Common Logperch (Percina caprodes) Stock Photo
RM2YNM071–Common Logperch (Percina caprodes)
Fishes . Fig. 413.—Log-perch, Percina caprodes (Rafinesque). Licking Co., Ohio. large and small. In this widely distributed species, largeenough to take the hook, the air-bladder is present althoughsmall. In the smaller species it vanishes by degrees, and inproportion as in their habits they cling to the bottom of thestream. The genus Hadropteriis includes many handsome species,most of them with a black lateral band widened at intervals.. Fig. 414.—^Black-sided Darter, Hadropteriis aspro (Cope & Jordan).Chickaiiiaiiga River. The black-sided darter, Hadropteriis aspro, is the best-knownspecies Stock Photo
RM2AWY529–Fishes . Fig. 413.—Log-perch, Percina caprodes (Rafinesque). Licking Co., Ohio. large and small. In this widely distributed species, largeenough to take the hook, the air-bladder is present althoughsmall. In the smaller species it vanishes by degrees, and inproportion as in their habits they cling to the bottom of thestream. The genus Hadropteriis includes many handsome species,most of them with a black lateral band widened at intervals.. Fig. 414.—^Black-sided Darter, Hadropteriis aspro (Cope & Jordan).Chickaiiiaiiga River. The black-sided darter, Hadropteriis aspro, is the best-knownspecies
Common Logperch (Percina caprodes) Stock Photo
RM2YYH1CJ–Common Logperch (Percina caprodes)
. An introduction to zoology : for the use of high schools . f theDarters in Ontario. They are a characteristic American group,being amongst the smallest of the Fishes, and distinguishedfurther by their bright colours, rapid movements, large fins,and the rudimentary condition of the pseudobranchs and air-bladder. Some of them conceal themselves under sand, the eyesalone remaining uncovered, the better to pounce rapidly uponthe active insect larvae on which they feed. The largest of thegroup, the Log-Perch {Percina caprodes), attains a length of6-8 inches, and may be recognized by its black, ba Stock Photo
RM2CDF0AG–. An introduction to zoology : for the use of high schools . f theDarters in Ontario. They are a characteristic American group,being amongst the smallest of the Fishes, and distinguishedfurther by their bright colours, rapid movements, large fins,and the rudimentary condition of the pseudobranchs and air-bladder. Some of them conceal themselves under sand, the eyesalone remaining uncovered, the better to pounce rapidly uponthe active insect larvae on which they feed. The largest of thegroup, the Log-Perch {Percina caprodes), attains a length of6-8 inches, and may be recognized by its black, ba
Common Logperch (Percina caprodes) Stock Photo
RM2YNK46N–Common Logperch (Percina caprodes)
. A guide to the study of fishes. Fishes; Zoology; Fishes. Fig. 244.—Log-perch, Percina caprodes (Rafinesque). "Licking Co., Ohio. large and small. In this widely distributed species, large enough to take the hook, the air-bladder is present although small. In the smaller species it vanishes by degrees, and in proportion as in their habits they cling to the bottom of the stream. The genus Hadropteriis includes many handsome species, most of them with a black lateral band widened at intervals.. Fig. 245.—^Black-sided Darter, Hadropterus aspro (Cope & Jordan). Chickamauga River. The bla Stock Photo
RMRDJT85–. A guide to the study of fishes. Fishes; Zoology; Fishes. Fig. 244.—Log-perch, Percina caprodes (Rafinesque). "Licking Co., Ohio. large and small. In this widely distributed species, large enough to take the hook, the air-bladder is present although small. In the smaller species it vanishes by degrees, and in proportion as in their habits they cling to the bottom of the stream. The genus Hadropteriis includes many handsome species, most of them with a black lateral band widened at intervals.. Fig. 245.—^Black-sided Darter, Hadropterus aspro (Cope & Jordan). Chickamauga River. The bla
. Fishes. Fishes. 526 Percoidea, or Perch-like Fishes First among the darters because largest in size, most perch- like in structure, and least degenerate, we place the king darter, Percina rex of the Roanoke River in Virginia. This species reaches a length of six inches, is handsomely colored, and looks like a young wall-eye. The log-perch, Percina caprodes, is near to this, but a little smaller, with the body surrounded by black rings alternately. Fig. 413.—Log-perch, Percina caprodes (Rafinesque). Licking Co., Ohio. large and small. In this widely distributed species, large enough to take t Stock Photo
RMRDR5J9–. Fishes. Fishes. 526 Percoidea, or Perch-like Fishes First among the darters because largest in size, most perch- like in structure, and least degenerate, we place the king darter, Percina rex of the Roanoke River in Virginia. This species reaches a length of six inches, is handsomely colored, and looks like a young wall-eye. The log-perch, Percina caprodes, is near to this, but a little smaller, with the body surrounded by black rings alternately. Fig. 413.—Log-perch, Percina caprodes (Rafinesque). Licking Co., Ohio. large and small. In this widely distributed species, large enough to take t
Common Logperch (Percina caprodes) Actinopterygii Stock Photo
. A guide to the study of fishes. Fishes; Zoology; Fishes. Percoidea, or Perch-like Fishes 3" First among the darters because largest in size, most perch- like in structure, and least degenerate, we place the king darter, Percina rex of the Roanoke River in Virginia. This species reaches a length of six inches, is handsomely colored, and looks like a young wall-eye. The log-perch, Percina caprodes, is near to this, but a little smaller, with the body surrounded by black rings alternately. Fig. 244.—Log-perch, Percina caprodes (Rafinesque). "Licking Co., Ohio. large and small. In this Stock Photo
RMRDJT8A–. A guide to the study of fishes. Fishes; Zoology; Fishes. Percoidea, or Perch-like Fishes 3" First among the darters because largest in size, most perch- like in structure, and least degenerate, we place the king darter, Percina rex of the Roanoke River in Virginia. This species reaches a length of six inches, is handsomely colored, and looks like a young wall-eye. The log-perch, Percina caprodes, is near to this, but a little smaller, with the body surrounded by black rings alternately. Fig. 244.—Log-perch, Percina caprodes (Rafinesque). "Licking Co., Ohio. large and small. In this
Common Logperch (Percina caprodes) Actinopterygii Stock Photo
. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. Natural history. LXXXV Distribution of Percina caprodes. .Jll. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal . County Seat. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. Bloomington, Ill. : The Laboratory Stock Photo
RMRGGKWB–. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. Natural history. LXXXV Distribution of Percina caprodes. .Jll. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal . County Seat. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. Bloomington, Ill. : The Laboratory
Common Logperch (Percina caprodes) Stock Photo
RM2YYHGKE–Common Logperch (Percina caprodes)
. Bulletin. Natural history; Natural history. LXXXV Distribution of Percina caprodes. ..Jll. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal • County Seat. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Illinois. Natural History Survey Division. Urbana, State of Illinois, Dept. of Registration and Education, Natural History Survey Division Stock Photo
RMRGW33N–. Bulletin. Natural history; Natural history. LXXXV Distribution of Percina caprodes. ..Jll. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal • County Seat. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Illinois. Natural History Survey Division. Urbana, State of Illinois, Dept. of Registration and Education, Natural History Survey Division
. Bulletin. Natural history; Natural history. March, 1963 Larimore & Smith: Fishes of Champaign County 375. Fig. 67.—Percina caprodes. Fig. 68.—Percina maculata. ?—T'Sr. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Illinois. Natural History Survey Division. Urbana, State of Illinois, Dept. of Registration and Education, Natural History Survey Division Stock Photo
RMRGW9E4–. Bulletin. Natural history; Natural history. March, 1963 Larimore & Smith: Fishes of Champaign County 375. Fig. 67.—Percina caprodes. Fig. 68.—Percina maculata. ?—T'Sr. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Illinois. Natural History Survey Division. Urbana, State of Illinois, Dept. of Registration and Education, Natural History Survey Division
. Copeia. Ichthyology; Herpetology. New York, August 24, 1917. No. 47. Published to advance the Science of cold-blooded vertebrates DESTRUCTION OF LOG PERCH EGGS BY SUCKERS. While collecting eggs of the log perch, Percina caprodes, (Rafinesque), at Douglas Lake, Michigan, during the second week of July, schools of suckers, Catostomus commersoiui (Lacepede), were observed raiding the spawning grounds of the log perch. These suckers quietly entered the schools of log perch which were spawning in the shallow water near shore, and crowded the spawning fish aside to eat their recently laid eggs. Th Stock Photo
RMRE8C7Y–. Copeia. Ichthyology; Herpetology. New York, August 24, 1917. No. 47. Published to advance the Science of cold-blooded vertebrates DESTRUCTION OF LOG PERCH EGGS BY SUCKERS. While collecting eggs of the log perch, Percina caprodes, (Rafinesque), at Douglas Lake, Michigan, during the second week of July, schools of suckers, Catostomus commersoiui (Lacepede), were observed raiding the spawning grounds of the log perch. These suckers quietly entered the schools of log perch which were spawning in the shallow water near shore, and crowded the spawning fish aside to eat their recently laid eggs. Th
. The Canadian field-naturalist. Natural history. 58 The Canadian Field-Naturalist Vol. 117. Ik,i R] I. Recent discovery locations of the Logperch, Percina caprodes, and Longnose Dace, Rhinichthys cataractae, in Labrador. The Aguanus River, Quebec, and Ashuanapi Lake and Lake Shabogamo, Labrador, sites are indicated as point locations. (Adapted from Scott and Crossman 1973). obligate spawners and one catadromous species existing within the boundaries of Labrador. The presence of the Logperch increases the number of reported species lor Labrador to 24 obligate spawn- ers and one catadromous spe Stock Photo
RMRG3RMT–. The Canadian field-naturalist. Natural history. 58 The Canadian Field-Naturalist Vol. 117. Ik,i R] I. Recent discovery locations of the Logperch, Percina caprodes, and Longnose Dace, Rhinichthys cataractae, in Labrador. The Aguanus River, Quebec, and Ashuanapi Lake and Lake Shabogamo, Labrador, sites are indicated as point locations. (Adapted from Scott and Crossman 1973). obligate spawners and one catadromous species existing within the boundaries of Labrador. The presence of the Logperch increases the number of reported species lor Labrador to 24 obligate spawn- ers and one catadromous spe
. Contributions to North American Ichthyology [microform] : based primarily on the collections of the United States National Museum. Ichthyology; Fishes, Fresh-water; Fishes; Ichtyologie; Poissons d'eau douce; Poissons. FISHES OF THE CUMBERLAND BASIN. ^ 73 ., r COTTID^. ' Genus POTAMOCOTTUS (?i??. ^ , 1. POTAMOCOTTUS MERIDIONALTS {Grd.) Gill. From Cumberland lliver at Niishville. " - ETHEOSTOMATID^. Genus PERCINA Haldeman. ⢠2. Percina caprodes {Raf.) Grd. AbuudnDt. Genus ALVOllDIUS Girard. 3. Alvordius maculatus (Girard) Cope d'Jordan. From the Rock Castle and Cumberland at various poin Stock Photo
RMRJ2NNE–. Contributions to North American Ichthyology [microform] : based primarily on the collections of the United States National Museum. Ichthyology; Fishes, Fresh-water; Fishes; Ichtyologie; Poissons d'eau douce; Poissons. FISHES OF THE CUMBERLAND BASIN. ^ 73 ., r COTTID^. ' Genus POTAMOCOTTUS (?i??. ^ , 1. POTAMOCOTTUS MERIDIONALTS {Grd.) Gill. From Cumberland lliver at Niishville. " - ETHEOSTOMATID^. Genus PERCINA Haldeman. ⢠2. Percina caprodes {Raf.) Grd. AbuudnDt. Genus ALVOllDIUS Girard. 3. Alvordius maculatus (Girard) Cope d'Jordan. From the Rock Castle and Cumberland at various poin
. Fishes. Fishes. Fig. 413.—Log-perch, Percina caprodes (Rafinesque). Licking Co., Ohio. large and small. In this widely distributed species, large enough to take the hook, the air-bladder is present although small. In the smaller species it vanishes by degrees, and in proportion as in their habits they cling to the bottom of the stream. The genus Hadropterus includes many handsome species, most of them with a black lateral band widened at intervals.. Fio. 414. -Black-sided Darter, Hadropterus aspro (Cope & Jordan). Chickaniauga River. The black-Sided darter, Hadropterus aspro, is the best Stock Photo
RMRDR5J5–. Fishes. Fishes. Fig. 413.—Log-perch, Percina caprodes (Rafinesque). Licking Co., Ohio. large and small. In this widely distributed species, large enough to take the hook, the air-bladder is present although small. In the smaller species it vanishes by degrees, and in proportion as in their habits they cling to the bottom of the stream. The genus Hadropterus includes many handsome species, most of them with a black lateral band widened at intervals.. Fio. 414. -Black-sided Darter, Hadropterus aspro (Cope & Jordan). Chickaniauga River. The black-Sided darter, Hadropterus aspro, is the best
. Bulletin. Natural history; Natural history. Fig. 67.—Percina caprodes. Fig. 68.—Percina maculata. ?—T'Sr. Fig. 69.—Percina phoxocephala. Fig. 70.—Aplodinotus grunniens. Distribution of Champaign County fishes as determined by three surveys at approximately 30- year intervals. Open triangle: collecting station of Forbes & Richardson; indicated species not collected. Solid triangle: collecting station of Forbes & Richardson; indicated species collected. Small open circle alone: collecting station of Thompson & Hunt and also, if extant in 1959, col- lecting station of Larimore & Stock Photo
RMRGW9DJ–. Bulletin. Natural history; Natural history. Fig. 67.—Percina caprodes. Fig. 68.—Percina maculata. ?—T'Sr. Fig. 69.—Percina phoxocephala. Fig. 70.—Aplodinotus grunniens. Distribution of Champaign County fishes as determined by three surveys at approximately 30- year intervals. Open triangle: collecting station of Forbes & Richardson; indicated species not collected. Solid triangle: collecting station of Forbes & Richardson; indicated species collected. Small open circle alone: collecting station of Thompson & Hunt and also, if extant in 1959, col- lecting station of Larimore &
. The fishes of North Carolina . Fishes. 254 FISHES OF NORTH CAROLINA. The log perch is the largest of the darters, reaching a length of 8 or 10 inches. It is found from the Great Lakes region to Texas, and along the Atlantic slope as far south as Virginia. In North Carolina it is known only from tributaries of the French Broad. Jordan took one specimen in Swannanoa River near Asheville, and Bean records one fine example from Cane River. The species inhabits clear swift streams, and bites readily at the baited hook.. Fig. 110. Log Perch. Percina caprodes. Genus HADROPTERUS Agassiz. Black-sided Stock Photo
RMRDT12M–. The fishes of North Carolina . Fishes. 254 FISHES OF NORTH CAROLINA. The log perch is the largest of the darters, reaching a length of 8 or 10 inches. It is found from the Great Lakes region to Texas, and along the Atlantic slope as far south as Virginia. In North Carolina it is known only from tributaries of the French Broad. Jordan took one specimen in Swannanoa River near Asheville, and Bean records one fine example from Cane River. The species inhabits clear swift streams, and bites readily at the baited hook.. Fig. 110. Log Perch. Percina caprodes. Genus HADROPTERUS Agassiz. Black-sided
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