. Western agriculture. Figure 127.—A noted Brown Swiss bull, Reuben 2927, showing type and rugged- ness desired. This breed is regarded by all authorities to have beenfounded later than the three preceding dairy breeds. Itsorigin is not definitely known, though-the breed is thoughtto be the result of a mixture of the native cattle of thedistrict, with Shorthorns and with Jersey, Guernsey andAlderney cattle. Ayrshires are not numerous in the United States, thoughsome good herds are kept. There seems to be no definiterecord of their introduction to this country before 1837. In size this breed is Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/western-agriculture-figure-127a-noted-brown-swiss-bull-reuben-2927-showing-type-and-rugged-ness-desired-this-breed-is-regarded-by-all-authorities-to-have-beenfounded-later-than-the-three-preceding-dairy-breeds-itsorigin-is-not-definitely-known-though-the-breed-is-thoughtto-be-the-result-of-a-mixture-of-the-native-cattle-of-thedistrict-with-shorthorns-and-with-jersey-guernsey-andalderney-cattle-ayrshires-are-not-numerous-in-the-united-states-thoughsome-good-herds-are-kept-there-seems-to-be-no-definiterecord-of-their-introduction-to-this-country-before-1837-in-size-this-breed-is-image336724489.html
RM2AFR3EH–. Western agriculture. Figure 127.—A noted Brown Swiss bull, Reuben 2927, showing type and rugged- ness desired. This breed is regarded by all authorities to have beenfounded later than the three preceding dairy breeds. Itsorigin is not definitely known, though-the breed is thoughtto be the result of a mixture of the native cattle of thedistrict, with Shorthorns and with Jersey, Guernsey andAlderney cattle. Ayrshires are not numerous in the United States, thoughsome good herds are kept. There seems to be no definiterecord of their introduction to this country before 1837. In size this breed is
. The popular natural history . Zoology. 164 THE ZEBU.. ZEBU.—[Bos Indicus.) that its native land is India, and that it must have been imported from thence into other countries. There are various breeds of Zebu, some being about the size of our ordinary cattle, and others varying in dimensions from a large Ox to a small New- foundland dog. One of the most familiar of these varie- ties is the well-known Brah- min Bull, so called because it is considered to be sacred to Bramah. The more religious among the Hindoos, scrupulously observant of the letter of a law which was intended to be universal Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-popular-natural-history-zoology-164-the-zebu-zebu-bos-indicus-that-its-native-land-is-india-and-that-it-must-have-been-imported-from-thence-into-other-countries-there-are-various-breeds-of-zebu-some-being-about-the-size-of-our-ordinary-cattle-and-others-varying-in-dimensions-from-a-large-ox-to-a-small-new-foundland-dog-one-of-the-most-familiar-of-these-varie-ties-is-the-well-known-brah-min-bull-so-called-because-it-is-considered-to-be-sacred-to-bramah-the-more-religious-among-the-hindoos-scrupulously-observant-of-the-letter-of-a-law-which-was-intended-to-be-universal-image216352737.html
RMPFYM3D–. The popular natural history . Zoology. 164 THE ZEBU.. ZEBU.—[Bos Indicus.) that its native land is India, and that it must have been imported from thence into other countries. There are various breeds of Zebu, some being about the size of our ordinary cattle, and others varying in dimensions from a large Ox to a small New- foundland dog. One of the most familiar of these varie- ties is the well-known Brah- min Bull, so called because it is considered to be sacred to Bramah. The more religious among the Hindoos, scrupulously observant of the letter of a law which was intended to be universal
. Western agriculture. -Hulstcin-Frieii: i bull. DAIRY BREEDS The Jersey originated on the Island of Jersey which hasa land area of about 40,000 acres in the English Channel; theydeveloped, supposedly, from native stock of the island, mixedwith cattle from the neighboring districts of France. Theyhave been kept pure by laws prohibiting all foreign cattlefrom landing on the island except for immediate slaughter.Not until 1S50 were Jerseys imported to this country, butsince then large numbers have been brought over. Theyare perhaps the smallest of the dairy cattle, the cows weigh-ing from seven Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/western-agriculture-hulstcin-frieii-i-bull-dairy-breeds-the-jersey-originated-on-the-island-of-jersey-which-hasa-land-area-of-about-40000-acres-in-the-english-channel-theydeveloped-supposedly-from-native-stock-of-the-island-mixedwith-cattle-from-the-neighboring-districts-of-france-theyhave-been-kept-pure-by-laws-prohibiting-all-foreign-cattlefrom-landing-on-the-island-except-for-immediate-slaughternot-until-1s50-were-jerseys-imported-to-this-country-butsince-then-large-numbers-have-been-brought-over-theyare-perhaps-the-smallest-of-the-dairy-cattle-the-cows-weigh-ing-from-seven-image336725005.html
RM2AFR451–. Western agriculture. -Hulstcin-Frieii: i bull. DAIRY BREEDS The Jersey originated on the Island of Jersey which hasa land area of about 40,000 acres in the English Channel; theydeveloped, supposedly, from native stock of the island, mixedwith cattle from the neighboring districts of France. Theyhave been kept pure by laws prohibiting all foreign cattlefrom landing on the island except for immediate slaughter.Not until 1S50 were Jerseys imported to this country, butsince then large numbers have been brought over. Theyare perhaps the smallest of the dairy cattle, the cows weigh-ing from seven
. Types and breeds of farm animals . Livestock. CHAPTER XXXVIII THE DUTCH BELTED The native home of Dutch Belted cattle is Holland, where they are known as Lakenfeld cattle, the word " Laken" meaning blanket, or sheet, about the body. The origin of Dutch Belted cattle dates back beyond the seven- teenth century. This type is said to have been established by scientific breeding and especially promoted and guarded by the. Fig. 133. Sutton 379, a Dutch Belted bull owned by F. R. Sanders, Laconia, New Hampshire. Photograph by the author nobility of the Netherlands. The Dutch Belted Herdb Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/types-and-breeds-of-farm-animals-livestock-chapter-xxxviii-the-dutch-belted-the-native-home-of-dutch-belted-cattle-is-holland-where-they-are-known-as-lakenfeld-cattle-the-word-quot-lakenquot-meaning-blanket-or-sheet-about-the-body-the-origin-of-dutch-belted-cattle-dates-back-beyond-the-seven-teenth-century-this-type-is-said-to-have-been-established-by-scientific-breeding-and-especially-promoted-and-guarded-by-the-fig-133-sutton-379-a-dutch-belted-bull-owned-by-f-r-sanders-laconia-new-hampshire-photograph-by-the-author-nobility-of-the-netherlands-the-dutch-belted-herdb-image216397527.html
RMPG1N73–. Types and breeds of farm animals . Livestock. CHAPTER XXXVIII THE DUTCH BELTED The native home of Dutch Belted cattle is Holland, where they are known as Lakenfeld cattle, the word " Laken" meaning blanket, or sheet, about the body. The origin of Dutch Belted cattle dates back beyond the seven- teenth century. This type is said to have been established by scientific breeding and especially promoted and guarded by the. Fig. 133. Sutton 379, a Dutch Belted bull owned by F. R. Sanders, Laconia, New Hampshire. Photograph by the author nobility of the Netherlands. The Dutch Belted Herdb
. The popular natural history . Zoology. 164 THE ZEBU.. ZEBU.—[Bos Indicus.) that its native land is India, and that it must have been imported from thence into other countries. There are various breeds of Zebu, some being about the size of our ordinary cattle, and others varying in dimensions from a large Ox to a small New- foundland dog. One of the most familiar of these varie- ties is the well-known Brah- min Bull, so called because it is considered to be sacred to Bramah. The more religious among the Hindoos, scrupulously observant of the letter of a law which was intended to be universal Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-popular-natural-history-zoology-164-the-zebu-zebu-bos-indicus-that-its-native-land-is-india-and-that-it-must-have-been-imported-from-thence-into-other-countries-there-are-various-breeds-of-zebu-some-being-about-the-size-of-our-ordinary-cattle-and-others-varying-in-dimensions-from-a-large-ox-to-a-small-new-foundland-dog-one-of-the-most-familiar-of-these-varie-ties-is-the-well-known-brah-min-bull-so-called-because-it-is-considered-to-be-sacred-to-bramah-the-more-religious-among-the-hindoos-scrupulously-observant-of-the-letter-of-a-law-which-was-intended-to-be-universal-image232951768.html
RMREYTA0–. The popular natural history . Zoology. 164 THE ZEBU.. ZEBU.—[Bos Indicus.) that its native land is India, and that it must have been imported from thence into other countries. There are various breeds of Zebu, some being about the size of our ordinary cattle, and others varying in dimensions from a large Ox to a small New- foundland dog. One of the most familiar of these varie- ties is the well-known Brah- min Bull, so called because it is considered to be sacred to Bramah. The more religious among the Hindoos, scrupulously observant of the letter of a law which was intended to be universal
. History of Hereford cattle : proven conclusively the oldest of improved breeds . Hereford cattle. HISTORY OF HEEEFOED CATTLE 355 horns and a thoroughbred bull, and have car- ried the breeding up from minimum grades until I find the last product to be an animal possessing 127 parts Shorthorn and one part native. I here became convinced that a remark made by our friend, Colonel Robert HoUoway, of Illinois, to me years ago, is forcibly true, viz., 'A fault in form can be remedied by Judicious breeding, but a stain on a pedigree can never be wiped out.' . Hence, I purchased thoroughbred females Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/history-of-hereford-cattle-proven-conclusively-the-oldest-of-improved-breeds-hereford-cattle-history-of-heeefoed-cattle-355-horns-and-a-thoroughbred-bull-and-have-car-ried-the-breeding-up-from-minimum-grades-until-i-find-the-last-product-to-be-an-animal-possessing-127-parts-shorthorn-and-one-part-native-i-here-became-convinced-that-a-remark-made-by-our-friend-colonel-robert-houoway-of-illinois-to-me-years-ago-is-forcibly-true-viz-a-fault-in-form-can-be-remedied-by-judicious-breeding-but-a-stain-on-a-pedigree-can-never-be-wiped-out-hence-i-purchased-thoroughbred-females-image216388128.html
RMPG197C–. History of Hereford cattle : proven conclusively the oldest of improved breeds . Hereford cattle. HISTORY OF HEEEFOED CATTLE 355 horns and a thoroughbred bull, and have car- ried the breeding up from minimum grades until I find the last product to be an animal possessing 127 parts Shorthorn and one part native. I here became convinced that a remark made by our friend, Colonel Robert HoUoway, of Illinois, to me years ago, is forcibly true, viz., 'A fault in form can be remedied by Judicious breeding, but a stain on a pedigree can never be wiped out.' . Hence, I purchased thoroughbred females
. Types and breeds of farm animals . Livestock. CHAPTER XXXVIII THE DUTCH BELTED The native home of Dutch Belted cattle is Holland, where they are known as Lakenfeld cattle, the word " Laken" meaning blanket, or sheet, about the body. The origin of Dutch Belted cattle dates back beyond the seven- teenth century. This type is said to have been established by scientific breeding and especially promoted and guarded by the. Fig. 133. Sutton 379, a Dutch Belted bull owned by F. R. Sanders, Laconia, New Hampshire. Photograph by the author nobility of the Netherlands. The Dutch Belted Herdb Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/types-and-breeds-of-farm-animals-livestock-chapter-xxxviii-the-dutch-belted-the-native-home-of-dutch-belted-cattle-is-holland-where-they-are-known-as-lakenfeld-cattle-the-word-quot-lakenquot-meaning-blanket-or-sheet-about-the-body-the-origin-of-dutch-belted-cattle-dates-back-beyond-the-seven-teenth-century-this-type-is-said-to-have-been-established-by-scientific-breeding-and-especially-promoted-and-guarded-by-the-fig-133-sutton-379-a-dutch-belted-bull-owned-by-f-r-sanders-laconia-new-hampshire-photograph-by-the-author-nobility-of-the-netherlands-the-dutch-belted-herdb-image232062117.html
RMRDF9GN–. Types and breeds of farm animals . Livestock. CHAPTER XXXVIII THE DUTCH BELTED The native home of Dutch Belted cattle is Holland, where they are known as Lakenfeld cattle, the word " Laken" meaning blanket, or sheet, about the body. The origin of Dutch Belted cattle dates back beyond the seven- teenth century. This type is said to have been established by scientific breeding and especially promoted and guarded by the. Fig. 133. Sutton 379, a Dutch Belted bull owned by F. R. Sanders, Laconia, New Hampshire. Photograph by the author nobility of the Netherlands. The Dutch Belted Herdb
. Types and breeds of farm animals. Livestock. 314 CATTLE The milking qualities of the West Highland are not important, for the cows are milked usually by the calves only. The milk, however, is rich in quality. Crossbred or grade Highland cattle are best suited to condi- tions where food is scarce and winters rough. Highland bulls on native Western-range cows would furnish hardy stock, but it is not likely that it would meet with a favorable reception from buyers, compared with the present very acceptable Hereford, Angus, or. Fig. 132. Ceathernach Buidhe (719), first-prize M'est Highland bull Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/types-and-breeds-of-farm-animals-livestock-314-cattle-the-milking-qualities-of-the-west-highland-are-not-important-for-the-cows-are-milked-usually-by-the-calves-only-the-milk-however-is-rich-in-quality-crossbred-or-grade-highland-cattle-are-best-suited-to-condi-tions-where-food-is-scarce-and-winters-rough-highland-bulls-on-native-western-range-cows-would-furnish-hardy-stock-but-it-is-not-likely-that-it-would-meet-with-a-favorable-reception-from-buyers-compared-with-the-present-very-acceptable-hereford-angus-or-fig-132-ceathernach-buidhe-719-first-prize-mest-highland-bull-image232317393.html
RMRDXY5N–. Types and breeds of farm animals. Livestock. 314 CATTLE The milking qualities of the West Highland are not important, for the cows are milked usually by the calves only. The milk, however, is rich in quality. Crossbred or grade Highland cattle are best suited to condi- tions where food is scarce and winters rough. Highland bulls on native Western-range cows would furnish hardy stock, but it is not likely that it would meet with a favorable reception from buyers, compared with the present very acceptable Hereford, Angus, or. Fig. 132. Ceathernach Buidhe (719), first-prize M'est Highland bull
. Types and breeds of farm animals. Livestock. THE HEREFORD 257 Promoting Agriculture. Later other importations followed in a small way. In 1840 W. H. Sotham, a native of Herefordshire, England, who had previously emigrated to America, imported to Albany, New York, in partnership with Erastus Corning, Jr., 21 cows and heifers and a two-year-old bull. This importation was followed by others in 1843, 1852-1853, and 1861-1862. Sotham worked hard to promote the breed, but neither the Kentucky, Massachusetts, nor New York importations awoke enthusiasm. Captain Pendleton of Maine also imported 2 cal Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/types-and-breeds-of-farm-animals-livestock-the-hereford-257-promoting-agriculture-later-other-importations-followed-in-a-small-way-in-1840-w-h-sotham-a-native-of-herefordshire-england-who-had-previously-emigrated-to-america-imported-to-albany-new-york-in-partnership-with-erastus-corning-jr-21-cows-and-heifers-and-a-two-year-old-bull-this-importation-was-followed-by-others-in-1843-1852-1853-and-1861-1862-sotham-worked-hard-to-promote-the-breed-but-neither-the-kentucky-massachusetts-nor-new-york-importations-awoke-enthusiasm-captain-pendleton-of-maine-also-imported-2-cal-image232317511.html
RMRDXY9Y–. Types and breeds of farm animals. Livestock. THE HEREFORD 257 Promoting Agriculture. Later other importations followed in a small way. In 1840 W. H. Sotham, a native of Herefordshire, England, who had previously emigrated to America, imported to Albany, New York, in partnership with Erastus Corning, Jr., 21 cows and heifers and a two-year-old bull. This importation was followed by others in 1843, 1852-1853, and 1861-1862. Sotham worked hard to promote the breed, but neither the Kentucky, Massachusetts, nor New York importations awoke enthusiasm. Captain Pendleton of Maine also imported 2 cal
. History of Hereford cattle : proven conclusively the oldest of improved breeds . Hereford cattle. HISTORY OF HEEEFOED CATTLE 355 horns and a thoroughbred bull, and have car- ried the breeding up from minimum grades until I find the last product to be an animal possessing 127 parts Shorthorn and one part native. I here became convinced that a remark made by our friend, Colonel Robert HoUoway, of Illinois, to me years ago, is forcibly true, viz., 'A fault in form can be remedied by Judicious breeding, but a stain on a pedigree can never be wiped out.' . Hence, I purchased thoroughbred females Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/history-of-hereford-cattle-proven-conclusively-the-oldest-of-improved-breeds-hereford-cattle-history-of-heeefoed-cattle-355-horns-and-a-thoroughbred-bull-and-have-car-ried-the-breeding-up-from-minimum-grades-until-i-find-the-last-product-to-be-an-animal-possessing-127-parts-shorthorn-and-one-part-native-i-here-became-convinced-that-a-remark-made-by-our-friend-colonel-robert-houoway-of-illinois-to-me-years-ago-is-forcibly-true-viz-a-fault-in-form-can-be-remedied-by-judicious-breeding-but-a-stain-on-a-pedigree-can-never-be-wiped-out-hence-i-purchased-thoroughbred-females-image232003597.html
RMRDCJXN–. History of Hereford cattle : proven conclusively the oldest of improved breeds . Hereford cattle. HISTORY OF HEEEFOED CATTLE 355 horns and a thoroughbred bull, and have car- ried the breeding up from minimum grades until I find the last product to be an animal possessing 127 parts Shorthorn and one part native. I here became convinced that a remark made by our friend, Colonel Robert HoUoway, of Illinois, to me years ago, is forcibly true, viz., 'A fault in form can be remedied by Judicious breeding, but a stain on a pedigree can never be wiped out.' . Hence, I purchased thoroughbred females
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