As early as 1400 BCE, this Egyptian stela portrayed a young man with a leg deformity showing the similar effects Polio causes. Polio was given it's first clinical description in 1789 by the British Physician, Michael Underwood and was recognised as a condition in 1840 by Jakob Heine. In 1908, polio virus was identified as the cause for polio, by Karl Steiner Around the 1800's Polio was still a very uncommon disease with rarely any cases. But in the 1900's there was a large, global outbreak of the virus, especially in countries of unsanitary living standards and even in counties with high livi Stock Photo
RM2B033A6–As early as 1400 BCE, this Egyptian stela portrayed a young man with a leg deformity showing the similar effects Polio causes. Polio was given it's first clinical description in 1789 by the British Physician, Michael Underwood and was recognised as a condition in 1840 by Jakob Heine. In 1908, polio virus was identified as the cause for polio, by Karl Steiner Around the 1800's Polio was still a very uncommon disease with rarely any cases. But in the 1900's there was a large, global outbreak of the virus, especially in countries of unsanitary living standards and even in counties with high livi
Stele of Roma the doorkeeper dedicated to Goddess Astarte. Limestone. 18th Dynasty. New Kingdom. Origin unknown. Stock Photo
RMCXCBM5–Stele of Roma the doorkeeper dedicated to Goddess Astarte. Limestone. 18th Dynasty. New Kingdom. Origin unknown.
Stele of Roma the doorkeeper dedicated to Goddess Astarte. Limestone. 18th Dynasty. New Kingdom. C. 1400-1365 BC. Origin unknown. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Copenhagen. Denmark. Stock Photo
RMRC49R9–Stele of Roma the doorkeeper dedicated to Goddess Astarte. Limestone. 18th Dynasty. New Kingdom. C. 1400-1365 BC. Origin unknown. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Copenhagen. Denmark.
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