At Brockenhurst in the New Forest , Hampshire , the Forestry Commission ' s School of Forestry for disabled ex - servicemen . 7 November 1920 Stock Photo
RM2BWAH14–At Brockenhurst in the New Forest , Hampshire , the Forestry Commission ' s School of Forestry for disabled ex - servicemen . 7 November 1920
Teaching elementary school subjects . Corn Club work of the Pennsylvania Slate College. Learning to judge cattle in club work AGRICULTURE 377 tended, and some of the pupils will observe the methodsused. Whatever the pupils can do they should be taught todo to the best of their ability, but the teacher should remem-ber that methods of planting and cultivation are incidentalto the pupils in these grades and should not be emphasized.Children love to dig in the soil, to rake and to hoe, and witha little assistance they can lay out comparatively straightrows and drop the seeds with surprising accur Stock Photo
RM2AJE2BD–Teaching elementary school subjects . Corn Club work of the Pennsylvania Slate College. Learning to judge cattle in club work AGRICULTURE 377 tended, and some of the pupils will observe the methodsused. Whatever the pupils can do they should be taught todo to the best of their ability, but the teacher should remem-ber that methods of planting and cultivation are incidentalto the pupils in these grades and should not be emphasized.Children love to dig in the soil, to rake and to hoe, and witha little assistance they can lay out comparatively straightrows and drop the seeds with surprising accur
. Nature study and life. Nature study. ELEMKNTARY FORESTRY 371 After directions for saving the seed, the next topics are naturally the seed bed and methods of planting. For the school bed select a strip of ground about three feet wide, sheltered on the north and west by a hedge or fence. Make the soil mellow to a depth of from twelve to fifteen inches and enrich it with leaf mould or rotted sods. Sow the seeds in drills eight inches apart across the bed, quite thickly since many tree seeds are imperfect. When. Fig. 145. A Treeless Street they come up, thin to about an inch apart by removing th Stock Photo
RMPG41EH–. Nature study and life. Nature study. ELEMKNTARY FORESTRY 371 After directions for saving the seed, the next topics are naturally the seed bed and methods of planting. For the school bed select a strip of ground about three feet wide, sheltered on the north and west by a hedge or fence. Make the soil mellow to a depth of from twelve to fifteen inches and enrich it with leaf mould or rotted sods. Sow the seeds in drills eight inches apart across the bed, quite thickly since many tree seeds are imperfect. When. Fig. 145. A Treeless Street they come up, thin to about an inch apart by removing th
. School and home gardening; a text book for young people, with plans, suggestions and helps for teachers, club leaders and organizers. Gardening; School gardens. METHODS OF TEACHING 337 seed, the size and the condition and character of soil. Sn;iiill. seeds are planted very shallow and large seeds much deeper. Greater depth of planting is practised in sandy soil than in clay soil. When soil is dry the seed must be planted deeper than when it is wet. Such instruction is best given to the children at planting time (Fig. 160). The term " drill," with reference to method of planting see Stock Photo
RMRE3NFA–. School and home gardening; a text book for young people, with plans, suggestions and helps for teachers, club leaders and organizers. Gardening; School gardens. METHODS OF TEACHING 337 seed, the size and the condition and character of soil. Sn;iiill. seeds are planted very shallow and large seeds much deeper. Greater depth of planting is practised in sandy soil than in clay soil. When soil is dry the seed must be planted deeper than when it is wet. Such instruction is best given to the children at planting time (Fig. 160). The term " drill," with reference to method of planting see
. School and home gardening; a text book for young people, with plans, suggestions and helps for teachers, club leaders and organizers. Gardening; School gardens. THE GROWING OF VEGETABLES 181 germination. Seeds should be covered about one inch or less. A very eSuiclj crop of garden beets maj' be produced by planting the seeds in hotbeds in late winter or very early spring. If the weather is warm enough when the plants are large enough to be thinned, the thinnings may be transplanted to the open garden. For early use, the best table beets are the flat or turnip-shaped varieties. For a long sea Stock Photo
RMRE3NTG–. School and home gardening; a text book for young people, with plans, suggestions and helps for teachers, club leaders and organizers. Gardening; School gardens. THE GROWING OF VEGETABLES 181 germination. Seeds should be covered about one inch or less. A very eSuiclj crop of garden beets maj' be produced by planting the seeds in hotbeds in late winter or very early spring. If the weather is warm enough when the plants are large enough to be thinned, the thinnings may be transplanted to the open garden. For early use, the best table beets are the flat or turnip-shaped varieties. For a long sea
. Garden steps; a manual for the amateur in vegetable gardening. Vegetable gardening. TOOLS 4S " In marking lines, measure the first row, and then draw the marker behind you so that the outside tooth follows this line. The other teeth mark rows which are parallel. Where many people work together, as in school gardens, two or three of these markers with teeth measured for various distances between rows, can be made in the manual training room, and will be of much service in planting the larger seeds, such as beans, peas, and corn. Stakes. — During the winter months provide yourself with tw Stock Photo
RMRE1DH1–. Garden steps; a manual for the amateur in vegetable gardening. Vegetable gardening. TOOLS 4S " In marking lines, measure the first row, and then draw the marker behind you so that the outside tooth follows this line. The other teeth mark rows which are parallel. Where many people work together, as in school gardens, two or three of these markers with teeth measured for various distances between rows, can be made in the manual training room, and will be of much service in planting the larger seeds, such as beans, peas, and corn. Stakes. — During the winter months provide yourself with tw
. Horticulture; a text book for high schools and normals. Gardening; Vegetable gardening; Fruit-culture. 18 PROPAGATION OF PLANTS BY MEANS OP SEEDS old seeds are sometimes polished or bleached or are mixed with fresh seeds. Testing Seeds.—Probably the best way of detecting the value of seeds is to test their power of germination. If ninety or more out of a hundred will germinate well they may be used for planting. This would indicate maturity, good storage, freshness. Simple Testers.—It is usually not necessary to purchase any apparatus for seed testing, either at home or at school. A rag-doll Stock Photo
RMRDY47A–. Horticulture; a text book for high schools and normals. Gardening; Vegetable gardening; Fruit-culture. 18 PROPAGATION OF PLANTS BY MEANS OP SEEDS old seeds are sometimes polished or bleached or are mixed with fresh seeds. Testing Seeds.—Probably the best way of detecting the value of seeds is to test their power of germination. If ninety or more out of a hundred will germinate well they may be used for planting. This would indicate maturity, good storage, freshness. Simple Testers.—It is usually not necessary to purchase any apparatus for seed testing, either at home or at school. A rag-doll
. School and home gardens. Gardening; School gardens. THE VEGETABLE GAEDEN 289 The Radish Varieties. The early scarlet turnip radishes and the French brealdast varieties are best for early use; they will be ready for the table in from four to six weeks. The larger half-long and long shapes are better adapted. Fig. 154. Sowing Radish Seeds The seeds should be scattered in "wide rows to summer use; they grow more slowly and therefore keep in good condition for a greater length of time. Time of planting. The spring varieties should be sown as early as the soil can be worked, and for a succes Stock Photo
RMRE36XW–. School and home gardens. Gardening; School gardens. THE VEGETABLE GAEDEN 289 The Radish Varieties. The early scarlet turnip radishes and the French brealdast varieties are best for early use; they will be ready for the table in from four to six weeks. The larger half-long and long shapes are better adapted. Fig. 154. Sowing Radish Seeds The seeds should be scattered in "wide rows to summer use; they grow more slowly and therefore keep in good condition for a greater length of time. Time of planting. The spring varieties should be sown as early as the soil can be worked, and for a succes
. Gardens and their meaning, by Dora Williams. School gardens. PLANTING 87 the fast-growing radishes skirmish ahead and break the way for the more delicate, deliberate carrot seeds. Having served their altruistic purpose, the radish seedlings are weeded out. Spare no pains to secure first-rate seeds. The wise farmer puts his trust in the best houses and does not get disap- pointed. He is not to -be caught taking chances at the gro- cery store. Seeds bought at such places are often old and poor,. SOUTH CAROLINA BOYS MAKING SEED SELECTIONS and the proportion of seeds that germinate has been know Stock Photo
RMRDR6KG–. Gardens and their meaning, by Dora Williams. School gardens. PLANTING 87 the fast-growing radishes skirmish ahead and break the way for the more delicate, deliberate carrot seeds. Having served their altruistic purpose, the radish seedlings are weeded out. Spare no pains to secure first-rate seeds. The wise farmer puts his trust in the best houses and does not get disap- pointed. He is not to -be caught taking chances at the gro- cery store. Seeds bought at such places are often old and poor,. SOUTH CAROLINA BOYS MAKING SEED SELECTIONS and the proportion of seeds that germinate has been know
. School and home gardening; a text book for young people, with plans, suggestions and helps for teachers, club leaders and organizers. Gardening; School gardens. GARDEN PLOT EXPERIMENTS 127 (see directions in Chapter XX). Let two rows be treated and two rows be untreated. The liming mentioned in number nine may be the one row of each of these pairs. 11. Effects of Dust Mulch.—Compare two rows of corn or potatoes with and without the dust-mulch method of culture. 12. Firming the Soil.—At planting time let the seeds in one row of the garden be r wv^jssrjrSivT' i pressed firmly against the soil Stock Photo
RMRE3DW9–. School and home gardening; a text book for young people, with plans, suggestions and helps for teachers, club leaders and organizers. Gardening; School gardens. GARDEN PLOT EXPERIMENTS 127 (see directions in Chapter XX). Let two rows be treated and two rows be untreated. The liming mentioned in number nine may be the one row of each of these pairs. 11. Effects of Dust Mulch.—Compare two rows of corn or potatoes with and without the dust-mulch method of culture. 12. Firming the Soil.—At planting time let the seeds in one row of the garden be r wv^jssrjrSivT' i pressed firmly against the soil
. School and home gardens. Gardening; School gardens. THE VEGETABLE GAEDEN 219 its nourishment is absorbed by the cotyledon from the endosperm. The cotyledon and endosperm remain in the ground during germination.. Fig. 122. Germination of a Grain of Corn Plant several rows of corn in a box. After the second day, take up one row each day. Study the development of the root and stem and observe that the food in the endosperm is gradually absorbed. Planting Seeds in Boxes Seed boxes. Boxes for growing seedlings may be six- teen inches long, six inches wide, and six inches deep. Three or four half- Stock Photo
RMRE1WP0–. School and home gardens. Gardening; School gardens. THE VEGETABLE GAEDEN 219 its nourishment is absorbed by the cotyledon from the endosperm. The cotyledon and endosperm remain in the ground during germination.. Fig. 122. Germination of a Grain of Corn Plant several rows of corn in a box. After the second day, take up one row each day. Study the development of the root and stem and observe that the food in the endosperm is gradually absorbed. Planting Seeds in Boxes Seed boxes. Boxes for growing seedlings may be six- teen inches long, six inches wide, and six inches deep. Three or four half-
. School and home gardens. Gardening; School gardens. 264 SCHOOL Ay I) HOME GARDENS Planting out of doors. Plant the seeds out of doors after all danger from frost is over, putting ten or twelve in a hill. The hills should be from three to six feet apart each way, depending upon the variety. Thin to. Fig. 145. Planting Cucumbers four or five plants. When thinning, leave the strongest vines and space widely in the hill, to guard against crowding. Plants that crowd each other cannot obtain food so easily, and the problem of protecting them against the attacks of insects is also greater.. Please Stock Photo
RMRE3708–. School and home gardens. Gardening; School gardens. 264 SCHOOL Ay I) HOME GARDENS Planting out of doors. Plant the seeds out of doors after all danger from frost is over, putting ten or twelve in a hill. The hills should be from three to six feet apart each way, depending upon the variety. Thin to. Fig. 145. Planting Cucumbers four or five plants. When thinning, leave the strongest vines and space widely in the hill, to guard against crowding. Plants that crowd each other cannot obtain food so easily, and the problem of protecting them against the attacks of insects is also greater.. Please
. Nature study and life. Nature study. ELEMENTARY FORESTRY 371 After directions for saving the seed, the next topics are naturally the seed bed and methods of planting. For the school bed select a strip of ground about three feet wide, sheltered on the north and west by a hedge or fence. Make the soil mellow to a depth of from twelve to fifteen inches and enrich it with leaf mould or rotted sods. Sow the seeds in drills eight inches apart across the bed, quite thickly since many tree seeds are imperfect. When. Fig. 145. A Treeless Street they come up, thin to about an inch apart by removing th Stock Photo
RMRDKP1A–. Nature study and life. Nature study. ELEMENTARY FORESTRY 371 After directions for saving the seed, the next topics are naturally the seed bed and methods of planting. For the school bed select a strip of ground about three feet wide, sheltered on the north and west by a hedge or fence. Make the soil mellow to a depth of from twelve to fifteen inches and enrich it with leaf mould or rotted sods. Sow the seeds in drills eight inches apart across the bed, quite thickly since many tree seeds are imperfect. When. Fig. 145. A Treeless Street they come up, thin to about an inch apart by removing th
. Nature study and life. Nature study. ELEMKNTARY FORESTRY 371 After directions for saving the seed, the next topics are naturally the seed bed and methods of planting. For the school bed select a strip of ground about three feet wide, sheltered on the north and west by a hedge or fence. Make the soil mellow to a depth of from twelve to fifteen inches and enrich it with leaf mould or rotted sods. Sow the seeds in drills eight inches apart across the bed, quite thickly since many tree seeds are imperfect. When. Fig. 145. A Treeless Street they come up, thin to about an inch apart by removing th Stock Photo
RMRDG50W–. Nature study and life. Nature study. ELEMKNTARY FORESTRY 371 After directions for saving the seed, the next topics are naturally the seed bed and methods of planting. For the school bed select a strip of ground about three feet wide, sheltered on the north and west by a hedge or fence. Make the soil mellow to a depth of from twelve to fifteen inches and enrich it with leaf mould or rotted sods. Sow the seeds in drills eight inches apart across the bed, quite thickly since many tree seeds are imperfect. When. Fig. 145. A Treeless Street they come up, thin to about an inch apart by removing th
. The school garden book. School gardens. PLANTING BULBS OUT-DOORS 51 Harvest vegetable crops as fast as they mature. Clean the ground after harvesting. If you have a cold-frame sow cabbage seed in drills in the garden to start plants to winter over in the frame. Prepare a store of soil for use in potting, gathering the necessary garden soil, leaf mould, manure from compost heap, etc. Gather seeds of annuals and perennials before they are lost from ripe seed-pods; clean them and store in labelled envelopes. Hold a public exhibition of the products of school and home gardens. Send cut flowers f Stock Photo
RMRDTMPG–. The school garden book. School gardens. PLANTING BULBS OUT-DOORS 51 Harvest vegetable crops as fast as they mature. Clean the ground after harvesting. If you have a cold-frame sow cabbage seed in drills in the garden to start plants to winter over in the frame. Prepare a store of soil for use in potting, gathering the necessary garden soil, leaf mould, manure from compost heap, etc. Gather seeds of annuals and perennials before they are lost from ripe seed-pods; clean them and store in labelled envelopes. Hold a public exhibition of the products of school and home gardens. Send cut flowers f
. School and home gardens. Gardening; School gardens. 106 SCHOOL AND HOME GARDENS bed of cannas with, coleus as a border. If care is taken to select harmonious colors, a pretty effect may be produced. Cannas, as well as coleus, may be obtained in a great variety of colors. When cannas are grown from seed, file each seed on the end opposite the germ until the white may be seen.. Fig. 52. Cannas with Coleus Border One month after setting out plants The best way to do this is to rub the seed on a piece of sandpaper tacked to a board. Soak the seeds in warm water an hour or two before planting. So Stock Photo
RMRE37KG–. School and home gardens. Gardening; School gardens. 106 SCHOOL AND HOME GARDENS bed of cannas with, coleus as a border. If care is taken to select harmonious colors, a pretty effect may be produced. Cannas, as well as coleus, may be obtained in a great variety of colors. When cannas are grown from seed, file each seed on the end opposite the germ until the white may be seen.. Fig. 52. Cannas with Coleus Border One month after setting out plants The best way to do this is to rub the seed on a piece of sandpaper tacked to a board. Soak the seeds in warm water an hour or two before planting. So
. School and home gardens. Gardening; School gardens. THE VEGETABLE GARDEN 253 Seeds for late cabbages should be sown out of doors in rich, fine soil from the first to the middle of June. Sow in rows six inches apart and thin to two inches in the row. Keep the soil in good tilth. Soil. The soil should be plowed or spaded to a depth of at least six inches. Well-decayed manure laid in the bottom of the furrow when j^lowing in the spring will encourage the ^n ? roots to reach down for nourishment. If enough manure can- â:^: 4i(^Z -m^mA^i â 1. Fig. 141. Cabbage Seedlings ready for trans- planting Stock Photo
RMRE3713–. School and home gardens. Gardening; School gardens. THE VEGETABLE GARDEN 253 Seeds for late cabbages should be sown out of doors in rich, fine soil from the first to the middle of June. Sow in rows six inches apart and thin to two inches in the row. Keep the soil in good tilth. Soil. The soil should be plowed or spaded to a depth of at least six inches. Well-decayed manure laid in the bottom of the furrow when j^lowing in the spring will encourage the ^n ? roots to reach down for nourishment. If enough manure can- â:^: 4i(^Z -m^mA^i â 1. Fig. 141. Cabbage Seedlings ready for trans- planting
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