz, whomoved to Clinton county. Their descenrl-ants live there now, and every year theycome together in family reunion. Most of the Riiter families and thoseconnected with them thro marriage, liv-ing in Lehigh and Northampton countiesnorth of Allentown, and many living inAllentown, are descendants of CasperRitter. They are engaged in all voca-tions and professions, and are a thrifty.honest and long-liv Stock Photo
RM2AWPHWD–The Pennsylvania-German : devoted to the history, biography, genealogy, poetry, folk-lore and general interests of the Pennsylvania Germans and their descendants . chil-dren of Mrs. Heinrich Prantz, whomoved to Clinton county. Their descenrl-ants live there now, and every year theycome together in family reunion. Most of the Riiter families and thoseconnected with them thro marriage, liv-ing in Lehigh and Northampton countiesnorth of Allentown, and many living inAllentown, are descendants of CasperRitter. They are engaged in all voca-tions and professions, and are a thrifty.honest and long-liv
Shed 29,GAFA, Glossopdale Action For Allotments, Gamesley Estate, Melandra Castle Road, Gamesley, High Peak,England, UK, SK13 0BN Stock Photo
RM2K1P060–Shed 29,GAFA, Glossopdale Action For Allotments, Gamesley Estate, Melandra Castle Road, Gamesley, High Peak,England, UK, SK13 0BN
Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography . was still in the hands of the Eomans whenAnliochus crossed over into Greece, B.C. 191, andthis king made an ineffectual attempt upon the town.(Liv. xxxvi. 10.) In the time of Strabo Larissacontinued to be a flourishing town (ix. p. 430). Itis mentioned by Hierocles in the sixth century as thefirst town in Thessaly (p. 642, ed. Wessel.). It isstill a considerable place, the residence of an arch-bishop and a pasha, and containing 30,000 inhabit-ants. It continues to bear its ancient name, thoughthe Turks call it Yeniskehcr, which is its officialappellati Stock Photo
RM2AWH3R5–Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography . was still in the hands of the Eomans whenAnliochus crossed over into Greece, B.C. 191, andthis king made an ineffectual attempt upon the town.(Liv. xxxvi. 10.) In the time of Strabo Larissacontinued to be a flourishing town (ix. p. 430). Itis mentioned by Hierocles in the sixth century as thefirst town in Thessaly (p. 642, ed. Wessel.). It isstill a considerable place, the residence of an arch-bishop and a pasha, and containing 30,000 inhabit-ants. It continues to bear its ancient name, thoughthe Turks call it Yeniskehcr, which is its officialappellati
. Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography . was still in the hands of the Romans whenAntiochus crossed over into Greece, B.C. 191, andtliis king made an ineffectual attempt upon the town.(Liv. xxxvi. 10.) In the time of Strabo Larissacontinued to be a flourishing town (ix. p. 430). Itis mentioned by Hierocles in the sixth century as thefirst town in Thessaly (p. 642, ed. Wessel.). It isstill a considerable place, the residence of an arch-bishop and a pasha, and containing 30,000 inhabit-ants. It continues to bear its ancient name, thoughthe Turks call it Tenisheher, which is its officialappell Stock Photo
RM2CE2Y2G–. Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography . was still in the hands of the Romans whenAntiochus crossed over into Greece, B.C. 191, andtliis king made an ineffectual attempt upon the town.(Liv. xxxvi. 10.) In the time of Strabo Larissacontinued to be a flourishing town (ix. p. 430). Itis mentioned by Hierocles in the sixth century as thefirst town in Thessaly (p. 642, ed. Wessel.). It isstill a considerable place, the residence of an arch-bishop and a pasha, and containing 30,000 inhabit-ants. It continues to bear its ancient name, thoughthe Turks call it Tenisheher, which is its officialappell
. Annual report. New York State Museum; Science; Science. 36 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The little black ant^ is about ^4 of an inch long and though nor- mally occurring under stones in yards, also invades the house in considerable numbers. The pavement ant^ is about ^ of an inch long and is very com- mon along the Atlantic seaboard. The large, black ant^ is the giant among our household ants. It may be half an inch or more in length, is normally a wood feeder and has frequently been designated as the carpenter ant. This large species occasionally invades buildings, particularly in the country, liv Stock Photo
RMRMADBG–. Annual report. New York State Museum; Science; Science. 36 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The little black ant^ is about ^4 of an inch long and though nor- mally occurring under stones in yards, also invades the house in considerable numbers. The pavement ant^ is about ^ of an inch long and is very com- mon along the Atlantic seaboard. The large, black ant^ is the giant among our household ants. It may be half an inch or more in length, is normally a wood feeder and has frequently been designated as the carpenter ant. This large species occasionally invades buildings, particularly in the country, liv
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