The microscope; an introduction to microscopic methods and to histology . 4 inches, forthe long tube, and that the draw tube ofthe microscope possess two specialmarks indicating these standard lengths. 3. That oculars be made par-focal,and that the par-focal plane be coincidentwith that of the upper end of the tube. 4. That the mounting of all object-ives of 6 mm. (% inch) and shorter focusshould be such as to bring the opticalcenter of the objective 1% inches belowthe shoulder, and that all objectives bemarked with the tube-length for whichthey are corrected. 5. That non-adjustable objectives Stock Photo
RM2AWR6EA–The microscope; an introduction to microscopic methods and to histology . 4 inches, forthe long tube, and that the draw tube ofthe microscope possess two specialmarks indicating these standard lengths. 3. That oculars be made par-focal,and that the par-focal plane be coincidentwith that of the upper end of the tube. 4. That the mounting of all object-ives of 6 mm. (% inch) and shorter focusshould be such as to bring the opticalcenter of the objective 1% inches belowthe shoulder, and that all objectives bemarked with the tube-length for whichthey are corrected. 5. That non-adjustable objectives
A text-book of physiology, for medical students and physicians . he position ofthe nodal poinl or opticalcenter—that is, the center of curvature of the ideal refracting surface lies in the crystalline lens at n, a ^? distance of 7.:; nuns, from ,:- anterior surface of the Fig 126.-Diagram QOrnea The principal fo- or schematic eye with a single refracting surface 1 eparating two media ol (Efferent densities: <?, Cal distance for this refract- the ideal refrac Burface situated 2.1 rums. .. .. behind the anterior Burface I real cornea; , Urtace lies a1 a UlS- the nodal point, or center of c Stock Photo
RM2AWYAM4–A text-book of physiology, for medical students and physicians . he position ofthe nodal poinl or opticalcenter—that is, the center of curvature of the ideal refracting surface lies in the crystalline lens at n, a ^? distance of 7.:; nuns, from ,:- anterior surface of the Fig 126.-Diagram QOrnea The principal fo- or schematic eye with a single refracting surface 1 eparating two media ol (Efferent densities: <?, Cal distance for this refract- the ideal refrac Burface situated 2.1 rums. .. .. behind the anterior Burface I real cornea; , Urtace lies a1 a UlS- the nodal point, or center of c
. Spectacles and eyeglasses, their forms, mounting, and proper adjustment . eometrical centers of the spectacles. Inother words, the geometrical center of the spectacle eyeand the optical center of the spectacle lens coincide, andthe center of the pupil for each eye lies directly behindthem. Regarding decentering, some confusion is apt toarise because the word is used in two different connections. 36 THE PRINCIPLES OF SPECTACLE FITTING. 37 If the visual axis pass to the temporal side of the opticalcenter of a glass held before an eye, then, with respect tothat eye, the glass is said to be dece Stock Photo
RM2CE57EN–. Spectacles and eyeglasses, their forms, mounting, and proper adjustment . eometrical centers of the spectacles. Inother words, the geometrical center of the spectacle eyeand the optical center of the spectacle lens coincide, andthe center of the pupil for each eye lies directly behindthem. Regarding decentering, some confusion is apt toarise because the word is used in two different connections. 36 THE PRINCIPLES OF SPECTACLE FITTING. 37 If the visual axis pass to the temporal side of the opticalcenter of a glass held before an eye, then, with respect tothat eye, the glass is said to be dece