. An elementary text-book of botany, for the use of Japanese students. Botany. Fig. 68.—Introrse anthers of the Hasu. Pig. 69.. Pig. 69.—Flower of Iris pumila, with front portion and half of one petaloid style-lobe and stigma cut away, showing the ovary and a stamen with eztrorse anther. (Gray.). Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Saida, Ko?taro?, 1860-1924; Tokahashi, Akiomi, joint author. Tokyo Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/an-elementary-text-book-of-botany-for-the-use-of-japanese-students-botany-fig-68introrse-anthers-of-the-hasu-pig-69-pig-69flower-of-iris-pumila-with-front-portion-and-half-of-one-petaloid-style-lobe-and-stigma-cut-away-showing-the-ovary-and-a-stamen-with-eztrorse-anther-gray-please-note-that-these-images-are-extracted-from-scanned-page-images-that-may-have-been-digitally-enhanced-for-readability-coloration-and-appearance-of-these-illustrations-may-not-perfectly-resemble-the-original-work-saida-kotaro-1860-1924-tokahashi-akiomi-joint-author-tokyo-image232112767.html
RMRDHJ5K–. An elementary text-book of botany, for the use of Japanese students. Botany. Fig. 68.—Introrse anthers of the Hasu. Pig. 69.. Pig. 69.—Flower of Iris pumila, with front portion and half of one petaloid style-lobe and stigma cut away, showing the ovary and a stamen with eztrorse anther. (Gray.). Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Saida, Ko?taro?, 1860-1924; Tokahashi, Akiomi, joint author. Tokyo
. The natural history of plants. Botany. 332 NATURAL HISTORY OF PLANTS. introrse anther dehiscing by a single longitudinal cleft. The fila- ments are petaloid and incurved in the bud in such a manner as to carry the anthers under the projection of the style, where they NapoUona imjperialis.. Fig. 329. Floriferous branch.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Baillon, Henri Ernest, 1827-1895; Hartog, Marcus Manuel Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-natural-history-of-plants-botany-332-natural-history-of-plants-introrse-anther-dehiscing-by-a-single-longitudinal-cleft-the-fila-ments-are-petaloid-and-incurved-in-the-bud-in-such-a-manner-as-to-carry-the-anthers-under-the-projection-of-the-style-where-they-napouona-imjperialis-fig-329-floriferous-branch-please-note-that-these-images-are-extracted-from-scanned-page-images-that-may-have-been-digitally-enhanced-for-readability-coloration-and-appearance-of-these-illustrations-may-not-perfectly-resemble-the-original-work-baillon-henri-ernest-1827-1895-hartog-marcus-manuel-image216401063.html
RMPG1WNB–. The natural history of plants. Botany. 332 NATURAL HISTORY OF PLANTS. introrse anther dehiscing by a single longitudinal cleft. The fila- ments are petaloid and incurved in the bud in such a manner as to carry the anthers under the projection of the style, where they NapoUona imjperialis.. Fig. 329. Floriferous branch.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Baillon, Henri Ernest, 1827-1895; Hartog, Marcus Manuel
. The classification of flowering plants. Plants. V] MARANTACEAE 339. The brilliant colour of the parts and the presence of honey which is secreted in the septal glands of the ovary render the flowers attractive to insects. The labellum affords a convenient landing-place, while the broad petaloid style (6) with its terminal stigma projecting from the flower is the first object encountered. The capsule (fig. 158 A), which varies in size, shape and colour, is often covered with warty or soft spine-like protuberances. The round seeds (B) contain a hard white perisperm with small oval starch-grain Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-classification-of-flowering-plants-plants-v-marantaceae-339-the-brilliant-colour-of-the-parts-and-the-presence-of-honey-which-is-secreted-in-the-septal-glands-of-the-ovary-render-the-flowers-attractive-to-insects-the-labellum-affords-a-convenient-landing-place-while-the-broad-petaloid-style-6-with-its-terminal-stigma-projecting-from-the-flower-is-the-first-object-encountered-the-capsule-fig-158-a-which-varies-in-size-shape-and-colour-is-often-covered-with-warty-or-soft-spine-like-protuberances-the-round-seeds-b-contain-a-hard-white-perisperm-with-small-oval-starch-grain-image232762522.html
RMREK6Y6–. The classification of flowering plants. Plants. V] MARANTACEAE 339. The brilliant colour of the parts and the presence of honey which is secreted in the septal glands of the ovary render the flowers attractive to insects. The labellum affords a convenient landing-place, while the broad petaloid style (6) with its terminal stigma projecting from the flower is the first object encountered. The capsule (fig. 158 A), which varies in size, shape and colour, is often covered with warty or soft spine-like protuberances. The round seeds (B) contain a hard white perisperm with small oval starch-grain
. Handbook of flower pollination : based upon Hermann Mu?ller's work 'The fertilisation of flowers by insects' . Fertilization of plants. Fig. jyi. Irii Picudacorus,, L. (1-3. after Hcrm. Muller, 4. from nature). (i) Transverse section through the perianth tube. 12) Do., through the perianth, at the point where the sepals and petals become free. (3) Transverse section somewhat higher than (2), showing the boundaries of the nectar-passages, a, style; a'a' a', petaloid stylar branches; ^, nectar-passages; c, adherent part of filament; ddd^ sepals; rf'rf'rf', petals; ece, ridges on sepals. (4) Fl Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/handbook-of-flower-pollination-based-upon-hermann-mullers-work-the-fertilisation-of-flowers-by-insects-fertilization-of-plants-fig-jyi-irii-picudacorus-l-1-3-after-hcrm-muller-4-from-nature-i-transverse-section-through-the-perianth-tube-12-do-through-the-perianth-at-the-point-where-the-sepals-and-petals-become-free-3-transverse-section-somewhat-higher-than-2-showing-the-boundaries-of-the-nectar-passages-a-style-aa-a-petaloid-stylar-branches-nectar-passages-c-adherent-part-of-filament-ddd-sepals-rfrfrf-petals-ece-ridges-on-sepals-4-fl-image216452138.html
RMPG46WE–. Handbook of flower pollination : based upon Hermann Mu?ller's work 'The fertilisation of flowers by insects' . Fertilization of plants. Fig. jyi. Irii Picudacorus,, L. (1-3. after Hcrm. Muller, 4. from nature). (i) Transverse section through the perianth tube. 12) Do., through the perianth, at the point where the sepals and petals become free. (3) Transverse section somewhat higher than (2), showing the boundaries of the nectar-passages, a, style; a'a' a', petaloid stylar branches; ^, nectar-passages; c, adherent part of filament; ddd^ sepals; rf'rf'rf', petals; ece, ridges on sepals. (4) Fl
. The classification of flowering plants. Plants. .838 FLOWERING PLANTS [CH. Marantaceae, but without the lignle of the former or the pulvinus of the latter. The inflorescence is terminal and forms a spike, or branching occurs, so that each bract on not a single flower, but generally the main axis subtends, a two-flowered cincinnus (fig.. Fig. 158. Flowering shoot of Canna indica, much reduced ; a, anther ; b, petaloid style ; I, labellum ; p, petal; s, sepals; st, staminodes. A. Fruit, sMghtlv reduced. B. Seed cut length- wise ; c, sucker of cotyledon ; i, in- growth of hard testa around the Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-classification-of-flowering-plants-plants-838-flowering-plants-ch-marantaceae-but-without-the-lignle-of-the-former-or-the-pulvinus-of-the-latter-the-inflorescence-is-terminal-and-forms-a-spike-or-branching-occurs-so-that-each-bract-on-not-a-single-flower-but-generally-the-main-axis-subtends-a-two-flowered-cincinnus-fig-fig-158-flowering-shoot-of-canna-indica-much-reduced-a-anther-b-petaloid-style-i-labellum-p-petal-s-sepals-st-staminodes-a-fruit-smghtlv-reduced-b-seed-cut-length-wise-c-sucker-of-cotyledon-i-in-growth-of-hard-testa-around-the-image232762529.html
RMREK6YD–. The classification of flowering plants. Plants. .838 FLOWERING PLANTS [CH. Marantaceae, but without the lignle of the former or the pulvinus of the latter. The inflorescence is terminal and forms a spike, or branching occurs, so that each bract on not a single flower, but generally the main axis subtends, a two-flowered cincinnus (fig.. Fig. 158. Flowering shoot of Canna indica, much reduced ; a, anther ; b, petaloid style ; I, labellum ; p, petal; s, sepals; st, staminodes. A. Fruit, sMghtlv reduced. B. Seed cut length- wise ; c, sucker of cotyledon ; i, in- growth of hard testa around the
. Analytical class-book of botany : designed for academies and private students. Plants. 108 OEDEE IX. SAEEACENIACEjE. OEDEE XVI. DEOSEEACEiE. Oeder IX.—Sarraceniacese. Perennial, acaulescent herbs, growing in bogs. Leaves pitcher-shaped, as in fig. 9, Plate XVII. Flowers large, solitary, nodding. Sepals 6, persistent, with 3 bracts at base. Petals 6. Stamens indefinite, hypogynous. Anthers adnate, introrse. Style single. Stigma large, petaloid, persistent, coTering the 5- celled, 5-valved ovary. Placentae central. Seeds numerous, minute. A. email and very curious order, confined to the swamps Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/analytical-class-book-of-botany-designed-for-academies-and-private-students-plants-108-oedee-ix-saeeaceniaceje-oedee-xvi-deoseeaceie-oeder-ixsarraceniacese-perennial-acaulescent-herbs-growing-in-bogs-leaves-pitcher-shaped-as-in-fig-9-plate-xvii-flowers-large-solitary-nodding-sepals-6-persistent-with-3-bracts-at-base-petals-6-stamens-indefinite-hypogynous-anthers-adnate-introrse-style-single-stigma-large-petaloid-persistent-cotering-the-5-celled-5-valved-ovary-placentae-central-seeds-numerous-minute-a-email-and-very-curious-order-confined-to-the-swamps-image216367655.html
RMPG0B47–. Analytical class-book of botany : designed for academies and private students. Plants. 108 OEDEE IX. SAEEACENIACEjE. OEDEE XVI. DEOSEEACEiE. Oeder IX.—Sarraceniacese. Perennial, acaulescent herbs, growing in bogs. Leaves pitcher-shaped, as in fig. 9, Plate XVII. Flowers large, solitary, nodding. Sepals 6, persistent, with 3 bracts at base. Petals 6. Stamens indefinite, hypogynous. Anthers adnate, introrse. Style single. Stigma large, petaloid, persistent, coTering the 5- celled, 5-valved ovary. Placentae central. Seeds numerous, minute. A. email and very curious order, confined to the swamps
Text-book of structural and physiological botany . Fig. 292.—Vx-sxAoi Brojiiiis, rt: ovary,b plumose stigma (magnified). Fig. 290. — Ba-silar style ofA Iche VI ill a(magnified).. Fig. 289. — Capsule of Fig. 291.—Pistil Lolchictwi ; a at the of Parietaria, moment of dehiscence; with penicillate ii transverse section. stigma (magnified). Fig. 293.—Petaloid stigmas of/r/^-. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/text-book-of-structural-and-physiological-botany-fig-292vx-sxaoi-brojiiiis-rt-ovaryb-plumose-stigma-magnified-fig-290-ba-silar-style-ofa-iche-vi-ill-amagnified-fig-289-capsule-of-fig-291pistil-lolchictwi-a-at-the-of-parietaria-moment-of-dehiscence-with-penicillate-ii-transverse-section-stigma-magnified-fig-293petaloid-stigmas-ofr-image343339099.html
RM2AXGCEK–Text-book of structural and physiological botany . Fig. 292.—Vx-sxAoi Brojiiiis, rt: ovary,b plumose stigma (magnified). Fig. 290. — Ba-silar style ofA Iche VI ill a(magnified).. Fig. 289. — Capsule of Fig. 291.—Pistil Lolchictwi ; a at the of Parietaria, moment of dehiscence; with penicillate ii transverse section. stigma (magnified). Fig. 293.—Petaloid stigmas of/r/^-.
. Analytical class-book of botany : designed for academies and private students. Plants. OEDER XCVII. POLYGONACE^. OEDEE CIV. SAUEUEACEiE. 123 nypogynous, 1—20. Ovary free, 1-celled. Style 1. Stigma 1. Fruit an aotenium. A small and/mostly tropical order. Several epecies of Mirabilis (Four- d'clock^ Marvel ofFeru)^ are cultivated here. Order XCVII.—PolygonacesB. Herbs, or shrubs. Leaves alternate. Stipules ochreate, rarely none. Flowers usually perfect. Sepals 4—6, more or less united at base, often petaloid. Stamens definite, inserted on the base of the sepals. Ovary free, 1-celled, 1-ovuled. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/analytical-class-book-of-botany-designed-for-academies-and-private-students-plants-oeder-xcvii-polygonace-oedee-civ-saueueaceie-123-nypogynous-120-ovary-free-1-celled-style-1-stigma-1-fruit-an-aotenium-a-small-andmostly-tropical-order-several-epecies-of-mirabilis-four-dclock-marvel-offeru-are-cultivated-here-order-xcviipolygonacesb-herbs-or-shrubs-leaves-alternate-stipules-ochreate-rarely-none-flowers-usually-perfect-sepals-46-more-or-less-united-at-base-often-petaloid-stamens-definite-inserted-on-the-base-of-the-sepals-ovary-free-1-celled-1-ovuled-image216367541.html
RMPG0B05–. Analytical class-book of botany : designed for academies and private students. Plants. OEDER XCVII. POLYGONACE^. OEDEE CIV. SAUEUEACEiE. 123 nypogynous, 1—20. Ovary free, 1-celled. Style 1. Stigma 1. Fruit an aotenium. A small and/mostly tropical order. Several epecies of Mirabilis (Four- d'clock^ Marvel ofFeru)^ are cultivated here. Order XCVII.—PolygonacesB. Herbs, or shrubs. Leaves alternate. Stipules ochreate, rarely none. Flowers usually perfect. Sepals 4—6, more or less united at base, often petaloid. Stamens definite, inserted on the base of the sepals. Ovary free, 1-celled, 1-ovuled.
. The botanical class-book, and flora of Pennsylvania, designed for seminaries of learning and private classes. Stamens, pistils, Ac, — a, stigma; panthers; c, style; d, filament; e, ovary ;/, calyx aud receptacle. Form of antliws—1, Lily; 2, Ginger; 33 Sage; 4; Berber-ry ; 5, Cucumber ; 6, Magnolia; 7, *V<lygonum; 8, Lemiia. 64 STAMENS. 192. The Filament, (L&t.jilum, a thread, Fig. 99, d.,)is a long slender body which supports the anther, containingnumerous spiral vessels. It is called prominent when it pro-jects beyond the anther,petaloid when it is broad and thin;when it is wanting the a Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-botanical-class-book-and-flora-of-pennsylvania-designed-for-seminaries-of-learning-and-private-classes-stamens-pistils-ac-a-stigma-panthers-c-style-d-filament-e-ovary-calyx-aud-receptacle-form-of-antliws1-lily-2-ginger-33-sage-4-berber-ry-5-cucumber-6-magnolia-7-vltlygonum-8-lemiia-64-stamens-192-the-filament-ltjilum-a-thread-fig-99-dis-a-long-slender-body-which-supports-the-anther-containingnumerous-spiral-vessels-it-is-called-prominent-when-it-pro-jects-beyond-the-antherpetaloid-when-it-is-broad-and-thinwhen-it-is-wanting-the-a-image337032331.html
RM2AG944Y–. The botanical class-book, and flora of Pennsylvania, designed for seminaries of learning and private classes. Stamens, pistils, Ac, — a, stigma; panthers; c, style; d, filament; e, ovary ;/, calyx aud receptacle. Form of antliws—1, Lily; 2, Ginger; 33 Sage; 4; Berber-ry ; 5, Cucumber ; 6, Magnolia; 7, *V<lygonum; 8, Lemiia. 64 STAMENS. 192. The Filament, (L&t.jilum, a thread, Fig. 99, d.,)is a long slender body which supports the anther, containingnumerous spiral vessels. It is called prominent when it pro-jects beyond the anther,petaloid when it is broad and thin;when it is wanting the a
. A dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns. Botany. ZJZANIA 697 i Mexico. i E. Afr. Zichya Hueg. = Kennedya Vent. p.p. (Legum.). Zieria Sm. Rutaceae (i). 10 E. Austr. Zieridium Baill. Rutaceae (i). i New Caled. Zilla Forsk. Cruciferae (2). sN.Afr. Zimapania Engl. et Pax. Euphorbiaceae (A. n Zimmermannia Pax. Euphorbiaceae (A. I. i). Zingiber Adans. Zingiberaceae. Labellum large ; opp. to it are the style and tlie petaloid fertile sta. The stigma has many rays. Z. officinale Rose, is the ginger; it is always repr. by veg. methods, and is quite sterile (cf. Musa). It is largely cult.; the Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/a-dictionary-of-the-flowering-plants-and-ferns-botany-zjzania-697-i-mexico-i-e-afr-zichya-hueg-=-kennedya-vent-pp-legum-zieria-sm-rutaceae-i-10-e-austr-zieridium-baill-rutaceae-i-i-new-caled-zilla-forsk-cruciferae-2-snafr-zimapania-engl-et-pax-euphorbiaceae-a-n-zimmermannia-pax-euphorbiaceae-a-i-i-zingiber-adans-zingiberaceae-labellum-large-opp-to-it-are-the-style-and-tlie-petaloid-fertile-sta-the-stigma-has-many-rays-z-officinale-rose-is-the-ginger-it-is-always-repr-by-veg-methods-and-is-quite-sterile-cf-musa-it-is-largely-cult-the-image215984329.html
RMPFAX61–. A dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns. Botany. ZJZANIA 697 i Mexico. i E. Afr. Zichya Hueg. = Kennedya Vent. p.p. (Legum.). Zieria Sm. Rutaceae (i). 10 E. Austr. Zieridium Baill. Rutaceae (i). i New Caled. Zilla Forsk. Cruciferae (2). sN.Afr. Zimapania Engl. et Pax. Euphorbiaceae (A. n Zimmermannia Pax. Euphorbiaceae (A. I. i). Zingiber Adans. Zingiberaceae. Labellum large ; opp. to it are the style and tlie petaloid fertile sta. The stigma has many rays. Z. officinale Rose, is the ginger; it is always repr. by veg. methods, and is quite sterile (cf. Musa). It is largely cult.; the
. The classification of flowering plants. Plants. RANUNCULACEAE 145 or rarely piimately cut radical leaves, and a whorl of three stem- leaves forming an involucre which sometimes, as in A. Hepatica, stands close beneath the flower. The flowers are usually solitary. The five, six or more perianth-leaves are petaloid; true petals arc- absent and there are numerous stamens (according to Schrodinger in 13 rows) and carj^els. The single ovule is pendulous, and in the subgenus Pulsatilla the achene is crowiied by a long hairy style. Warming associates with Anemone the genus Thalictrum (Meadow- rue) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-classification-of-flowering-plants-plants-ranunculaceae-145-or-rarely-piimately-cut-radical-leaves-and-a-whorl-of-three-stem-leaves-forming-an-involucre-which-sometimes-as-in-a-hepatica-stands-close-beneath-the-flower-the-flowers-are-usually-solitary-the-five-six-or-more-perianth-leaves-are-petaloid-true-petals-arc-absent-and-there-are-numerous-stamens-according-to-schrodinger-in-13-rows-and-carjels-the-single-ovule-is-pendulous-and-in-the-subgenus-pulsatilla-the-achene-is-crowiied-by-a-long-hairy-style-warming-associates-with-anemone-the-genus-thalictrum-meadow-rue-image232772902.html
RMREKM5X–. The classification of flowering plants. Plants. RANUNCULACEAE 145 or rarely piimately cut radical leaves, and a whorl of three stem- leaves forming an involucre which sometimes, as in A. Hepatica, stands close beneath the flower. The flowers are usually solitary. The five, six or more perianth-leaves are petaloid; true petals arc- absent and there are numerous stamens (according to Schrodinger in 13 rows) and carj^els. The single ovule is pendulous, and in the subgenus Pulsatilla the achene is crowiied by a long hairy style. Warming associates with Anemone the genus Thalictrum (Meadow- rue)
. The American botanist and florist: including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants; together with a simple analytical flora, descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American union. Botany; Botany. 48 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. Btigma of Mirabilis ; the linear stigma of Gyromia; the feathery stigma of Grasses; the filiform stigma of Indian com; the lateral stigma of Aster; the petaloid stigmas of Iris; the hooded stigma of Violet (141-149).. PisMs.—Ul, Symphytnm, basilar style, ovary 4-parted. 142, ? Flower of Erablica (Eupborbiaceae), br Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-american-botanist-and-florist-including-lessons-in-the-structure-life-and-growth-of-plants-together-with-a-simple-analytical-flora-descriptive-of-the-native-and-cultivated-plants-growing-in-the-atlantic-division-of-the-american-union-botany-botany-48-structural-botany-btigma-of-mirabilis-the-linear-stigma-of-gyromia-the-feathery-stigma-of-grasses-the-filiform-stigma-of-indian-com-the-lateral-stigma-of-aster-the-petaloid-stigmas-of-iris-the-hooded-stigma-of-violet-141-149-pismsul-symphytnm-basilar-style-ovary-4-parted-142-flower-of-erablica-eupborbiaceae-br-image237610473.html
RMRPG2G9–. The American botanist and florist: including lessons in the structure, life, and growth of plants; together with a simple analytical flora, descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American union. Botany; Botany. 48 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. Btigma of Mirabilis ; the linear stigma of Gyromia; the feathery stigma of Grasses; the filiform stigma of Indian com; the lateral stigma of Aster; the petaloid stigmas of Iris; the hooded stigma of Violet (141-149).. PisMs.—Ul, Symphytnm, basilar style, ovary 4-parted. 142, ? Flower of Erablica (Eupborbiaceae), br
. The classification of flowering plants. Plants. V] IRIDACEAE 321 segments, are free or connate below forming a tube (e.g. Sisi/rinchium). The structure of the three style-arms shews remarkable variation, affording useful characters for the dis- tinction of genera or small groups of genera. In Sisyrinchium^ in Gladiolus, and in the nearly allied genera the style-arms are simple (undivided). In Freesia, Watsonia and allies they are short and bifid; in Crocus they are simple and flattened or very variously divided, and in Iris and allied genera large, broad and petaloid. In Iris and allied gene Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-classification-of-flowering-plants-plants-v-iridaceae-321-segments-are-free-or-connate-below-forming-a-tube-eg-sisirinchium-the-structure-of-the-three-style-arms-shews-remarkable-variation-affording-useful-characters-for-the-dis-tinction-of-genera-or-small-groups-of-genera-in-sisyrinchium-in-gladiolus-and-in-the-nearly-allied-genera-the-style-arms-are-simple-undivided-in-freesia-watsonia-and-allies-they-are-short-and-bifid-in-crocus-they-are-simple-and-flattened-or-very-variously-divided-and-in-iris-and-allied-genera-large-broad-and-petaloid-in-iris-and-allied-gene-image232762562.html
RMREK70J–. The classification of flowering plants. Plants. V] IRIDACEAE 321 segments, are free or connate below forming a tube (e.g. Sisi/rinchium). The structure of the three style-arms shews remarkable variation, affording useful characters for the dis- tinction of genera or small groups of genera. In Sisyrinchium^ in Gladiolus, and in the nearly allied genera the style-arms are simple (undivided). In Freesia, Watsonia and allies they are short and bifid; in Crocus they are simple and flattened or very variously divided, and in Iris and allied genera large, broad and petaloid. In Iris and allied gene
. A manual of botany. Botany. Fuj, 285. Vertical section of the flower of the Rose, r, r. Concave tbalamus, upon which are placed several carpels, o, o, each of which is furnished with a style and stigma, s. e, e. Stamens. Fitj. 286. Flower of iloukshood (Aconitum ^''ape2lvs), with an irregular polysepalous calyx. The upper gepal is hooded or helmet-shaped. be mentioned as affording familiar examples of a petaloid calyx amongst Dicotyledons. In Monocotyledons generally, as in the Lily, Iris, Tulip, Crocus, and Squill, the two floral envelopes are usually coloured, although sometimes green, and Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/a-manual-of-botany-botany-fuj-285-vertical-section-of-the-flower-of-the-rose-r-r-concave-tbalamus-upon-which-are-placed-several-carpels-o-o-each-of-which-is-furnished-with-a-style-and-stigma-s-e-e-stamens-fitj-286-flower-of-iloukshood-aconitum-ape2lvs-with-an-irregular-polysepalous-calyx-the-upper-gepal-is-hooded-or-helmet-shaped-be-mentioned-as-affording-familiar-examples-of-a-petaloid-calyx-amongst-dicotyledons-in-monocotyledons-generally-as-in-the-lily-iris-tulip-crocus-and-squill-the-two-floral-envelopes-are-usually-coloured-although-sometimes-green-and-image232376984.html
RMRE1K60–. A manual of botany. Botany. Fuj, 285. Vertical section of the flower of the Rose, r, r. Concave tbalamus, upon which are placed several carpels, o, o, each of which is furnished with a style and stigma, s. e, e. Stamens. Fitj. 286. Flower of iloukshood (Aconitum ^''ape2lvs), with an irregular polysepalous calyx. The upper gepal is hooded or helmet-shaped. be mentioned as affording familiar examples of a petaloid calyx amongst Dicotyledons. In Monocotyledons generally, as in the Lily, Iris, Tulip, Crocus, and Squill, the two floral envelopes are usually coloured, although sometimes green, and
. Elementary botany . Botany. LILIACE^ 169 MONOCOTYLEDONS LILIACE^ (Lily Family) Perennial herbs with bulbs or rhizomes. Flowers usually regular, hypogynous. Perianth 3 + 3, petaloid. Stamens 3 + 3. Carpels three, syncarpous, superior ; ovary three-chambered; style usually single. Fruit, a capsule or berry. Type: GARDEN HYACINTH {Hyadnthus orientalis). Vegetative cliaracters.—Perennial herb with a coated bulb (for description, see page 33, also fig. 53). Foliage-leaves radical, long, narrow, with sheathing bases, parallel-veined.. Fig. 213.—Vertical section of flower of garden Hyacinth. Fig, 2 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/elementary-botany-botany-liliace-169-monocotyledons-liliace-lily-family-perennial-herbs-with-bulbs-or-rhizomes-flowers-usually-regular-hypogynous-perianth-3-3-petaloid-stamens-3-3-carpels-three-syncarpous-superior-ovary-three-chambered-style-usually-single-fruit-a-capsule-or-berry-type-garden-hyacinth-hyadnthus-orientalis-vegetative-cliaractersperennial-herb-with-a-coated-bulb-for-description-see-page-33-also-fig-53-foliage-leaves-radical-long-narrow-with-sheathing-bases-parallel-veined-fig-213vertical-section-of-flower-of-garden-hyacinth-fig-2-image232114580.html
RMRDHMEC–. Elementary botany . Botany. LILIACE^ 169 MONOCOTYLEDONS LILIACE^ (Lily Family) Perennial herbs with bulbs or rhizomes. Flowers usually regular, hypogynous. Perianth 3 + 3, petaloid. Stamens 3 + 3. Carpels three, syncarpous, superior ; ovary three-chambered; style usually single. Fruit, a capsule or berry. Type: GARDEN HYACINTH {Hyadnthus orientalis). Vegetative cliaracters.—Perennial herb with a coated bulb (for description, see page 33, also fig. 53). Foliage-leaves radical, long, narrow, with sheathing bases, parallel-veined.. Fig. 213.—Vertical section of flower of garden Hyacinth. Fig, 2
. Analytical class-book of botany : designed for academies and private students. Plants. 108 OEDEE IX. SAEEACENIACEjE. OEDEE XVI. DEOSEEACEiE. Oeder IX.—Sarraceniacese. Perennial, acaulescent herbs, growing in bogs. Leaves pitcher-shaped, as in fig. 9, Plate XVII. Flowers large, solitary, nodding. Sepals 6, persistent, with 3 bracts at base. Petals 6. Stamens indefinite, hypogynous. Anthers adnate, introrse. Style single. Stigma large, petaloid, persistent, coTering the 5- celled, 5-valved ovary. Placentae central. Seeds numerous, minute. A. email and very curious order, confined to the swamps Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/analytical-class-book-of-botany-designed-for-academies-and-private-students-plants-108-oedee-ix-saeeaceniaceje-oedee-xvi-deoseeaceie-oeder-ixsarraceniacese-perennial-acaulescent-herbs-growing-in-bogs-leaves-pitcher-shaped-as-in-fig-9-plate-xvii-flowers-large-solitary-nodding-sepals-6-persistent-with-3-bracts-at-base-petals-6-stamens-indefinite-hypogynous-anthers-adnate-introrse-style-single-stigma-large-petaloid-persistent-cotering-the-5-celled-5-valved-ovary-placentae-central-seeds-numerous-minute-a-email-and-very-curious-order-confined-to-the-swamps-image232046330.html
RMRDEHCX–. Analytical class-book of botany : designed for academies and private students. Plants. 108 OEDEE IX. SAEEACENIACEjE. OEDEE XVI. DEOSEEACEiE. Oeder IX.—Sarraceniacese. Perennial, acaulescent herbs, growing in bogs. Leaves pitcher-shaped, as in fig. 9, Plate XVII. Flowers large, solitary, nodding. Sepals 6, persistent, with 3 bracts at base. Petals 6. Stamens indefinite, hypogynous. Anthers adnate, introrse. Style single. Stigma large, petaloid, persistent, coTering the 5- celled, 5-valved ovary. Placentae central. Seeds numerous, minute. A. email and very curious order, confined to the swamps
. A manual of Indian botany. Botany. ago CLASSIFICATION acecB with the follGwing points of difference, namely, the single perfect stamen has a petaloid filament,. Fig. 263.—Sarba-jaya or Indian Shot {Canna indica) ca. Calyx, CD, Corolla, st^ Staminodia. a«, Anther lobe, sty, Style. and one anther-lobe fertile and the other lobe petaloid. Seeds with endosperm only. The Order is tropical. Common plants: Arrowroot {Maranta arundinaced), the bulbs of which yield starch known in commerce as Arrowroot; sarba-jaya or Indian Shot. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images th Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/a-manual-of-indian-botany-botany-ago-classification-acecb-with-the-follgwing-points-of-difference-namely-the-single-perfect-stamen-has-a-petaloid-filament-fig-263sarba-jaya-or-indian-shot-canna-indica-ca-calyx-cd-corolla-st-staminodia-a-anther-lobe-sty-style-and-one-anther-lobe-fertile-and-the-other-lobe-petaloid-seeds-with-endosperm-only-the-order-is-tropical-common-plants-arrowroot-maranta-arundinaced-the-bulbs-of-which-yield-starch-known-in-commerce-as-arrowroot-sarba-jaya-or-indian-shot-please-note-that-these-images-are-extracted-from-scanned-page-images-th-image232357690.html
RMRE0PGX–. A manual of Indian botany. Botany. ago CLASSIFICATION acecB with the follGwing points of difference, namely, the single perfect stamen has a petaloid filament,. Fig. 263.—Sarba-jaya or Indian Shot {Canna indica) ca. Calyx, CD, Corolla, st^ Staminodia. a«, Anther lobe, sty, Style. and one anther-lobe fertile and the other lobe petaloid. Seeds with endosperm only. The Order is tropical. Common plants: Arrowroot {Maranta arundinaced), the bulbs of which yield starch known in commerce as Arrowroot; sarba-jaya or Indian Shot. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images th
. Handbook of flower pollination : based upon Hermann Mu?ller's work 'The fertilisation of flowers by insects' . Fertilization of plants. Fig. jyi. Irii Picudacorus,, L. (1-3. after Hcrm. Muller, 4. from nature). (i) Transverse section through the perianth tube. 12) Do., through the perianth, at the point where the sepals and petals become free. (3) Transverse section somewhat higher than (2), showing the boundaries of the nectar-passages, a, style; a'a' a', petaloid stylar branches; ^, nectar-passages; c, adherent part of filament; ddd^ sepals; rf'rf'rf', petals; ece, ridges on sepals. (4) Fl Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/handbook-of-flower-pollination-based-upon-hermann-mullers-work-the-fertilisation-of-flowers-by-insects-fertilization-of-plants-fig-jyi-irii-picudacorus-l-1-3-after-hcrm-muller-4-from-nature-i-transverse-section-through-the-perianth-tube-12-do-through-the-perianth-at-the-point-where-the-sepals-and-petals-become-free-3-transverse-section-somewhat-higher-than-2-showing-the-boundaries-of-the-nectar-passages-a-style-aa-a-petaloid-stylar-branches-nectar-passages-c-adherent-part-of-filament-ddd-sepals-rfrfrf-petals-ece-ridges-on-sepals-4-fl-image232020676.html
RMRDDCMM–. Handbook of flower pollination : based upon Hermann Mu?ller's work 'The fertilisation of flowers by insects' . Fertilization of plants. Fig. jyi. Irii Picudacorus,, L. (1-3. after Hcrm. Muller, 4. from nature). (i) Transverse section through the perianth tube. 12) Do., through the perianth, at the point where the sepals and petals become free. (3) Transverse section somewhat higher than (2), showing the boundaries of the nectar-passages, a, style; a'a' a', petaloid stylar branches; ^, nectar-passages; c, adherent part of filament; ddd^ sepals; rf'rf'rf', petals; ece, ridges on sepals. (4) Fl
. A manual of botany. Botany. Fig. 942. Diagram of the flower of a species of Iris, showing solitary bract below, six divisions to the perianth arranged in two whorls, three stamens, and a three-colled oyary with axile placentation. Fig. 943. A fl^ower of the Spring Crocus (Crocus vernus) out open to show the three extrorse stamens attached to the outer segments of the perianth. Fig. 944. The three petaloid stigmas of the same with the end of the style, Fig. 945. Yertical section of the flower of Iris germanica. ce, ce. Two of the external and larger divisions of the perianth, ci. One of the i Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/a-manual-of-botany-botany-fig-942-diagram-of-the-flower-of-a-species-of-iris-showing-solitary-bract-below-six-divisions-to-the-perianth-arranged-in-two-whorls-three-stamens-and-a-three-colled-oyary-with-axile-placentation-fig-943-a-flower-of-the-spring-crocus-crocus-vernus-out-open-to-show-the-three-extrorse-stamens-attached-to-the-outer-segments-of-the-perianth-fig-944-the-three-petaloid-stigmas-of-the-same-with-the-end-of-the-style-fig-945-yertical-section-of-the-flower-of-iris-germanica-ce-ce-two-of-the-external-and-larger-divisions-of-the-perianth-ci-one-of-the-i-image232377487.html
RMRE1KRY–. A manual of botany. Botany. Fig. 942. Diagram of the flower of a species of Iris, showing solitary bract below, six divisions to the perianth arranged in two whorls, three stamens, and a three-colled oyary with axile placentation. Fig. 943. A fl^ower of the Spring Crocus (Crocus vernus) out open to show the three extrorse stamens attached to the outer segments of the perianth. Fig. 944. The three petaloid stigmas of the same with the end of the style, Fig. 945. Yertical section of the flower of Iris germanica. ce, ce. Two of the external and larger divisions of the perianth, ci. One of the i
. Plants and their ways in South Africa. Botany; Botany. 292 Plants and their Ways hi South Africa chlorophyll.. Perianth either sepal-like or petaloid. Stamens joined to the perianth, and as many as its lobes. Fruit a berry, sunk in the fleshy receptacle. Around the seed is a very sticky substance, which prevents it from being swallowed by birds. In freeing its bill from the seed the bird sows the seed on the tree. Fig. 263. — Floral diagram of IA'rantlim (Hooker). Loranthus.—Flowers perfect; sfiowy style iotig. Viscum. — Flowers dicecious; style none, or very short. Loranthus.—Shrubby plants Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/plants-and-their-ways-in-south-africa-botany-botany-292-plants-and-their-ways-hi-south-africa-chlorophyll-perianth-either-sepal-like-or-petaloid-stamens-joined-to-the-perianth-and-as-many-as-its-lobes-fruit-a-berry-sunk-in-the-fleshy-receptacle-around-the-seed-is-a-very-sticky-substance-which-prevents-it-from-being-swallowed-by-birds-in-freeing-its-bill-from-the-seed-the-bird-sows-the-seed-on-the-tree-fig-263-floral-diagram-of-iarantlim-hooker-loranthusflowers-perfect-sfiowy-style-iotig-viscum-flowers-dicecious-style-none-or-very-short-loranthusshrubby-plants-image232284069.html
RMRDWCKH–. Plants and their ways in South Africa. Botany; Botany. 292 Plants and their Ways hi South Africa chlorophyll.. Perianth either sepal-like or petaloid. Stamens joined to the perianth, and as many as its lobes. Fruit a berry, sunk in the fleshy receptacle. Around the seed is a very sticky substance, which prevents it from being swallowed by birds. In freeing its bill from the seed the bird sows the seed on the tree. Fig. 263. — Floral diagram of IA'rantlim (Hooker). Loranthus.—Flowers perfect; sfiowy style iotig. Viscum. — Flowers dicecious; style none, or very short. Loranthus.—Shrubby plants
. Analytical class-book of botany : designed for academies and private students. Plants. OEDER XCVII. POLYGONACE^. OEDEE CIV. SAUEUEACEiE. 123 nypogynous, 1—20. Ovary free, 1-celled. Style 1. Stigma 1. Fruit an aotenium. A small and/mostly tropical order. Several epecies of Mirabilis (Four- d'clock^ Marvel ofFeru)^ are cultivated here. Order XCVII.—PolygonacesB. Herbs, or shrubs. Leaves alternate. Stipules ochreate, rarely none. Flowers usually perfect. Sepals 4—6, more or less united at base, often petaloid. Stamens definite, inserted on the base of the sepals. Ovary free, 1-celled, 1-ovuled. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/analytical-class-book-of-botany-designed-for-academies-and-private-students-plants-oeder-xcvii-polygonace-oedee-civ-saueueaceie-123-nypogynous-120-ovary-free-1-celled-style-1-stigma-1-fruit-an-aotenium-a-small-andmostly-tropical-order-several-epecies-of-mirabilis-four-dclock-marvel-offeru-are-cultivated-here-order-xcviipolygonacesb-herbs-or-shrubs-leaves-alternate-stipules-ochreate-rarely-none-flowers-usually-perfect-sepals-46-more-or-less-united-at-base-often-petaloid-stamens-definite-inserted-on-the-base-of-the-sepals-ovary-free-1-celled-1-ovuled-image232037222.html
RMRDE5RJ–. Analytical class-book of botany : designed for academies and private students. Plants. OEDER XCVII. POLYGONACE^. OEDEE CIV. SAUEUEACEiE. 123 nypogynous, 1—20. Ovary free, 1-celled. Style 1. Stigma 1. Fruit an aotenium. A small and/mostly tropical order. Several epecies of Mirabilis (Four- d'clock^ Marvel ofFeru)^ are cultivated here. Order XCVII.—PolygonacesB. Herbs, or shrubs. Leaves alternate. Stipules ochreate, rarely none. Flowers usually perfect. Sepals 4—6, more or less united at base, often petaloid. Stamens definite, inserted on the base of the sepals. Ovary free, 1-celled, 1-ovuled.
. A manual of botany. Botany. Fig. 447 Fig. 448.. Fif/. 446. Pistil of a species of Iris. o. Ovary, sli/. Petaloid styles, stir/. Stigmas. J^iff. 447. Upper part of the style and stigma of Leschenaultia formosa. i. Style, s. Stigma. Ficf. 448. Upper part of the style, t, of a Composite plaut, dividing into two branches, which are covered above by collecting liairs, pc. the apex, as is generally the case, or becoming enlarged as it pro- ceeds upwards. In other cases the style is filiform, or more or less thickened, or angular; and rarely thin, coloured, and flattened like a petal, as in the spe Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/a-manual-of-botany-botany-fig-447-fig-448-fif-446-pistil-of-a-species-of-iris-o-ovary-sli-petaloid-styles-stir-stigmas-jiff-447-upper-part-of-the-style-and-stigma-of-leschenaultia-formosa-i-style-s-stigma-ficf-448-upper-part-of-the-style-t-of-a-composite-plaut-dividing-into-two-branches-which-are-covered-above-by-collecting-liairs-pc-the-apex-as-is-generally-the-case-or-becoming-enlarged-as-it-pro-ceeds-upwards-in-other-cases-the-style-is-filiform-or-more-or-less-thickened-or-angular-and-rarely-thin-coloured-and-flattened-like-a-petal-as-in-the-spe-image232356055.html
RMRE0MEF–. A manual of botany. Botany. Fig. 447 Fig. 448.. Fif/. 446. Pistil of a species of Iris. o. Ovary, sli/. Petaloid styles, stir/. Stigmas. J^iff. 447. Upper part of the style and stigma of Leschenaultia formosa. i. Style, s. Stigma. Ficf. 448. Upper part of the style, t, of a Composite plaut, dividing into two branches, which are covered above by collecting liairs, pc. the apex, as is generally the case, or becoming enlarged as it pro- ceeds upwards. In other cases the style is filiform, or more or less thickened, or angular; and rarely thin, coloured, and flattened like a petal, as in the spe
. Flowers of the field. Botany. IRIS FAMILY .;75 few, large, with a niembrarmus S|ialhe : perianlh-tube short ; sepals 3, large, petaloid, stalked, reflexed ; petals 3, .irect, stalked .; style stout, dividing into 3 broad, spreading, petal-like lobes covering the stamens, bifid, with a transverse stigmatic line. (Name from the Greek ins, the rainbow, irom the beautiful colouring of the flowers.). CROCUS OFFICINALIS (Sj//'fVn C?Wns). I. /. fatidissiina (Stinking Iris, Gladden, Rbast-beef Plant).— Stem compressed, with i sharp edge, about y feet high ; leaves weak ; flowers a dull leaden hue or Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/flowers-of-the-field-botany-iris-family-75-few-large-with-a-niembrarmus-sialhe-perianlh-tube-short-sepals-3-large-petaloid-stalked-reflexed-petals-3-irect-stalked-style-stout-dividing-into-3-broad-spreading-petal-like-lobes-covering-the-stamens-bifid-with-a-transverse-stigmatic-line-name-from-the-greek-ins-the-rainbow-irom-the-beautiful-colouring-of-the-flowers-crocus-officinalis-sjfvn-cwns-i-fatidissiina-stinking-iris-gladden-rbast-beef-plant-stem-compressed-with-i-sharp-edge-about-y-feet-high-leaves-weak-flowers-a-dull-leaden-hue-or-image232375544.html
RMRE1HAG–. Flowers of the field. Botany. IRIS FAMILY .;75 few, large, with a niembrarmus S|ialhe : perianlh-tube short ; sepals 3, large, petaloid, stalked, reflexed ; petals 3, .irect, stalked .; style stout, dividing into 3 broad, spreading, petal-like lobes covering the stamens, bifid, with a transverse stigmatic line. (Name from the Greek ins, the rainbow, irom the beautiful colouring of the flowers.). CROCUS OFFICINALIS (Sj//'fVn C?Wns). I. /. fatidissiina (Stinking Iris, Gladden, Rbast-beef Plant).— Stem compressed, with i sharp edge, about y feet high ; leaves weak ; flowers a dull leaden hue or
. The classification of flowering plants. Plants. 342 FLOWERING PLANTS [CH.. Fig. 161. Floral dia- gram of Maranta hicolor (modified from Eichler). a p y, staminodes; L, labellum or hooded sta- minode. generally one (Calathea) (fig. 160, st) or both (Maranta) (fig. 161, y8, 7) of the lateral members are present in the form of variously shaped and often large petaloid staminodes. Frequently two of the three ovary-chambers become aborted so that only one ovule develops (fig. 161). The single style is variously lobed at the apex ; the stigmas stand in a hollow- between the lobes. Honey is secrete Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-classification-of-flowering-plants-plants-342-flowering-plants-ch-fig-161-floral-dia-gram-of-maranta-hicolor-modified-from-eichler-a-p-y-staminodes-l-labellum-or-hooded-sta-minode-generally-one-calathea-fig-160-st-or-both-maranta-fig-161-y8-7-of-the-lateral-members-are-present-in-the-form-of-variously-shaped-and-often-large-petaloid-staminodes-frequently-two-of-the-three-ovary-chambers-become-aborted-so-that-only-one-ovule-develops-fig-161-the-single-style-is-variously-lobed-at-the-apex-the-stigmas-stand-in-a-hollow-between-the-lobes-honey-is-secrete-image232762507.html
RMREK6XK–. The classification of flowering plants. Plants. 342 FLOWERING PLANTS [CH.. Fig. 161. Floral dia- gram of Maranta hicolor (modified from Eichler). a p y, staminodes; L, labellum or hooded sta- minode. generally one (Calathea) (fig. 160, st) or both (Maranta) (fig. 161, y8, 7) of the lateral members are present in the form of variously shaped and often large petaloid staminodes. Frequently two of the three ovary-chambers become aborted so that only one ovule develops (fig. 161). The single style is variously lobed at the apex ; the stigmas stand in a hollow- between the lobes. Honey is secrete
. A manual of botany. Botany. MONOCOTYLBDONE S 205 racter.—Herbs, with flattened, narrow, usually sheathing leaves. Perianth inferior, more or less irregular, in six parts ai-ranged in two whorls ; the outer parts being green, persistent, and opposite to the carpels; the inner petaloid. Stamens 3 or 6, some generally abortive, hypogynous ; anthers 2-celled, introrse. Ovary 3-celled, superior ; style 1. Capsule 2—3-celled, 2—3- valved, with loculicidal dehiscence and axUe placentation. Seeds few, with a linear hUum ; embryo shaped like a pulley, remote from the hilum, in dense fleshy albumen. D Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/a-manual-of-botany-botany-monocotylbdone-s-205-racterherbs-with-flattened-narrow-usually-sheathing-leaves-perianth-inferior-more-or-less-irregular-in-six-parts-ai-ranged-in-two-whorls-the-outer-parts-being-green-persistent-and-opposite-to-the-carpels-the-inner-petaloid-stamens-3-or-6-some-generally-abortive-hypogynous-anthers-2-celled-introrse-ovary-3-celled-superior-style-1-capsule-23-celled-23-valved-with-loculicidal-dehiscence-and-axue-placentation-seeds-few-with-a-linear-huum-embryo-shaped-like-a-pulley-remote-from-the-hilum-in-dense-fleshy-albumen-d-image232377441.html
RMRE1KP9–. A manual of botany. Botany. MONOCOTYLBDONE S 205 racter.—Herbs, with flattened, narrow, usually sheathing leaves. Perianth inferior, more or less irregular, in six parts ai-ranged in two whorls ; the outer parts being green, persistent, and opposite to the carpels; the inner petaloid. Stamens 3 or 6, some generally abortive, hypogynous ; anthers 2-celled, introrse. Ovary 3-celled, superior ; style 1. Capsule 2—3-celled, 2—3- valved, with loculicidal dehiscence and axUe placentation. Seeds few, with a linear hUum ; embryo shaped like a pulley, remote from the hilum, in dense fleshy albumen. D
. Elementary botany [microform]. Botany; Botanique. IRIDACR/K I a creeping , sword-like, âThe main 217) actino- rphic, 9, lie, epigyn- Perianth 3, united to m a long ^, petaloid, ow. The parts of three peri- h - leaves, ;hrepresent outer whorl are bent v^n wards, each has a 3w band of i along its -leaves (/) o, inserted ith-leaves; irior; the 1 an axile ' it divides e opposite ). On the is a small I'he three the style :es us that : stamens. !d on, the ous plant, e that the sufficiently 173 two an- alike, except that the inner whorl of stamens is missini: from the latter. If we now add these th Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/elementary-botany-microform-botany-botanique-iridacrk-i-a-creeping-sword-like-the-main-217-actino-rphic-9-lie-epigyn-perianth-3-united-to-m-a-long-petaloid-ow-the-parts-of-three-peri-h-leaves-hrepresent-outer-whorl-are-bent-vn-wards-each-has-a-3w-band-of-i-along-its-leaves-o-inserted-ith-leaves-irior-the-1-an-axile-it-divides-e-opposite-on-the-is-a-small-ihe-three-the-style-es-us-that-stamens-!d-on-the-ous-plant-e-that-the-sufficiently-173-two-an-alike-except-that-the-inner-whorl-of-stamens-is-missini-from-the-latter-if-we-now-add-these-th-image232769918.html
RMREKGBA–. Elementary botany [microform]. Botany; Botanique. IRIDACR/K I a creeping , sword-like, âThe main 217) actino- rphic, 9, lie, epigyn- Perianth 3, united to m a long ^, petaloid, ow. The parts of three peri- h - leaves, ;hrepresent outer whorl are bent v^n wards, each has a 3w band of i along its -leaves (/) o, inserted ith-leaves; irior; the 1 an axile ' it divides e opposite ). On the is a small I'he three the style :es us that : stamens. !d on, the ous plant, e that the sufficiently 173 two an- alike, except that the inner whorl of stamens is missini: from the latter. If we now add these th
. A dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns. Botany. ZJZANIA 697 i Mexico. i E. Afr. Zichya Hueg. = Kennedya Vent. p.p. (Legum.). Zieria Sm. Rutaceae (i). 10 E. Austr. Zieridium Baill. Rutaceae (i). i New Caled. Zilla Forsk. Cruciferae (2). sN.Afr. Zimapania Engl. et Pax. Euphorbiaceae (A. n Zimmermannia Pax. Euphorbiaceae (A. I. i). Zingiber Adans. Zingiberaceae. Labellum large ; opp. to it are the style and tlie petaloid fertile sta. The stigma has many rays. Z. officinale Rose, is the ginger; it is always repr. by veg. methods, and is quite sterile (cf. Musa). It is largely cult.; the Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/a-dictionary-of-the-flowering-plants-and-ferns-botany-zjzania-697-i-mexico-i-e-afr-zichya-hueg-=-kennedya-vent-pp-legum-zieria-sm-rutaceae-i-10-e-austr-zieridium-baill-rutaceae-i-i-new-caled-zilla-forsk-cruciferae-2-snafr-zimapania-engl-et-pax-euphorbiaceae-a-n-zimmermannia-pax-euphorbiaceae-a-i-i-zingiber-adans-zingiberaceae-labellum-large-opp-to-it-are-the-style-and-tlie-petaloid-fertile-sta-the-stigma-has-many-rays-z-officinale-rose-is-the-ginger-it-is-always-repr-by-veg-methods-and-is-quite-sterile-cf-musa-it-is-largely-cult-the-image231641253.html
RMRCT4NW–. A dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns. Botany. ZJZANIA 697 i Mexico. i E. Afr. Zichya Hueg. = Kennedya Vent. p.p. (Legum.). Zieria Sm. Rutaceae (i). 10 E. Austr. Zieridium Baill. Rutaceae (i). i New Caled. Zilla Forsk. Cruciferae (2). sN.Afr. Zimapania Engl. et Pax. Euphorbiaceae (A. n Zimmermannia Pax. Euphorbiaceae (A. I. i). Zingiber Adans. Zingiberaceae. Labellum large ; opp. to it are the style and tlie petaloid fertile sta. The stigma has many rays. Z. officinale Rose, is the ginger; it is always repr. by veg. methods, and is quite sterile (cf. Musa). It is largely cult.; the
. The natural history of plants. Botany. 332 NATURAL HISTORY OF PLANTS. introrse anther dehiscing by a single longitudinal cleft. The fila- ments are petaloid and incurved in the bud in such a manner as to carry the anthers under the projection of the style, where they NapoUona imjperialis.. Fig. 329. Floriferous branch.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Baillon, Henri Ernest, 1827-1895; Hartog, Marcus Manuel Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-natural-history-of-plants-botany-332-natural-history-of-plants-introrse-anther-dehiscing-by-a-single-longitudinal-cleft-the-fila-ments-are-petaloid-and-incurved-in-the-bud-in-such-a-manner-as-to-carry-the-anthers-under-the-projection-of-the-style-where-they-napouona-imjperialis-fig-329-floriferous-branch-please-note-that-these-images-are-extracted-from-scanned-page-images-that-may-have-been-digitally-enhanced-for-readability-coloration-and-appearance-of-these-illustrations-may-not-perfectly-resemble-the-original-work-baillon-henri-ernest-1827-1895-hartog-marcus-manuel-image232079326.html
RMRDG3FA–. The natural history of plants. Botany. 332 NATURAL HISTORY OF PLANTS. introrse anther dehiscing by a single longitudinal cleft. The fila- ments are petaloid and incurved in the bud in such a manner as to carry the anthers under the projection of the style, where they NapoUona imjperialis.. Fig. 329. Floriferous branch.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Baillon, Henri Ernest, 1827-1895; Hartog, Marcus Manuel
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