Petrie dish under microscope Stock Photos and Images
Female laboratory worker inspects biotech dishes under microscope Stock Photo
RMA5M7E5–Female laboratory worker inspects biotech dishes under microscope
Elementary botany . his latter one is sometimes very injurious tostored fruits or vegetables, especially sweet potatoes or rutaba-gas. Fig. 190 is from a photograph of this fungus on a banana. 388. Asexual reproduction.—On the decaying surface of thevegetable matter where the mucor is growing there will be seennumerous small rounded bodies borne on very slender stalks.These heads contain the gonidia, and if we sow some of them innutrient gelatine or agar in a Petrie dish the material can betaken out very readily for examination under the microscope.Or we may place glass slips close to the grow Stock Photo
RM2AJDFK7–Elementary botany . his latter one is sometimes very injurious tostored fruits or vegetables, especially sweet potatoes or rutaba-gas. Fig. 190 is from a photograph of this fungus on a banana. 388. Asexual reproduction.—On the decaying surface of thevegetable matter where the mucor is growing there will be seennumerous small rounded bodies borne on very slender stalks.These heads contain the gonidia, and if we sow some of them innutrient gelatine or agar in a Petrie dish the material can betaken out very readily for examination under the microscope.Or we may place glass slips close to the grow