The Commercial and financial chronicle . ) and all the bonds ($200,000) of the NorthRiver Rv., a road operated In Saratoga by this company. In 1906 part of the consol. 5s were converted Into debentures in accor-dance with a plan for the re-adjustment of the companys finances. V. 82,p. 1040. In March 1906 authorized $2,500,000 preferred stock to providefor the convertible feature of the debenture Bs. V. 82, p.751. STOCK AND BONDS.— Date. Interest. Outstanding. Maturity. Common, $3.000.000. par $100 Preferred ($2,500,000 (see text), 5% non-cumulative/First consolidated mortgage) 1901 5 g J-J $4 Stock Photo
RM2AM3G16–The Commercial and financial chronicle . ) and all the bonds ($200,000) of the NorthRiver Rv., a road operated In Saratoga by this company. In 1906 part of the consol. 5s were converted Into debentures in accor-dance with a plan for the re-adjustment of the companys finances. V. 82,p. 1040. In March 1906 authorized $2,500,000 preferred stock to providefor the convertible feature of the debenture Bs. V. 82, p.751. STOCK AND BONDS.— Date. Interest. Outstanding. Maturity. Common, $3.000.000. par $100 Preferred ($2,500,000 (see text), 5% non-cumulative/First consolidated mortgage) 1901 5 g J-J $4
The Commercial and financial chronicle . for the re-adjustment of the companys finances. V. 82,p. 1040. In March 1906 authorized $2,500,000 preferred stock to provide for the convertible feature of the debenture Bs. ALBANY, N. Y. UNITED TRACTION.—A trolley road. The entire stock of this company Is owned by The Delaware & HudsonCo. V. 81, p. 1552; V. 82, p. 160. The U. <* II. also owns the Troy & STOCK AND BONDS.—Common, $3,000,000, par $100Preferred ($2,500,000 (see] text), 5 % non-cumulative/First consolidated mortgage) Date. Interest. V. 82, p.751.Outstanding. $3,000,000 See text. Maturit Stock Photo
RM2AM49W7–The Commercial and financial chronicle . for the re-adjustment of the companys finances. V. 82,p. 1040. In March 1906 authorized $2,500,000 preferred stock to provide for the convertible feature of the debenture Bs. ALBANY, N. Y. UNITED TRACTION.—A trolley road. The entire stock of this company Is owned by The Delaware & HudsonCo. V. 81, p. 1552; V. 82, p. 160. The U. <* II. also owns the Troy & STOCK AND BONDS.—Common, $3,000,000, par $100Preferred ($2,500,000 (see] text), 5 % non-cumulative/First consolidated mortgage) Date. Interest. V. 82, p.751.Outstanding. $3,000,000 See text. Maturit
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