Apr. 16, 2012 - Miss France '75 winners: Three beauties - an architect, a teacher, a student step away from the more serious side of life to win the honors in the Miss France '75 race. Photo shows from left: Martine Calzavara, 19, a children's teacher, who won second place,(Miss Gascogne) ; Sophie Perin (centre) who won the crown, is 18 and studying architecture (Miss Lorraine) ; finally , 18, a student from Tahiti who took third place. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/apr-16-2012-miss-france-75-winners-three-beauties-an-architect-a-teacher-image69549171.html
RME146JY–Apr. 16, 2012 - Miss France '75 winners: Three beauties - an architect, a teacher, a student step away from the more serious side of life to win the honors in the Miss France '75 race. Photo shows from left: Martine Calzavara, 19, a children's teacher, who won second place,(Miss Gascogne) ; Sophie Perin (centre) who won the crown, is 18 and studying architecture (Miss Lorraine) ; finally , 18, a student from Tahiti who took third place.