Vintage aviation photo featuring the first flight of the Wright Flyer on December 17, 1903 in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Orvill Stock Photo
RFF3A15R–Vintage aviation photo featuring the first flight of the Wright Flyer on December 17, 1903 in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Orvill
S/Sgt. Judy R. Sikes, 3024 North Broadway, Albuquerque, New Mexico, One Of The First Of The Wacs To Arrive In Hawaii, And Who Was Assigned To The Pacific Wing Of The Air Transport Command Special Services Office, Listens To The Instructions Of Cpl. Orvill Stock Photo
RM2JXGRY2–S/Sgt. Judy R. Sikes, 3024 North Broadway, Albuquerque, New Mexico, One Of The First Of The Wacs To Arrive In Hawaii, And Who Was Assigned To The Pacific Wing Of The Air Transport Command Special Services Office, Listens To The Instructions Of Cpl. Orvill
November 11th 1935 - A press photograph of the time showing the balloon used in the record manned balloon flight undertaken by two U.S. army officers,Captains Albert W. Stevens and Orville Anderson flying from Rapid City, Dakota in the 'Explorer II. They ascended for 1 hour 20 minutes from the canyon, now known as the Stratobowl, reaching a new record of 72,395 feet (stated at the time to be 74,187 feet), in an helium filmed balloon. Captain Stevens is credited with taking the first photograph showing the curvature of the Earth. Stock Photo
RM2C9P2K1–November 11th 1935 - A press photograph of the time showing the balloon used in the record manned balloon flight undertaken by two U.S. army officers,Captains Albert W. Stevens and Orville Anderson flying from Rapid City, Dakota in the 'Explorer II. They ascended for 1 hour 20 minutes from the canyon, now known as the Stratobowl, reaching a new record of 72,395 feet (stated at the time to be 74,187 feet), in an helium filmed balloon. Captain Stevens is credited with taking the first photograph showing the curvature of the Earth.
History and genealogy of James and Sara Shepherd and their American decendants . 18 67, married Feb-ruary 10, 1900, father of one son, Rex McNeal, born January26, 1902 and one daughter, Bonnie E. McNeal, born January2 6, 1908 at Red Oak, lov/a; Mary Jane McNeal, second child,born April 15, 1869, married Elza Simmons of Valisca, Iowa.They have one daughter, Ethel Simmons, born August 4, 1889,married Orie Ray and have three children, Ortis, Marie andKeith Simmons; Thomas G. McNeal, third child and secondson, born December 7, 18 7 2, married March 18, 189 6. Theyhave one child Orvill McNeal, born Stock Photo
RM2ANDF52–History and genealogy of James and Sara Shepherd and their American decendants . 18 67, married Feb-ruary 10, 1900, father of one son, Rex McNeal, born January26, 1902 and one daughter, Bonnie E. McNeal, born January2 6, 1908 at Red Oak, lov/a; Mary Jane McNeal, second child,born April 15, 1869, married Elza Simmons of Valisca, Iowa.They have one daughter, Ethel Simmons, born August 4, 1889,married Orie Ray and have three children, Ortis, Marie andKeith Simmons; Thomas G. McNeal, third child and secondson, born December 7, 18 7 2, married March 18, 189 6. Theyhave one child Orvill McNeal, born
. A volume of memoirs and genealogy of representative citizens of the city of Seattle and county of King, Washington, including biographies of many of those who have passed away. ll, wasborn in Erie county, New York, in 1820, and as a life occupation he fol-lowed farming and merchandising. For some years he made his home atOlivet, Michigan, where he was connected with the college of that place, andwas an active Republican in the early history of that party. He marriedMiss Mary Fish, also of Erie county, New York, and their union was blessedwith two sons,—Merton A., now deceased; and Orvill J. Stock Photo
RM2CEMC8C–. A volume of memoirs and genealogy of representative citizens of the city of Seattle and county of King, Washington, including biographies of many of those who have passed away. ll, wasborn in Erie county, New York, in 1820, and as a life occupation he fol-lowed farming and merchandising. For some years he made his home atOlivet, Michigan, where he was connected with the college of that place, andwas an active Republican in the early history of that party. He marriedMiss Mary Fish, also of Erie county, New York, and their union was blessedwith two sons,—Merton A., now deceased; and Orvill J.
. History of the First battalion Pennsylvania six months volunteers and the 187th regiment Pennsylvania volunteer infantry; six months and three years service, civil war, 1863-1865; . I CAPTAIN WILLIAM YOUNG. 2 CORPORAL W. E. MOHR. 3 LIEUT. JAMES R. JOHNSON. 4 SERGT. A. B. PATTON. COMPANY C. THE NEW YOHK TILIiKN roCNDATlwNgfi L. I C. p. HARDER. 2 ORVILL D. HARDER.4 JOHN H. HARDER. COMPANY C. 3 C. P. HARDER. THE SEW TojfK L Stock Photo
RM2CGKNN3–. History of the First battalion Pennsylvania six months volunteers and the 187th regiment Pennsylvania volunteer infantry; six months and three years service, civil war, 1863-1865; . I CAPTAIN WILLIAM YOUNG. 2 CORPORAL W. E. MOHR. 3 LIEUT. JAMES R. JOHNSON. 4 SERGT. A. B. PATTON. COMPANY C. THE NEW YOHK TILIiKN roCNDATlwNgfi L. I C. p. HARDER. 2 ORVILL D. HARDER.4 JOHN H. HARDER. COMPANY C. 3 C. P. HARDER. THE SEW TojfK L
. History of the First battalion Pennsylvania six months volunteers and the 187th regiment Pennsylvania volunteer infantry; six months and three years service, civil war, 1863-1865; . I C. p. HARDER. 2 ORVILL D. HARDER.4 JOHN H. HARDER. COMPANY C. 3 C. P. HARDER. THE SEW TojfK L. JAMES M. GIBBS, COMPANY C.Vice President, Survivors Association. THE NKW VnRK PU.Bl.l ( I.IHIURY AST»KB FlKINLtATloNS PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 153 and mills, and mines; some returned to the schools and took upthe books they lay down when they left home to enlist. Wefind the members of the Regiment scattered all Stock Photo
RM2CGKN4N–. History of the First battalion Pennsylvania six months volunteers and the 187th regiment Pennsylvania volunteer infantry; six months and three years service, civil war, 1863-1865; . I C. p. HARDER. 2 ORVILL D. HARDER.4 JOHN H. HARDER. COMPANY C. 3 C. P. HARDER. THE SEW TojfK L. JAMES M. GIBBS, COMPANY C.Vice President, Survivors Association. THE NKW VnRK PU.Bl.l ( I.IHIURY AST»KB FlKINLtATloNS PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 153 and mills, and mines; some returned to the schools and took upthe books they lay down when they left home to enlist. Wefind the members of the Regiment scattered all
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