Military - 'Not Forgotten' Association Garden Party - Walter Chamberlain and Bert Darnell - Buckingham Palace, London Stock Photo
RMG5ED7C–Military - 'Not Forgotten' Association Garden Party - Walter Chamberlain and Bert Darnell - Buckingham Palace, London
BRIDE ,18, HAD BOY , 16 , AS WEDDING DRESSMAKER From a design chosen by the bright, 16-year-old Douglas Darnell of Kilburn (London) made the crinoline wedding dress in which Miss Patricia Bones, aged 18, of Barking, was married to Mr.L.Johnson of greys (Essex) at Caxton Hall register office, London,. The off- the- shoulder gown studded with mother- of- pearl sequins was made entirely by the boy. PICTURE SHOWS:- The smiling bride leaving Caxton Hall with her bridegroom after the wedding. July 8 1949 Stock Photo
RM2Y70NM6–BRIDE ,18, HAD BOY , 16 , AS WEDDING DRESSMAKER From a design chosen by the bright, 16-year-old Douglas Darnell of Kilburn (London) made the crinoline wedding dress in which Miss Patricia Bones, aged 18, of Barking, was married to Mr.L.Johnson of greys (Essex) at Caxton Hall register office, London,. The off- the- shoulder gown studded with mother- of- pearl sequins was made entirely by the boy. PICTURE SHOWS:- The smiling bride leaving Caxton Hall with her bridegroom after the wedding. July 8 1949
The Phoenix . , and Mr. Darnell of the Philomathean spoke. Mr. Robinson won.March 14. Caruthers Society adjourned sine die and the meiubers were received into the Amasagassean Society which was revived by Alumni.March 17. St. Patricks Day celebrated.March 21. I^yceum, Vanderbilt Sextette. March 19. I^awyers present Judge Green with a loving cup,March 20. Judge Green goes to Florida, Judge McClain teaches law.March 22. Mr. S. W. McGill, Y. M. C. A. State Secretary, addresses the students.March 22. Senior I/its take L^aw.March 23. Kiddos lunch stand burns. March 25. Paderewski plays in Nashville Stock Photo
RM2AM518M–The Phoenix . , and Mr. Darnell of the Philomathean spoke. Mr. Robinson won.March 14. Caruthers Society adjourned sine die and the meiubers were received into the Amasagassean Society which was revived by Alumni.March 17. St. Patricks Day celebrated.March 21. I^yceum, Vanderbilt Sextette. March 19. I^awyers present Judge Green with a loving cup,March 20. Judge Green goes to Florida, Judge McClain teaches law.March 22. Mr. S. W. McGill, Y. M. C. A. State Secretary, addresses the students.March 22. Senior I/its take L^aw.March 23. Kiddos lunch stand burns. March 25. Paderewski plays in Nashville
MR 0282 Devon Darnell is on the lookout for interesting sights in Capitan, New Mexico. Stock Photo
RMAY5JRF–MR 0282 Devon Darnell is on the lookout for interesting sights in Capitan, New Mexico.
Royal Veteran Stock Photo
RMG5ED7D–Royal Veteran
BOY , 16 , MADE BRIDE'S CRINOLINE From a design chosen by the bright, 16-year-old Douglas Darnell of Kilburn (London) made the crinoline wedding dress in which Miss Patricia Bones, aged 18, of Barking, was married to Mr.L.Johnson of Grays (Essex) at Caxton Hall register office, London,. The off- the- shoulder gown studded with mother- of- pearl sequins was made entirely by the boy. PICTURE SHOWS:- The bride, in crinoline dress and carrying a ' lucky boot ', leaving Caxton Hall with the bridegroom after the wedding. July 8 1949 Stock Photo
RM2Y70NFR–BOY , 16 , MADE BRIDE'S CRINOLINE From a design chosen by the bright, 16-year-old Douglas Darnell of Kilburn (London) made the crinoline wedding dress in which Miss Patricia Bones, aged 18, of Barking, was married to Mr.L.Johnson of Grays (Essex) at Caxton Hall register office, London,. The off- the- shoulder gown studded with mother- of- pearl sequins was made entirely by the boy. PICTURE SHOWS:- The bride, in crinoline dress and carrying a ' lucky boot ', leaving Caxton Hall with the bridegroom after the wedding. July 8 1949
. The Argonaut. art of Mr. Darnell should provoke arancor on the part of his wife that leads tonearly twenty years separation. If Mrs. Dar-nell had been as good a woman as we areasked to believe, she would have added for-giveness to her other virtues. On the whole,we think Mrs. Darnell is a prig, but we areglad that Githas influence should eventuallybring her back to a sense of duty. The authorknows how to tell a simple story without jaror incongruity. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. Pub-lished by Harper & Brothers, NewYork; $2. This new and revised edition of a standard jwork preserves ever Stock Photo
RM2CEDDNX–. The Argonaut. art of Mr. Darnell should provoke arancor on the part of his wife that leads tonearly twenty years separation. If Mrs. Dar-nell had been as good a woman as we areasked to believe, she would have added for-giveness to her other virtues. On the whole,we think Mrs. Darnell is a prig, but we areglad that Githas influence should eventuallybring her back to a sense of duty. The authorknows how to tell a simple story without jaror incongruity. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. Pub-lished by Harper & Brothers, NewYork; $2. This new and revised edition of a standard jwork preserves ever
. American bee journal. Bee culture; Bees. 46 AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL February beemen and some demonstrations of pet hobbies. The limits of space for this article have been reached and the half has not been told. There is no room left for the various incidents by the wayside, the visits to fig orchards and raisin-packing houses, by mem- bers of the staff who slipped away with Mr. Hawley; of the way they tricked the writer into sampling fresh ripe olives, of a dandy trip to the orange groves with Mr. Darnell. of the main- tilings of interest to the tenderfoot from the east to Califor- nia in winte Stock Photo
RMRPJBD8–. American bee journal. Bee culture; Bees. 46 AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL February beemen and some demonstrations of pet hobbies. The limits of space for this article have been reached and the half has not been told. There is no room left for the various incidents by the wayside, the visits to fig orchards and raisin-packing houses, by mem- bers of the staff who slipped away with Mr. Hawley; of the way they tricked the writer into sampling fresh ripe olives, of a dandy trip to the orange groves with Mr. Darnell. of the main- tilings of interest to the tenderfoot from the east to Califor- nia in winte
The Northern . - placed on a good financial basis. Art. OLeary headed the Adelphians in the fall c[uarter. After conductingseveral meetings, Mr. OLeary was called to an ofiicers training camp. Franklin Fantz represented the Adelphians at the annual Washington birth-day celebration at chapel. He gave as his oration, Incidents From the Lifeof Washington. With some of the best material in the school the Adelphian basketball can-didates hae been practicing hard for the game to be played late this seasonwith the Philos. Robert Darnell was chosen manager. Although no orchestra was organized this ye Stock Photo
RM2AWGJFX–The Northern . - placed on a good financial basis. Art. OLeary headed the Adelphians in the fall c[uarter. After conductingseveral meetings, Mr. OLeary was called to an ofiicers training camp. Franklin Fantz represented the Adelphians at the annual Washington birth-day celebration at chapel. He gave as his oration, Incidents From the Lifeof Washington. With some of the best material in the school the Adelphian basketball can-didates hae been practicing hard for the game to be played late this seasonwith the Philos. Robert Darnell was chosen manager. Although no orchestra was organized this ye
The Gardeners' chronicle : a weekly illustrated journal of horticulture and allied subjects . and colour, are all that could bedesired.—Mr. J. England, Gr. to Rev. D. Darnell, Welton.Price, in sealed packets, 7S. td, and ^s. bd, per packet, Post free. THE BEST EXHIBITION VEGETABLES NEW PEA —Carters Stratagem. THE ONLY PEA CERTIFICATEDBY THE ROYAL HORTICULTU-RAL SOCIETY IN 1879.Price, in sealed packets, s^. per pint. MEW PEA —Carters Telephone. AWARDED THE FIRST-CLASS CERTIFICATE OF THE ROYALHORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, 1878.Price, in sealed packets. 31. dd. per pint. MEW PEA - Carters Pride of the M Stock Photo
RM2AKPYTP–The Gardeners' chronicle : a weekly illustrated journal of horticulture and allied subjects . and colour, are all that could bedesired.—Mr. J. England, Gr. to Rev. D. Darnell, Welton.Price, in sealed packets, 7S. td, and ^s. bd, per packet, Post free. THE BEST EXHIBITION VEGETABLES NEW PEA —Carters Stratagem. THE ONLY PEA CERTIFICATEDBY THE ROYAL HORTICULTU-RAL SOCIETY IN 1879.Price, in sealed packets, s^. per pint. MEW PEA —Carters Telephone. AWARDED THE FIRST-CLASS CERTIFICATE OF THE ROYALHORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, 1878.Price, in sealed packets. 31. dd. per pint. MEW PEA - Carters Pride of the M
The Phoenix . cClanahan, H. Culbertson, D. M. Galloway, E. W. Brockman, Mr.Toller, and Joe Holmes. J. B. Harron, leader; E. P. Conwell, F. D. Con-well, J. F. Murphy, K. Sparks, A. E. Darnell, Bibb Jacobs, and C. H.Massengill. C. V. Brown, leader; N. T. Lowry, W. D. Franks, J. H.Johnson, E. L. Stockton, J. E. Walker, R. C. Hutchisson, H. Utley,and R. W. Faulk. Excellent work has been done in each of theseclasses and valuable results has been the outcome. We make no apology for offering these courses of Bible study to thestudents. Neither do we think that any one can offer a plausible excusefor Stock Photo
RM2AM5KE4–The Phoenix . cClanahan, H. Culbertson, D. M. Galloway, E. W. Brockman, Mr.Toller, and Joe Holmes. J. B. Harron, leader; E. P. Conwell, F. D. Con-well, J. F. Murphy, K. Sparks, A. E. Darnell, Bibb Jacobs, and C. H.Massengill. C. V. Brown, leader; N. T. Lowry, W. D. Franks, J. H.Johnson, E. L. Stockton, J. E. Walker, R. C. Hutchisson, H. Utley,and R. W. Faulk. Excellent work has been done in each of theseclasses and valuable results has been the outcome. We make no apology for offering these courses of Bible study to thestudents. Neither do we think that any one can offer a plausible excusefor
. Journal of radiology . y Corporation. Mr. C. C. Darnell ofthe research laboratory of General Electric Companybecomes the Commercial Engineer of the Victor X-RayCorporation. Mr. W. S. Kendrick, who for many yearshad charge of the commercial sale of the Coolidge tube,will be General Sales Manager. Mr. L. B. Miller remainsGeneral Manager of Agency Sales. The Victor X-Ray Corporation will continue to carryout the same liberal policies and practices toward theX-Ray trade that have already been established by theGeneral Electric Company. The primary purpose of this merger was to co-ordinatethe eff Stock Photo
RM2CRJF9E–. Journal of radiology . y Corporation. Mr. C. C. Darnell ofthe research laboratory of General Electric Companybecomes the Commercial Engineer of the Victor X-RayCorporation. Mr. W. S. Kendrick, who for many yearshad charge of the commercial sale of the Coolidge tube,will be General Sales Manager. Mr. L. B. Miller remainsGeneral Manager of Agency Sales. The Victor X-Ray Corporation will continue to carryout the same liberal policies and practices toward theX-Ray trade that have already been established by theGeneral Electric Company. The primary purpose of this merger was to co-ordinatethe eff
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