Ismail Pasha (1830-1895), the Viceroy of Egypt under Ottoman suzerainty, 1863û79, whose administrative policies, notably the accumulation of an enormous foreign debt, were instrumental in leading to British occupation of Egypt in 1882. Stock Photo
RM2K64053–Ismail Pasha (1830-1895), the Viceroy of Egypt under Ottoman suzerainty, 1863û79, whose administrative policies, notably the accumulation of an enormous foreign debt, were instrumental in leading to British occupation of Egypt in 1882.
Ismail Pasha (Isma'il Pasha), known as Ismail the Magnificent, was the Khedive of Egypt and conqueror of Sudan from 1863 to 1879, when he was removed at the behest of Great Britain. He served as viceroy of Egypt under Ottoman suzerainty from 1863 to 79. His administrative policies, notably the accumulation of an enormous foreign debt, were instrumental in leading to British occupation of Egypt in 1882. Stock Photo
RF2F98CRJ–Ismail Pasha (Isma'il Pasha), known as Ismail the Magnificent, was the Khedive of Egypt and conqueror of Sudan from 1863 to 1879, when he was removed at the behest of Great Britain. He served as viceroy of Egypt under Ottoman suzerainty from 1863 to 79. His administrative policies, notably the accumulation of an enormous foreign debt, were instrumental in leading to British occupation of Egypt in 1882.
Insurgents in Crete in the 19th century against Ottoman suzerainty, Aufständische in Kreta, im 19. Jahrhundert gegen die osmanische Oberhoheit, digital improved reproduction of an original print from the year 1881, Koloriert, Kolorierung, koloriert, handkoloriert, Hand-colouring, hand coloured, colored, Stock Photo
RF2GF34MK–Insurgents in Crete in the 19th century against Ottoman suzerainty, Aufständische in Kreta, im 19. Jahrhundert gegen die osmanische Oberhoheit, digital improved reproduction of an original print from the year 1881, Koloriert, Kolorierung, koloriert, handkoloriert, Hand-colouring, hand coloured, colored,
The New Shaving-Machine (suggested by a recent invention). Emperor of Russia, Nicholas I, sits in the shaving-machine chair in John Bull and Louis Nap(olean)'s Easy Shaving Shop, at the mercy of the razors and shaving brushes of his enemies France, Britain and Turkey (the Ottoman Empire), supported by Austria. He holds a Declaration of War. In July 1853, Russia occupied the Danubian Provinces (the chair), under Ottoman suzerainty. The Crimean War broke out later that year. Stock Photo
RM2K64GH2–The New Shaving-Machine (suggested by a recent invention). Emperor of Russia, Nicholas I, sits in the shaving-machine chair in John Bull and Louis Nap(olean)'s Easy Shaving Shop, at the mercy of the razors and shaving brushes of his enemies France, Britain and Turkey (the Ottoman Empire), supported by Austria. He holds a Declaration of War. In July 1853, Russia occupied the Danubian Provinces (the chair), under Ottoman suzerainty. The Crimean War broke out later that year.
Insurgents in Crete in the 19th century against Ottoman suzerainty, Aufständische in Kreta, im 19. Jahrhundert gegen die osmanische Oberhoheit, digital improved reproduction of an original print from the year 1881 Stock Photo
RFP0802R–Insurgents in Crete in the 19th century against Ottoman suzerainty, Aufständische in Kreta, im 19. Jahrhundert gegen die osmanische Oberhoheit, digital improved reproduction of an original print from the year 1881
The Greco-Turkish War of 1897, or the Thirty Days' War, Crete, Greece Stock Photo
RMDW3D1N–The Greco-Turkish War of 1897, or the Thirty Days' War, Crete, Greece
Sultan Abdul Hamid II of Turkey and Crete Stock Photo
RMDR9PTJ–Sultan Abdul Hamid II of Turkey and Crete
The international geography . of Bulgaria, under the suzerainty of theSultan, ojcupying the north-eastern part of the peninsula on both sides oftlie Balkan Mountains. (5) The Ottoman Empire, or Turkey, in the south. Servia 335 The ethnographical boundaries do not correspond with the pohtical.The Servians occupy the north-west, the Bulgarians the east, and Slavsof doubtful origin Macedonia. Theancient Albanian people remainby themselves in the south-west.Many Greeks live on the coast, and,with the Armenians, are settled asmerchants in all the towns. Jews,descended from those who wereexpelled fr Stock Photo
RM2ANJFAX–The international geography . of Bulgaria, under the suzerainty of theSultan, ojcupying the north-eastern part of the peninsula on both sides oftlie Balkan Mountains. (5) The Ottoman Empire, or Turkey, in the south. Servia 335 The ethnographical boundaries do not correspond with the pohtical.The Servians occupy the north-west, the Bulgarians the east, and Slavsof doubtful origin Macedonia. Theancient Albanian people remainby themselves in the south-west.Many Greeks live on the coast, and,with the Armenians, are settled asmerchants in all the towns. Jews,descended from those who wereexpelled fr
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