Cake Decorated Border Construction. (10) 'S' Scroll Border, (11) Alternating Scroll Border with Overpiping, (12) Shell Border with 'S' Scrolls and Overpiping. Stock Photo
RM2RGDWYD–Cake Decorated Border Construction. (10) 'S' Scroll Border, (11) Alternating Scroll Border with Overpiping, (12) Shell Border with 'S' Scrolls and Overpiping.
Cake Decorated Border Construction. (10) 'S' Scroll Border, (11) Alternating Scroll Border with Overpiping, (12) Shell Border with 'S' Scrolls and Overpiping. Date: 1936 Stock Photo
RM2RAAGXB–Cake Decorated Border Construction. (10) 'S' Scroll Border, (11) Alternating Scroll Border with Overpiping, (12) Shell Border with 'S' Scrolls and Overpiping. Date: 1936
Cake Decorated Border Construction. (10) 'S' Scroll Border, (11) Alternating Scroll Border with Overpiping, (12) Shell Border with 'S' Scrolls and Overpiping. Stock Photo
RM2M96PG0–Cake Decorated Border Construction. (10) 'S' Scroll Border, (11) Alternating Scroll Border with Overpiping, (12) Shell Border with 'S' Scrolls and Overpiping.
Cake Border and Side Scroll Designs. (7) Double Star Border, Scallop Edge, Trellis Piping. (8) Shell and Leaf Border, (9) Serrated Shell Border, with 'C' Scrolls and Overpiping. Stock Photo
RM2RGDWRK–Cake Border and Side Scroll Designs. (7) Double Star Border, Scallop Edge, Trellis Piping. (8) Shell and Leaf Border, (9) Serrated Shell Border, with 'C' Scrolls and Overpiping.
Cake Border and Side Scroll Designs. (7) Double Star Border, Scallop Edge, Trellis Piping. (8) Shell and Leaf Border, (9) Serrated Shell Border, with 'C' Scrolls and Overpiping. Stock Photo
RM2M96PEP–Cake Border and Side Scroll Designs. (7) Double Star Border, Scallop Edge, Trellis Piping. (8) Shell and Leaf Border, (9) Serrated Shell Border, with 'C' Scrolls and Overpiping.
Cake Border and Side Scroll Designs. (7) Double Star Border, Scallop Edge, Trellis Piping. (8) Shell and Leaf Border, (9) Serrated Shell Border, with 'C' Scrolls and Overpiping. Date: 1936 Stock Photo
RM2RAAH1E–Cake Border and Side Scroll Designs. (7) Double Star Border, Scallop Edge, Trellis Piping. (8) Shell and Leaf Border, (9) Serrated Shell Border, with 'C' Scrolls and Overpiping. Date: 1936
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