New England family history : a magazine devoted to the history of families of Maine and Massachusetts . ey are plain slatesside by side, and similar inshape and design, with aweeping willow and an urnupon (see illustra-tion). Solomons grave isadorned with a fiag everyDecoration day, for his serv-ices in the Revolution. Theepitaphs are as follows: Mr. Solomon Cole,—died June 17, 1836,—aged 93years & 2 mo. In memory of ]Iehitable, wife of Solomon Cole,Who died April 28, 1S25, in the /S yr. of her age. Mehitables maiden name was Barker, and siie came from Andover, ]Iass. In the Town Clerk Stock Photo
RM2AN2YJG–New England family history : a magazine devoted to the history of families of Maine and Massachusetts . ey are plain slatesside by side, and similar inshape and design, with aweeping willow and an urnupon (see illustra-tion). Solomons grave isadorned with a fiag everyDecoration day, for his serv-ices in the Revolution. Theepitaphs are as follows: Mr. Solomon Cole,—died June 17, 1836,—aged 93years & 2 mo. In memory of ]Iehitable, wife of Solomon Cole,Who died April 28, 1S25, in the /S yr. of her age. Mehitables maiden name was Barker, and siie came from Andover, ]Iass. In the Town Clerk
. History of Northfield, New Hampshire 1780-1905. In two parts with many biographical sketches and portraits also pictures of public buildings and private residences . all, wherehe owned 50 acres of land, which was later occupied and owned byJames Glines. Betty Smith, b. 1762; d., at 17. Haxnah Smith m., Dec. 23, 1792, Solomon French. (See Frenchgen.) JEREMIAH SMITH. (See portrait.) Jeremiah Smith, b. at Old Hampton March 10, 1770; m. Betsey Glid-den in 1796. She was b. Feb. 17, 1778, and d. Jan. 1, 1868. Mr. Smith, who had spent sometime with relatives in Canterbury,came, a lad of 21, to N. t Stock Photo
RM2CHCPJA–. History of Northfield, New Hampshire 1780-1905. In two parts with many biographical sketches and portraits also pictures of public buildings and private residences . all, wherehe owned 50 acres of land, which was later occupied and owned byJames Glines. Betty Smith, b. 1762; d., at 17. Haxnah Smith m., Dec. 23, 1792, Solomon French. (See Frenchgen.) JEREMIAH SMITH. (See portrait.) Jeremiah Smith, b. at Old Hampton March 10, 1770; m. Betsey Glid-den in 1796. She was b. Feb. 17, 1778, and d. Jan. 1, 1868. Mr. Smith, who had spent sometime with relatives in Canterbury,came, a lad of 21, to N. t
. A genealogy of the Nye family. , 1881. 3357—CLARK DELANO NYE (Harrison G. 0.,^°Nathan,^ Nathan,- Benjamin,* Benjamin,-^ Ebenezer,*Benjamin^), born at Marion,, Mass., May 31, 1847. He mar-ried, January II, 1871, Sarah E. Myrick. Child: 4502 Caroline B., born at New Bedford, Mass., December30, 1871 ; married June 22, 1899, Frank A. Young, ofNew Bedford, Mass. 3366—WILLIAM A. NYE (Ephriam B., Eben-ezer,^ Thomas,^^ Solomon, Meletiah,-- Ebenezer,■* Ben-jamin^), born at Bourne, Mass., ;Iay 26, 1830. Hi- married,November 28, 1878, Mary E. Wifer, and resides at Bourne-dale, Mass. Mr. Nye is at the Stock Photo
RM2CENX3X–. A genealogy of the Nye family. , 1881. 3357—CLARK DELANO NYE (Harrison G. 0.,^°Nathan,^ Nathan,- Benjamin,* Benjamin,-^ Ebenezer,*Benjamin^), born at Marion,, Mass., May 31, 1847. He mar-ried, January II, 1871, Sarah E. Myrick. Child: 4502 Caroline B., born at New Bedford, Mass., December30, 1871 ; married June 22, 1899, Frank A. Young, ofNew Bedford, Mass. 3366—WILLIAM A. NYE (Ephriam B., Eben-ezer,^ Thomas,^^ Solomon, Meletiah,-- Ebenezer,■* Ben-jamin^), born at Bourne, Mass., ;Iay 26, 1830. Hi- married,November 28, 1878, Mary E. Wifer, and resides at Bourne-dale, Mass. Mr. Nye is at the
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