Postage stamp printed in USA, devoted to the centenary of the discovery of silver at the Comstock Lode, Nevada Stock Photo
RMDNH78C–Postage stamp printed in USA, devoted to the centenary of the discovery of silver at the Comstock Lode, Nevada
NEVADA Washoe Gold Hill, Mount Davidson & Ophir Rd 1862. Illustrated London News Stock Photo
RFFF0KFR–NEVADA Washoe Gold Hill, Mount Davidson & Ophir Rd 1862. Illustrated London News
History of Nevada; . pes at the time ofthe outpour of proi>ylito and trachyte. John A.Church, a later authoritj-, fixes the plane nearer ahorizontal. If Mount Davidson is the axis of eleva-tion, which seems probable, it would look reasonablethat the elevation and eruption were contempora-neous. The reader can elevate the diagram to suithis theory. According to some writers on geology(John A. Church, for one), sufficient time elajisedbetween the deposit of the propylite and the over-flow of the trachyte for the surface of the former tohave been converted into soil, as charred and silici-fied Stock Photo
RM2AWG6RK–History of Nevada; . pes at the time ofthe outpour of proi>ylito and trachyte. John A.Church, a later authoritj-, fixes the plane nearer ahorizontal. If Mount Davidson is the axis of eleva-tion, which seems probable, it would look reasonablethat the elevation and eruption were contempora-neous. The reader can elevate the diagram to suithis theory. According to some writers on geology(John A. Church, for one), sufficient time elajisedbetween the deposit of the propylite and the over-flow of the trachyte for the surface of the former tohave been converted into soil, as charred and silici-fied
Cutaway of hillside showing tunnels and supports; shaft; and miners engaged in various activities. Also shows tools used in the mines; as well as exterior views of several mining companies working the Comstock Lode 1876 Stock Photo
RM2K2JXTY–Cutaway of hillside showing tunnels and supports; shaft; and miners engaged in various activities. Also shows tools used in the mines; as well as exterior views of several mining companies working the Comstock Lode 1876