Numerous long filaments Black & White Stock Photos
. Handbook of flower pollination : based upon Hermann Mu?ller's work 'The fertilisation of flowers by insects' . Fertilization of plants. LILIACEAE 463 stigma mature simultaneously, but automatic self-pollination is excluded, for these organs do not come into contact, there being about 3 mm. distance between them. So long as I observed the honey-bee only as quite a casual visitor, I was of opinion that regular autogamy was probable as well as pollination, by means of the extremely violent wind prevailing in the islands. The filaments are 3-4 mm. long, and beset with very numerous dense yellow Stock Photo
RMPG46T2–. Handbook of flower pollination : based upon Hermann Mu?ller's work 'The fertilisation of flowers by insects' . Fertilization of plants. LILIACEAE 463 stigma mature simultaneously, but automatic self-pollination is excluded, for these organs do not come into contact, there being about 3 mm. distance between them. So long as I observed the honey-bee only as quite a casual visitor, I was of opinion that regular autogamy was probable as well as pollination, by means of the extremely violent wind prevailing in the islands. The filaments are 3-4 mm. long, and beset with very numerous dense yellow
. Handbook of flower pollination : based upon Hermann Mu?ller's work 'The fertilisation of flowers by insects' . Fertilization of plants. LILIACEAE 463 stigma mature simultaneously, but automatic self-pollination is excluded, for these organs do not come into contact, there being about 3 mm. distance between them. So long as I observed the honey-bee only as quite a casual visitor, I was of opinion that regular autogamy was probable as well as pollination, by means of the extremely violent wind prevailing in the islands. The filaments are 3-4 mm. long, and beset with very numerous dense yellow Stock Photo
RMRDDCJG–. Handbook of flower pollination : based upon Hermann Mu?ller's work 'The fertilisation of flowers by insects' . Fertilization of plants. LILIACEAE 463 stigma mature simultaneously, but automatic self-pollination is excluded, for these organs do not come into contact, there being about 3 mm. distance between them. So long as I observed the honey-bee only as quite a casual visitor, I was of opinion that regular autogamy was probable as well as pollination, by means of the extremely violent wind prevailing in the islands. The filaments are 3-4 mm. long, and beset with very numerous dense yellow
. Fresh-water biology. Freshwater biology. THE FRESH-WATER ALGAE 165 217 (198, 218) Plants of unbranched, free-swimming, more or less gelatinous filaments, the cells very long; chlorophyll parietal and sur- rounding a number of large conspicuous vacuoles which show as a row of hghter areas; pyrenoids numerous. Re- production by heterogametes. Family Sphaeropleaceae. Only one genus known Sphaeroplea Agardh.. Fig. 224. Sphaeroplea annuUna Agardh. (After RauwenhoEf.) X 1133- Cells cylindrical, tapering; length eight to twenty times the breadth, several nuclei present. Oogonia and antheridia forme Stock Photo
RMPFYKXT–. Fresh-water biology. Freshwater biology. THE FRESH-WATER ALGAE 165 217 (198, 218) Plants of unbranched, free-swimming, more or less gelatinous filaments, the cells very long; chlorophyll parietal and sur- rounding a number of large conspicuous vacuoles which show as a row of hghter areas; pyrenoids numerous. Re- production by heterogametes. Family Sphaeropleaceae. Only one genus known Sphaeroplea Agardh.. Fig. 224. Sphaeroplea annuUna Agardh. (After RauwenhoEf.) X 1133- Cells cylindrical, tapering; length eight to twenty times the breadth, several nuclei present. Oogonia and antheridia forme
. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. 692 ERICACEAE. Vol. II.. imbricated in the bud, early expanded, persistent. Corolla ovoid-cylindric, minutely canescent, narrowed at the throat, tardily expanding, 5-toothed. Stamens 10, about as long as the corolla; filaments wider than the linear anthers; anther-sacs opening by long chinks, not awned. Ovary ovoid, 5-ceUed; ovules numerous, near the base of th Stock Photo
RMRDK08X–. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. 692 ERICACEAE. Vol. II.. imbricated in the bud, early expanded, persistent. Corolla ovoid-cylindric, minutely canescent, narrowed at the throat, tardily expanding, 5-toothed. Stamens 10, about as long as the corolla; filaments wider than the linear anthers; anther-sacs opening by long chinks, not awned. Ovary ovoid, 5-ceUed; ovules numerous, near the base of th
. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. 520 Wild Tamarind corolla, which is pink, funnel-fomi, its lobes ovate; stamens numerous, 3 to 3.5 cm. long, much exserted, the filaments united at the base; ovary short-stalked. The fruit is broadly linear, flat, 10 to 15 cm. long, sharp-pointed at each end, often slightly constricted between the seeds, smooth, straw-colored, papery, and dehiscent; the seeds, 8 to 10 in a pod, are oval, very flat, 8 to 10 mm. long and li Stock Photo
RMPG0G4H–. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. 520 Wild Tamarind corolla, which is pink, funnel-fomi, its lobes ovate; stamens numerous, 3 to 3.5 cm. long, much exserted, the filaments united at the base; ovary short-stalked. The fruit is broadly linear, flat, 10 to 15 cm. long, sharp-pointed at each end, often slightly constricted between the seeds, smooth, straw-colored, papery, and dehiscent; the seeds, 8 to 10 in a pod, are oval, very flat, 8 to 10 mm. long and li
. A text-book of bacteriology. Bacteriology. 594 PATHOGENIC SPIRILLA. ment is retarded by an unfavorable temperature, the presence of a little alcohol, etc., the long, spiral filaments are quite numerous, and bacteriologists generally agree that the so-called " comma bacillus " is really only a fragment of a true spirillum. By Loffler's method of staining the rods may be seen to have a single terminal flagel- lum. In old cultures the bacilli frequently lose their characteristic form and become variously swollen and distorted—involution forms. Hueppe has described the appearance of sp Stock Photo
RMRE22BP–. A text-book of bacteriology. Bacteriology. 594 PATHOGENIC SPIRILLA. ment is retarded by an unfavorable temperature, the presence of a little alcohol, etc., the long, spiral filaments are quite numerous, and bacteriologists generally agree that the so-called " comma bacillus " is really only a fragment of a true spirillum. By Loffler's method of staining the rods may be seen to have a single terminal flagel- lum. In old cultures the bacilli frequently lose their characteristic form and become variously swollen and distorted—involution forms. Hueppe has described the appearance of sp
. Handbook of flower pollination : based upon Hermann Mu?ller's work 'The fertilisation of flowers by insects' . Fertilization of plants. LI LI ACE A E 445 marked towards the base with numerous small, projecting, longitudinal streaks of dark-orange colour. Nectar is secreted fairly abundantly at the bases of the six perianth leaves. The anthers are about 16 mm. long and 5 mm. broad, and depend from filaments 30-5 mm. long; soon after the flower opens they are thickly covered with orange-red pollen, the grains of which are on an average 80 ;n long and 50 yu, broad, agreeing with those of the pr Stock Photo
RMPG46TM–. Handbook of flower pollination : based upon Hermann Mu?ller's work 'The fertilisation of flowers by insects' . Fertilization of plants. LI LI ACE A E 445 marked towards the base with numerous small, projecting, longitudinal streaks of dark-orange colour. Nectar is secreted fairly abundantly at the bases of the six perianth leaves. The anthers are about 16 mm. long and 5 mm. broad, and depend from filaments 30-5 mm. long; soon after the flower opens they are thickly covered with orange-red pollen, the grains of which are on an average 80 ;n long and 50 yu, broad, agreeing with those of the pr
. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. imbricated in the bud, early expanded, persistent. Corolla ovoid-cylindric, minutely canescent, narrowed at the throat, tardily expanding, 5-toothed. Stamens 10, about as long as the corolla; filaments wider than the linear anthers; anther-sacs opening by long chinks, not awned. Ovary ovoid, 5-ceUed; ovules numerous, near the base of the cavities; style colum- Stock Photo
RMRDK08P–. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. imbricated in the bud, early expanded, persistent. Corolla ovoid-cylindric, minutely canescent, narrowed at the throat, tardily expanding, 5-toothed. Stamens 10, about as long as the corolla; filaments wider than the linear anthers; anther-sacs opening by long chinks, not awned. Ovary ovoid, 5-ceUed; ovules numerous, near the base of the cavities; style colum-
. Indian trees : an account of trees, shrubs, woody climbers, bamboos, and palms indigenous or commonly cultivated in the British Indian Empire. Trees. XIX. MALVACEJ] Bonibax] 4. BOMBAX, Linn.; M. Brit. Ind. i. 349. Deciduous trees with digitate glabrous leaves. Peduncles axillary, 1- flowered, congregated at the ends of ^branch- lets. Calj^x leathery, cup-shaped, splitting irregularly. Staminal tube shortj divided into numerous filaments, longer than tube, each bearing a 1-celled an- ther. Ovary 5-celled, ovules numerous. Cap- sule loculicidal, 5- valved, inside thickly clothed with long silk Stock Photo
RMPFXM3X–. Indian trees : an account of trees, shrubs, woody climbers, bamboos, and palms indigenous or commonly cultivated in the British Indian Empire. Trees. XIX. MALVACEJ] Bonibax] 4. BOMBAX, Linn.; M. Brit. Ind. i. 349. Deciduous trees with digitate glabrous leaves. Peduncles axillary, 1- flowered, congregated at the ends of ^branch- lets. Calj^x leathery, cup-shaped, splitting irregularly. Staminal tube shortj divided into numerous filaments, longer than tube, each bearing a 1-celled an- ther. Ovary 5-celled, ovules numerous. Cap- sule loculicidal, 5- valved, inside thickly clothed with long silk
. A history of the vegetable kingdom; embracing the physiology of plants, with their uses to man and the lower animals, and their application in the arts, manufactures, and domestic economy. Illus. by several hundred figures. Botany; Botany, Economic; 1855. PERUVIAN BARK. 521 rateil at the edges, and tinged of a pink hue in the centre. The filaments are five, bristly, and. Peruvian Bark Tree. placed in the middle of the tube. The germen is ovate. The seeds, which are numerous, are contained in a two-celled capsule. This tree is a native of Peru, growing most abundantly on a long chain of mount Stock Photo
RMRE0NCK–. A history of the vegetable kingdom; embracing the physiology of plants, with their uses to man and the lower animals, and their application in the arts, manufactures, and domestic economy. Illus. by several hundred figures. Botany; Botany, Economic; 1855. PERUVIAN BARK. 521 rateil at the edges, and tinged of a pink hue in the centre. The filaments are five, bristly, and. Peruvian Bark Tree. placed in the middle of the tube. The germen is ovate. The seeds, which are numerous, are contained in a two-celled capsule. This tree is a native of Peru, growing most abundantly on a long chain of mount
. Fresh-water biology. Freshwater biology. THE FRESH-WATER ALGAE 165 217 (198, 218) Plants of unbranched, free-swimming, more or less gelatinous filaments, the cells very long; chlorophyll parietal and sur- rounding a number of large conspicuous vacuoles which show as a row of hghter areas; pyrenoids numerous. Re- production by heterogametes. Family Sphaeropleaceae. Only one genus known Sphaeroplea Agardh.. Fig. 224. Sphaeroplea annuUna Agardh. (After RauwenhoEf.) X 1133- Cells cylindrical, tapering; length eight to twenty times the breadth, several nuclei present. Oogonia and antheridia forme Stock Photo
RMRDB77N–. Fresh-water biology. Freshwater biology. THE FRESH-WATER ALGAE 165 217 (198, 218) Plants of unbranched, free-swimming, more or less gelatinous filaments, the cells very long; chlorophyll parietal and sur- rounding a number of large conspicuous vacuoles which show as a row of hghter areas; pyrenoids numerous. Re- production by heterogametes. Family Sphaeropleaceae. Only one genus known Sphaeroplea Agardh.. Fig. 224. Sphaeroplea annuUna Agardh. (After RauwenhoEf.) X 1133- Cells cylindrical, tapering; length eight to twenty times the breadth, several nuclei present. Oogonia and antheridia forme
. The principles of botany, as exemplified in the phanerogamia. Botany; Botany; Phanerogams; 1854. Fig. 85, shows a compound spike of wheat, (Triticum,) with numerous spikelets or flowers arranged along the axis in a zigzag form. Fig. 87, one of these spikelets magnified, and deprived of its glumes,-showing the three stamens a, hanging by long thread-like filaments, and the feathery styles of the pistil within two bracts sq. The flower in this case is herma- phrodite. The flower is therefore still further reduced in the sedges (Carices,) which are equally without floral envelopes, and are unis Stock Photo
RMRDTRW9–. The principles of botany, as exemplified in the phanerogamia. Botany; Botany; Phanerogams; 1854. Fig. 85, shows a compound spike of wheat, (Triticum,) with numerous spikelets or flowers arranged along the axis in a zigzag form. Fig. 87, one of these spikelets magnified, and deprived of its glumes,-showing the three stamens a, hanging by long thread-like filaments, and the feathery styles of the pistil within two bracts sq. The flower in this case is herma- phrodite. The flower is therefore still further reduced in the sedges (Carices,) which are equally without floral envelopes, and are unis
. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. 520 Wild Tamarind corolla, which is pink, funnel-fomi, its lobes ovate; stamens numerous, 3 to 3.5 cm. long, much exserted, the filaments united at the base; ovary short-stalked. The fruit is broadly linear, flat, 10 to 15 cm. long, sharp-pointed at each end, often slightly constricted between the seeds, smooth, straw-colored, papery, and dehiscent; the seeds, 8 to 10 in a pod, are oval, very flat, 8 to 10 mm. long and li Stock Photo
RMRDBF89–. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. 520 Wild Tamarind corolla, which is pink, funnel-fomi, its lobes ovate; stamens numerous, 3 to 3.5 cm. long, much exserted, the filaments united at the base; ovary short-stalked. The fruit is broadly linear, flat, 10 to 15 cm. long, sharp-pointed at each end, often slightly constricted between the seeds, smooth, straw-colored, papery, and dehiscent; the seeds, 8 to 10 in a pod, are oval, very flat, 8 to 10 mm. long and li
. South African botany. Botany. 174 SOUTH AFRICAN BOTANY paripinnate, petiolate, leaflets minute, numerous and net-veined, unicostate (in some species the leaves are altered to phyllodes, q.v.). Inflorescence.—Eaceme of capitula. FZoioers.—Actinomorphic, complete, minute, scented, Calyx.—Gamosepalous, 5, inferior, pale yellow. Corolla.—Polypetalous, 5, perigynous, yellow.. FiQ. 96.—Acacia Iwrrida. I. Flower-bud (x 3). II. Section through flower (x 5). of flower. III. Diagram Androecium.—Numerous, free, perigynous. The sta- mens have long filaments and hang out of the flower, liiaking the whole Stock Photo
RMRE1K4T–. South African botany. Botany. 174 SOUTH AFRICAN BOTANY paripinnate, petiolate, leaflets minute, numerous and net-veined, unicostate (in some species the leaves are altered to phyllodes, q.v.). Inflorescence.—Eaceme of capitula. FZoioers.—Actinomorphic, complete, minute, scented, Calyx.—Gamosepalous, 5, inferior, pale yellow. Corolla.—Polypetalous, 5, perigynous, yellow.. FiQ. 96.—Acacia Iwrrida. I. Flower-bud (x 3). II. Section through flower (x 5). of flower. III. Diagram Androecium.—Numerous, free, perigynous. The sta- mens have long filaments and hang out of the flower, liiaking the whole
. Handbook of flower pollination : based upon Hermann Mu?ller's work 'The fertilisation of flowers by insects' . Fertilization of plants. LI LI ACE A E 445 marked towards the base with numerous small, projecting, longitudinal streaks of dark-orange colour. Nectar is secreted fairly abundantly at the bases of the six perianth leaves. The anthers are about 16 mm. long and 5 mm. broad, and depend from filaments 30-5 mm. long; soon after the flower opens they are thickly covered with orange-red pollen, the grains of which are on an average 80 ;n long and 50 yu, broad, agreeing with those of the pr Stock Photo
RMRDDCKB–. Handbook of flower pollination : based upon Hermann Mu?ller's work 'The fertilisation of flowers by insects' . Fertilization of plants. LI LI ACE A E 445 marked towards the base with numerous small, projecting, longitudinal streaks of dark-orange colour. Nectar is secreted fairly abundantly at the bases of the six perianth leaves. The anthers are about 16 mm. long and 5 mm. broad, and depend from filaments 30-5 mm. long; soon after the flower opens they are thickly covered with orange-red pollen, the grains of which are on an average 80 ;n long and 50 yu, broad, agreeing with those of the pr
. Indian trees : an account of trees, shrubs, woody climbers, bamboos, and palms indigenous or commonly cultivated in the British Indian Empire. Trees. XIX. MALVACEJ] Bonibax] 4. BOMBAX, Linn.; M. Brit. Ind. i. 349. Deciduous trees with digitate glabrous leaves. Peduncles axillary, 1- flowered, congregated at the ends of ^branch- lets. Calj^x leathery, cup-shaped, splitting irregularly. Staminal tube shortj divided into numerous filaments, longer than tube, each bearing a 1-celled an- ther. Ovary 5-celled, ovules numerous. Cap- sule loculicidal, 5- valved, inside thickly clothed with long silk Stock Photo
RMRD7R0E–. Indian trees : an account of trees, shrubs, woody climbers, bamboos, and palms indigenous or commonly cultivated in the British Indian Empire. Trees. XIX. MALVACEJ] Bonibax] 4. BOMBAX, Linn.; M. Brit. Ind. i. 349. Deciduous trees with digitate glabrous leaves. Peduncles axillary, 1- flowered, congregated at the ends of ^branch- lets. Calj^x leathery, cup-shaped, splitting irregularly. Staminal tube shortj divided into numerous filaments, longer than tube, each bearing a 1-celled an- ther. Ovary 5-celled, ovules numerous. Cap- sule loculicidal, 5- valved, inside thickly clothed with long silk
. South African botany. Botany. Fig. 111.—Hypoxis. I. Vertical Section of Flower. II. Floral Diagram. Tijpe.—Hypoxis (fig. 111). Inflorescence.-—Flower regular complete. Perianth, polyphyllous, 3+3 superior; outer segments green on under side, white or yellow upper side. Androecium.—Free 3 + 3 superior, anthers long, basifixed, 2 lobed, introrse. Filaments short. Gynoecium.—Syncarpous, 3, inferior, style very short or absent, stigma large, 3-fid. Ovary 3-celIed, axile placentation, numerous ovules. Fruit.—A capsule which dehisces by splitting across.. Please note that these images are extracte Stock Photo
RMRE0MMD–. South African botany. Botany. Fig. 111.—Hypoxis. I. Vertical Section of Flower. II. Floral Diagram. Tijpe.—Hypoxis (fig. 111). Inflorescence.-—Flower regular complete. Perianth, polyphyllous, 3+3 superior; outer segments green on under side, white or yellow upper side. Androecium.—Free 3 + 3 superior, anthers long, basifixed, 2 lobed, introrse. Filaments short. Gynoecium.—Syncarpous, 3, inferior, style very short or absent, stigma large, 3-fid. Ovary 3-celIed, axile placentation, numerous ovules. Fruit.—A capsule which dehisces by splitting across.. Please note that these images are extracte
. A manual of poisonous plants, chiefly of eastern North America, with brief notes on economic and medicinal plants, and numerous illustrations. Poisonous plants. 684 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS. Fig. 393. Large-flowered white Jessamine (^Jasminum grandiflorum'y, A native of Japan but cultivated in France as a source of per- fume. (From Vesque's Traite de Botanique.) lobed; stamens 2; filaments short; ovary 2-celled, with 2 ovules in each cavity; fruit a 1-3 seeded berry. About 35 species, natives of the Old World. Lfigustrum vulgare, L. Privet A shrub virith long and slender branches, firm lea Stock Photo
RMRDYAJ2–. A manual of poisonous plants, chiefly of eastern North America, with brief notes on economic and medicinal plants, and numerous illustrations. Poisonous plants. 684 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS. Fig. 393. Large-flowered white Jessamine (^Jasminum grandiflorum'y, A native of Japan but cultivated in France as a source of per- fume. (From Vesque's Traite de Botanique.) lobed; stamens 2; filaments short; ovary 2-celled, with 2 ovules in each cavity; fruit a 1-3 seeded berry. About 35 species, natives of the Old World. Lfigustrum vulgare, L. Privet A shrub virith long and slender branches, firm lea
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