Work of the Colored law and order league, Baltimore, Md . CARNEGIE.. A map of the lower Druid Hill Avenue District. In this dis-trict there were forty-two saloons, fifteen churches, twelve schools,one home for old people, one home for friendless children, the col-ored Y. M. C. A. and the colored Y. W. C. A. <^I? /i ^ TKIlorft of tbe Coloreb Xaw an^ ®rt)er Xeagueof Baltimore Stock Photo
RM2AJHFF9–Work of the Colored law and order league, Baltimore, Md . CARNEGIE.. A map of the lower Druid Hill Avenue District. In this dis-trict there were forty-two saloons, fifteen churches, twelve schools,one home for old people, one home for friendless children, the col-ored Y. M. C. A. and the colored Y. W. C. A. <^I? /i ^ TKIlorft of tbe Coloreb Xaw an^ ®rt)er Xeagueof Baltimore
. Nature study and life. Nature study. CHAPTER XIX THE BIRD CENSUS AND FOOD CHART Scarcely any one line of nature study possesses so many interesting features as that connected with keeping track of the number of birds in a neighborhood, with a view to increasing the more desir- able species. The best method of making a bird census is to count the nests in a certain dis- trict as soon as the leaves fall Fig. 121. Cedar Bird AND Nest in autumn.^ People generally would find it interesting to do this for their city lots or dooryards; and if they would send the results from year to year to their l Stock Photo
RMPG0R4B–. Nature study and life. Nature study. CHAPTER XIX THE BIRD CENSUS AND FOOD CHART Scarcely any one line of nature study possesses so many interesting features as that connected with keeping track of the number of birds in a neighborhood, with a view to increasing the more desir- able species. The best method of making a bird census is to count the nests in a certain dis- trict as soon as the leaves fall Fig. 121. Cedar Bird AND Nest in autumn.^ People generally would find it interesting to do this for their city lots or dooryards; and if they would send the results from year to year to their l
. Dry-farming; . Fig. 110. itw ul I'aluuse wheat district, showing rolling luituic of country. Even with this addition the rainfall shows the dis- trict to be of a distinctly semiarid character. It will be observed that the precipitation varied from 3.9 to 20.22 inches, and that during the early '90's several rather dry years occurred. In spite of this large variation good crops have been obtained during the whole period of nineteen years. Not one failure is recorded. The lowest yield of 17 bushels per acre Stock Photo
RMMAB1BJ–. Dry-farming; . Fig. 110. itw ul I'aluuse wheat district, showing rolling luituic of country. Even with this addition the rainfall shows the dis- trict to be of a distinctly semiarid character. It will be observed that the precipitation varied from 3.9 to 20.22 inches, and that during the early '90's several rather dry years occurred. In spite of this large variation good crops have been obtained during the whole period of nineteen years. Not one failure is recorded. The lowest yield of 17 bushels per acre
The Caldron . Illi;i|lllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliliilillllll!lllllllllllllilllllllllli Illlilllllllllllll!lll!!l THIS IS PAGE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY THE ORATORICAL CONTEST. David Erwin and Samuel Jackson could have been found working awayeven a month before the contest, for they were well matched and there wasmuch work to be done. Of course their grades suffered a little bit, but whatmattered it for were they not both going to win both the school and the dis-trict contests and would they not both face the best high school orators of thestate at Bloomington? Possibly, had not Stock Photo!lllllllllllllilllllllllli-illlilllllllllllll!lll!!l-this-is-page-one-hundred-and-thirty-the-oratorical-contest-david-erwin-and-samuel-jackson-could-have-been-found-working-awayeven-a-month-before-the-contest-for-they-were-well-matched-and-there-wasmuch-work-to-be-done-of-course-their-grades-suffered-a-little-bit-but-whatmattered-it-for-were-they-not-both-going-to-win-both-the-school-and-the-dis-trict-contests-and-would-they-not-both-face-the-best-high-school-orators-of-thestate-at-bloomington-possibly-had-not-image339297253.html
RM2AM0931–The Caldron . Illi;i|lllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliliilillllll!lllllllllllllilllllllllli Illlilllllllllllll!lll!!l THIS IS PAGE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY THE ORATORICAL CONTEST. David Erwin and Samuel Jackson could have been found working awayeven a month before the contest, for they were well matched and there wasmuch work to be done. Of course their grades suffered a little bit, but whatmattered it for were they not both going to win both the school and the dis-trict contests and would they not both face the best high school orators of thestate at Bloomington? Possibly, had not
. The Victoria history of the county of Surrey. Natural history. FARNHAM HUNDRED Ecclesiastical Commissioners took over the estates of the see in 1869. The Local Government Act, 2i & 22 Victoria, c. 98, was adopted at Farnham 27 July 1866. By the subsequent Act, 57 Victoria, c. 73, the place became an urban district, with a council of twelve members, the parish being divided into urban and rural districts. In 1902 the urban district was slightly extended into the rural dis- trict. 53 One of the earlier acts of the local board of 1866 was to pull down the old Market House. The market is now Stock Photo
RMPG0364–. The Victoria history of the county of Surrey. Natural history. FARNHAM HUNDRED Ecclesiastical Commissioners took over the estates of the see in 1869. The Local Government Act, 2i & 22 Victoria, c. 98, was adopted at Farnham 27 July 1866. By the subsequent Act, 57 Victoria, c. 73, the place became an urban district, with a council of twelve members, the parish being divided into urban and rural districts. In 1902 the urban district was slightly extended into the rural dis- trict. 53 One of the earlier acts of the local board of 1866 was to pull down the old Market House. The market is now
. Mexico, a history of its progress and development in one hundred years. throughout the winter. The miningin the state is of importance. There are some silver, copper and lead mines. Iron, lime, chalk, and clays ofgood quality exist. Corn is the principalproduct, although everythinggrows in this rich soil, andthrough the introduction ofmodern methods of agricult-ure the produce of the Statehas been doubled. There are distilleries forthe production of alcohol, flourmills, and factories of cottongoods and prints. These areall equipped with the latestmachinery. In the Cuauhtemoc dis-trict there Stock Photo
RM2AG2GM3–. Mexico, a history of its progress and development in one hundred years. throughout the winter. The miningin the state is of importance. There are some silver, copper and lead mines. Iron, lime, chalk, and clays ofgood quality exist. Corn is the principalproduct, although everythinggrows in this rich soil, andthrough the introduction ofmodern methods of agricult-ure the produce of the Statehas been doubled. There are distilleries forthe production of alcohol, flourmills, and factories of cottongoods and prints. These areall equipped with the latestmachinery. In the Cuauhtemoc dis-trict there
. The fruits of Ontario. Fruit-culture. One of the best hardy winter apples for the commercial orchards in the north- ern belt of apple cul- ture in Ontario ; test- ed several years at our St. Lawrence station, and reported as one of the most promising winter apples for profit yet tested for that dis- trict; a f ai r 1 y go od shipper. Milwaukee. Origin : a seedling of Duchess, by Geo. Jeffrey, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Tree: growth moderately vigorous; habit spreading; very hardy; very productive; an early bearer ; foKage dark; green, abundant; shows characteristics of the Duchess. Fruit: large, Stock Photo
RMPG4FC8–. The fruits of Ontario. Fruit-culture. One of the best hardy winter apples for the commercial orchards in the north- ern belt of apple cul- ture in Ontario ; test- ed several years at our St. Lawrence station, and reported as one of the most promising winter apples for profit yet tested for that dis- trict; a f ai r 1 y go od shipper. Milwaukee. Origin : a seedling of Duchess, by Geo. Jeffrey, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Tree: growth moderately vigorous; habit spreading; very hardy; very productive; an early bearer ; foKage dark; green, abundant; shows characteristics of the Duchess. Fruit: large,
. Latter-day Saint biographical encyclopedia : a compilation of biographical sketches of prominent men and women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. ^ 4^. has been a member of the 3rd quorumof Seventy for 39 years, was one ofthe presidency of that quorum for 9years and is now senior president.Since 1930 he has presided over Dis-trict No. 2 of the Salt Lake StakeHome Mission which is composed ofthe 14th, 17th and Capitol Hill wards. SUMMERHAYS. Ellen Louise Bar- Stock Photo
RM2AFRKNC–. Latter-day Saint biographical encyclopedia : a compilation of biographical sketches of prominent men and women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. ^ 4^. has been a member of the 3rd quorumof Seventy for 39 years, was one ofthe presidency of that quorum for 9years and is now senior president.Since 1930 he has presided over Dis-trict No. 2 of the Salt Lake StakeHome Mission which is composed ofthe 14th, 17th and Capitol Hill wards. SUMMERHAYS. Ellen Louise Bar-
. The fruits of Ontario. Fruit-culture. 5S REPORT ON THE No. 24 MILWAUKEE.. One of the best hardy winter apples for the commercial orchards in the north- ern belt of apple cul- ture in Ontario ; test- ed several years at our St. Lawrence station, and reported as one of the most promising winter apples for profit yet tested for that dis- trict; a f ai r 1 y go od shipper. Milwaukee. Origin : a seedling of Duchess, by Geo. Jeffrey, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Tree: growth moderately vigorous; habit spreading; very hardy; very productive; an early bearer ; foKage dark; green, abundant; shows characteri Stock Photo
RMPG4FCD–. The fruits of Ontario. Fruit-culture. 5S REPORT ON THE No. 24 MILWAUKEE.. One of the best hardy winter apples for the commercial orchards in the north- ern belt of apple cul- ture in Ontario ; test- ed several years at our St. Lawrence station, and reported as one of the most promising winter apples for profit yet tested for that dis- trict; a f ai r 1 y go od shipper. Milwaukee. Origin : a seedling of Duchess, by Geo. Jeffrey, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Tree: growth moderately vigorous; habit spreading; very hardy; very productive; an early bearer ; foKage dark; green, abundant; shows characteri
Black's picturesque tourist of Scotland . e waters. Thisview is confirmed by the fact that on the wide haugh ofCallander there are several detached mounds of this character :one of them, a very correct circular one, stands opposite tothe windows of the Dreadnought hotel. Upon the neighbouringeminences, however, will be found remnants of mounds whichmay safely be assigned as vestiges of British fortification. CALLANDER—VICINITY. 201 The river Teith, which here, and in the whole of this dis-trict, forms so conspicuous an object in the landscape, has thehonour of contributing greatly to the pictu Stock Photo
RM2AKME9D–Black's picturesque tourist of Scotland . e waters. Thisview is confirmed by the fact that on the wide haugh ofCallander there are several detached mounds of this character :one of them, a very correct circular one, stands opposite tothe windows of the Dreadnought hotel. Upon the neighbouringeminences, however, will be found remnants of mounds whichmay safely be assigned as vestiges of British fortification. CALLANDER—VICINITY. 201 The river Teith, which here, and in the whole of this dis-trict, forms so conspicuous an object in the landscape, has thehonour of contributing greatly to the pictu
. A dictionary of the fossils of Pennsylvania and neighboring states named in the reports and catalogues of the survey ... Paleontology. MlNb. i* ^• trict, N. Y., 1843, page 242, fig. 105. Portage, VIIIJ, Fucoidal markings by D. D. Owen. See Appendix, Fusulina cylindrica. (Fischer, Oryct. da gourernement de Moscou.) Collett's Indiana Rt, 1883, page 116, plate 23, fig. 1, a group, natural size 2, a long one, enlarged'^ fig. 3, cross section still more enlarged. Common size and shape, that of a grain of wheat; often much smaller; in Indiana rarely more than half as large; sometimes slenderer, Stock Photo
RMPFXHK1–. A dictionary of the fossils of Pennsylvania and neighboring states named in the reports and catalogues of the survey ... Paleontology. MlNb. i* ^• trict, N. Y., 1843, page 242, fig. 105. Portage, VIIIJ, Fucoidal markings by D. D. Owen. See Appendix, Fusulina cylindrica. (Fischer, Oryct. da gourernement de Moscou.) Collett's Indiana Rt, 1883, page 116, plate 23, fig. 1, a group, natural size 2, a long one, enlarged'^ fig. 3, cross section still more enlarged. Common size and shape, that of a grain of wheat; often much smaller; in Indiana rarely more than half as large; sometimes slenderer,
Appletons' cyclopædia of American biography . ng one of the forty-four northern Democrats that voted against thefurther extension of slavery. This action resultedin his defeat in 1854, when he was nominated bythe Whigs and Democrats against the Know-nothing candidate. The Republicans of his dis-trict nominated Mr. Fenton for congress in 1856,and he was elected by a large majority, servingfrom 1857 till 1864, when he resigned, having beenchosen governor of his state. He heartily supportedthe cause of the Union in the civil war, and stoodfirmly by President Lincoln and his cabinet intheir war me Stock Photo
RM2AJ3TT3–Appletons' cyclopædia of American biography . ng one of the forty-four northern Democrats that voted against thefurther extension of slavery. This action resultedin his defeat in 1854, when he was nominated bythe Whigs and Democrats against the Know-nothing candidate. The Republicans of his dis-trict nominated Mr. Fenton for congress in 1856,and he was elected by a large majority, servingfrom 1857 till 1864, when he resigned, having beenchosen governor of his state. He heartily supportedthe cause of the Union in the civil war, and stoodfirmly by President Lincoln and his cabinet intheir war me
. A dictionary of the fossils of Pennsylvania and neighboring states named in the reports and catalogues of the survey ... Paleontology. 1 1 i -J.pI.39 Cyathocrinus ornatissimus. Hall,Geology of Fourili Uis^ trict,N.Y., 1813, page 247, fig. 108,1,2,3, 4, 5. Po7't- ^^e forma- tion. (Figs. 1,2,3,4,5 show sec- tions of the stem at various heights from the base or root of the stem.) It occurs on the shores of Lake Erie,in the own of Portland, only in one bed of rock, only six inches thick, and e:jvtendin g only ten. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have Stock Photo
RMPFXJMN–. A dictionary of the fossils of Pennsylvania and neighboring states named in the reports and catalogues of the survey ... Paleontology. 1 1 i -J.pI.39 Cyathocrinus ornatissimus. Hall,Geology of Fourili Uis^ trict,N.Y., 1813, page 247, fig. 108,1,2,3, 4, 5. Po7't- ^^e forma- tion. (Figs. 1,2,3,4,5 show sec- tions of the stem at various heights from the base or root of the stem.) It occurs on the shores of Lake Erie,in the own of Portland, only in one bed of rock, only six inches thick, and e:jvtendin g only ten. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have
The land of sunshine, a handbook of the resources, products, industries and climate of New Mexico . as an electric light plant and a telephone system thatreaches out to all the important towns and mining camps sur-rounding it. There are several substantial church buildingsof various denominations. There is one national bank and onesavings bank here. There are also good hotels. The city hadtwo smelters built during the present year. The industriesof the surrounding country are stock raising and mining.Twelve miles to the south is the Burro mountain mining dis-trict containing principally copper Stock Photo
RM2AKN3YX–The land of sunshine, a handbook of the resources, products, industries and climate of New Mexico . as an electric light plant and a telephone system thatreaches out to all the important towns and mining camps sur-rounding it. There are several substantial church buildingsof various denominations. There is one national bank and onesavings bank here. There are also good hotels. The city hadtwo smelters built during the present year. The industriesof the surrounding country are stock raising and mining.Twelve miles to the south is the Burro mountain mining dis-trict containing principally copper
. A dictionary of the fossils of Pennsylvania and neighboring states named in the reports and catalogues of the survey ... Paleontology. 1 1 i -J.pI.39 Cyathocrinus ornatissimus. Hall,Geology of Fourili Uis^ trict,N.Y., 1813, page 247, fig. 108,1,2,3, 4, 5. Po7't- ^^e forma- tion. (Figs. 1,2,3,4,5 show sec- tions of the stem at various heights from the base or root of the stem.) It occurs on the shores of Lake Erie,in the own of Portland, only in one bed of rock, only six inches thick, and e:jvtendin g only ten. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have Stock Photo
RMPFXJMP–. A dictionary of the fossils of Pennsylvania and neighboring states named in the reports and catalogues of the survey ... Paleontology. 1 1 i -J.pI.39 Cyathocrinus ornatissimus. Hall,Geology of Fourili Uis^ trict,N.Y., 1813, page 247, fig. 108,1,2,3, 4, 5. Po7't- ^^e forma- tion. (Figs. 1,2,3,4,5 show sec- tions of the stem at various heights from the base or root of the stem.) It occurs on the shores of Lake Erie,in the own of Portland, only in one bed of rock, only six inches thick, and e:jvtendin g only ten. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have
Massacres of Christians by heathen Chinese, and horrors of the Boxers; containing a complete history of the Boxers; the Tai-Ping insurrection and massacres of the foreign ministers; manners, customs and peculiarities of the Chinese .. . y against theerection of awater-spout on ahouse, on theground that itdrew off all therain in the dis-trict. The China-men think for-eigners have in-terfered withtheir feng- Chinese students. shue, or, as one would say, the electrical conditions of theircountry. This is another phase of strange superstition. The term feng-shue is an allegorical representation of Stock Photo
RM2AXCCKG–Massacres of Christians by heathen Chinese, and horrors of the Boxers; containing a complete history of the Boxers; the Tai-Ping insurrection and massacres of the foreign ministers; manners, customs and peculiarities of the Chinese .. . y against theerection of awater-spout on ahouse, on theground that itdrew off all therain in the dis-trict. The China-men think for-eigners have in-terfered withtheir feng- Chinese students. shue, or, as one would say, the electrical conditions of theircountry. This is another phase of strange superstition. The term feng-shue is an allegorical representation of
The basis for the improvement of American wheats . en a corre-sponding change in the kind of wheat used for bread making. The factthat so high a standard is maintained in the wheats of this region inthe face of adverse natural conditions, is strong proof of the importanceof intelligent wheat culture, particularly in respect to seed selectionand the proper treatment of the soil. In some localities of this dis-trict the standard is considerably above what one would expect, whilein some other districts it is far below what it should be. In the most northern portions of this district spring sowing Stock Photo
RM2AM3FNJ–The basis for the improvement of American wheats . en a corre-sponding change in the kind of wheat used for bread making. The factthat so high a standard is maintained in the wheats of this region inthe face of adverse natural conditions, is strong proof of the importanceof intelligent wheat culture, particularly in respect to seed selectionand the proper treatment of the soil. In some localities of this dis-trict the standard is considerably above what one would expect, whilein some other districts it is far below what it should be. In the most northern portions of this district spring sowing
The land of sunshine; a handbook of the resources, products, industries and climate of New Mexico . as an electric light plant and a telephone system thatreaches out to all the important towns and mining camps sur-rounding it. There are several substantial church buildingsof various denominations. There is one national bank and onesavings bank here. There are also good hotels. The city hadtwo smelters built during the present year. The industriesof the surrounding country are stock raising and mining.Twelve miles to the south is the Burro mountain mining dis-trict containing principally copper Stock Photo
RM2ANDDYM–The land of sunshine; a handbook of the resources, products, industries and climate of New Mexico . as an electric light plant and a telephone system thatreaches out to all the important towns and mining camps sur-rounding it. There are several substantial church buildingsof various denominations. There is one national bank and onesavings bank here. There are also good hotels. The city hadtwo smelters built during the present year. The industriesof the surrounding country are stock raising and mining.Twelve miles to the south is the Burro mountain mining dis-trict containing principally copper
True story of the Martinique and StVincent calamities ..including an account of the destruction of Pompei and Herculaneum and accounts of all the most noted volcanic eruptions . COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY J. MARTIN MILLER SCENE OF THE TERRIBLE CALAMITY IN MARTINIQUE WHICHCAUSED THE DESTRUCTION OF ST. PIERRE. COPYRIGHT, 1t>02, BY J. MARTIN MILLER THE CRATER OF MOUNT SOUFRIERE, ST. VINCENT, THE ERUPTIONOF WHICH DEVASTATED MUCH OF THAT ISLAND GRAPHIC ACCOUNTS OF THE GREAT DISASTER. 97 trict which placed the death list at from one thousand to fifteenhundred. The city of Escuintla had a population of a Stock Photo
RM2AKH677–True story of the Martinique and StVincent calamities ..including an account of the destruction of Pompei and Herculaneum and accounts of all the most noted volcanic eruptions . COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY J. MARTIN MILLER SCENE OF THE TERRIBLE CALAMITY IN MARTINIQUE WHICHCAUSED THE DESTRUCTION OF ST. PIERRE. COPYRIGHT, 1t>02, BY J. MARTIN MILLER THE CRATER OF MOUNT SOUFRIERE, ST. VINCENT, THE ERUPTIONOF WHICH DEVASTATED MUCH OF THAT ISLAND GRAPHIC ACCOUNTS OF THE GREAT DISASTER. 97 trict which placed the death list at from one thousand to fifteenhundred. The city of Escuintla had a population of a
The presidents of the United States : from Washington to Fillmore . HARRISON. William Henry Harrison, the ninth President of theUnited States, was born at Berkeley, Charles City county,Virginia, February 9, 1773. His ancestors settled in Vir-ginia, about 1640, and the family name was always amongthe most prominent in her history. His father, BenjaminHarrison, was a conspicuous patriot of the revolution. Whena very young man, he honorably represented his native dis-trict in the house of burgesses for many years, and on the14th of November, 1764, was one of those of its distinguishedmembers chos Stock Photo
RM2AN269E–The presidents of the United States : from Washington to Fillmore . HARRISON. William Henry Harrison, the ninth President of theUnited States, was born at Berkeley, Charles City county,Virginia, February 9, 1773. His ancestors settled in Vir-ginia, about 1640, and the family name was always amongthe most prominent in her history. His father, BenjaminHarrison, was a conspicuous patriot of the revolution. Whena very young man, he honorably represented his native dis-trict in the house of burgesses for many years, and on the14th of November, 1764, was one of those of its distinguishedmembers chos
Pacific wine and spirit review . is theplace to go into details, but I repeat that the question is acomplex and important one that does not admit any delay.Of course we can avail ourselves of the experience of the oldworld—experience which has cost time, money and many dis-appointments to those vignerons; but there are questious of alocal character which have to be resolved. Hunter River.—When I think of the Hunter River dis-trict being at a 32^-33^ southern latitude, and vineyardsplanted on flats or on slopes of a rather low altitiide, it strikesme favorablv, for I found there both red and wh Stock Photo
RM2AJF10J–Pacific wine and spirit review . is theplace to go into details, but I repeat that the question is acomplex and important one that does not admit any delay.Of course we can avail ourselves of the experience of the oldworld—experience which has cost time, money and many dis-appointments to those vignerons; but there are questious of alocal character which have to be resolved. Hunter River.—When I think of the Hunter River dis-trict being at a 32^-33^ southern latitude, and vineyardsplanted on flats or on slopes of a rather low altitiide, it strikesme favorablv, for I found there both red and wh
The illustrated history of Methodism [electronic resource]; the story of the origin and progress of the Methodist church, from its foundation by John Wesley to the present dayWritten in popular style and illustrated by more than one thousand portraits and views of persons . ruins.Finally, in 1763 or 1764, he made Terry -hugan his headquarters, a town which was the center of the work in the dis-trict. At Wesleys first visit the peopleof Terryhugan had heard him gladly,and had built for him and his itinerantsa hut, the floor, walls, and ceiling ofwhich were all of mud. It was nine feetlong by se Stock Photo
RM2AXBP9C–The illustrated history of Methodism [electronic resource]; the story of the origin and progress of the Methodist church, from its foundation by John Wesley to the present dayWritten in popular style and illustrated by more than one thousand portraits and views of persons . ruins.Finally, in 1763 or 1764, he made Terry -hugan his headquarters, a town which was the center of the work in the dis-trict. At Wesleys first visit the peopleof Terryhugan had heard him gladly,and had built for him and his itinerantsa hut, the floor, walls, and ceiling ofwhich were all of mud. It was nine feetlong by se
Men of progress; biographical sketches and portraits of leaders in business and professional life in the state of Rhode Island and Providence plantations . a Rhode Island familyeven more numerously supplied with physiciansthan was his fathers. The subject of this sketchis therefore, in three generations, one of twentyphysicians on his fathers side, some of whom were ofnational fame, and one of twenty-five on his mothersside. He acquired his early education in the dis-trict schools and at the Bridgewater High School. He graduated from the Medical College of theUniversity of New York in the spri Stock Photo
RM2ANECTT–Men of progress; biographical sketches and portraits of leaders in business and professional life in the state of Rhode Island and Providence plantations . a Rhode Island familyeven more numerously supplied with physiciansthan was his fathers. The subject of this sketchis therefore, in three generations, one of twentyphysicians on his fathers side, some of whom were ofnational fame, and one of twenty-five on his mothersside. He acquired his early education in the dis-trict schools and at the Bridgewater High School. He graduated from the Medical College of theUniversity of New York in the spri
Structural geology . and offset along the bedding planein passing to different strata on either side. Given, then, jointsthus obviously related to folding, it is possible to determine thedifferential movement and get a notion as to the part of the foldon which observation is taken. For instance, in the Baraboo dis-trict of Wisconsin, northward dipping beds of quartzite are cutby two sets of joints, one set parallel to the bedding, and anotherset of strike joints crossing the bedding and dipping northward(see Figs. 10 and 11). It is clear in this instance that the upper bedshave moved southward Stock Photo
RM2AWEFXR–Structural geology . and offset along the bedding planein passing to different strata on either side. Given, then, jointsthus obviously related to folding, it is possible to determine thedifferential movement and get a notion as to the part of the foldon which observation is taken. For instance, in the Baraboo dis-trict of Wisconsin, northward dipping beds of quartzite are cutby two sets of joints, one set parallel to the bedding, and anotherset of strike joints crossing the bedding and dipping northward(see Figs. 10 and 11). It is clear in this instance that the upper bedshave moved southward
Annual report of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Minnesota . trict used as many as 12 or 15 gallonsof oil daily, whereas if water had been used as above indicated, five 24 INSECTS INJURIOUS IN 1902. gallons probably would have been all that was necessary. Everyfarmer in districts likely to be affected should have a hopper-dozerready for use in the spring and not postpone the making of oneuntil the pest is upon him and every one, including himself, is toobusy to stop for the work. These machines can be used until thegrain is fully one foot high without injuring it. They Stock Photo
RM2AWPCCW–Annual report of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Minnesota . trict used as many as 12 or 15 gallonsof oil daily, whereas if water had been used as above indicated, five 24 INSECTS INJURIOUS IN 1902. gallons probably would have been all that was necessary. Everyfarmer in districts likely to be affected should have a hopper-dozerready for use in the spring and not postpone the making of oneuntil the pest is upon him and every one, including himself, is toobusy to stop for the work. These machines can be used until thegrain is fully one foot high without injuring it. They
North Carolina Christian advocate [serial] . ecauseshe said she was the one who haddiscovered the District Secretary;that is, she was the one who had sug-gested her for that place. Mrs. Nicholson, you have called timeon me and I am not near through. Iwant to tell you all about our Dis-trict, how the Secretary has organiz-ed four new auxiliaries, helped theneedy, welcomed strangers, aided workof every kind. About the fine sermonof Bro. Pickens, preached by specialrequest of Society, about Mrs. Marrsvery interesting and instructive talkon Sunday night, about our ModelMissionary Meeting, in which Stock Photo
RM2AJ29TG–North Carolina Christian advocate [serial] . ecauseshe said she was the one who haddiscovered the District Secretary;that is, she was the one who had sug-gested her for that place. Mrs. Nicholson, you have called timeon me and I am not near through. Iwant to tell you all about our Dis-trict, how the Secretary has organiz-ed four new auxiliaries, helped theneedy, welcomed strangers, aided workof every kind. About the fine sermonof Bro. Pickens, preached by specialrequest of Society, about Mrs. Marrsvery interesting and instructive talkon Sunday night, about our ModelMissionary Meeting, in which
A brief history of the nations and of their progress in civilization . re united under onegovernment. In the north, the dis-trict between the Tigris and Euphra-tes is mountainous and hilly. Therivers, in their descent from theirsources in the mountains of Arme-nia, gradually approach one another,at a distance of about three hundredand fifty miles from their outlet inthe Persian Gulf. Prom that point,the lowlands begin, the fertile plainsof Babylonia. The overflow of therivers, the waters of which were dis-tributed by the inhabitants throughartificial canals and dikes, increasedthe breadth of t Stock Photo
RM2AKY1JD–A brief history of the nations and of their progress in civilization . re united under onegovernment. In the north, the dis-trict between the Tigris and Euphra-tes is mountainous and hilly. Therivers, in their descent from theirsources in the mountains of Arme-nia, gradually approach one another,at a distance of about three hundredand fifty miles from their outlet inthe Persian Gulf. Prom that point,the lowlands begin, the fertile plainsof Babylonia. The overflow of therivers, the waters of which were dis-tributed by the inhabitants throughartificial canals and dikes, increasedthe breadth of t
Ohio University bulletin Summer school, 1909 . CONSTANCE TRUEMAN McLEOD, A. B. Principal of the Kindergarten School during his life he was a very prominent manin the Democratic party, so much so that hewas the editor of the Ohio Statesman at OHIO UNIVERSITY BULLETIN 105. The Hock-Hocking River as Seen from the South Bridge Columbus and represented the Capital Dis-trict in Congress several terms. He was abrilliant young man and was almost always•on the program for a speech at a publicexhibition. At one time a dialogue writtenby him was acted on the stage. At that timethe trees were being plante Stock Photo
RM2AJKGN0–Ohio University bulletin Summer school, 1909 . CONSTANCE TRUEMAN McLEOD, A. B. Principal of the Kindergarten School during his life he was a very prominent manin the Democratic party, so much so that hewas the editor of the Ohio Statesman at OHIO UNIVERSITY BULLETIN 105. The Hock-Hocking River as Seen from the South Bridge Columbus and represented the Capital Dis-trict in Congress several terms. He was abrilliant young man and was almost always•on the program for a speech at a publicexhibition. At one time a dialogue writtenby him was acted on the stage. At that timethe trees were being plante
The illustrated history of Methodism [electronic resource]; the story of the origin and progress of the Methodist church, from its foundation by John Wesley to the present dayWritten in popular style and illustrated by more than one thousand portraits and views of persons . el is in a good state of preservation. Four Annual Conferences were held here—in 1819, 1S21, 1826 and 1831. The bishops presiding were George, Roberts (twice) and Soule. The Illustrated History of Methodism. 433 trict seventeen camp-meet-ings had been held duringthe year; and the bishoprealized the important in-fluence thes Stock Photo
RM2AX6070–The illustrated history of Methodism [electronic resource]; the story of the origin and progress of the Methodist church, from its foundation by John Wesley to the present dayWritten in popular style and illustrated by more than one thousand portraits and views of persons . el is in a good state of preservation. Four Annual Conferences were held here—in 1819, 1S21, 1826 and 1831. The bishops presiding were George, Roberts (twice) and Soule. The Illustrated History of Methodism. 433 trict seventeen camp-meet-ings had been held duringthe year; and the bishoprealized the important in-fluence thes
. The Chicago massacre of 1812 : with illustrations and historical documents. ere were the savings of a lifetime of industry,courage and enterprise ? Gone beyond recall. He madeheroic efforts to redeem something from the wreck, trav-eling in Indian fashion and in Indian dress from one toanother of the places where he had had branch trading-posts, and where debts were due to him. But it takesonly a slight knowledge of affairs in a new country tosee clearly that after war has disturbed andravageda dis-trict, and four years of absence have wasted the goodsand scattered the debtors, every dollar s Stock Photo
RM2AG4Y83–. The Chicago massacre of 1812 : with illustrations and historical documents. ere were the savings of a lifetime of industry,courage and enterprise ? Gone beyond recall. He madeheroic efforts to redeem something from the wreck, trav-eling in Indian fashion and in Indian dress from one toanother of the places where he had had branch trading-posts, and where debts were due to him. But it takesonly a slight knowledge of affairs in a new country tosee clearly that after war has disturbed andravageda dis-trict, and four years of absence have wasted the goodsand scattered the debtors, every dollar s
The pictorial sketch-book of Pennsylvania : or, its scenery, internal improvements, resources, and agriculture, popularly described . d the county fromthe Susquehanna in a north-east and south-west course, while theSouth Mountain, or Conewago hills, border it on the north—the dis-trict between presenting one broad basin of fertility, with numeroussubordinate elevations, rolling out one after the other, with interven-ing valleys and streams. The broad fields, when laden with theripening harvests, swell to and fro with the sweeping gales, like thedark-green waters of the ocean. Heavens ! what a Stock Photo!-what-a-image343318771.html
RM2AXFEGK–The pictorial sketch-book of Pennsylvania : or, its scenery, internal improvements, resources, and agriculture, popularly described . d the county fromthe Susquehanna in a north-east and south-west course, while theSouth Mountain, or Conewago hills, border it on the north—the dis-trict between presenting one broad basin of fertility, with numeroussubordinate elevations, rolling out one after the other, with interven-ing valleys and streams. The broad fields, when laden with theripening harvests, swell to and fro with the sweeping gales, like thedark-green waters of the ocean. Heavens ! what a
. History of Winnebago County and Hancock County, Iowa, a record of settlement, organization, progress and achievement ... ial dis-trict. This was a very special honor, being the first one the democratic party ofthis district had ever nominated for this office. Although he made no active cam-paign and in spite of the fact that the district is strongly republican, seventeenhundred votes were cast at the polls for the democratic candidate. Mr. Branstadis a member of the United Lutheran church and a stockholder in the WaldorfCollege Association. He is a believer in all those forces winch work for Stock Photo
RM2AG93DN–. History of Winnebago County and Hancock County, Iowa, a record of settlement, organization, progress and achievement ... ial dis-trict. This was a very special honor, being the first one the democratic party ofthis district had ever nominated for this office. Although he made no active cam-paign and in spite of the fact that the district is strongly republican, seventeenhundred votes were cast at the polls for the democratic candidate. Mr. Branstadis a member of the United Lutheran church and a stockholder in the WaldorfCollege Association. He is a believer in all those forces winch work for
Building and industrial news . thoroughly cleaned tofree It from rust, grease, and moisture,the Biturine paint is applied cold witha brush. The enamel can be put onIn any thickness desired, and will lastmany times longer than ordinary paint.When properly applied it will doublethe lifetime of steel or iron, adoat orashore, above or below ground. The Associated Oil Company orderedBiturine with which to coat one hun-dred and sixty-nine miles of its rilledpipe-line from the Bakersfleld oil dis-trict to water transportation. And theUnited States Government is usingHlturlne as a protective covering Stock Photo
RM2AJB0R2–Building and industrial news . thoroughly cleaned tofree It from rust, grease, and moisture,the Biturine paint is applied cold witha brush. The enamel can be put onIn any thickness desired, and will lastmany times longer than ordinary paint.When properly applied it will doublethe lifetime of steel or iron, adoat orashore, above or below ground. The Associated Oil Company orderedBiturine with which to coat one hun-dred and sixty-nine miles of its rilledpipe-line from the Bakersfleld oil dis-trict to water transportation. And theUnited States Government is usingHlturlne as a protective covering
The practical book of outdoor rose growing for the home garden . f the Buzzard Bay dis-trict was a much superior rose to the one grown nearPhiladelphia. However, since that time, after experi-menting with various roses of about the same growthand bloom as Souvenir du Pierre Notting, we havediscovered that Alex. Hill Gray is much superior toit, being the same type but a better grower, withmore perfect foliage and bloom. For these reasonswe have replaced Souvenir du Pierre Notting withAlex. Hill Gray. There is a very interesting list of roses for thelocality of Chicago published in How to Make a Stock Photo
RM2AND416–The practical book of outdoor rose growing for the home garden . f the Buzzard Bay dis-trict was a much superior rose to the one grown nearPhiladelphia. However, since that time, after experi-menting with various roses of about the same growthand bloom as Souvenir du Pierre Notting, we havediscovered that Alex. Hill Gray is much superior toit, being the same type but a better grower, withmore perfect foliage and bloom. For these reasonswe have replaced Souvenir du Pierre Notting withAlex. Hill Gray. There is a very interesting list of roses for thelocality of Chicago published in How to Make a
. Historical, pictorial and biographical record, of Chariton County, Missouri. ht children—seven boys and one girl—tive of whom are still living.The father was born in Virginia and removed to Missouri about ISSd or 1840, and settledin this county wherehe married MargaretFreeman, a native ofChariton county. Our subject is asturdy, industriousand intelligent youngman who has strivedhard to attain theposition he now has,and has hold sinceFebruary 1802. Hewas reared on a farmand attended the pub-lic schools of the dis-trict for a number ofyears, but finishedhis education in theSalisbury PublicScho Stock Photo
RM2AFX217–. Historical, pictorial and biographical record, of Chariton County, Missouri. ht children—seven boys and one girl—tive of whom are still living.The father was born in Virginia and removed to Missouri about ISSd or 1840, and settledin this county wherehe married MargaretFreeman, a native ofChariton county. Our subject is asturdy, industriousand intelligent youngman who has strivedhard to attain theposition he now has,and has hold sinceFebruary 1802. Hewas reared on a farmand attended the pub-lic schools of the dis-trict for a number ofyears, but finishedhis education in theSalisbury PublicScho
The quicksilver resources of California . trict, cinnabar depositiondoes not occur in or close to those places where hot waters andvapors reach the surface. There are no cinnabar mines in thisbasin—only a few prospects, which can scarcely be said togive, up to the present, much promise of turning into mines;a condition partly due to insufficient development. The mines around Mount St. Helena have a considerablesupply of timber in their vicinity, although the ^Etna, Oathill,Corona, Mirabel, and Great Western mines have made seriousinroads on the supply. The Oathill mine is the only one havinga Stock Photo
RM2AJ61C0–The quicksilver resources of California . trict, cinnabar depositiondoes not occur in or close to those places where hot waters andvapors reach the surface. There are no cinnabar mines in thisbasin—only a few prospects, which can scarcely be said togive, up to the present, much promise of turning into mines;a condition partly due to insufficient development. The mines around Mount St. Helena have a considerablesupply of timber in their vicinity, although the ^Etna, Oathill,Corona, Mirabel, and Great Western mines have made seriousinroads on the supply. The Oathill mine is the only one havinga
Portrait and biographical album of Lancaster county, Nebraska . ^^v^^-. .. ?^•- LANCASTER COUNTY. 775 -^ educational matters. Their children are being wellreared and given the advantages suitable to theirposition as the offspring of one of the first familiesof Lancaster County. No man has been betterpleased than Mr. G. in noting the progress and de-velopment of this section of the State. He has heldthe office of Precinct Assessor, and officiated several3-cars .is a member of the School Board in his dis-trict. JOHN J. STEIN. In far-off Egypt, in Ileliop-olis, the City of the Sun, stands the mag Stock Photo
RM2AKHA8G–Portrait and biographical album of Lancaster county, Nebraska . ^^v^^-. .. ?^•- LANCASTER COUNTY. 775 -^ educational matters. Their children are being wellreared and given the advantages suitable to theirposition as the offspring of one of the first familiesof Lancaster County. No man has been betterpleased than Mr. G. in noting the progress and de-velopment of this section of the State. He has heldthe office of Precinct Assessor, and officiated several3-cars .is a member of the School Board in his dis-trict. JOHN J. STEIN. In far-off Egypt, in Ileliop-olis, the City of the Sun, stands the mag
Rural community organization . aracter of thefarmers life will show glaring deficiencies. A careful study of the socio-economicfeatures has been made of two rather typicalsmall rural-school districts. One, the Fairviewschool district, of Sangamon County, Illinois,is representative of large areas of that sectionof the state. The other, the Big Springs dis-trict, of Sullivan County, Indiana, well repre-sents most of the conditions of a more thicklysettled section in central and southern Indiana. I. FAIRVIEW DISTRICT1 Reference to the accompanying map showsthis district to be 2 miles long and i| Stock Photo
RM2AJ2APJ–Rural community organization . aracter of thefarmers life will show glaring deficiencies. A careful study of the socio-economicfeatures has been made of two rather typicalsmall rural-school districts. One, the Fairviewschool district, of Sangamon County, Illinois,is representative of large areas of that sectionof the state. The other, the Big Springs dis-trict, of Sullivan County, Indiana, well repre-sents most of the conditions of a more thicklysettled section in central and southern Indiana. I. FAIRVIEW DISTRICT1 Reference to the accompanying map showsthis district to be 2 miles long and i|
Hardware merchandising September-December 1919 . mend unre-servedly at $2 and another article good,but not, perhaps, quite as good, for$1.75, the majority of people wouldgladly pay the $2 and take the articlewhich we told them was unquestioned.There has been a noticeable tendencyon the part of the buying public to de-mand ruality goods. When they arepaying higher prices than used to pre-vail they realize that cheap articles aredear and that there is no satisfactionin buying them. Likes the Workingman Piatt Bros. store is located in a dis-trict which reaches one of the wealthi-est residential s Stock Photo
RM2AKP71X–Hardware merchandising September-December 1919 . mend unre-servedly at $2 and another article good,but not, perhaps, quite as good, for$1.75, the majority of people wouldgladly pay the $2 and take the articlewhich we told them was unquestioned.There has been a noticeable tendencyon the part of the buying public to de-mand ruality goods. When they arepaying higher prices than used to pre-vail they realize that cheap articles aredear and that there is no satisfactionin buying them. Likes the Workingman Piatt Bros. store is located in a dis-trict which reaches one of the wealthi-est residential s
The Caldron . niiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii i i ii1 hi niiiiiiiiiiiiii minimi i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini mm miiimiiimiiii mm n i mi THIS IS PAGE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY I II THE ORATORICAL CONTEST. David Erwin and Samuel Jackson could have been found working awayeven a month before the contest, for they were well matched and there wasmuch work to be done Of course their grades suffered a Little bit, but whatmattered it for were they not both going to win both the school and the dis-trict contests and would they not both face the best high school orators of thestate at Bloomington? Possibly, had no Stock Photo
RM2AJFGF4–The Caldron . niiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii i i ii1 hi niiiiiiiiiiiiii minimi i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini mm miiimiiimiiii mm n i mi THIS IS PAGE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY I II THE ORATORICAL CONTEST. David Erwin and Samuel Jackson could have been found working awayeven a month before the contest, for they were well matched and there wasmuch work to be done Of course their grades suffered a Little bit, but whatmattered it for were they not both going to win both the school and the dis-trict contests and would they not both face the best high school orators of thestate at Bloomington? Possibly, had no
The past and present of Vermilion County, Illinois .. . D. B. DOUGLASS.. MRS. DORMAN B. DOUGLASS. THE BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD 911 is familiar to him, liis memory forming aconnecting liniv between the days when thissection of the country was a frontier dis-trict to the present period of progressive-ness and prosperity. ;Ir. Douglass comesof New England ancestry and is the secondin order of birth of the children of Cyrusand Ruby (Bloss) Douglass. The fatherwas born in Vermont and the mothers birthoccurred in Tioga county, Pennsylvania, shebeing a representative of one of the worthyfamilies of the K Stock Photo
RM2AKTT2J–The past and present of Vermilion County, Illinois .. . D. B. DOUGLASS.. MRS. DORMAN B. DOUGLASS. THE BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD 911 is familiar to him, liis memory forming aconnecting liniv between the days when thissection of the country was a frontier dis-trict to the present period of progressive-ness and prosperity. ;Ir. Douglass comesof New England ancestry and is the secondin order of birth of the children of Cyrusand Ruby (Bloss) Douglass. The fatherwas born in Vermont and the mothers birthoccurred in Tioga county, Pennsylvania, shebeing a representative of one of the worthyfamilies of the K
Pacific service magazine . ta Rosa, has writtenconcerning two of his for-mer employees: Mr. Percy B. Hanson,who until December 5,1917, was one of the stand-bys of the Santa Rosa Dis-trict, and who at that timesevered his connections with our organ-ization to go to serve Uncle Sam, returnedwith his release just a year and two weeksfrom the time that he left us. He is look-ing well and hearty, and while he didnot see as much active service as hewould personally have liked, he gave ofhis best to his country, and is now underrelease, he having been in the Naval Re-serve and subject to call for thr Stock Photo
RM2AJBH89–Pacific service magazine . ta Rosa, has writtenconcerning two of his for-mer employees: Mr. Percy B. Hanson,who until December 5,1917, was one of the stand-bys of the Santa Rosa Dis-trict, and who at that timesevered his connections with our organ-ization to go to serve Uncle Sam, returnedwith his release just a year and two weeksfrom the time that he left us. He is look-ing well and hearty, and while he didnot see as much active service as hewould personally have liked, he gave ofhis best to his country, and is now underrelease, he having been in the Naval Re-serve and subject to call for thr
History of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Omaha and suburbs . thebanner charge of the Conference ! .On Mr. Beans coming to Nebraska he was firststationed at Eighteenth Street Church, Omaha,three years; next at Nebraska City, three years;three years at Beatrice, where he built thebeautiful Centenary church, one of the finest inMethodisrn. He was then appointed to York dis-trict, and after one year as presiding elder wasmade pastor at York, where remaining a year hewas transferred to Trinity Church, Omaha. Hiswork at York was characterized by an awakeningwhen three hundred were converted. Eac Stock Photo!-on-mr-beans-coming-to-nebraska-he-was-firststationed-at-eighteenth-street-church-omahathree-years-next-at-nebraska-city-three-yearsthree-years-at-beatrice-where-he-built-thebeautiful-centenary-church-one-of-the-finest-inmethodisrn-he-was-then-appointed-to-york-dis-trict-and-after-one-year-as-presiding-elder-wasmade-pastor-at-york-where-remaining-a-year-hewas-transferred-to-trinity-church-omaha-hiswork-at-york-was-characterized-by-an-awakeningwhen-three-hundred-were-converted-eac-image343020469.html
RM2AX1X31–History of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Omaha and suburbs . thebanner charge of the Conference ! .On Mr. Beans coming to Nebraska he was firststationed at Eighteenth Street Church, Omaha,three years; next at Nebraska City, three years;three years at Beatrice, where he built thebeautiful Centenary church, one of the finest inMethodisrn. He was then appointed to York dis-trict, and after one year as presiding elder wasmade pastor at York, where remaining a year hewas transferred to Trinity Church, Omaha. Hiswork at York was characterized by an awakeningwhen three hundred were converted. Eac
. The New England magazine. reverential awe as the old meeting-house on the hill; no institu-tion of learning has excelled the old dis-trict school, where the twig was firstbent, and felt too; no festival eversurpassed in extravagance and in relish theold Thanksgiving dinner; no happinesshas been found, far or near, to be com-pared with that at the old country fire-side. Such are some of the interestingthings of which one likes to read inthe books, as one spends summer daysin the historic town, and of which onelikes to think, as one walks up anddown the village street at morning orat night. As Stock Photo
RM2AFK2CG–. The New England magazine. reverential awe as the old meeting-house on the hill; no institu-tion of learning has excelled the old dis-trict school, where the twig was firstbent, and felt too; no festival eversurpassed in extravagance and in relish theold Thanksgiving dinner; no happinesshas been found, far or near, to be com-pared with that at the old country fire-side. Such are some of the interestingthings of which one likes to read inthe books, as one spends summer daysin the historic town, and of which onelikes to think, as one walks up anddown the village street at morning orat night. As
. Mexico, a history of its progress and development in one hundred years. dtheological schools, charity schools,hospitals and benevolent establish-ments. It is one of the oldest citiesin America, founded in 1531, and isconsidered, next to the Federal Dis-trict, the most important. It is thecradle of manufacturing industry inMexico, being one of the first toestablish spinning and weaving fac-tories. In addition to being an in-dustrial centre, Puebla is connectedwith all parts of the republic by rail-roads which traverse the rich districtof sugar plantations and other indus-trial centres. The cl Stock Photo
RM2AG2MKM–. Mexico, a history of its progress and development in one hundred years. dtheological schools, charity schools,hospitals and benevolent establish-ments. It is one of the oldest citiesin America, founded in 1531, and isconsidered, next to the Federal Dis-trict, the most important. It is thecradle of manufacturing industry inMexico, being one of the first toestablish spinning and weaving fac-tories. In addition to being an in-dustrial centre, Puebla is connectedwith all parts of the republic by rail-roads which traverse the rich districtof sugar plantations and other indus-trial centres. The cl
Portrait and biographical album of Jackson County, Michigan : containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the County together with portraits & biographies of all the governors of the State and of the presidents of the United States . OLIVER CHAPEL PORTRAIT AND HrOGRAPIimAL ALHUAl. rKi Iliased one ImmhTfl anil tliirlv acres of Iniul. coin-l)ri!ilhful adherent of the Democratic parly.lie has held some of the school offices in his dis-trict, belongs to the Patrons of Husbandry and isa menier, in good standing, of E.vcelsior LodgeNo. IG. .v. Stock Photo!ilhful-adherent-of-the-democratic-parlylie-has-held-some-of-the-school-offices-in-his-dis-trict-belongs-to-the-patrons-of-husbandry-and-isa-menier-in-good-standing-of-evcelsior-lodgeno-ig-v-image338190674.html
RM2AJ5WJA–Portrait and biographical album of Jackson County, Michigan : containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the County together with portraits & biographies of all the governors of the State and of the presidents of the United States . OLIVER CHAPEL PORTRAIT AND HrOGRAPIimAL ALHUAl. rKi Iliased one ImmhTfl anil tliirlv acres of Iniul. coin-l)ri!ilhful adherent of the Democratic parly.lie has held some of the school offices in his dis-trict, belongs to the Patrons of Husbandry and isa menier, in good standing, of E.vcelsior LodgeNo. IG. .v.
Consolidated rural schools . ee-fourths ofthe school training of rural youth. Consolidated Rural Schools Wilkinsons Practical Agriculture. One of our greatest needs is for better schools. In many slates themistake has been made of creating too many small school districts, so thatonly a short term of school is possible. A remedy for such a conditionlies in consolidation of two or more of such districts, and maintaining agraded school at some convenient central point in the consolidated dis-trict, and providing transportation for the pupils at the expense of the dis-trict. This plan relieves the Stock Photo
RM2AJB1KE–Consolidated rural schools . ee-fourths ofthe school training of rural youth. Consolidated Rural Schools Wilkinsons Practical Agriculture. One of our greatest needs is for better schools. In many slates themistake has been made of creating too many small school districts, so thatonly a short term of school is possible. A remedy for such a conditionlies in consolidation of two or more of such districts, and maintaining agraded school at some convenient central point in the consolidated dis-trict, and providing transportation for the pupils at the expense of the dis-trict. This plan relieves the
Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in .. . ^cu 34 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION trict and a pumping system was required to carry excess water tolower levels. Remains of ancient Indian adobe settlements are scattered over thevalley. One important ruin preserved for science is the property ofthe Heard Museum and lies in the heart of Phoenix. Another, inthe eastern section of the city, is under the care of Mr. Halseth, beingexcavated by him and prepared as a civic attraction. The ruin LosMuertos, explored by Gushing, lies south of Tempe. Other ruins havebeen leveled. Collections Stock Photo
RM2AN7WX4–Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in .. . ^cu 34 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION trict and a pumping system was required to carry excess water tolower levels. Remains of ancient Indian adobe settlements are scattered over thevalley. One important ruin preserved for science is the property ofthe Heard Museum and lies in the heart of Phoenix. Another, inthe eastern section of the city, is under the care of Mr. Halseth, beingexcavated by him and prepared as a civic attraction. The ruin LosMuertos, explored by Gushing, lies south of Tempe. Other ruins havebeen leveled. Collections
Yachts and yachting : with over one hundred and ten illustrations . ut it is a convenient point fromwhich to reach Furness Abbey and thecharming scenery of the English Lake dis-trict. From Barrow a course is shapedround the Mull of Galloway and up theestuary of the Clyde. It is high midsummerby the time the fleet reach Scottish waters,and during the whole course of the shortnight in these high latitudes, the daylightnever quite fades from the sky. During a somewhat varied experience, Ihave spent nights on the Bosphorus, andsailed under the Eastern moonlight up the BRITISH YACHTING. 15s Golden Stock Photo
RM2AJE2C1–Yachts and yachting : with over one hundred and ten illustrations . ut it is a convenient point fromwhich to reach Furness Abbey and thecharming scenery of the English Lake dis-trict. From Barrow a course is shapedround the Mull of Galloway and up theestuary of the Clyde. It is high midsummerby the time the fleet reach Scottish waters,and during the whole course of the shortnight in these high latitudes, the daylightnever quite fades from the sky. During a somewhat varied experience, Ihave spent nights on the Bosphorus, andsailed under the Eastern moonlight up the BRITISH YACHTING. 15s Golden
. Review of reviews and world's work. SUGGESTIONS OV MKS. HAKUISON KOU THE EXTENSION OF THE WHITE HOUSE.—SOITH VIEW (SEE OPPOSITE PAGE). 684 THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REyiEWS.. is not govenied l)y tlio peoplo who liappen tolive in it, but l)y tlio people of the UnitedStates as a whole ; that is to say, it is dealtwith strictly as a federal possession, under theauthority of Congress and the President. ThePresident appoints three commissioners, — twocivilians and one high officer of the engineercorps of the army, — who on confirmation bythe Senate act as Commissioners of the Dis-trict of Co Stock Photo
RM2AG5Y8E–. Review of reviews and world's work. SUGGESTIONS OV MKS. HAKUISON KOU THE EXTENSION OF THE WHITE HOUSE.—SOITH VIEW (SEE OPPOSITE PAGE). 684 THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REyiEWS.. is not govenied l)y tlio peoplo who liappen tolive in it, but l)y tlio people of the UnitedStates as a whole ; that is to say, it is dealtwith strictly as a federal possession, under theauthority of Congress and the President. ThePresident appoints three commissioners, — twocivilians and one high officer of the engineercorps of the army, — who on confirmation bythe Senate act as Commissioners of the Dis-trict of Co
Life and light for woman . imes that it would be much betterfor me to go home, and not take the placeof one who could quickly and easily learnthe language, and at the same time do moreeffective work. It is pure selfishness whichwhich keeps me from giving up at once.I keep hoping I may learn a little, and thework is so attractive and absorbing. Icould give up my position, and still stayhere and work, though I know that is not asatisfactory arrangement usually, for in mostplaces they do not like volunteer workers. I long so much to do the Dis-trict work as I did at home, but one would need to kn Stock Photo
RM2AX5YCA–Life and light for woman . imes that it would be much betterfor me to go home, and not take the placeof one who could quickly and easily learnthe language, and at the same time do moreeffective work. It is pure selfishness whichwhich keeps me from giving up at once.I keep hoping I may learn a little, and thework is so attractive and absorbing. Icould give up my position, and still stayhere and work, though I know that is not asatisfactory arrangement usually, for in mostplaces they do not like volunteer workers. I long so much to do the Dis-trict work as I did at home, but one would need to kn
History of the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts, with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers . ce he has reached within a few years,simply and purely through his own unaided efforts, whichhave made him, in truth, a self-made man. Mr. Wheeler served as town clerk of Orange from 18C1-67 ; was commissioned by Gov. Andrew as justice of thepeace in 18G4; in 1860 was chosen on the board of selectmen,and in 1876 was chosen to represent the First Franklin Dis-trict at the General Court, where he was a member of thecommittee on finance. He was one of the fo Stock Photo
RM2AKJ3TX–History of the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts, with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers . ce he has reached within a few years,simply and purely through his own unaided efforts, whichhave made him, in truth, a self-made man. Mr. Wheeler served as town clerk of Orange from 18C1-67 ; was commissioned by Gov. Andrew as justice of thepeace in 18G4; in 1860 was chosen on the board of selectmen,and in 1876 was chosen to represent the First Franklin Dis-trict at the General Court, where he was a member of thecommittee on finance. He was one of the fo
. Border states of Mexico; Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua and Durango. losed by a high wall, flanked at the cornersby circular bastions loop-holed for musketry. The entranceis by a large gate wliicli is closed at night, and on the azatesor flat roof of the building a sentry is constantly posted dayand night during Indian troubles. Round the corral are thedwellings of the peones, the casa grande or proprietorshouse being generally at one end and occupying one or moresides of the square. He goes on to speak of large herds ofcattle and horses to be found on the plains, but of one dis-trict he says: F Stock Photo
RM2AFTG85–. Border states of Mexico; Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua and Durango. losed by a high wall, flanked at the cornersby circular bastions loop-holed for musketry. The entranceis by a large gate wliicli is closed at night, and on the azatesor flat roof of the building a sentry is constantly posted dayand night during Indian troubles. Round the corral are thedwellings of the peones, the casa grande or proprietorshouse being generally at one end and occupying one or moresides of the square. He goes on to speak of large herds ofcattle and horses to be found on the plains, but of one dis-trict he says: F
Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin and the old South West, from the discovery of the Spiritu Santo in 1519 until the demolition of Fort Charlotte in 1821 . of the old town is the immense PriceClaim (cut across by the De Lusser Tract), the main residence dis-trict of the modern city. Cottage Hill and Spring Hill are rathercountry tracts, but the Espejo, Dubroca, and Murrell claims on SpringHill Road are fairly parts of Mobile life, although beyond the westerncorporate limits. The present city is bounded north by One Mile Creek, or Stock Photo
RM2AXHW8X–Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin and the old South West, from the discovery of the Spiritu Santo in 1519 until the demolition of Fort Charlotte in 1821 . of the old town is the immense PriceClaim (cut across by the De Lusser Tract), the main residence dis-trict of the modern city. Cottage Hill and Spring Hill are rathercountry tracts, but the Espejo, Dubroca, and Murrell claims on SpringHill Road are fairly parts of Mobile life, although beyond the westerncorporate limits. The present city is bounded north by One Mile Creek, or
Kate Morgan and her soldiers . PHILADELPHIA: AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. 1122 Chestnut Street. New York: 599 Broadway. Boston I 117 Washington St. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1862, by the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the Eastern Dis-trict of Pennsylvania. NOTE The following story appeared originally in one ofour leading religious periodicals, the author reservingthe copyright. It excited very general interest, andurgent requests for its publication in book form werereceived from many quarters. In reply to an inquiry as to th Stock Photo
RM2AM2YGP–Kate Morgan and her soldiers . PHILADELPHIA: AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. 1122 Chestnut Street. New York: 599 Broadway. Boston I 117 Washington St. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1862, by the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the Eastern Dis-trict of Pennsylvania. NOTE The following story appeared originally in one ofour leading religious periodicals, the author reservingthe copyright. It excited very general interest, andurgent requests for its publication in book form werereceived from many quarters. In reply to an inquiry as to th
Sport and science on the Sino-Mongolian frontier . haila, Nartainchao, OolaHutaga and Hoborrow, all of which, except thelast, were small Mongol camps. Hoborrow isthe seat of a petty chieftain. We stayed one dayat Oola Hutaga on account of rain. Here thehills are high and inclined to be rugged. Tabool or Tabo Ola (meaning Five Hills) is thesummer home of our friend, Mr. F. A. Larson,^whose work is amongst the ^Mongols. On ourarrival we received a very warm welcome from thiskindly missionary family. It had been my pur-pose to make a collection of mammals in this dis-trict, so we gladly accepted Stock Photo
RM2AWEDT4–Sport and science on the Sino-Mongolian frontier . haila, Nartainchao, OolaHutaga and Hoborrow, all of which, except thelast, were small Mongol camps. Hoborrow isthe seat of a petty chieftain. We stayed one dayat Oola Hutaga on account of rain. Here thehills are high and inclined to be rugged. Tabool or Tabo Ola (meaning Five Hills) is thesummer home of our friend, Mr. F. A. Larson,^whose work is amongst the ^Mongols. On ourarrival we received a very warm welcome from thiskindly missionary family. It had been my pur-pose to make a collection of mammals in this dis-trict, so we gladly accepted
Canadian grocer July-December 1908 . THE STERLING SLIGER Cuts perfectly Bacon, Boiled Ham and Boneless Meats ofall descriptions. It is equal to any one hundred dollarslicer on the market and has the additional advantage ofbeing able to slice the ends. A Hi^h Grade Slicer at a Low Price Write us for illustrated booklet containing testimonials fromprominent grocers and butchers who are using it. HOWARD BROS. CANADIAN AGENTS Brantford. PETERSPOLISH A line of shoe polishthat has created greatenthusiasm amongthose selling andusing it. Write and get thesale of it for your dis-trict. It is a moneymak Stock Photo
RM2AKHJHK–Canadian grocer July-December 1908 . THE STERLING SLIGER Cuts perfectly Bacon, Boiled Ham and Boneless Meats ofall descriptions. It is equal to any one hundred dollarslicer on the market and has the additional advantage ofbeing able to slice the ends. A Hi^h Grade Slicer at a Low Price Write us for illustrated booklet containing testimonials fromprominent grocers and butchers who are using it. HOWARD BROS. CANADIAN AGENTS Brantford. PETERSPOLISH A line of shoe polishthat has created greatenthusiasm amongthose selling andusing it. Write and get thesale of it for your dis-trict. It is a moneymak
Caricature; wit and humor of a nation in picture, song and story . at speaks louder than thewelcome on the door mat. What was so pleasing about the whole entertainmentwas that it came so unexpectedly. Had I been a fresh-man I might have anticipated something of the kind,but merely being a traveling man, who was in town on abusiness visit, I can assure you that it came as anunlooked-for pledge of universal good fellowship.Very sincerely yours, Martin L. Murdoch. No One Questions It. AN AUTOMOBILE party was tour-ing through the mountainous dis-trict of western Pennsylvania, andhad made a stop in Stock Photo
RM2AKCWEX–Caricature; wit and humor of a nation in picture, song and story . at speaks louder than thewelcome on the door mat. What was so pleasing about the whole entertainmentwas that it came so unexpectedly. Had I been a fresh-man I might have anticipated something of the kind,but merely being a traveling man, who was in town on abusiness visit, I can assure you that it came as anunlooked-for pledge of universal good fellowship.Very sincerely yours, Martin L. Murdoch. No One Questions It. AN AUTOMOBILE party was tour-ing through the mountainous dis-trict of western Pennsylvania, andhad made a stop in
Railway and Locomotive Engineering . loying, educating and ex-amining engineers and firemen. J. B.Hurley, chairman, care of Wabash Rail-way, Decatur, Illinois. Committee on the subject: Distribu-tion of Power and Its Eflfect on OperatingCosts. By whom are the locomotives as-assigned on the Grand Districts?By whom on the local divisions?What procedure is followed inchanging engines from one grand dis-trict to another? From one division toanother? What method is followed in assigningengines to runs on each division? Robert Collett, chairman. SupervisorFuel and Locomotive Performance. N.Y. C. R. Stock Photo
RM2AWYYPT–Railway and Locomotive Engineering . loying, educating and ex-amining engineers and firemen. J. B.Hurley, chairman, care of Wabash Rail-way, Decatur, Illinois. Committee on the subject: Distribu-tion of Power and Its Eflfect on OperatingCosts. By whom are the locomotives as-assigned on the Grand Districts?By whom on the local divisions?What procedure is followed inchanging engines from one grand dis-trict to another? From one division toanother? What method is followed in assigningengines to runs on each division? Robert Collett, chairman. SupervisorFuel and Locomotive Performance. N.Y. C. R.
Bobbins of Belgium; a book of Belgian lace, lace-workers, lace-schools and lace-villages . nenthread. Maries pattern happened to bea good one and she was working swiftlyand evenly, sure of a fair days wage. 104 BOBBINS OF BELGIUM Here, then, was a suggestive contrast,and however one may regret it, it existsin the large majority of lace-makinghouseholds in Belgium, and is only to beexpected. It is but the deserved penaltyof a past and present economic blindnessor callousness. Where they are not mak-ing Cluny, the younger women of this dis-trict give their time to ordinary varietiesof guipure wh Stock Photo
RM2AN9DNY–Bobbins of Belgium; a book of Belgian lace, lace-workers, lace-schools and lace-villages . nenthread. Maries pattern happened to bea good one and she was working swiftlyand evenly, sure of a fair days wage. 104 BOBBINS OF BELGIUM Here, then, was a suggestive contrast,and however one may regret it, it existsin the large majority of lace-makinghouseholds in Belgium, and is only to beexpected. It is but the deserved penaltyof a past and present economic blindnessor callousness. Where they are not mak-ing Cluny, the younger women of this dis-trict give their time to ordinary varietiesof guipure wh
Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in .. . O. ^cu 34 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION trict and a pumping system was required to carry excess water tolower levels. Remains of ancient Indian adobe settlements are scattered over thevalley. One important ruin preserved for science is the property ofthe Heard Museum and lies in the heart of Phoenix. Another, inthe eastern section of the city, is under the care of Mr. Halseth, beingexcavated by him and prepared as a civic attraction. The ruin LosMuertos, explored by Gushing, lies south of Tempe. Other ruins havebeen leveled. Collec Stock Photo
RM2AN7X81–Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in .. . O. ^cu 34 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION trict and a pumping system was required to carry excess water tolower levels. Remains of ancient Indian adobe settlements are scattered over thevalley. One important ruin preserved for science is the property ofthe Heard Museum and lies in the heart of Phoenix. Another, inthe eastern section of the city, is under the care of Mr. Halseth, beingexcavated by him and prepared as a civic attraction. The ruin LosMuertos, explored by Gushing, lies south of Tempe. Other ruins havebeen leveled. Collec
Coal mining in Illinois . the brushing and builds the cog the price shall be$8,747, the company to have the option of method. Besidesthe branches at entry and room junctions two other wideroof areas must be supported, that is, the shaft bottom and thelyes, called partings in room-and-pillar mines. In this dis-trict the timbering of the bottoms does not generally differfrom the timbering of the bottoms in room-and-pillar mines.The roof is supported by props alone, by timber-sets, by TIMBERING 129 masonry, or by steel I-beams. In one mine in which pillarcoal was removed, after roof and floor met Stock Photo
RM2AX6JJ0–Coal mining in Illinois . the brushing and builds the cog the price shall be$8,747, the company to have the option of method. Besidesthe branches at entry and room junctions two other wideroof areas must be supported, that is, the shaft bottom and thelyes, called partings in room-and-pillar mines. In this dis-trict the timbering of the bottoms does not generally differfrom the timbering of the bottoms in room-and-pillar mines.The roof is supported by props alone, by timber-sets, by TIMBERING 129 masonry, or by steel I-beams. In one mine in which pillarcoal was removed, after roof and floor met
Up against it in Nigeria . ever, I shall neverregret, were a contributory cause of this. There were some real sterling fellows there,including Willan the M.O., Sutherland the D.E.,Whitaker1 the A.E., and Crocombe2 the Dis-trict Agent of the Niger Company. At the housesof one or other of these, or at mine, we used toforgather of a night after tennis, and forgetthe drudgeries of the day. And drudgery it wasfor some; for Weir, who was reputed to puthis clock on whenever possible, had his men atwork on the bridge before it was light. Dearold Crocombes yarns, told and retold till theybecame not che Stock Photo
RM2ANCKT0–Up against it in Nigeria . ever, I shall neverregret, were a contributory cause of this. There were some real sterling fellows there,including Willan the M.O., Sutherland the D.E.,Whitaker1 the A.E., and Crocombe2 the Dis-trict Agent of the Niger Company. At the housesof one or other of these, or at mine, we used toforgather of a night after tennis, and forgetthe drudgeries of the day. And drudgery it wasfor some; for Weir, who was reputed to puthis clock on whenever possible, had his men atwork on the bridge before it was light. Dearold Crocombes yarns, told and retold till theybecame not che
History of Chickasaw and Howard counties, Iowa . o Bremer county, Iowa, where they resided for six or seven years. LaterMr. Lauck purchased a farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Fayette county,upon which he spent his remaining days to the time of his retirement from activebusiness, when he removed to Oelwein, where his death occurred on the 8th ofAugust, 1914. He had long survived his wife, who passed away in 1882. August Lauck, whose name introduces this review, was educated in the dis-trict schools, but his opportunities in that direction were limited, for his fatherwas then a poor man an Stock Photo
RM2AKFXBE–History of Chickasaw and Howard counties, Iowa . o Bremer county, Iowa, where they resided for six or seven years. LaterMr. Lauck purchased a farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Fayette county,upon which he spent his remaining days to the time of his retirement from activebusiness, when he removed to Oelwein, where his death occurred on the 8th ofAugust, 1914. He had long survived his wife, who passed away in 1882. August Lauck, whose name introduces this review, was educated in the dis-trict schools, but his opportunities in that direction were limited, for his fatherwas then a poor man an
Canadian grocer July-December 1908 . PETERS POLISH A line of shoe polishthat has created greatenthusiasm amongthose selling andusing it. Write and get thesale of it for your dis-trict. It is a moneymaker. M. Peters, 617 Queen St , WestToronto. IS CANADAS STANDARD * FOR ! REFINED SUGAR Manufactured by The Canada Sugar Refining Co., Limited MONTREAL SI DAIRY PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS The Canadian Grocer ? ?^-^-:iZ- Royal SaladDressing has many imitators and imitations. Thereare plenty of people trying in one way oranother to sell these imitations on thestrength of the value, merit and popularityof Stock Photo!-refined-sugar-manufactured-by-the-canada-sugar-refining-co-limited-montreal-si-dairy-produce-and-provisions-the-canadian-grocer-iz-royal-saladdressing-has-many-imitators-and-imitations-thereare-plenty-of-people-trying-in-one-way-oranother-to-sell-these-imitations-on-thestrength-of-the-value-merit-and-popularityof-image338396414.html
RM2AJF826–Canadian grocer July-December 1908 . PETERS POLISH A line of shoe polishthat has created greatenthusiasm amongthose selling andusing it. Write and get thesale of it for your dis-trict. It is a moneymaker. M. Peters, 617 Queen St , WestToronto. IS CANADAS STANDARD * FOR ! REFINED SUGAR Manufactured by The Canada Sugar Refining Co., Limited MONTREAL SI DAIRY PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS The Canadian Grocer ? ?^-^-:iZ- Royal SaladDressing has many imitators and imitations. Thereare plenty of people trying in one way oranother to sell these imitations on thestrength of the value, merit and popularityof
Canadian grocer July-December 1908 . PETERSPOLISH A line of shoe polishthat has created greatenthusiasm amongthose selling andusing it. Write and get thesale of it for your dis-trict. It is a moneymaker. M. Peters, 617 Queen St , WestToronto PAYS FOR ITSELF EVERY 90 DAYS. THE AMERICAN COMPUTING CO., OF CANADA LASTS A LIFETIME The Perfeotlon Comput-ing Cheese Cutter Does this. Ask one of the manythousand grocers who use it. SIMPLE ACCURATEATTRACTIVE Sold by all up-to-date jobbersor shipped direct from factory. Shipped f.o.b. Hamiilon.Ont. Send all orders to 18 and 20 Mary St., HAMILTON, Ont. Stock Photo
RM2AKNPN7–Canadian grocer July-December 1908 . PETERSPOLISH A line of shoe polishthat has created greatenthusiasm amongthose selling andusing it. Write and get thesale of it for your dis-trict. It is a moneymaker. M. Peters, 617 Queen St , WestToronto PAYS FOR ITSELF EVERY 90 DAYS. THE AMERICAN COMPUTING CO., OF CANADA LASTS A LIFETIME The Perfeotlon Comput-ing Cheese Cutter Does this. Ask one of the manythousand grocers who use it. SIMPLE ACCURATEATTRACTIVE Sold by all up-to-date jobbersor shipped direct from factory. Shipped f.o.b. Hamiilon.Ont. Send all orders to 18 and 20 Mary St., HAMILTON, Ont.
Nathan Sites; an epic of the East . deemed who are arrayed in whiterobes, their garb of purity and joy, as they singthe triumph song. One of the native preachers in the Oldfield dis-trict died a few days later, not yet having heardof Mr. Sites translation. Shortly before hisdeath he lay for some hours in a trance. On awak-ening from it, he clapped his hands and lookingradiantly happy, said to the sorrowing friendswho stood about him: Do not mourn for me. Ihave seen into heaven. I came near the gate andsaw within it a vast company, all clothed in white.The first one I recognized was Teacher Sit Stock Photo
RM2AM7AB9–Nathan Sites; an epic of the East . deemed who are arrayed in whiterobes, their garb of purity and joy, as they singthe triumph song. One of the native preachers in the Oldfield dis-trict died a few days later, not yet having heardof Mr. Sites translation. Shortly before hisdeath he lay for some hours in a trance. On awak-ening from it, he clapped his hands and lookingradiantly happy, said to the sorrowing friendswho stood about him: Do not mourn for me. Ihave seen into heaven. I came near the gate andsaw within it a vast company, all clothed in white.The first one I recognized was Teacher Sit
The illustrated LaconianHistory and industries of Laconia, N.HDescriptive of the city and its manufacturing and business interests . e Lake,ever launched upon the waters of thebeautiful lake from which the companywas named. He was an incorporator and formany years president of the Lake Vil-lage SavingsBank, and wasalso an incor-porator of theLaconia Na-tional Bank andfor a long pe-riod one of itsdirectors. In politics hewas a Demo-crat until theoutbreak of theRebellion,whenhe became aRepu b lie an ,and in 1862,63, and 64 hewas a candidatefor state sena-tor in the sixthsenatorial dis-trict. Mr. Stock Photo
RM2AM4GWW–The illustrated LaconianHistory and industries of Laconia, N.HDescriptive of the city and its manufacturing and business interests . e Lake,ever launched upon the waters of thebeautiful lake from which the companywas named. He was an incorporator and formany years president of the Lake Vil-lage SavingsBank, and wasalso an incor-porator of theLaconia Na-tional Bank andfor a long pe-riod one of itsdirectors. In politics hewas a Demo-crat until theoutbreak of theRebellion,whenhe became aRepu b lie an ,and in 1862,63, and 64 hewas a candidatefor state sena-tor in the sixthsenatorial dis-trict. Mr.
Ensign, Bridgman & Fanning's lake and river guide; . at plies daily. Hamilton City, capital of Wentworth co., Canada West,delightfully situated on the south side, and at the head of,Burlington bay, and on the Great Western railroad, 52 milessouthwest of Toronto. It is well situated for, and has, alarge lake trade, being surrounded by a rich agricultural dis-trict. Pop. 19,500. TORONTO CITY, One of the capitals, and most populous city, of Canada West,is finely situated on a bay of Lake Ontario. The plan of thecity forms a parallelogram, with the streets intersecting atright angles. It is next t Stock Photo
RM2AXH684–Ensign, Bridgman & Fanning's lake and river guide; . at plies daily. Hamilton City, capital of Wentworth co., Canada West,delightfully situated on the south side, and at the head of,Burlington bay, and on the Great Western railroad, 52 milessouthwest of Toronto. It is well situated for, and has, alarge lake trade, being surrounded by a rich agricultural dis-trict. Pop. 19,500. TORONTO CITY, One of the capitals, and most populous city, of Canada West,is finely situated on a bay of Lake Ontario. The plan of thecity forms a parallelogram, with the streets intersecting atright angles. It is next t
North Carolina education . ssfully carried on. He uses tact andfine judgment, and seeks to move just as fast as thepeople will follow. One acti will illustrate: Athree-teacher school was located in one large dis-trict, and .adjoining it was a one-teacher school dis-trict. Some time ago the teacher in the small schooldistrict was unable to secure board. The superin-tendent proi)osed- to take the children in a wagonto the larger school, and the community agreed.The next year, the one-room building was also car-ried to the large district and added to the three-room sihool building. And now the pl Stock Photo
RM2AM3D9D–North Carolina education . ssfully carried on. He uses tact andfine judgment, and seeks to move just as fast as thepeople will follow. One acti will illustrate: Athree-teacher school was located in one large dis-trict, and .adjoining it was a one-teacher school dis-trict. Some time ago the teacher in the small schooldistrict was unable to secure board. The superin-tendent proi)osed- to take the children in a wagonto the larger school, and the community agreed.The next year, the one-room building was also car-ried to the large district and added to the three-room sihool building. And now the pl
Old and new London : a narrative of its history, its people, and its places . t-dyers,hat-lining and leather cutters, hat shag-makers,hat-tip makers, hat-bowstring makers, hat-furriers, Bermondsey.] HORSELYDOWN. 109 hat-trimming makers, &c, we must visit the dis-trict included between the Borough High Streetand lilackfriars Road. A glance at that curiousrecord of statistical facts, a London Directory,will show to what an extent this manufacture iscarried on in the district just marked out. It istrue that Bermondsey still contains one hat-factory,whit h has been characterised as the largest int Stock Photo
RM2ANAHNX–Old and new London : a narrative of its history, its people, and its places . t-dyers,hat-lining and leather cutters, hat shag-makers,hat-tip makers, hat-bowstring makers, hat-furriers, Bermondsey.] HORSELYDOWN. 109 hat-trimming makers, &c, we must visit the dis-trict included between the Borough High Streetand lilackfriars Road. A glance at that curiousrecord of statistical facts, a London Directory,will show to what an extent this manufacture iscarried on in the district just marked out. It istrue that Bermondsey still contains one hat-factory,whit h has been characterised as the largest int
Te Karere . s acted, besides editorof the T.K., superintendent of theMission Sunday Schools. Elder Berretthas been labouring in the Otago Dis-trict since his transfer from Auckland. Your new Te Karere editor is ElderStanley E. Richards. A Departure and Arrival Brother Xormon Scott has joinedtin ranks of those who go to Zionto go through the temples. BrotherScott sailed for Canada on the Wai-rata. The length of his stay inAmerica is not entirely definate. We have one new arrival in the mis-sioon field this month. He is ElderCyril D. Clark. Elder Clark is a NewZealander and his home is in Rotoru Stock Photo
RM2AJ9M9J–Te Karere . s acted, besides editorof the T.K., superintendent of theMission Sunday Schools. Elder Berretthas been labouring in the Otago Dis-trict since his transfer from Auckland. Your new Te Karere editor is ElderStanley E. Richards. A Departure and Arrival Brother Xormon Scott has joinedtin ranks of those who go to Zionto go through the temples. BrotherScott sailed for Canada on the Wai-rata. The length of his stay inAmerica is not entirely definate. We have one new arrival in the mis-sioon field this month. He is ElderCyril D. Clark. Elder Clark is a NewZealander and his home is in Rotoru
. Daily Colonist (1894-03-28). rdescribed in said last mentioned seotion wascreated a judicial district; and whereastho volume of legal business transacted InVancouver judicial district ia at least equalto that of any other judioial district in theprovince, yet it is still without a residentSupreme court judge, although four Su-preme court judges reside at Victoria : Beit therefore resolved that in the opinion ofthis house it is highly desirable and neces-sary that one of tbn Supreme court judgesshould reside in Vancouver judicial dis-trict, and that the Dominion Governmentbe urged to direct o Stock Photo
RM2AFKM6F–. Daily Colonist (1894-03-28). rdescribed in said last mentioned seotion wascreated a judicial district; and whereastho volume of legal business transacted InVancouver judicial district ia at least equalto that of any other judioial district in theprovince, yet it is still without a residentSupreme court judge, although four Su-preme court judges reside at Victoria : Beit therefore resolved that in the opinion ofthis house it is highly desirable and neces-sary that one of tbn Supreme court judgesshould reside in Vancouver judicial dis-trict, and that the Dominion Governmentbe urged to direct o
North Carolina Christian advocate [serial] . o fail even in partbrings embarrasment to our work onthe field, and a faltering in the ranksof our comrades at home. To swellthe amount beyond what is expectedshows clearness of faith, fidelity toour Lord and a personal consecrationto Him and His work which bringslifes sweetest joy.—Prepared by Mrs.D. M. Litaker for the Mt. Airy Dis-trict Meeting of the W. P. M. S. heldin North Wilkesboro, October, 1909. THIS WILL INTEREST MANY F. W. Parkhurst. the Boston Publisher, saysthat if any one afflicted with rheumatism in anyform, neuralgia or kidney troubl Stock Photo
RM2AJBBX1–North Carolina Christian advocate [serial] . o fail even in partbrings embarrasment to our work onthe field, and a faltering in the ranksof our comrades at home. To swellthe amount beyond what is expectedshows clearness of faith, fidelity toour Lord and a personal consecrationto Him and His work which bringslifes sweetest joy.—Prepared by Mrs.D. M. Litaker for the Mt. Airy Dis-trict Meeting of the W. P. M. S. heldin North Wilkesboro, October, 1909. THIS WILL INTEREST MANY F. W. Parkhurst. the Boston Publisher, saysthat if any one afflicted with rheumatism in anyform, neuralgia or kidney troubl
Canadian grocer July-December 1903 . TRADE MARK REGISTERED WHOLESALERS ARE NOW OFFERINGFOR FORWARD DELIVERY New PackHorse Shoe Salmon, For quarter century HorseShoe Brand Salmon has ledthe Canadian market. All leading grocers throughout theDominion sell it.. It is a simple matter to sell CtWuWid St&tcU Never Sticks Requires no Cooking. —in fact, it sells itself. Women talk overhousehold matters with their neighbors.After youve sold one package in your dis-trict youll find your trade gradually increase.We have never known a woman yet who hastried Celluloid Starch and didnt becomeenthusiastic ab Stock Photo
RM2ANF925–Canadian grocer July-December 1903 . TRADE MARK REGISTERED WHOLESALERS ARE NOW OFFERINGFOR FORWARD DELIVERY New PackHorse Shoe Salmon, For quarter century HorseShoe Brand Salmon has ledthe Canadian market. All leading grocers throughout theDominion sell it.. It is a simple matter to sell CtWuWid St&tcU Never Sticks Requires no Cooking. —in fact, it sells itself. Women talk overhousehold matters with their neighbors.After youve sold one package in your dis-trict youll find your trade gradually increase.We have never known a woman yet who hastried Celluloid Starch and didnt becomeenthusiastic ab
. Latter-day Saint biographical encyclopedia : a compilation of biographical sketches of prominent men and women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. has been a member of the 3rd quorumof Seventy for 39 years, was one ofthe presidency of that quorum for 9years and is now senior president.Since 1930 he has presided over Dis-trict No. 2 of the Salt Lake StakeHome Mission which is composed ofthe 14th, 17th and Capitol Hill wards. SUMMERHAYS. Ellen Louise Bar-. ret, wife of Caleb E. Summerhays,was born Jan. 14, 1871, in Salt Lake VoL rv. No. 12 City, the daughter of Clarence Bar-ret Stock Photo
RM2AFRKB1–. Latter-day Saint biographical encyclopedia : a compilation of biographical sketches of prominent men and women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. has been a member of the 3rd quorumof Seventy for 39 years, was one ofthe presidency of that quorum for 9years and is now senior president.Since 1930 he has presided over Dis-trict No. 2 of the Salt Lake StakeHome Mission which is composed ofthe 14th, 17th and Capitol Hill wards. SUMMERHAYS. Ellen Louise Bar-. ret, wife of Caleb E. Summerhays,was born Jan. 14, 1871, in Salt Lake VoL rv. No. 12 City, the daughter of Clarence Bar-ret
Advanced Geography . ernstates. Though itsimport trade in for-eign goods is notlarge, yet its foreignexport trade sur-passes that of everyother city in theUnion, except NewYork. New Orleanssends yearly to Eu-rope cotton valuedat nearly one hun-dred million dollars. This city has also a very large tradein sugar, rice and corn. New Orleans has had rapid growth in manufactures.It takes high rank in the refining of sugar. Shreveport, on the Red river, is in a rich cotton dis-trict. This city is the second cotton market in the state,and has a larg-e river traffic. Steamboat and railroadlines connec Stock Photo
RM2AM8F2K–Advanced Geography . ernstates. Though itsimport trade in for-eign goods is notlarge, yet its foreignexport trade sur-passes that of everyother city in theUnion, except NewYork. New Orleanssends yearly to Eu-rope cotton valuedat nearly one hun-dred million dollars. This city has also a very large tradein sugar, rice and corn. New Orleans has had rapid growth in manufactures.It takes high rank in the refining of sugar. Shreveport, on the Red river, is in a rich cotton dis-trict. This city is the second cotton market in the state,and has a larg-e river traffic. Steamboat and railroadlines connec
The history of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations . hode Island, serving as suchuntil April 30, 1916. On May i, 1916, he was appointeda special assistant L^nited States attorney for the Dis-trict of Rhode Island, a position he now holds (1918). |He is a member of the Rhode Island Bar Association,Phi Beta Kappa, the University and Catholic clubs,Church of the Holy Name, and in politics is a Demo-crat. Mr. Camfield married, in New Bedford, Mass., April17, 1917, Agnes I. Black, of that city. EDWARD THAYER, JR., secretary of the Leb-anon Mills Company—This company, one of the mos Stock Photo
RM2AWG7KF–The history of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations . hode Island, serving as suchuntil April 30, 1916. On May i, 1916, he was appointeda special assistant L^nited States attorney for the Dis-trict of Rhode Island, a position he now holds (1918). |He is a member of the Rhode Island Bar Association,Phi Beta Kappa, the University and Catholic clubs,Church of the Holy Name, and in politics is a Demo-crat. Mr. Camfield married, in New Bedford, Mass., April17, 1917, Agnes I. Black, of that city. EDWARD THAYER, JR., secretary of the Leb-anon Mills Company—This company, one of the mos
. Transactions. e is much the more impor-tant, and from results of our drilling I would not say that thegreat majority of drill-holes deviate either north or south in all = South African Mining Journal, vol. viii., part 1, No. 379, p. 425 (June 11,1910), and Journal of the South African Institute of ^lining Engineers, vol. ix., No. 8,pp. 199 to 206 (Mar., 1911). 80 SURVEYING AND SAMPLING DIAMOND-DRILL HOLES. districts. If the strata are flat and uniform the holes may doso, but if the strata dip steeply this is not the case. In one dis-trict, where the dip is steep, we are certain of the course Stock Photo
RM2AFR3WK–. Transactions. e is much the more impor-tant, and from results of our drilling I would not say that thegreat majority of drill-holes deviate either north or south in all = South African Mining Journal, vol. viii., part 1, No. 379, p. 425 (June 11,1910), and Journal of the South African Institute of ^lining Engineers, vol. ix., No. 8,pp. 199 to 206 (Mar., 1911). 80 SURVEYING AND SAMPLING DIAMOND-DRILL HOLES. districts. If the strata are flat and uniform the holes may doso, but if the strata dip steeply this is not the case. In one dis-trict, where the dip is steep, we are certain of the course
. Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the ... session of the Legislature of the State of California. ON. Iron float is found in Sec. 10, T. 46 N., R. 10 W., on the north sideof the divide between Buckhorn Creek and the Klamath River. Bibl.: Bull. No. 38, p. 304. LIMESTONE. Two limestone deposits, one northeast of Greenview and the othersouthwest of Callahan, have been worked and the material has beenconverted into lime. Bibl.: Bull. No. 38, pp. 92-93. Burton, in Sec. 17, T. 43 N., R. 9 W., in the Oro Fino mining dis-trict, 4 miles northeast of Greenview. Owned by T. Martin; Stock Photo
RM2AG6778–. Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the ... session of the Legislature of the State of California. ON. Iron float is found in Sec. 10, T. 46 N., R. 10 W., on the north sideof the divide between Buckhorn Creek and the Klamath River. Bibl.: Bull. No. 38, p. 304. LIMESTONE. Two limestone deposits, one northeast of Greenview and the othersouthwest of Callahan, have been worked and the material has beenconverted into lime. Bibl.: Bull. No. 38, pp. 92-93. Burton, in Sec. 17, T. 43 N., R. 9 W., in the Oro Fino mining dis-trict, 4 miles northeast of Greenview. Owned by T. Martin;
Work of the Colored law and order league, Baltimore, Md . A map of the lower Druid Hill Avenue District. In this dis-trict there were forty-two saloons, fifteen churches, twelve schools,one home for old people, one home for friendless children, the col-ored Y. M. C. A. and the colored Y. W. C. A. <^I? /i ^ TKIlorft of tbe Coloreb Xaw an^ ®rt)er Xeagueof Baltimore. HE Atlanta riot had sent a thrill of horrorthroughout the country, and colored peoplegenerally, whenever they met, were eagerlyand anxiously discussing it, not only be-cause of the desolation it left behind it, andthe misery and s Stock Photo
RM2AJHF3H–Work of the Colored law and order league, Baltimore, Md . A map of the lower Druid Hill Avenue District. In this dis-trict there were forty-two saloons, fifteen churches, twelve schools,one home for old people, one home for friendless children, the col-ored Y. M. C. A. and the colored Y. W. C. A. <^I? /i ^ TKIlorft of tbe Coloreb Xaw an^ ®rt)er Xeagueof Baltimore. HE Atlanta riot had sent a thrill of horrorthroughout the country, and colored peoplegenerally, whenever they met, were eagerlyand anxiously discussing it, not only be-cause of the desolation it left behind it, andthe misery and s
The story of a great nationOr, Our country's achievements, military, naval, political, and civil . BENJAMIN FRANKLIN TRACY. Bom in Oswego. N. Y., 1829. Received academic edncatiOD. Admitted to the bar, 18.11, elected DistrictAttorney of Tioga County 1854, and re-elected 1866.Became Brevet Brigadier-General in the Union Army.Settled in Now York City, 1865. Appointed U. S. Dis-trict Attorney for the Southern District of New York,1866 and 1872 ; declined second term. Was one of theleading counsel in the Tilton-Beecher suit. AppointedJudge of New York Court of Appeals 1881, and Secre-tary of the N Stock Photo
RM2AWRJTC–The story of a great nationOr, Our country's achievements, military, naval, political, and civil . BENJAMIN FRANKLIN TRACY. Bom in Oswego. N. Y., 1829. Received academic edncatiOD. Admitted to the bar, 18.11, elected DistrictAttorney of Tioga County 1854, and re-elected 1866.Became Brevet Brigadier-General in the Union Army.Settled in Now York City, 1865. Appointed U. S. Dis-trict Attorney for the Southern District of New York,1866 and 1872 ; declined second term. Was one of theleading counsel in the Tilton-Beecher suit. AppointedJudge of New York Court of Appeals 1881, and Secre-tary of the N
S.Amining and engineering journal . .w,.,.i, that little visible gold is found.Apart its spl,,l oiitl<).)k as a nnning centre, this dis-trict is an ideal holi,la r.s.dt within easy distance of Johan-nesburg. The scenery is unrivalled in South Africa. Ruggedmountains, deep, thi.kly-wDo.lcd gorges, and splendid water-falls abound on every si.le, and the whole country closelyresembles that round Lucerne in Switzerland. The BlydeRiver Canon holds one entranced as one gazes far down thegreat gorge to the Blyde River some two thousand feetbelow. The view from the Devils Window, rig Stock Photo
RM2AN4CJ4–S.Amining and engineering journal . .w,.,.i, that little visible gold is found.Apart its spl,,l oiitl<).)k as a nnning centre, this dis-trict is an ideal holi,la r.s.dt within easy distance of Johan-nesburg. The scenery is unrivalled in South Africa. Ruggedmountains, deep, thi.kly-wDo.lcd gorges, and splendid water-falls abound on every si.le, and the whole country closelyresembles that round Lucerne in Switzerland. The BlydeRiver Canon holds one entranced as one gazes far down thegreat gorge to the Blyde River some two thousand feetbelow. The view from the Devils Window, rig
Proceedings: Grand Lodge of A.F& A.Mof Canada, 1910 . T. A. Xorris, the Dis-trict Secretary, who is always at his post, and by hiskindness and courtesy has won the esteem and confi-dence of the brethren. TV. Bro. the Rev. S. GowerPoole, the District Chaplain, is also a member of thislodge and officiates when the brethren attend divineservice. I consider Cornwall Lodge to be one of thebest lodges on the register of the Grand Lodge.Fraternally submitted, JOHX RIDLEY, D.D.G.M., Eastern District, No. 21. ANNUAL COMMUNICATION, BELLEVILLE, 5910. 375 — 2 3Dui;jnsui in o o cd o S88JJ33P [TS 3[J0M WAV Stock Photo
RM2AX7W09–Proceedings: Grand Lodge of A.F& A.Mof Canada, 1910 . T. A. Xorris, the Dis-trict Secretary, who is always at his post, and by hiskindness and courtesy has won the esteem and confi-dence of the brethren. TV. Bro. the Rev. S. GowerPoole, the District Chaplain, is also a member of thislodge and officiates when the brethren attend divineservice. I consider Cornwall Lodge to be one of thebest lodges on the register of the Grand Lodge.Fraternally submitted, JOHX RIDLEY, D.D.G.M., Eastern District, No. 21. ANNUAL COMMUNICATION, BELLEVILLE, 5910. 375 — 2 3Dui;jnsui in o o cd o S88JJ33P [TS 3[J0M WAV
E/MJ : engineering and mining journal . .38fi. Company has secured leases ofimportant oil lands in Texas on whichdrilling has reached depth of 1,200 ft. VEBB-McCARTHY-MILLER(Goudreau)—Six claims of this group in Algoma dis-trict purchased by Consolidated Mining &Smelting CJo. of Canada, conditions includ-ing construction of plant to cost $500,000.Contract for diamond drilling let to Smith& Travers. of Sudbury, and power will besecured from Michipicoten Power Co. GRANBY-KIRKLAND (Kirkland Lake)—Has two t.aims about one mile north-east of Tough-Oakes. on which three prom-ising veins varying fro Stock Photo
RM2AJJXFR–E/MJ : engineering and mining journal . .38fi. Company has secured leases ofimportant oil lands in Texas on whichdrilling has reached depth of 1,200 ft. VEBB-McCARTHY-MILLER(Goudreau)—Six claims of this group in Algoma dis-trict purchased by Consolidated Mining &Smelting CJo. of Canada, conditions includ-ing construction of plant to cost $500,000.Contract for diamond drilling let to Smith& Travers. of Sudbury, and power will besecured from Michipicoten Power Co. GRANBY-KIRKLAND (Kirkland Lake)—Has two t.aims about one mile north-east of Tough-Oakes. on which three prom-ising veins varying fro
. In Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino, State of California. Department One. Cucamonga Vineyard Co. et al., plaintiff vs. San Antonio Water Co., defendant; no. 9187. (i nei^borhoof^ of the oourwine veil where liicy arewide apart.* i 1 dont Bay trict. 1 aay tuat tixe point that you mentionis 80 far north that thr effect of thf> Red Hill is still lerceptible tliero and tnere is a restraining iailucncewhich elovatea uic later plane, and the water passingaround tiie Red Hills to ci;et to tiiis free outlet is neces-sarily backed up, and that accounts ior Uie wiiie space,herevcr wat Stock Photo
RM2AFHWB5–. In Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino, State of California. Department One. Cucamonga Vineyard Co. et al., plaintiff vs. San Antonio Water Co., defendant; no. 9187. (i nei^borhoof^ of the oourwine veil where liicy arewide apart.* i 1 dont Bay trict. 1 aay tuat tixe point that you mentionis 80 far north that thr effect of thf> Red Hill is still lerceptible tliero and tnere is a restraining iailucncewhich elovatea uic later plane, and the water passingaround tiie Red Hills to ci;et to tiiis free outlet is neces-sarily backed up, and that accounts ior Uie wiiie space,herevcr wat
. Rand, McNally Washington guide to the city and environs. *The Most Satisfactory Hotelin Washington* RATES One Person •Two Persons One Person ?Two Persons WITH PRIVATE BATH SI.50 and up2.50 and up S2.50 and up3.50 and up RAXD McXALLY WASHINGTON GUIDE 11. WASHINGTON, D. C. Washington Rotunda of Capitol Page 158 The City of Washington and the Dis-trict of Colinnbia are co-extensive. Area,60 sq. miles of land and 10 sq. miles ofwater. Population 1914 (estimated by theBureau of Census), white 250,039; colored101,339; total 353,378. The city proper now covers an areaabout 14 miles in circumference Stock Photo
RM2AFTJMF–. Rand, McNally Washington guide to the city and environs. *The Most Satisfactory Hotelin Washington* RATES One Person •Two Persons One Person ?Two Persons WITH PRIVATE BATH SI.50 and up2.50 and up S2.50 and up3.50 and up RAXD McXALLY WASHINGTON GUIDE 11. WASHINGTON, D. C. Washington Rotunda of Capitol Page 158 The City of Washington and the Dis-trict of Colinnbia are co-extensive. Area,60 sq. miles of land and 10 sq. miles ofwater. Population 1914 (estimated by theBureau of Census), white 250,039; colored101,339; total 353,378. The city proper now covers an areaabout 14 miles in circumference
. Our mountain work [serial]. esbytery were held in the monthof October. The programs consistedof forums on Home, Church, Com-munity, and the World, and werepresented as challenges of the pre-sent world to the women of the Pres-bytery. 250 women attended themeetings. The first one, held at Mon-treat on November 8, was presidedover by Mrs. 0. V. Armstrong, Dis-trict Chairman; the second, at Wea-verville on November 11, by Mrs.H. B. Dendy; the third, on Novem-ber 13 at Etowah, by Mrs. E. L.Happ; the fourth, on November 18at Canton, by Miss Ruth Summer-row; the fifth, on November 20 atBryson City Stock Photo
RM2AGDFY4–. Our mountain work [serial]. esbytery were held in the monthof October. The programs consistedof forums on Home, Church, Com-munity, and the World, and werepresented as challenges of the pre-sent world to the women of the Pres-bytery. 250 women attended themeetings. The first one, held at Mon-treat on November 8, was presidedover by Mrs. 0. V. Armstrong, Dis-trict Chairman; the second, at Wea-verville on November 11, by Mrs.H. B. Dendy; the third, on Novem-ber 13 at Etowah, by Mrs. E. L.Happ; the fourth, on November 18at Canton, by Miss Ruth Summer-row; the fifth, on November 20 atBryson City
The Granite monthly : a magazine of literature, history and state progress . s old friends and associatesdo. George H. Flanders, Old Ply-mouth Rock, stands next to Mitchell,an overseer, when he enlisted, in thecotton mill in Penacook, and now afarmer in the same town. He was aman who never preached but alwayspractised, hence the name PlymouthRock given him by the boys. Agood man and true, a good type ofthe men who made the rock famous. Henry F. Brown, a brother of D.Arthur Brown, and one of the pres-ent senator from the Penacook dis-trict, genial, courtly, witty, well read,and well educated, s Stock Photo
RM2AXFWYJ–The Granite monthly : a magazine of literature, history and state progress . s old friends and associatesdo. George H. Flanders, Old Ply-mouth Rock, stands next to Mitchell,an overseer, when he enlisted, in thecotton mill in Penacook, and now afarmer in the same town. He was aman who never preached but alwayspractised, hence the name PlymouthRock given him by the boys. Agood man and true, a good type ofthe men who made the rock famous. Henry F. Brown, a brother of D.Arthur Brown, and one of the pres-ent senator from the Penacook dis-trict, genial, courtly, witty, well read,and well educated, s
Coal mining in Illinois . 50-o Fig. 13. Offset crosscut in District VII Fig. 14. Crosscut in District VIIprovide small stopping to trict narrow work is lessened and a small stopping providedfor as shown in fig. 14. The crosscut is driven its full widthof 21 feet from one entry, while from the other of the pair itis driven only 6 feet wide for a distance of 12 feet. A largearea of unsupported roof is left where this method is fol-lowed. An occasional instance of shearing the rib is found butthe practice is not general. Shearing in a crosscut near anair shaft in a mine in District VII is shown i Stock Photo
RM2AX772P–Coal mining in Illinois . 50-o Fig. 13. Offset crosscut in District VII Fig. 14. Crosscut in District VIIprovide small stopping to trict narrow work is lessened and a small stopping providedfor as shown in fig. 14. The crosscut is driven its full widthof 21 feet from one entry, while from the other of the pair itis driven only 6 feet wide for a distance of 12 feet. A largearea of unsupported roof is left where this method is fol-lowed. An occasional instance of shearing the rib is found butthe practice is not general. Shearing in a crosscut near anair shaft in a mine in District VII is shown i
Rod and gun . okes Mills, three miles from the city.The largest scaled two pounds one ounce,the others going down from one and onehalf pounds. Evidently Mr. Walton hassomething more than his name in com-mon with the father of all anglers. Mr. C. Y. Symons of Port Arthur hadsome luck on a fine Mav day, securingten trout, one weighing three and a halfpounds and six others taken together al-most nine pounds. Mr. J. . Curry, a graduate of the For-estry School of the New Brunswick Uni-versity is in charge of a partyto explore the English River dis-trict. The expedition is to find out thepulp poss Stock Photo
RM2AJ5EF2–Rod and gun . okes Mills, three miles from the city.The largest scaled two pounds one ounce,the others going down from one and onehalf pounds. Evidently Mr. Walton hassomething more than his name in com-mon with the father of all anglers. Mr. C. Y. Symons of Port Arthur hadsome luck on a fine Mav day, securingten trout, one weighing three and a halfpounds and six others taken together al-most nine pounds. Mr. J. . Curry, a graduate of the For-estry School of the New Brunswick Uni-versity is in charge of a partyto explore the English River dis-trict. The expedition is to find out thepulp poss
Building and industrial news . ding dis-trict stands the David Hewes Building, a fourteen-story structure designed by Architects Reid Bros. The Giant liuilding, one block further up Market street, is the last ^^ .^^^^^^ rK^^ ^* ii L^ i-» ?^ ^^ :I——It —-^fc - ^ Bc^ —Is^ T r ? 1 1 mff m E ^ iTiKf l ri 1 H -V :12^ ? :- . ?a PACIFIC UNION CLUB, WILLIS POLK a point further from Third street. The new depot Is tobe in the California Mission style, the building alonecosting in the neighborhood of $100,000. No city in the west has finer private clubs than hasSan Francisco, and many of these building Stock Photo
RM2AJFHE3–Building and industrial news . ding dis-trict stands the David Hewes Building, a fourteen-story structure designed by Architects Reid Bros. The Giant liuilding, one block further up Market street, is the last ^^ .^^^^^^ rK^^ ^* ii L^ i-» ?^ ^^ :I——It —-^fc - ^ Bc^ —Is^ T r ? 1 1 mff m E ^ iTiKf l ri 1 H -V :12^ ? :- . ?a PACIFIC UNION CLUB, WILLIS POLK a point further from Third street. The new depot Is tobe in the California Mission style, the building alonecosting in the neighborhood of $100,000. No city in the west has finer private clubs than hasSan Francisco, and many of these building
. The Street railway journal . n any way either around the property of the railroadcompany at Highwood or the neighboring residence dis-trict, and is dissipated in the coldest weather without theformation of any ice on neighboring objects as might be up with their shafts in one line and are provided with mag-netic clutches for driving any desired one or more of thegenerators from either or both engines; this being proba-bly the first railway plant in this country completelyequipped with this system and its magnetic clutches, bymeans of which machines may be coupled or uncoupledwhile the appara Stock Photo
RM2CRJF7M–. The Street railway journal . n any way either around the property of the railroadcompany at Highwood or the neighboring residence dis-trict, and is dissipated in the coldest weather without theformation of any ice on neighboring objects as might be up with their shafts in one line and are provided with mag-netic clutches for driving any desired one or more of thegenerators from either or both engines; this being proba-bly the first railway plant in this country completelyequipped with this system and its magnetic clutches, bymeans of which machines may be coupled or uncoupledwhile the appara
. One hundred years of medicine and surgery in Missouri; historical and biographical review of the careers of the physicians and surgeons of the state of Missouri, and sketches of some of its notable medical institutions . 29 he was appointed by President AndrewJackson to the position of Receiver of Public Moneys for the Land Dis-trict of St. Louis, and continued in the office until the end of PresidentTan Bureus term. He resided for some years in St. Louis County, andsubsequently removed to Muscatine. la., where he died at an advancedage, about the close of the year 1864. Dr. William Carr Lan Stock Photo
RM2CE3786–. One hundred years of medicine and surgery in Missouri; historical and biographical review of the careers of the physicians and surgeons of the state of Missouri, and sketches of some of its notable medical institutions . 29 he was appointed by President AndrewJackson to the position of Receiver of Public Moneys for the Land Dis-trict of St. Louis, and continued in the office until the end of PresidentTan Bureus term. He resided for some years in St. Louis County, andsubsequently removed to Muscatine. la., where he died at an advancedage, about the close of the year 1864. Dr. William Carr Lan
. Historic homes and institutions and genealogical and personal memoirs of Berkshire County, Massachusetts . ^ w^^>. // BERKSHIRE COUNTY 491 the state legislature, where he now represents the Fourth Berkshire Dis-trict. He was born in Somerset county, Maine, as were his father andgrandfather. The founder of the ]Iaine family of Gleasons, now numerouslyrepresented in that state, was Elijah Gleason, a native of Pomfret, Con-necticut, whence at the close of the Revolutionary war he took his familyto Maine, becoming one of the pioneer settlers of Somerset county. Heand his descendants wrested Stock Photo
RM2CE5XGB–. Historic homes and institutions and genealogical and personal memoirs of Berkshire County, Massachusetts . ^ w^^>. // BERKSHIRE COUNTY 491 the state legislature, where he now represents the Fourth Berkshire Dis-trict. He was born in Somerset county, Maine, as were his father andgrandfather. The founder of the ]Iaine family of Gleasons, now numerouslyrepresented in that state, was Elijah Gleason, a native of Pomfret, Con-necticut, whence at the close of the Revolutionary war he took his familyto Maine, becoming one of the pioneer settlers of Somerset county. Heand his descendants wrested
. Review of reviews and world's work . Germanpaleontologist led by Eberhard Fraas in theTendaguru district of German East Africa.Besides this find, others in the Kilwa dis-trict of the same colony have been made,about eighteen different localities in all. Professor Branca compares one of theimmense new fossils with the mounted skele-ton of the diplodocus which Carnegie pre-sented to the Imperial Museum, and verymuch to the disadvantage of the latter. Thediplodocus has heretofore been known asabout the largest of all land animals so fardiscovered, but the new giant appears to beat least one-thi Stock Photo
RM2CDGRA4–. Review of reviews and world's work . Germanpaleontologist led by Eberhard Fraas in theTendaguru district of German East Africa.Besides this find, others in the Kilwa dis-trict of the same colony have been made,about eighteen different localities in all. Professor Branca compares one of theimmense new fossils with the mounted skele-ton of the diplodocus which Carnegie pre-sented to the Imperial Museum, and verymuch to the disadvantage of the latter. Thediplodocus has heretofore been known asabout the largest of all land animals so fardiscovered, but the new giant appears to beat least one-thi
. Biennial report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Montana . ountain area of Flathead County.It has two one-room schools inoperation. Each school has theminimum $2,500 foundation pro-^ gram. The valuation of the dis- trict is $84,853. The women in this district havegone all-out to have their schoolsmeet accreditation standards. Theboard members have initiatedcommunity work days at varioustimes. In this way they havecleared the school grounds withthe help of the pupils and teach-ers, built fences, painted theschoolhouses, refinished the walls,purchased new maps and re Stock Photo
RM2CE5NPT–. Biennial report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Montana . ountain area of Flathead County.It has two one-room schools inoperation. Each school has theminimum $2,500 foundation pro-^ gram. The valuation of the dis- trict is $84,853. The women in this district havegone all-out to have their schoolsmeet accreditation standards. Theboard members have initiatedcommunity work days at varioustimes. In this way they havecleared the school grounds withthe help of the pupils and teach-ers, built fences, painted theschoolhouses, refinished the walls,purchased new maps and re
. A survey, a review of the past; a glimpse at the present; plans for the future . Snow balling. Nov. 20, 1914; Mrs. Kate Palmer, teacher. Valuation ot dis-trict, $43,402; tax rate .0059. DISTRICT NO. 4, SANDY CREEK. A game ot,One old cat, with several interested spectators. Oct 13 1914;Miss Leah Wade, teacher. Valuation of district $80,277; tax rate .0035. DISTRICT NO. 5, SANDY CREEK Stock Photo
RM2CE1HH8–. A survey, a review of the past; a glimpse at the present; plans for the future . Snow balling. Nov. 20, 1914; Mrs. Kate Palmer, teacher. Valuation ot dis-trict, $43,402; tax rate .0059. DISTRICT NO. 4, SANDY CREEK. A game ot,One old cat, with several interested spectators. Oct 13 1914;Miss Leah Wade, teacher. Valuation of district $80,277; tax rate .0035. DISTRICT NO. 5, SANDY CREEK
. The science of railways . A local express. phant is found in his native state in the almostimpassable jungles of the interior. The greatherds that at one time roamed through this dis-trict have been greatly diminished by hunters.The elephant is royal game, and the public onlyregrets that the animals intelligence is not suffi-cient to enable it to exterminate those who assailit for sport merely. The pleasure of the sports-man in pursuing his quarry is not to be comparedto the delight we should feel in seeing the quarrypursue the hunter. 356 CARRIAGE IN CEYLON. Au interesting feature of Ceylon Stock Photo
RM2CH1AFH–. The science of railways . A local express. phant is found in his native state in the almostimpassable jungles of the interior. The greatherds that at one time roamed through this dis-trict have been greatly diminished by hunters.The elephant is royal game, and the public onlyregrets that the animals intelligence is not suffi-cient to enable it to exterminate those who assailit for sport merely. The pleasure of the sports-man in pursuing his quarry is not to be comparedto the delight we should feel in seeing the quarrypursue the hunter. 356 CARRIAGE IN CEYLON. Au interesting feature of Ceylon
. A narrative history of the town of Cohasset, Massachusetts . that Odes corpse wasfound. One must feel thedelicacy of the bowlderspoise as he looks throughto daylight underneath it,and sees the two pointsupon which its sixty orseventy tons are balanced. But the glacier did amuch larger business inbowlders than we haveroom to enumerate, es-pecially in the rocky dis-trict to the west of LilyPond. As many as twenty-five notable ones have beencounted by the writer in that very limited district of thetown. Elsewhere many are perched, and many more weredeposited where the soil now covers them. * Od Stock Photo
RM2CDKRW1–. A narrative history of the town of Cohasset, Massachusetts . that Odes corpse wasfound. One must feel thedelicacy of the bowlderspoise as he looks throughto daylight underneath it,and sees the two pointsupon which its sixty orseventy tons are balanced. But the glacier did amuch larger business inbowlders than we haveroom to enumerate, es-pecially in the rocky dis-trict to the west of LilyPond. As many as twenty-five notable ones have beencounted by the writer in that very limited district of thetown. Elsewhere many are perched, and many more weredeposited where the soil now covers them. * Od
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