Portrait of Orcan Persarum Rex, Cornelis Meyssens, 1650 - 1670 Portrait of Orcan Persarum Rex, with a commander's staff in his hand and a turban on hi Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/portrait-of-orcan-persarum-rex-cornelis-meyssens-1650-1670-portrait-of-orcan-persarum-rex-with-a-commanders-staff-in-his-hand-and-a-turban-on-hi-image570296912.html
RF2T3R7ET–Portrait of Orcan Persarum Rex, Cornelis Meyssens, 1650 - 1670 Portrait of Orcan Persarum Rex, with a commander's staff in his hand and a turban on hi
. Outlines of zoology. can reachforward to kill the prey caughtby the anterior appendages, orcan be suddenly straightenedto strike backwards. Whenman is stung, the poison seemsto act chiefly on the red bloodcorpuscles, and, though neveror very rarely fatal, may causemuch pain. It has been saidthat scorpions commit suicidewhen surrounded by fire orotherwise fatally threatened,but it has been answered thatthey do not sting themselves,that they could not if theywould, and that, even if theycould, the poison would haveno effect! The body is divided into—(i) a cephalothorax or pro-soma of six segme Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/outlines-of-zoology-can-reachforward-to-kill-the-prey-caughtby-the-anterior-appendages-orcan-be-suddenly-straightenedto-strike-backwards-whenman-is-stung-the-poison-seemsto-act-chiefly-on-the-red-bloodcorpuscles-and-though-neveror-very-rarely-fatal-may-causemuch-pain-it-has-been-saidthat-scorpions-commit-suicidewhen-surrounded-by-fire-orotherwise-fatally-threatenedbut-it-has-been-answered-thatthey-do-not-sting-themselvesthat-they-could-not-if-theywould-and-that-even-if-theycould-the-poison-would-haveno-effect!-the-body-is-divided-intoi-a-cephalothorax-or-pro-soma-of-six-segme-image337150992.html
RM2AGEFET–. Outlines of zoology. can reachforward to kill the prey caughtby the anterior appendages, orcan be suddenly straightenedto strike backwards. Whenman is stung, the poison seemsto act chiefly on the red bloodcorpuscles, and, though neveror very rarely fatal, may causemuch pain. It has been saidthat scorpions commit suicidewhen surrounded by fire orotherwise fatally threatened,but it has been answered thatthey do not sting themselves,that they could not if theywould, and that, even if theycould, the poison would haveno effect! The body is divided into—(i) a cephalothorax or pro-soma of six segme
. Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Anatomy, Comparative. Fir,. 278b.—Diagram of the Arrangement of the Urinogenital Organs in an Adult Female Elasmobranch. (After Balfour.) m.d, MuUerian duct; w.d, Wolffian duct; d, urinary duct; s.t, nephridial tubes : five of them are represented with openings into the body-cavitj-: the posterior nephridial tubes form the functional kidney ; ov, ovary. S.f. Fig. 278c. Diagram of the Arrangement of the Urinogenital Orcan.s in AN Adult Male Elasmobranch. (After Balfour.) m.d, rudiments of Miillerian duct ; w.d. Wolffian duct, marked vd in fr Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/elements-of-the-comparative-anatomy-of-vertebrates-anatomy-comparative-fir-278bdiagram-of-the-arrangement-of-the-urinogenital-organs-in-an-adult-female-elasmobranch-after-balfour-md-muuerian-duct-wd-wolffian-duct-d-urinary-duct-st-nephridial-tubes-five-of-them-are-represented-with-openings-into-the-body-cavitj-the-posterior-nephridial-tubes-form-the-functional-kidney-ov-ovary-sf-fig-278c-diagram-of-the-arrangement-of-the-urinogenital-orcans-in-an-adult-male-elasmobranch-after-balfour-md-rudiments-of-miillerian-duct-wd-wolffian-duct-marked-vd-in-fr-image216418590.html
RMPG2M3A–. Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Anatomy, Comparative. Fir,. 278b.—Diagram of the Arrangement of the Urinogenital Organs in an Adult Female Elasmobranch. (After Balfour.) m.d, MuUerian duct; w.d, Wolffian duct; d, urinary duct; s.t, nephridial tubes : five of them are represented with openings into the body-cavitj-: the posterior nephridial tubes form the functional kidney ; ov, ovary. S.f. Fig. 278c. Diagram of the Arrangement of the Urinogenital Orcan.s in AN Adult Male Elasmobranch. (After Balfour.) m.d, rudiments of Miillerian duct ; w.d. Wolffian duct, marked vd in fr
RUBBER BACK SQUARE PACKING. BEST IN THE WORLD. WORTHINGTON STEAM PUMPS OF ALL SIZES AND FOR ALL PURPOSES. HENRY R. WORTHINGTON THEO. J. HARBACH 809 Filbert St. Phila. Pa. THE BLAKE 'LION AND EAGLE' CRUSHER LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT OF THE KIND IN THE WORLD. J Moss's New Process. WALLACE DIAMOND CARB 0 NScorELECTRIC LIGHTS MAN'F'D.FOR THE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.109 LIBERTY STREETNEW YORK. 14 STOP ORCAN 8 ERICSSON'S NEW MOTOR. BIBB'S BALTIMORE FIRE-PLACE HEATERS B. C. BIBB & SON Baltimore Md. THE STEARNS MANUFACTURING CO. ENGINES BOILERS AND MACHINERY IN GENERAL. SAW MILL MACHINERY WANTED AGENTS Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/rubber-back-square-packing-best-in-the-world-worthington-steam-pumps-of-all-sizes-and-for-all-purposes-henry-r-worthington-theo-j-harbach-809-filbert-st-phila-pa-the-blake-lion-and-eagle-crusher-largest-establishment-of-the-kind-in-the-world-j-mosss-new-process-wallace-diamond-carb-0-nscorelectric-lights-manfdfor-the-electrical-supply-co109-liberty-streetnew-york-14-stop-orcan-8-ericssons-new-motor-bibbs-baltimore-fire-place-heaters-b-c-bibb-son-baltimore-md-the-stearns-manufacturing-co-engines-boilers-and-machinery-in-general-saw-mill-machinery-wanted-agents-image334323679.html
The outlines of physics: an elementary text-book . and the metal body, the specific heat ofwhich is to be determined. To the latter a strong bit of twine about50 cm. long, or a fine wire, should have been attached, and the sameshould be weighed along with the mass of metal. (6) Place the weight in a beaker orcan of water over the Bunsen flame;bring the liquid to boiling, and allowit to remain at that temperature forseveral minutes. In the meantimeplace the calorimeter upon the scalepan of the balance, half fill it withwater, and weigh again. (c) Remove the calorimeter to thelaboratory table, a Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-outlines-of-physics-an-elementary-text-book-and-the-metal-body-the-specific-heat-ofwhich-is-to-be-determined-to-the-latter-a-strong-bit-of-twine-about50-cm-long-or-a-fine-wire-should-have-been-attached-and-the-sameshould-be-weighed-along-with-the-mass-of-metal-6-place-the-weight-in-a-beaker-orcan-of-water-over-the-bunsen-flamebring-the-liquid-to-boiling-and-allowit-to-remain-at-that-temperature-forseveral-minutes-in-the-meantimeplace-the-calorimeter-upon-the-scalepan-of-the-balance-half-fill-it-withwater-and-weigh-again-c-remove-the-calorimeter-to-thelaboratory-table-a-image340215343.html
RM2ANE43Y–The outlines of physics: an elementary text-book . and the metal body, the specific heat ofwhich is to be determined. To the latter a strong bit of twine about50 cm. long, or a fine wire, should have been attached, and the sameshould be weighed along with the mass of metal. (6) Place the weight in a beaker orcan of water over the Bunsen flame;bring the liquid to boiling, and allowit to remain at that temperature forseveral minutes. In the meantimeplace the calorimeter upon the scalepan of the balance, half fill it withwater, and weigh again. (c) Remove the calorimeter to thelaboratory table, a
. Western agriculture. ly. Accumulation of water, knownas water-logging, prevents sufficient air from reaching theroots. Drainage is necessary to get rid of this excess water.Other injuries sometimes result from alkali salts thatwater may cany to the surface. These salts may comefrom deep soil or from higher areas through which excessirrigation water seeps to low spots. The salt-carrying watermust be drained off in this case also. Water Relation. The amount of water present in thesoil is highly important in determining which plants can orcan not grow on a particular spot. As a result, it is th Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/western-agriculture-ly-accumulation-of-water-knownas-water-logging-prevents-sufficient-air-from-reaching-theroots-drainage-is-necessary-to-get-rid-of-this-excess-waterother-injuries-sometimes-result-from-alkali-salts-thatwater-may-cany-to-the-surface-these-salts-may-comefrom-deep-soil-or-from-higher-areas-through-which-excessirrigation-water-seeps-to-low-spots-the-salt-carrying-watermust-be-drained-off-in-this-case-also-water-relation-the-amount-of-water-present-in-thesoil-is-highly-important-in-determining-which-plants-can-orcan-not-grow-on-a-particular-spot-as-a-result-it-is-th-image336741990.html
RM2AFRWRJ–. Western agriculture. ly. Accumulation of water, knownas water-logging, prevents sufficient air from reaching theroots. Drainage is necessary to get rid of this excess water.Other injuries sometimes result from alkali salts thatwater may cany to the surface. These salts may comefrom deep soil or from higher areas through which excessirrigation water seeps to low spots. The salt-carrying watermust be drained off in this case also. Water Relation. The amount of water present in thesoil is highly important in determining which plants can orcan not grow on a particular spot. As a result, it is th
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. GREENSBORO, N.C. For the treatment of THE LIQUOR, OPIUM, MORPHINE moother Drug Addiction*. The Tobincco Habft. Narv* Exhaustion $100 to $150 Reduction on PIANOS Dariiff ovr Kreiteloeiiff lit fao-torj sale of oierstook. Used in 60,0001 . • 11« iano or orcan sent on trial. W. PKAlStt BLOUNT,Q€H*l BlnAlUiim Repiceefltatiye. Greensboro, N. C RALEIGHMARBLE WORKS Ship Monumental workto a^ parts of the State.Deliver to your depot atsame price as at shop. SPECIAL ATTENTIONPAID TO FINISH ANDLETTERING.. No. 341. ON Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/raleigh-christian-advocate-organ-of-the-north-carolina-conference-me-church-south-greensboro-nc-for-the-treatment-of-the-liquor-opium-morphine-moother-drug-addiction-the-tobincco-habft-narv-exhaustion-100-to-150-reduction-on-pianos-dariiff-ovr-kreiteloeiiff-lit-fao-torj-sale-of-oierstook-used-in-600001-11-iano-or-orcan-sent-on-trial-w-pkalstt-blountqhl-blnaluiim-repiceefltatiye-greensboro-n-c-raleighmarble-works-ship-monumental-workto-a-parts-of-the-statedeliver-to-your-depot-atsame-price-as-at-shop-special-attentionpaid-to-finish-andlettering-no-341-on-image336915321.html
RM2AG3PX1–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. GREENSBORO, N.C. For the treatment of THE LIQUOR, OPIUM, MORPHINE moother Drug Addiction*. The Tobincco Habft. Narv* Exhaustion $100 to $150 Reduction on PIANOS Dariiff ovr Kreiteloeiiff lit fao-torj sale of oierstook. Used in 60,0001 . • 11« iano or orcan sent on trial. W. PKAlStt BLOUNT,Q€H*l BlnAlUiim Repiceefltatiye. Greensboro, N. C RALEIGHMARBLE WORKS Ship Monumental workto a^ parts of the State.Deliver to your depot atsame price as at shop. SPECIAL ATTENTIONPAID TO FINISH ANDLETTERING.. No. 341. ON
. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. 3l^tof?ite. ORGAN OF THE NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE, M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. ESTABLISHED IN 1555. RALEIGH, N. C, FEBRUARY 19. 1901. New Series. Vol. 3 No. 3. .^^^ aALSIGH CHRISTIAN v^jCATE. s^ Orcan of the North Carotin? .^> .enos Published Weekly / .LEIGH, N. C. intered as second-class mat^ ftKV. T. N.aEV. H. B. IvEY, D. D., In devotional reading, there is a steady, Sec. 3 That all laws or clauses of lawsunbroken act of introspt-ction. The eye i conflict with this act are hereby re-ef the soul is turned Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/raleigh-christian-advocate-organ-of-the-north-carolina-conference-me-church-south-3ltofite-organ-of-the-north-carolina-conference-m-e-church-south-established-in-1555-raleigh-n-c-february-19-1901-new-series-vol-3-no-3-aalsigh-christian-vjcate-s-orcan-of-the-north-carotin-gt-enos-published-weekly-leigh-n-c-intered-as-second-class-mat-ftkv-t-naev-h-b-ivey-d-d-in-devotional-reading-there-is-a-steady-sec-3-that-all-laws-or-clauses-of-lawsunbroken-act-of-introspt-ction-the-eye-i-conflict-with-this-act-are-hereby-re-ef-the-soul-is-turned-image336982939.html
RM2AG6W4Y–. Raleigh Christian Advocate: organ of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. 3l^tof?ite. ORGAN OF THE NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE, M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. ESTABLISHED IN 1555. RALEIGH, N. C, FEBRUARY 19. 1901. New Series. Vol. 3 No. 3. .^^^ aALSIGH CHRISTIAN v^jCATE. s^ Orcan of the North Carotin? .^> .enos Published Weekly / .LEIGH, N. C. intered as second-class mat^ ftKV. T. N.aEV. H. B. IvEY, D. D., In devotional reading, there is a steady, Sec. 3 That all laws or clauses of lawsunbroken act of introspt-ction. The eye i conflict with this act are hereby re-ef the soul is turned
. Daily Colonist (1897-09-15). V 0/ «4f A ml ANERVOUS DEBILITY SUFFERERin an aggravated form shows it in hisface—a haggard, worn-looking man. Thesame with women. But what of the manwho has lost all vital and manly p >wer,and yet looks like a physical giant? Thatis just the question to which Dr. Sanden hasdevoted twenty years of study. It is truethat men who look strong ARE weak inthis respect. Dr. Sanden has found thecause and explains it in his little work, Three Classes of Men, which he sendsfree by mail, sealed trom observation, orcan be had at his office. It gives full in-formation rela Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/daily-colonist-1897-09-15-v-0-4f-a-ml-anervous-debility-suffererin-an-aggravated-form-shows-it-in-hisfacea-haggard-worn-looking-man-thesame-with-women-but-what-of-the-manwho-has-lost-all-vital-and-manly-p-gtwerand-yet-looks-like-a-physical-giant-thatis-just-the-question-to-which-dr-sanden-hasdevoted-twenty-years-of-study-it-is-truethat-men-who-look-strong-are-weak-inthis-respect-dr-sanden-has-found-thecause-and-explains-it-in-his-little-work-three-classes-of-men-which-he-sendsfree-by-mail-sealed-trom-observation-orcan-be-had-at-his-office-it-gives-full-in-formation-rela-image370519637.html
RM2CEPHG5–. Daily Colonist (1897-09-15). V 0/ «4f A ml ANERVOUS DEBILITY SUFFERERin an aggravated form shows it in hisface—a haggard, worn-looking man. Thesame with women. But what of the manwho has lost all vital and manly p >wer,and yet looks like a physical giant? Thatis just the question to which Dr. Sanden hasdevoted twenty years of study. It is truethat men who look strong ARE weak inthis respect. Dr. Sanden has found thecause and explains it in his little work, Three Classes of Men, which he sendsfree by mail, sealed trom observation, orcan be had at his office. It gives full in-formation rela
. An introduction to zoology [microform] : for the use of high schools. Zoology; Zoologie. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 73 breathinfy orcan. A fold of mucous niombrane which serves to increase the internal surfiice of the intestine and known as the "spiral valve" occurs in all. Finally the vertebral column evidently turns up at the tip in such a way as to divide the caudal fin unequally or heterocercally The American Ganoids fall naturally into two groups accord- ing to the nature of the skeleton ; in the Ohondrostei it is cartilaginous, in the Holostei osseous. To the former gro;ip belong t Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/an-introduction-to-zoology-microform-for-the-use-of-high-schools-zoology-zoologie-high-school-zoology-73-breathinfy-orcan-a-fold-of-mucous-niombrane-which-serves-to-increase-the-internal-surfiice-of-the-intestine-and-known-as-the-quotspiral-valvequot-occurs-in-all-finally-the-vertebral-column-evidently-turns-up-at-the-tip-in-such-a-way-as-to-divide-the-caudal-fin-unequally-or-heterocercally-the-american-ganoids-fall-naturally-into-two-groups-accord-ing-to-the-nature-of-the-skeleton-in-the-ohondrostei-it-is-cartilaginous-in-the-holostei-osseous-to-the-former-groip-belong-t-image234828887.html
RMRJ1AHY–. An introduction to zoology [microform] : for the use of high schools. Zoology; Zoologie. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 73 breathinfy orcan. A fold of mucous niombrane which serves to increase the internal surfiice of the intestine and known as the "spiral valve" occurs in all. Finally the vertebral column evidently turns up at the tip in such a way as to divide the caudal fin unequally or heterocercally The American Ganoids fall naturally into two groups accord- ing to the nature of the skeleton ; in the Ohondrostei it is cartilaginous, in the Holostei osseous. To the former gro;ip belong t
. Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Anatomy, Comparative. Fir,. 278b.—Diagram of the Arrangement of the Urinogenital Organs in an Adult Female Elasmobranch. (After Balfour.) m.d, MuUerian duct; w.d, Wolffian duct; d, urinary duct; s.t, nephridial tubes : five of them are represented with openings into the body-cavitj-: the posterior nephridial tubes form the functional kidney ; ov, ovary. S.f. Fig. 278c. Diagram of the Arrangement of the Urinogenital Orcan.s in AN Adult Male Elasmobranch. (After Balfour.) m.d, rudiments of Miillerian duct ; w.d. Wolffian duct, marked vd in fr Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/elements-of-the-comparative-anatomy-of-vertebrates-anatomy-comparative-fir-278bdiagram-of-the-arrangement-of-the-urinogenital-organs-in-an-adult-female-elasmobranch-after-balfour-md-muuerian-duct-wd-wolffian-duct-d-urinary-duct-st-nephridial-tubes-five-of-them-are-represented-with-openings-into-the-body-cavitj-the-posterior-nephridial-tubes-form-the-functional-kidney-ov-ovary-sf-fig-278c-diagram-of-the-arrangement-of-the-urinogenital-orcans-in-an-adult-male-elasmobranch-after-balfour-md-rudiments-of-miillerian-duct-wd-wolffian-duct-marked-vd-in-fr-image232084126.html
RMRDG9JP–. Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Anatomy, Comparative. Fir,. 278b.—Diagram of the Arrangement of the Urinogenital Organs in an Adult Female Elasmobranch. (After Balfour.) m.d, MuUerian duct; w.d, Wolffian duct; d, urinary duct; s.t, nephridial tubes : five of them are represented with openings into the body-cavitj-: the posterior nephridial tubes form the functional kidney ; ov, ovary. S.f. Fig. 278c. Diagram of the Arrangement of the Urinogenital Orcan.s in AN Adult Male Elasmobranch. (After Balfour.) m.d, rudiments of Miillerian duct ; w.d. Wolffian duct, marked vd in fr
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