. English: View of Nulato and Yukon River, ca. 1912 . English: Caption on image: Nulato, Alaska PH Coll 247.771 Nulato is located on the west bank of the Yukon River, 35 miles west of Galena and 310 air miles west of Fairbanks. It lies in the Nulato Hills, across the River from the Innoko National Wildlife Refuge. The Koyukon Athabascans traditionally had spring, summer, fall, and winter camps, and moved as the wild game migrated. There were 12 summer fish camps located on the Yukon River between the Koyukuk River and the Nowitna River. Nulato was the trading site between Athabascans and Inupi Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/english-view-of-nulato-and-yukon-river-ca-1912-english-caption-on-image-nulato-alaska-ph-coll-247771-nulato-is-located-on-the-west-bank-of-the-yukon-river-35-miles-west-of-galena-and-310-air-miles-west-of-fairbanks-it-lies-in-the-nulato-hills-across-the-river-from-the-innoko-national-wildlife-refuge-the-koyukon-athabascans-traditionally-had-spring-summer-fall-and-winter-camps-and-moved-as-the-wild-game-migrated-there-were-12-summer-fish-camps-located-on-the-yukon-river-between-the-koyukuk-river-and-the-nowitna-river-nulato-was-the-trading-site-between-athabascans-and-inupi-image210504049.html
RMP6D81N–. English: View of Nulato and Yukon River, ca. 1912 . English: Caption on image: Nulato, Alaska PH Coll 247.771 Nulato is located on the west bank of the Yukon River, 35 miles west of Galena and 310 air miles west of Fairbanks. It lies in the Nulato Hills, across the River from the Innoko National Wildlife Refuge. The Koyukon Athabascans traditionally had spring, summer, fall, and winter camps, and moved as the wild game migrated. There were 12 summer fish camps located on the Yukon River between the Koyukuk River and the Nowitna River. Nulato was the trading site between Athabascans and Inupi
. Alaska and its resources. Nulato and the Yukon from the Bluffs. •receives two streams of no great size. Its total length is abouttwenty miles, inclusive of windings. The opposite bank ofthe Klat-kakhdtne rises abruptly into a rocky, precipitous bluff,affording a fine view down the river. Not far below the mouthof the Nulato the river-bank rises, but not so abruptly, into blufis 48 THE YUKON TERRITORY. about one hundred feet high, with higher hills behind them.Neither deer nor moose are often found in this vicinity. In 1838, Malakoff, a Creole, explored the Yukon as far north asNulato. Here h Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/alaska-and-its-resources-nulato-and-the-yukon-from-the-bluffs-receives-two-streams-of-no-great-size-its-total-length-is-abouttwenty-miles-inclusive-of-windings-the-opposite-bank-ofthe-klat-kakhdtne-rises-abruptly-into-a-rocky-precipitous-bluffaffording-a-fine-view-down-the-river-not-far-below-the-mouthof-the-nulato-the-river-bank-rises-but-not-so-abruptly-into-blufis-48-the-yukon-territory-about-one-hundred-feet-high-with-higher-hills-behind-themneither-deer-nor-moose-are-often-found-in-this-vicinity-in-1838-malakoff-a-creole-explored-the-yukon-as-far-north-asnulato-here-h-image336625783.html
RM2AFJHHB–. Alaska and its resources. Nulato and the Yukon from the Bluffs. •receives two streams of no great size. Its total length is abouttwenty miles, inclusive of windings. The opposite bank ofthe Klat-kakhdtne rises abruptly into a rocky, precipitous bluff,affording a fine view down the river. Not far below the mouthof the Nulato the river-bank rises, but not so abruptly, into blufis 48 THE YUKON TERRITORY. about one hundred feet high, with higher hills behind them.Neither deer nor moose are often found in this vicinity. In 1838, Malakoff, a Creole, explored the Yukon as far north asNulato. Here h
. English: Village of Nulato with dog shelter in foreground, ca. 1912 . English: Caption on image: Nulato, Alaska PH Coll 247.768 Nulato is located on the west bank of the Yukon River, 35 miles west of Galena and 310 air miles west of Fairbanks. It lies in the Nulato Hills, across the River from the Innoko National Wildlife Refuge. The Koyukon Athabascans traditionally had spring, summer, fall, and winter camps, and moved as the wild game migrated. There were 12 summer fish camps located on the Yukon River between the Koyukuk River and the Nowitna River. Nulato was the trading site between Ath Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/english-village-of-nulato-with-dog-shelter-in-foreground-ca-1912-english-caption-on-image-nulato-alaska-ph-coll-247768-nulato-is-located-on-the-west-bank-of-the-yukon-river-35-miles-west-of-galena-and-310-air-miles-west-of-fairbanks-it-lies-in-the-nulato-hills-across-the-river-from-the-innoko-national-wildlife-refuge-the-koyukon-athabascans-traditionally-had-spring-summer-fall-and-winter-camps-and-moved-as-the-wild-game-migrated-there-were-12-summer-fish-camps-located-on-the-yukon-river-between-the-koyukuk-river-and-the-nowitna-river-nulato-was-the-trading-site-between-ath-image210504081.html
RMP6D82W–. English: Village of Nulato with dog shelter in foreground, ca. 1912 . English: Caption on image: Nulato, Alaska PH Coll 247.768 Nulato is located on the west bank of the Yukon River, 35 miles west of Galena and 310 air miles west of Fairbanks. It lies in the Nulato Hills, across the River from the Innoko National Wildlife Refuge. The Koyukon Athabascans traditionally had spring, summer, fall, and winter camps, and moved as the wild game migrated. There were 12 summer fish camps located on the Yukon River between the Koyukuk River and the Nowitna River. Nulato was the trading site between Ath