Phoca monachus, Print, Phoca is a genus of the earless seals, within the family Phocidae. It now contains just two species, the common seal (or harbour seal) and the spotted seal (or largha seal). Several species formerly listed under this genus have been split into the genera Pusa, Pagophilus, and Histriophoca. Until recently, Phoca largha has been considered a subspecies of Phoca vitulina but now is considered its own species. For this reason, the fossil history of the genus is unclear, and it has formerly been used as wastebasket taxon for a number of fossils of uncertain affinity., 1700- Stock Photo
RM2A2NBC1–Phoca monachus, Print, Phoca is a genus of the earless seals, within the family Phocidae. It now contains just two species, the common seal (or harbour seal) and the spotted seal (or largha seal). Several species formerly listed under this genus have been split into the genera Pusa, Pagophilus, and Histriophoca. Until recently, Phoca largha has been considered a subspecies of Phoca vitulina but now is considered its own species. For this reason, the fossil history of the genus is unclear, and it has formerly been used as wastebasket taxon for a number of fossils of uncertain affinity., 1700-
Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (Monk seal, Phoca monachus). Critically endangered. Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H. Lizars after an illustration by James Stewart from Robert Hamilton's Amphibious Carnivora, part of Sir William Jardine's Naturalist's Library: Mammalia, Edinburgh, 1839. Stock Photo
RMP9H9JM–Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (Monk seal, Phoca monachus). Critically endangered. Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H. Lizars after an illustration by James Stewart from Robert Hamilton's Amphibious Carnivora, part of Sir William Jardine's Naturalist's Library: Mammalia, Edinburgh, 1839.
Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (Monk seal, Phoca monachus). Critically endangered. Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H. Lizars after an illustration by James Stewart from Robert Hamilton's Amphibious Carnivora, part of Sir William Jardine's Naturalist's Library: Mammalia, Edinburgh, 1839. Stock Photo
RM2A83YB8–Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (Monk seal, Phoca monachus). Critically endangered. Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H. Lizars after an illustration by James Stewart from Robert Hamilton's Amphibious Carnivora, part of Sir William Jardine's Naturalist's Library: Mammalia, Edinburgh, 1839.
A monk seal (phoca monachus) sitting on a rock on the sea shore. Coloured etching by W. H. Lizars after J. Stewart. Stock Photo
RM2H45X2E–A monk seal (phoca monachus) sitting on a rock on the sea shore. Coloured etching by W. H. Lizars after J. Stewart.
Phoca monachus, Print, Phoca is a genus of the earless seals, within the family Phocidae. It now contains just two species, the common seal (or harbour seal) and the spotted seal (or largha seal). Several species formerly listed under this genus have been split into the genera Pusa, Pagophilus, and Histriophoca. Until recently, Phoca largha has been considered a subspecies of Phoca vitulina but now is considered its own species. For this reason, the fossil history of the genus is unclear, and it has formerly been used as wastebasket taxon for a number of fossils of uncertain affinity., 1700-18 Stock Photo
RF2B91M0R–Phoca monachus, Print, Phoca is a genus of the earless seals, within the family Phocidae. It now contains just two species, the common seal (or harbour seal) and the spotted seal (or largha seal). Several species formerly listed under this genus have been split into the genera Pusa, Pagophilus, and Histriophoca. Until recently, Phoca largha has been considered a subspecies of Phoca vitulina but now is considered its own species. For this reason, the fossil history of the genus is unclear, and it has formerly been used as wastebasket taxon for a number of fossils of uncertain affinity., 1700-18
Harbour seal or common seal, Phoca vitulina, and endangered Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (as pied seal, Phoca bicolor). Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaw’s General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800. Stock Photo
RM2T34097–Harbour seal or common seal, Phoca vitulina, and endangered Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (as pied seal, Phoca bicolor). Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaw’s General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800.
Mediterranean Monk Seal cave with beach (Monachus monachus) Stock Photo
RMPHF0N8–Mediterranean Monk Seal cave with beach (Monachus monachus)
Old twin engraved illustration of Pied Seal and Common Seal. Created by George Shaw, published in Zoological Lectures, London, 1809. Stock Photo
RF2WJE4FH–Old twin engraved illustration of Pied Seal and Common Seal. Created by George Shaw, published in Zoological Lectures, London, 1809.
. Mlekopitaiushchiia Kavkazskago kraia. онечностяхъ малы i-рудиментарны. Изв-кстенъ только одинъ видъ этого рода. 70. Monachus albiventer Boddaert. Синонимика. Phoca albiventcr Boddaert, Elench. Anim., 1785. p. ^,o. Phoca monachiis Nordmann, Faune poniique, p. 25. Pelagius monachus Blasius, Saiigethiere, p. 244 p. fig. 132-134; SahNiN, Saugefhierfaiina, p. 295. MoimcJtus a//>i74ti/(r Сатунинъ, Обзоръ, стр. 56; id., Дополнен]е. стр.2з; id , Фауна Черноморскаго побережья, стр. з^.Смирновъ, Н., Очеркъ русскихъ Ластоногпхтстр. 74 ^d- ^ распространен1и Pinnipedia въ с^;-верномъ полушарзи, Зап. Stock Photo
RM2CEKJKY–. Mlekopitaiushchiia Kavkazskago kraia. онечностяхъ малы i-рудиментарны. Изв-кстенъ только одинъ видъ этого рода. 70. Monachus albiventer Boddaert. Синонимика. Phoca albiventcr Boddaert, Elench. Anim., 1785. p. ^,o. Phoca monachiis Nordmann, Faune poniique, p. 25. Pelagius monachus Blasius, Saiigethiere, p. 244 p. fig. 132-134; SahNiN, Saugefhierfaiina, p. 295. MoimcJtus a//>i74ti/(r Сатунинъ, Обзоръ, стр. 56; id., Дополнен]е. стр.2з; id , Фауна Черноморскаго побережья, стр. з^.Смирновъ, Н., Очеркъ русскихъ Ластоногпхтстр. 74 ^d- ^ распространен1и Pinnipedia въ с^;-верномъ полушарзи, Зап.
seal sleep on the woman Stock Photo
RMFPX236–seal sleep on the woman
. wie l)ei Otaria. woliei M'- fehlen kann, was l)ei den übrigen die Regel ist. Außerdem tritt bei ihnen noch Reduktion inner- halb der I ein bis auf Hvi wie bei Monachus, Ogmorhinus etc., endlich bis auf I—J bei Cysto- phora, Macrorhinus [Winge]. Das Pinnii)edier-Gebiß ist weiter ausgezeichnet dui'ch 'aria- bilität in der Anzahl der Backen- P^ig. 407. Milch- und bleibendes Gebiß Zähne. Einzelne können fehlen, von Phoca barbata, nach Tenon. Bleibendes Ge- häutiger treten Überzählige auf. hiß durch die Initialen /, c, P und M angedeutet; entweder innerhalb der ^ Zahn- das Milchgebiß durch t, c, Stock Photo
RMMCNM64–. wie l)ei Otaria. woliei M'- fehlen kann, was l)ei den übrigen die Regel ist. Außerdem tritt bei ihnen noch Reduktion inner- halb der I ein bis auf Hvi wie bei Monachus, Ogmorhinus etc., endlich bis auf I—J bei Cysto- phora, Macrorhinus [Winge]. Das Pinnii)edier-Gebiß ist weiter ausgezeichnet dui'ch 'aria- bilität in der Anzahl der Backen- P^ig. 407. Milch- und bleibendes Gebiß Zähne. Einzelne können fehlen, von Phoca barbata, nach Tenon. Bleibendes Ge- häutiger treten Überzählige auf. hiß durch die Initialen /, c, P und M angedeutet; entweder innerhalb der ^ Zahn- das Milchgebiß durch t, c,
Harbour seal or common seal, Phoca vitulina, and endangered Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (as pied seal, Phoca bicolor). Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaws General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800. Stock Photo
RM2T688XY–Harbour seal or common seal, Phoca vitulina, and endangered Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (as pied seal, Phoca bicolor). Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaws General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800.
Endangered Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (as pied seal var., Phoca bicolor) and harp seal or Greenland seal, Pagophilus groenlandicus (Phoca groenlandica). Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaw’s General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800. Stock Photo
RM2T340BX–Endangered Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (as pied seal var., Phoca bicolor) and harp seal or Greenland seal, Pagophilus groenlandicus (Phoca groenlandica). Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaw’s General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800.
Mediterranean Monk Seal cave with beach (Monachus monachus) Stock Photo
RMPHF0N1–Mediterranean Monk Seal cave with beach (Monachus monachus)
. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. B Pusa spp. Phoca spp. Halichoerus Histriophoca Pagophilus Cystophora Erignathus Leptonychotes Ommatophoca Hydrurga Lobodon Mirounga spp. Monachus spp. " Semantoridae —— Lutridae Mustelidae Halichoerus Histriophoca Pagophilus Phoca spp. Pwsö spp. Cystophora Erignathus Hydrurga Leptonychotes Lobodon Ommatophoca Mirounga spp. Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Monachus schauinslandi Odobenidae Otariidae Ursidae. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloratio Stock Photo
RMRHDJRF–. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. B Pusa spp. Phoca spp. Halichoerus Histriophoca Pagophilus Cystophora Erignathus Leptonychotes Ommatophoca Hydrurga Lobodon Mirounga spp. Monachus spp. " Semantoridae —— Lutridae Mustelidae Halichoerus Histriophoca Pagophilus Phoca spp. Pwsö spp. Cystophora Erignathus Hydrurga Leptonychotes Lobodon Ommatophoca Mirounga spp. Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Monachus schauinslandi Odobenidae Otariidae Ursidae. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloratio
seal waiting for fish from a woman Stock Photo
RMFPX266–seal waiting for fish from a woman
Endangered Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (as pied seal var., Phoca bicolor) and harp seal or Greenland seal, Pagophilus groenlandicus (Phoca groenlandica). Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaws General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800. Stock Photo
RM2T6D13E–Endangered Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus (as pied seal var., Phoca bicolor) and harp seal or Greenland seal, Pagophilus groenlandicus (Phoca groenlandica). Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaws General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800.
Mediterranean Monk Seal cave with beach (Monachus monachus) (left of boat Stock Photo
RMPHF0TE–Mediterranean Monk Seal cave with beach (Monachus monachus) (left of boat
. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. 15 z. Leptonychotes Ommatophoca Hydrurga Lobodon Mirounga spp. Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Pusa spp. Phoca spp. Halichoerus Histriophoca Pagophilus Cystophora Erignathus Otarioidea Arctoidea, or one of: Ursidae, Lutrinae, or Mustelidae Fig.2: Diagrammatic representation of the current state of knowledge regarding phocid phylogeny. Rectangles indicate monophyletic groups with uncertain internal phylogeny (with the most commonly suggested pattern filled in when possible). Question marks refer to either general uncertain Stock Photo
RMRHDJR3–. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. 15 z. Leptonychotes Ommatophoca Hydrurga Lobodon Mirounga spp. Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Pusa spp. Phoca spp. Halichoerus Histriophoca Pagophilus Cystophora Erignathus Otarioidea Arctoidea, or one of: Ursidae, Lutrinae, or Mustelidae Fig.2: Diagrammatic representation of the current state of knowledge regarding phocid phylogeny. Rectangles indicate monophyletic groups with uncertain internal phylogeny (with the most commonly suggested pattern filled in when possible). Question marks refer to either general uncertain
seal waiting for fish Stock Photo
seal looks to the side Stock Photo
. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. Pusa hispida Phoca vitulina Pusa caspica Phoca largha Pusa sibirica Histriophoca Pagophilus Erignathus Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Lobodon Ommatophoca Leptonychotes Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Lutra En hydra Mart es Procyon Ursus Canis B. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Stock Photo
RMRHDJKP–. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. Pusa hispida Phoca vitulina Pusa caspica Phoca largha Pusa sibirica Histriophoca Pagophilus Erignathus Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Lobodon Ommatophoca Leptonychotes Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Lutra En hydra Mart es Procyon Ursus Canis B. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work..
. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. Pusa caspica Pusa hispida Phoca largha Pusa sibirica Phoca vitulina Histriophoca Pagophilus Erignathus Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Lobodon Ommatophoca Leptonychotes Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Lutra En hydra Mart es Procyon Ursus Canis B. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Stock Photo
RMRHDJJF–. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. Pusa caspica Pusa hispida Phoca largha Pusa sibirica Phoca vitulina Histriophoca Pagophilus Erignathus Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Lobodon Ommatophoca Leptonychotes Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Lutra En hydra Mart es Procyon Ursus Canis B. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work..
. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. Pusa hispida Pusa sibirica Pusa caspica Phoca vitulina Phoca largha Histriophoca Pagophilus Erignathus Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Leptonychotes Lobodon Ommatophoca Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Lutra En hydra Mart es Procyon Urs us Canis B 73 68. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original Stock Photo
RMRHDJMJ–. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. Pusa hispida Pusa sibirica Pusa caspica Phoca vitulina Phoca largha Histriophoca Pagophilus Erignathus Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Leptonychotes Lobodon Ommatophoca Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Lutra En hydra Mart es Procyon Urs us Canis B 73 68. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original
. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. 68. Pusa hispida Pusa sibirica Phoca vitulina Pusa caspica Phoca largha Erignathus Histriophoca Pagophilus Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Lobodon Ommatophoca Leptonychotes Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Urs us En hydra Lutra Mart es Procyon Canis. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work Stock Photo
RMRHDJE0–. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. 68. Pusa hispida Pusa sibirica Phoca vitulina Pusa caspica Phoca largha Erignathus Histriophoca Pagophilus Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Lobodon Ommatophoca Leptonychotes Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Urs us En hydra Lutra Mart es Procyon Canis. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work
. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. Pusa hispida Phoca vitulina Pusa caspica Phoca largha Pusa sibirica Histriophoca Pagophilus Erignathus Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Lobodon Ommatophoca Leptonychotes Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Lutra En hydra Mart es Procyon Ursus Canis B. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Stock Photo
RMRHDJKE–. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. Pusa hispida Phoca vitulina Pusa caspica Phoca largha Pusa sibirica Histriophoca Pagophilus Erignathus Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Lobodon Ommatophoca Leptonychotes Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Lutra En hydra Mart es Procyon Ursus Canis B. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work..
. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. 75 M. Pusa hispida Pusa sibirica Pusa caspica Phoca largha Phoca vitulina Halichoerus Histriophoca Pagophilus Cystophora Erignathus Hydnirga Lobodon Leptonychotes Ommatophoca Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Enhydra Lutra Mart es Procyon Odobenus Zalophus Ursus Canis N. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original wo Stock Photo
RMRHDJ80–. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. 75 M. Pusa hispida Pusa sibirica Pusa caspica Phoca largha Phoca vitulina Halichoerus Histriophoca Pagophilus Cystophora Erignathus Hydnirga Lobodon Leptonychotes Ommatophoca Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Enhydra Lutra Mart es Procyon Odobenus Zalophus Ursus Canis N. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original wo
. Annals of the South African Museum = Annale van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum. Natural history. C D Fig. 4. Relationships of the nasal, maxilla and premaxilla in some Phocidae. A. Monachus tropicalis. B. Leptonychotes weddelli. C. Phoca vitulina. D. Pagophilus groenlandicus. constant as the three used in Figure 1, were not included in the cladogram. Nevertheless, circumspectly they can be employed as diagnostic features of both subfamilies. THE PHOCINAE S.S. In view of the scarcity of cranial remains of fossil phocines, only the phylogeny of living representatives of this group will be consider Stock Photo
RMRMKF9G–. Annals of the South African Museum = Annale van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum. Natural history. C D Fig. 4. Relationships of the nasal, maxilla and premaxilla in some Phocidae. A. Monachus tropicalis. B. Leptonychotes weddelli. C. Phoca vitulina. D. Pagophilus groenlandicus. constant as the three used in Figure 1, were not included in the cladogram. Nevertheless, circumspectly they can be employed as diagnostic features of both subfamilies. THE PHOCINAE S.S. In view of the scarcity of cranial remains of fossil phocines, only the phylogeny of living representatives of this group will be consider
. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. Pusa hispida Pusa sibirica Phoca vitulina Pusa caspica Phoca largha Histriophoca Pagophilus Erignathus Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Lobodon Ommatophoca Leptonychotes Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Lutra Enhydra Mart es Procyon Ursus Canis Fig.9: Cladograms resulting from a successive approximations analysis. Characters were reweighted according to their (A) CI and (B) RI or RC from the overall parsimony analysis (with each solution being identical between maxi Stock Photo
RMRHDJK6–. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. Pusa hispida Pusa sibirica Phoca vitulina Pusa caspica Phoca largha Histriophoca Pagophilus Erignathus Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Lobodon Ommatophoca Leptonychotes Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Lutra Enhydra Mart es Procyon Ursus Canis Fig.9: Cladograms resulting from a successive approximations analysis. Characters were reweighted according to their (A) CI and (B) RI or RC from the overall parsimony analysis (with each solution being identical between maxi
. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. 36 K. Cystophora Halichoerus Pusa caspica Histriophoca Pagophilus Pusa hispida Phoca largha Pusa. sibirica Phoca vitulina Er i gnat h us Hydrurga Leptonychotes Lobodon Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Monachus tnonachus Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Ommatophoca Procyon Enhydra Lutra Mart es Urs us Odobenus Zalophus Can is Pusa caspica Pusa hispida Pusa sibirica Phoca largha Phoca vitulina Histriophoca Pagophilus Cystophora Er i gnat h us Halichoerus Hydrurga Leptonychotes Lobodon Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Monachus Stock Photo
RMRHDJPN–. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. 36 K. Cystophora Halichoerus Pusa caspica Histriophoca Pagophilus Pusa hispida Phoca largha Pusa. sibirica Phoca vitulina Er i gnat h us Hydrurga Leptonychotes Lobodon Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Monachus tnonachus Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Ommatophoca Procyon Enhydra Lutra Mart es Urs us Odobenus Zalophus Can is Pusa caspica Pusa hispida Pusa sibirica Phoca largha Phoca vitulina Histriophoca Pagophilus Cystophora Er i gnat h us Halichoerus Hydrurga Leptonychotes Lobodon Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Monachus
. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. 64 A 25000 20000 £ 15000 § 10000 5000 B 14500 15000' 10000 5000' ACCTRAN DELTRAN. Erignathus Pusa caspica Histriophoca Pagophilus Pusa hispida Phoca largha Pusa sibirica Phoca vitulina 15000 15500 16000 Length of tree from exhaustive search 16500 Canis Procyon En hydra Lutra Manes Ursus Odobenus Zalophus Cystophora Halichoerus Hydrurga Leptonychotes Lobodon Mirounga angusrirostris Mirounga leonina Monachus monachus Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Ommatophoca "E-Phocini" ACCTRAN. Please note that these images are extracted from sc Stock Photo
RMRHDJFX–. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. 64 A 25000 20000 £ 15000 § 10000 5000 B 14500 15000' 10000 5000' ACCTRAN DELTRAN. Erignathus Pusa caspica Histriophoca Pagophilus Pusa hispida Phoca largha Pusa sibirica Phoca vitulina 15000 15500 16000 Length of tree from exhaustive search 16500 Canis Procyon En hydra Lutra Manes Ursus Odobenus Zalophus Cystophora Halichoerus Hydrurga Leptonychotes Lobodon Mirounga angusrirostris Mirounga leonina Monachus monachus Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Ommatophoca "E-Phocini" ACCTRAN. Please note that these images are extracted from sc
. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. 80. Pusa hispida Pusa sibirica Phoca vitulina Pusa caspica Phoca largha Erignathus Histriophoca Pagophilus Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Leptonychotes Lobodon Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Lutra Enhydra Mart es Procyon Urs us Canis Fig.l5E: Cladograms resulting from a parsimony analysis of the inversely weighted data matrix with a selected phocid species deleted: (E) Ommatophoca (length = 67,017 steps, CI = 0.460, HI = 0.760, RI = 0.630, RC = 0.409). Unweighte Stock Photo
RMRHDJ4B–. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. 80. Pusa hispida Pusa sibirica Phoca vitulina Pusa caspica Phoca largha Erignathus Histriophoca Pagophilus Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Leptonychotes Lobodon Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Lutra Enhydra Mart es Procyon Urs us Canis Fig.l5E: Cladograms resulting from a parsimony analysis of the inversely weighted data matrix with a selected phocid species deleted: (E) Ommatophoca (length = 67,017 steps, CI = 0.460, HI = 0.760, RI = 0.630, RC = 0.409). Unweighte
. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. Erignathus Pusa caspica Histriophoca Pagophilus Pusa hispida Phoca largha Pusa sibirica Phoca vitulina 15000 15500 16000 Length of tree from exhaustive search 16500 Canis Procyon En hydra Lutra Manes Ursus Odobenus Zalophus Cystophora Halichoerus Hydrurga Leptonychotes Lobodon Mirounga angusrirostris Mirounga leonina Monachus monachus Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Ommatophoca "E-Phocini" ACCTRAN. 0 i â â â â i â â â â i â 60000 65000 70000 75000 80000 Length of randomly generated tree 85000 Fig. 12: Frequency distributions of t Stock Photo
RMRHDJFH–. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. Erignathus Pusa caspica Histriophoca Pagophilus Pusa hispida Phoca largha Pusa sibirica Phoca vitulina 15000 15500 16000 Length of tree from exhaustive search 16500 Canis Procyon En hydra Lutra Manes Ursus Odobenus Zalophus Cystophora Halichoerus Hydrurga Leptonychotes Lobodon Mirounga angusrirostris Mirounga leonina Monachus monachus Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Ommatophoca "E-Phocini" ACCTRAN. 0 i â â â â i â â â â i â 60000 65000 70000 75000 80000 Length of randomly generated tree 85000 Fig. 12: Frequency distributions of t
. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. Atlantic Phoca vitulina c Pacific Phoca vitulina Phoca largha Halichoerus Pusa hispida Pag op hi I us Histriophoca Cystophora Erignathus. Leptonychotes Hydrurga Mirounga leonina Monachus schauinslandi Otariidae Odobenidae Ursidae Fig.l: Phylogeny of the Phocidae according to (A) de Muizon (1982a), (B) Wyss (1988a), and (C) Arnason et al. (1995). Adapted from de Muizon (1982a), Wyss (1987. 1988a). and Arnason et al. (1995). supporting such a scenario (e.g., Wyss 1987; Wolsan 1993; Wyss & Flynn 1993; Berta & Wyss 1994; Hunt & Barnes 1994). Stock Photo
RMRHDJR7–. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. Atlantic Phoca vitulina c Pacific Phoca vitulina Phoca largha Halichoerus Pusa hispida Pag op hi I us Histriophoca Cystophora Erignathus. Leptonychotes Hydrurga Mirounga leonina Monachus schauinslandi Otariidae Odobenidae Ursidae Fig.l: Phylogeny of the Phocidae according to (A) de Muizon (1982a), (B) Wyss (1988a), and (C) Arnason et al. (1995). Adapted from de Muizon (1982a), Wyss (1987. 1988a). and Arnason et al. (1995). supporting such a scenario (e.g., Wyss 1987; Wolsan 1993; Wyss & Flynn 1993; Berta & Wyss 1994; Hunt & Barnes 1994).
. Catalogue of the specimens of mammalia in the collection of the British Museum. Mammals. -J. Monachus albiventer. Fore and hind feet. Phoca, Gray, Grijffith, A. K. v. 175, 1827- Phoca, Sect. I., F. Cuvier, Mem. Mus. xi.; Nilsson, Wiegm. Arch. vii. 306; Scand. Fauna, n. xx. Phocidae sen Brachidontia, J. Brookes, Cat. Mus. 36, 1828. Phoques dents racines multiples, F. Cuvier, Dent. Mamm. 116. t. 38, 1825. Phocina, part.. Turner, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1848, 88.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and Stock Photo
RMRJFKGG–. Catalogue of the specimens of mammalia in the collection of the British Museum. Mammals. -J. Monachus albiventer. Fore and hind feet. Phoca, Gray, Grijffith, A. K. v. 175, 1827- Phoca, Sect. I., F. Cuvier, Mem. Mus. xi.; Nilsson, Wiegm. Arch. vii. 306; Scand. Fauna, n. xx. Phocidae sen Brachidontia, J. Brookes, Cat. Mus. 36, 1828. Phoques dents racines multiples, F. Cuvier, Dent. Mamm. 116. t. 38, 1825. Phocina, part.. Turner, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1848, 88.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and
. Catalogue of seals and whales in the British Museum . Seals (Animals); Whales. Monachus albiventer. Fore and hind feet. Phoca, Gray, Griffith's A. K. v. 175, 1827. Phoca, Sect. I., F. Ouvier, Mdm. Mus. xi.; Nilsson, Wiegm. Arch. â yii. 306; Skand. Fauna, n. xx. PhocidsB seu Brachiodontia, J. Brookes, Cat. Mus. 36,1828. Phoques, las dents ont les racines multiples, J. Owmer, Dents des Mamm. 116. t. 38, 1825. Phocina (part.). Turner, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1848, 88. PhocidsB, § 1, Gray, Cat. Seals B. M. 5-8. SubfamUy 1. STENORHYNCHINA. Cutting-teeth ^ ; hind feet nea/rly clawless ; muffie hairy to Stock Photo
RMRDJBDP–. Catalogue of seals and whales in the British Museum . Seals (Animals); Whales. Monachus albiventer. Fore and hind feet. Phoca, Gray, Griffith's A. K. v. 175, 1827. Phoca, Sect. I., F. Ouvier, Mdm. Mus. xi.; Nilsson, Wiegm. Arch. â yii. 306; Skand. Fauna, n. xx. PhocidsB seu Brachiodontia, J. Brookes, Cat. Mus. 36,1828. Phoques, las dents ont les racines multiples, J. Owmer, Dents des Mamm. 116. t. 38, 1825. Phocina (part.). Turner, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1848, 88. PhocidsB, § 1, Gray, Cat. Seals B. M. 5-8. SubfamUy 1. STENORHYNCHINA. Cutting-teeth ^ ; hind feet nea/rly clawless ; muffie hairy to
. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. 41 B. i-U |4 ' 35 I rp r P—44 1—38 fc l.5 LJT' p—49 L • 50 I— Histriophoca Pagophilus Erignathus Pusa hispida Pusa sibirica Pusa caspica Phoca vitulina Phoca largha Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Lobodon Ommatophoca Leptonychotes Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Lutra Enhydra Martes Procyon Urs us Can is 18/16 28/13 12/13 31/30 15/13 111 10/13 12/2! 11 /101 1 15/20 10/5 | "—1 23/21 B/12 rn 15/17 12/16 18/21 23/19 14/7 12/16 17/13 11/13 18/24 Histriophoca Pago Stock Photo!-11-101-1-1520-105-quot1-2321-b12-rn-1517-1216-1821-2319-147-1216-1713-1113-1824-histriophoca-pago-image234484037.html
RMRHDJNW–. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. 41 B. i-U |4 ' 35 I rp r P—44 1—38 fc l.5 LJT' p—49 L • 50 I— Histriophoca Pagophilus Erignathus Pusa hispida Pusa sibirica Pusa caspica Phoca vitulina Phoca largha Halichoerus Cystophora Monachus schauinslandi Monachus tropicalis Monachus monachus Lobodon Ommatophoca Leptonychotes Hydrurga Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Odobenus Zalophus Lutra Enhydra Martes Procyon Urs us Can is 18/16 28/13 12/13 31/30 15/13 111 10/13 12/2! 11 /101 1 15/20 10/5 | "—1 23/21 B/12 rn 15/17 12/16 18/21 23/19 14/7 12/16 17/13 11/13 18/24 Histriophoca Pago