Infographic of the traits of a fetus during the eighth month of pregnancy in which it assumes its final position for birth. [QuarkXPress (.qxp); 6259x4015]. Stock Photo
RM2NEC298–Infographic of the traits of a fetus during the eighth month of pregnancy in which it assumes its final position for birth. [QuarkXPress (.qxp); 6259x4015].
A treatise on the science and practice of midwifery . rnal and internal manipulation, without passing the handinto the uterus, and subsequently that which involves the introduc-tion of the hand. Turning by Combined External and Internal Manipulation.—Toeffect podalic version by the combined method it is an essential pre-liminary to ascertain the situation of the foetus as accurately as pos-sible. It will generally be easy, in transverse presentation, to makeout the breech and the head by palpation; while, in head presenta-tions, the fontanel!es will show to which side of the pelvis the faceis Stock Photo!es-will-show-to-which-side-of-the-pelvis-the-faceis-image338399423.html
RM2AJFBWK–A treatise on the science and practice of midwifery . rnal and internal manipulation, without passing the handinto the uterus, and subsequently that which involves the introduc-tion of the hand. Turning by Combined External and Internal Manipulation.—Toeffect podalic version by the combined method it is an essential pre-liminary to ascertain the situation of the foetus as accurately as pos-sible. It will generally be easy, in transverse presentation, to makeout the breech and the head by palpation; while, in head presenta-tions, the fontanel!es will show to which side of the pelvis the faceis
The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . the fetus maybe delivered without any mechanismor danger. In reality the prognosiswill depend on the operation which ischosen for delivery of the child. Anunchanged brow position with normalhead will require so much time forspontaneous delivery that the ob-stetrician cannot conscientiously waitfor nature to complete the birth. Treatment.—One must never trustto spontaneous rectification; manualcorrection of the faulty attitude intoa vertex presentation, or even into abreech by podalic version, gives bet Stock Photo
RM2AXBR20–The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . the fetus maybe delivered without any mechanismor danger. In reality the prognosiswill depend on the operation which ischosen for delivery of the child. Anunchanged brow position with normalhead will require so much time forspontaneous delivery that the ob-stetrician cannot conscientiously waitfor nature to complete the birth. Treatment.—One must never trustto spontaneous rectification; manualcorrection of the faulty attitude intoa vertex presentation, or even into abreech by podalic version, gives bet
The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . he back of the fetal ellipse to thefront by external manipulation, fol-lowed by the application of the forceps; (2) rotation of the vertex from the pos-terior to the anterior position by internal manual means, followed by the use ofthe forceps; (3) the application of the forceps without previous attempts atanterior rotation of the occiput; (4) internal podalic version followed by breechextraction, (i) External manual rotation: The possibility under favorable con-ditions—namely, intact membranes and thi Stock Photo
RM2AXAR7C–The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . he back of the fetal ellipse to thefront by external manipulation, fol-lowed by the application of the forceps; (2) rotation of the vertex from the pos-terior to the anterior position by internal manual means, followed by the use ofthe forceps; (3) the application of the forceps without previous attempts atanterior rotation of the occiput; (4) internal podalic version followed by breechextraction, (i) External manual rotation: The possibility under favorable con-ditions—namely, intact membranes and thi
. A Reference handbook of the medical sciences : embracing the entire range of scientific and practical medicine and allied science. n is not much used inhead presentations, because podalic version is now gen-erally followed by immediate extraction, and thereforepresupposes a degree of dilatation which admits of theintroduction of the entire hand, but it is of value in somecases of placenta praevia in which there is profuse flow-ing at an early stage of labor. In such cases it is useful,both because it can usually be completed with less lossof time than is consumed in the preparation of the os Stock Photo
RM2AG45FD–. A Reference handbook of the medical sciences : embracing the entire range of scientific and practical medicine and allied science. n is not much used inhead presentations, because podalic version is now gen-erally followed by immediate extraction, and thereforepresupposes a degree of dilatation which admits of theintroduction of the entire hand, but it is of value in somecases of placenta praevia in which there is profuse flow-ing at an early stage of labor. In such cases it is useful,both because it can usually be completed with less lossof time than is consumed in the preparation of the os
A treatise on the science and practice of midwifery . d external and internal manipulation, without passing the hand intothe uterus, and subsequently that which involves the introduction of thehand. Turning by Combined External and Internal Manipulation.—To effect TUBXIXG. 463 podalic version by the combined method it is an essential preliminary toascertain the situation of the foetus as accurately as possible. It willgenerally be easy in transverse presentation to make out the breech andhead by palpation, while in head presentations the fontanelles will showto which side of the pelvis the fac Stock Photo
RM2AKKTP4–A treatise on the science and practice of midwifery . d external and internal manipulation, without passing the hand intothe uterus, and subsequently that which involves the introduction of thehand. Turning by Combined External and Internal Manipulation.—To effect TUBXIXG. 463 podalic version by the combined method it is an essential preliminary toascertain the situation of the foetus as accurately as possible. It willgenerally be easy in transverse presentation to make out the breech andhead by palpation, while in head presentations the fontanelles will showto which side of the pelvis the fac
Transactions of the American Association of Obstetricians, Gynecologists, and Abdominal Surgeons for the year ... . act is demonstrated when I say that I personallydelivered last year 1113 women, of which 920 were delivered by version400 being primiparas and 520 multiparas. I have thought it best to describe as briefly and as fully as I can, mymethod of podalic version. The patient is prepared as for any majoroperation, shaved, scrubbed and made as clean as possible. The oper-ator is similarly treated and then gowned, with short sleeves and longgloves reaching to the elbow. The woman is placed Stock Photo
RM2ANH83N–Transactions of the American Association of Obstetricians, Gynecologists, and Abdominal Surgeons for the year ... . act is demonstrated when I say that I personallydelivered last year 1113 women, of which 920 were delivered by version400 being primiparas and 520 multiparas. I have thought it best to describe as briefly and as fully as I can, mymethod of podalic version. The patient is prepared as for any majoroperation, shaved, scrubbed and made as clean as possible. The oper-ator is similarly treated and then gowned, with short sleeves and longgloves reaching to the elbow. The woman is placed
The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . it with one hand externallyfor three hours, when itfinally engaged. No furtheranomaly occurred and thepatient and fetus were thussaved from the dangers ofa podalic version. In gen-eral, after correction of themalpresentation it is advisable to keep the patient quiet in bed in the dorsalposture so that the fundus uteri shall not incline to one side or the other untilthe desired presentation is effected. Fixation of the head in the pelvic inlet mavbe hastened and promoted by artificially rupturing the me Stock Photo
RM2AX3CB3–The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . it with one hand externallyfor three hours, when itfinally engaged. No furtheranomaly occurred and thepatient and fetus were thussaved from the dangers ofa podalic version. In gen-eral, after correction of themalpresentation it is advisable to keep the patient quiet in bed in the dorsalposture so that the fundus uteri shall not incline to one side or the other untilthe desired presentation is effected. Fixation of the head in the pelvic inlet mavbe hastened and promoted by artificially rupturing the me
. A Reference handbook of the medical sciences : embracing the entire range of scientific and practical medicine and allied science. rupture of a tubal blood-sac are to be feared. Punctureof the sac is best made at its most dependent part. Miil-ler observes that when the head during delivery is im-peded by the recto-vesical ligament, the correction of theobliquity of the pregnant horn, or placing the patient onthe side corresponding to the nonpregnant half of thewomb may suffice, but if not, podalic version and ex-traction should be attempted. Obstructing septa orbands may be pushed to one sid Stock Photo
RM2AG5GK4–. A Reference handbook of the medical sciences : embracing the entire range of scientific and practical medicine and allied science. rupture of a tubal blood-sac are to be feared. Punctureof the sac is best made at its most dependent part. Miil-ler observes that when the head during delivery is im-peded by the recto-vesical ligament, the correction of theobliquity of the pregnant horn, or placing the patient onthe side corresponding to the nonpregnant half of thewomb may suffice, but if not, podalic version and ex-traction should be attempted. Obstructing septa orbands may be pushed to one sid
A manual of obstetrics . VERSION, OR TURNING. 4?:-, Internalpodalic vcjsion is that form of podalic version inwhich the entire hand is introduced into the uterine cavity.Indications.—This operation becomes necessary when therehas occurred an escape of the hquor amnii some time before. Fig. 133.—Bipolar version ; the knee is almost within reach, the head is pressedupward (Dickinson). version is attempted. Dangers.—The risks attendant uponits performance are—[a) Increased liabiHty to sepsis, fromintroduction of the hand into the uterine cavity; [b) uterinerupture from such a considerable additio Stock Photo
RM2AJ53BN–A manual of obstetrics . VERSION, OR TURNING. 4?:-, Internalpodalic vcjsion is that form of podalic version inwhich the entire hand is introduced into the uterine cavity.Indications.—This operation becomes necessary when therehas occurred an escape of the hquor amnii some time before. Fig. 133.—Bipolar version ; the knee is almost within reach, the head is pressedupward (Dickinson). version is attempted. Dangers.—The risks attendant uponits performance are—[a) Increased liabiHty to sepsis, fromintroduction of the hand into the uterine cavity; [b) uterinerupture from such a considerable additio
A system of obstetrics . ntthat the pelvis and the entire birth-canal can only permit this passage if the twins are very small. Cer-tainly, Play fairs law of podalic version is not indicated in the deliveryof this variety of double monsters. It is not necessary to refer to other monstrosities in their connectionwith dystocia. The fact that spontaneous delivery occurs in so manycases, one reason for which is that the labor is often premature, teachesthe obstetrician not to be in haste to intervene; and the difficulty inmany instances of knowing before delivery the kind of monstrositywill make h Stock Photo
RM2AWGJ74–A system of obstetrics . ntthat the pelvis and the entire birth-canal can only permit this passage if the twins are very small. Cer-tainly, Play fairs law of podalic version is not indicated in the deliveryof this variety of double monsters. It is not necessary to refer to other monstrosities in their connectionwith dystocia. The fact that spontaneous delivery occurs in so manycases, one reason for which is that the labor is often premature, teachesthe obstetrician not to be in haste to intervene; and the difficulty inmany instances of knowing before delivery the kind of monstrositywill make h
A system of obstetrics . ntthat the pelvis and the entire birth-canal can only permit this passage if the twins are very small. Cer-tainly, Play fairs law of podalic version is not indicated in the deliveryof this variety of double monsters. It is not necessary to refer to other monstrosities in their connectionwith dystocia. The fact that spontaneous delivery occurs in so manycases, one reason for which is that the labor is often premature, teachesthe obstetrician not to be in haste to intervene; and the difficulty inmany instances of knowing before delivery the kind of monstrositywill make h Stock Photo
RM2AWGK3X–A system of obstetrics . ntthat the pelvis and the entire birth-canal can only permit this passage if the twins are very small. Cer-tainly, Play fairs law of podalic version is not indicated in the deliveryof this variety of double monsters. It is not necessary to refer to other monstrosities in their connectionwith dystocia. The fact that spontaneous delivery occurs in so manycases, one reason for which is that the labor is often premature, teachesthe obstetrician not to be in haste to intervene; and the difficulty inmany instances of knowing before delivery the kind of monstrositywill make h
. A Reference handbook of the medical sciences : embracing the entire range of scientific and practical medicine and allied science. Fio. 4562.- First Fart of Second Stage of Bipolar Version, when theHead is extended. (Galabin.) After the completion of the version the treatment isthat of an ordinary footling case. Podalic version by the bipolar method is seldom per-formed in transverse presentations ; for until it has be-come impossible bipolar cephalic version is generally tobe preferred. In case it is done, the position at the be-ginning of the operation is that represented in Fig. 4561,and Stock Photo
RM2AG44CP–. A Reference handbook of the medical sciences : embracing the entire range of scientific and practical medicine and allied science. Fio. 4562.- First Fart of Second Stage of Bipolar Version, when theHead is extended. (Galabin.) After the completion of the version the treatment isthat of an ordinary footling case. Podalic version by the bipolar method is seldom per-formed in transverse presentations ; for until it has be-come impossible bipolar cephalic version is generally tobe preferred. In case it is done, the position at the be-ginning of the operation is that represented in Fig. 4561,and
A textbook of obstetrics . favorable to the child, andthe head is more readily brought to present at the superior strait,making the version easier and quicker of performance than ifthe breech were brought down. Podalic Version—This operation was known in the time ofthe Roman Empire, but was lost sight of until Ambrose Pare andhis students revived it in the sixteenth century. The operationis performed as follows : Relaxation of the uterus and of the ab-dominal muscles is secured by an anesthetic. The lowest pos-sible position of the fetal feet is secured by turning the motheron that side toward Stock Photo
RM2AWR1KA–A textbook of obstetrics . favorable to the child, andthe head is more readily brought to present at the superior strait,making the version easier and quicker of performance than ifthe breech were brought down. Podalic Version—This operation was known in the time ofthe Roman Empire, but was lost sight of until Ambrose Pare andhis students revived it in the sixteenth century. The operationis performed as follows : Relaxation of the uterus and of the ab-dominal muscles is secured by an anesthetic. The lowest pos-sible position of the fetal feet is secured by turning the motheron that side toward
The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . (4) drivingout of the podalic extremity ofthe fetus over the posterior wallof the parturient tract (Fig. 745) i (5) delivery of the posteriorshoulder and arm (Fig. 745); (6) delivery of the after-cominghead (Fig. 746). Excessive lat-eral flexion of the fetus is neces-sary for the accomplishment ofspontaneous evolution. Unlessall conditions are most favorablefor birth, the case will end in fetalimpaction and death of the fetus. 3. Doubled Fetus {PartusCondnplicato Cor pore). —Whenspontaneous evolution o Stock Photo
RM2AXAY3P–The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . (4) drivingout of the podalic extremity ofthe fetus over the posterior wallof the parturient tract (Fig. 745) i (5) delivery of the posteriorshoulder and arm (Fig. 745); (6) delivery of the after-cominghead (Fig. 746). Excessive lat-eral flexion of the fetus is neces-sary for the accomplishment ofspontaneous evolution. Unlessall conditions are most favorablefor birth, the case will end in fetalimpaction and death of the fetus. 3. Doubled Fetus {PartusCondnplicato Cor pore). —Whenspontaneous evolution o
Cyclopædia of obstetrics and gynecology . eforehand, the position of the knee. 3. In podalic version the force which changes the presentation acts withgreatei advantage on the knee, and further we may use more force on it,without endangering the foetus, in case of difficult version. Barnes addsthat the knee is nearer than the foot, and Avhile the latter must be seizedby the full hand, the finger bent on itself is enough to pull down the for-mer. When the inferior extremities are too far from the superior strait,Deutsch advises the following procedure: 1. Make the foetus undergo a 24 A TREATISE Stock Photo
RM2AJJF22–Cyclopædia of obstetrics and gynecology . eforehand, the position of the knee. 3. In podalic version the force which changes the presentation acts withgreatei advantage on the knee, and further we may use more force on it,without endangering the foetus, in case of difficult version. Barnes addsthat the knee is nearer than the foot, and Avhile the latter must be seizedby the full hand, the finger bent on itself is enough to pull down the for-mer. When the inferior extremities are too far from the superior strait,Deutsch advises the following procedure: 1. Make the foetus undergo a 24 A TREATISE
A manual of practical obstetrics . Podalic version, grasping the feet. depressed toward the perineum so as to bring the hand in linewith the axis of the brim, while the other hand rests outside,making support and counter-pressure upon the fundus. With the thumb between the head and pubes, and the fourfingers between the head and sacrum, the head is grasped andlifted out of the way, on the shelf of that iliac fossa towardwhich the occiput points. The wrist resting against the fore-head keeps it there, while the hand goes on up to grasp the INTERNAL VERSION, 239 feet, the other hand continuously Stock Photo
RM2AJJE6T–A manual of practical obstetrics . Podalic version, grasping the feet. depressed toward the perineum so as to bring the hand in linewith the axis of the brim, while the other hand rests outside,making support and counter-pressure upon the fundus. With the thumb between the head and pubes, and the fourfingers between the head and sacrum, the head is grasped andlifted out of the way, on the shelf of that iliac fossa towardwhich the occiput points. The wrist resting against the fore-head keeps it there, while the hand goes on up to grasp the INTERNAL VERSION, 239 feet, the other hand continuously
The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . Fig. 1119.—-Combined or Bipolar Po-dalic Version. Braxton HickssMethod. First Step. Fig. 1120.—Combined or Bipolar Podalic Ver-sion. Braxton Hickss Method. SecondStep. a practical necessity. The dorsal posture of the patient upon a sufficientlyhigh table is usually to be preferred, although the lateral or exaggerated semi-prone can be substituted in difficult cases. (See page 872.) The internal handshould be the one whose fingers naturally flex toward the fetal head; thus, in leftscapula positions the Stock Photo
RM2AX373P–The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . Fig. 1119.—-Combined or Bipolar Po-dalic Version. Braxton HickssMethod. First Step. Fig. 1120.—Combined or Bipolar Podalic Ver-sion. Braxton Hickss Method. SecondStep. a practical necessity. The dorsal posture of the patient upon a sufficientlyhigh table is usually to be preferred, although the lateral or exaggerated semi-prone can be substituted in difficult cases. (See page 872.) The internal handshould be the one whose fingers naturally flex toward the fetal head; thus, in leftscapula positions the
A system of obstetrics . ed by fail-ure of ossification at the sutures and fon-tanelles. In hydrencephalocele there is ahernia of part of the brain, with a pouchcontaining serous fluid and communicatingwith one of the ventricles. According toHergott, the first case of hydrencephalocele,also called hydro-meningocele, described wasone by Ruysch in 1691. The adjoined il-lustration is of a case observed by Tarnier.Finding in the labor two heads, as hethought, he delivered by podalic version.Poole also delivered in a similar case bypodalic version; the child was well devel-oped, but had hare-lip an Stock Photo
RM2AWGX0B–A system of obstetrics . ed by fail-ure of ossification at the sutures and fon-tanelles. In hydrencephalocele there is ahernia of part of the brain, with a pouchcontaining serous fluid and communicatingwith one of the ventricles. According toHergott, the first case of hydrencephalocele,also called hydro-meningocele, described wasone by Ruysch in 1691. The adjoined il-lustration is of a case observed by Tarnier.Finding in the labor two heads, as hethought, he delivered by podalic version.Poole also delivered in a similar case bypodalic version; the child was well devel-oped, but had hare-lip an
A system of obstetrics . ght line. But in some instances of craniopagithe union of the head is at the occiput or at the foreheads, and thebodies are obliquely inclined to each other; the delivery, accordingto Veit, has not created any great difficulty. In support of thisstatement he refers to three cases in which the union was at the fore-heads, in two of which the children, in both instances girls, were bornalive, and in one they lived until ten years old. In a case of craniopagus reported by Vottem, referred to by Play-fair as well as by Veit, a shoulder presented, and podalic version wasper Stock Photo
RM2AWGR2C–A system of obstetrics . ght line. But in some instances of craniopagithe union of the head is at the occiput or at the foreheads, and thebodies are obliquely inclined to each other; the delivery, accordingto Veit, has not created any great difficulty. In support of thisstatement he refers to three cases in which the union was at the fore-heads, in two of which the children, in both instances girls, were bornalive, and in one they lived until ten years old. In a case of craniopagus reported by Vottem, referred to by Play-fair as well as by Veit, a shoulder presented, and podalic version wasper
A treatise on the science and practice of midwifery . hat the arm should bebrought down, so as to convert the ease into an ordinary hand-and-headpresentation. This, if the arm be above the brim, must always be diffi-cult, and I believe the simpler and more effective plan is podalic version.A similar displacement may cause some difficulty in breech presenta-tions and after turning (Fig. 120). Delay here is easier of diagnosis,since the obstacle to the expulsion will at once lead to careful examina-tion. ]>v carrying the body of the child well backward, so as to enable Selected Obslet. Works, Stock Photo
RM2AKM6H7–A treatise on the science and practice of midwifery . hat the arm should bebrought down, so as to convert the ease into an ordinary hand-and-headpresentation. This, if the arm be above the brim, must always be diffi-cult, and I believe the simpler and more effective plan is podalic version.A similar displacement may cause some difficulty in breech presenta-tions and after turning (Fig. 120). Delay here is easier of diagnosis,since the obstacle to the expulsion will at once lead to careful examina-tion. ]>v carrying the body of the child well backward, so as to enable Selected Obslet. Works,
The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . vertico-podalic diameter, V. P., 9^ to 10 inches (24.13-25.4 cm.), is thelength of the fetal ellipse, and is the greatest distance from the vertex to thebreech. 6. The bisacromial circumference—namely, a circumference correspondingto the bisacromial diameter—is 13 inches {zz cm.) (Fig. 547)- This is compres-sible several inches. > THE FETAL TRUNK. 419 Planes and Circumferences of the Fetal Trunk.—The bisacromial planeis oval with its long axis transverse (Fig. 547). The midplane of the fetal ellipse Stock Photo
RM2AXCR2F–The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . vertico-podalic diameter, V. P., 9^ to 10 inches (24.13-25.4 cm.), is thelength of the fetal ellipse, and is the greatest distance from the vertex to thebreech. 6. The bisacromial circumference—namely, a circumference correspondingto the bisacromial diameter—is 13 inches {zz cm.) (Fig. 547)- This is compres-sible several inches. > THE FETAL TRUNK. 419 Planes and Circumferences of the Fetal Trunk.—The bisacromial planeis oval with its long axis transverse (Fig. 547). The midplane of the fetal ellipse
The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . hatz-Thoms methods, fol-lowed by high forceps or spontaneous labor in posterior chin positions, andpodalic version and extraction in anterior chin positions, or conversion and highforceps in both. In multiparae I prefer podalic version and extraction to theexclusion of other com-bined methods. 2. In the Pelvic Cav- ity.—Application of thehand or forceps bladebeneath the chin willgive the latter a point ofsupport which will favoranterior rotation. Trac-tion with forceps willbring the chin upon thepelv Stock Photo
RM2AXANWE–The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . hatz-Thoms methods, fol-lowed by high forceps or spontaneous labor in posterior chin positions, andpodalic version and extraction in anterior chin positions, or conversion and highforceps in both. In multiparae I prefer podalic version and extraction to theexclusion of other com-bined methods. 2. In the Pelvic Cav- ity.—Application of thehand or forceps bladebeneath the chin willgive the latter a point ofsupport which will favoranterior rotation. Trac-tion with forceps willbring the chin upon thepelv
Cyclopædia of obstetrics and gynecology . FiG. 5.—Cephalic Version. (After Busch.) sion is performed by pure external manipulations at the end of preg-nancy, and at the beginning of labor.. Fig. 6 —Cephalic Veksion. After D^Outrepont.) During labor, indeed, internal cephalic version has been justly aban-doned. Usually it is impossible, or, if possible, podalic version is more 14: A TREATISE ON OBSTETRICS. SO, and should be chosen, since then we may end labor at will; the riskto the child will not be greater, and podalic version is always quickerthan cephalic. Podalic Version. It is in the work Stock Photo
RM2AJJGW3–Cyclopædia of obstetrics and gynecology . FiG. 5.—Cephalic Version. (After Busch.) sion is performed by pure external manipulations at the end of preg-nancy, and at the beginning of labor.. Fig. 6 —Cephalic Veksion. After D^Outrepont.) During labor, indeed, internal cephalic version has been justly aban-doned. Usually it is impossible, or, if possible, podalic version is more 14: A TREATISE ON OBSTETRICS. SO, and should be chosen, since then we may end labor at will; the riskto the child will not be greater, and podalic version is always quickerthan cephalic. Podalic Version. It is in the work
The principles and practice of obstetrics . ded itself. A.s soon as the uterusis freed from the contrac-tile effort, then the hand,with its palmar surfacespread out on the surfaceof the child, is to he carriedupward (Fig. 07), with aview of searching for thoknees or feet. It- is a mis-take to suppose that it isnecessary always to seizethe feet in podalic version(Fig. 68); if you can graspthe knees, either one orboth, then by gentle trac-tion on them you will rea-dily succeed in bringingthe feet down to the su-perior strait. Is it essential to seizeboth knees, or both feet ?If both of either of Stock Photo
RM2AWFGNN–The principles and practice of obstetrics . ded itself. A.s soon as the uterusis freed from the contrac-tile effort, then the hand,with its palmar surfacespread out on the surfaceof the child, is to he carriedupward (Fig. 07), with aview of searching for thoknees or feet. It- is a mis-take to suppose that it isnecessary always to seizethe feet in podalic version(Fig. 68); if you can graspthe knees, either one orboth, then by gentle trac-tion on them you will rea-dily succeed in bringingthe feet down to the su-perior strait. Is it essential to seizeboth knees, or both feet ?If both of either of
The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . SINCI PUT Fig. 542.—Line of Section and ShapeOF SuBocciPiTO-FRONTAL Plane.—{Au-thors lead-tape tracing.). Fig. 543.—Line of Section and ShapeOF Occipito-frontal Plane.—Authorslead-tape tracing.) diameter of the fetal pelvis. Flexion of the thighs upon the abdomen doubles thisdiameter, making it 4^ inches (11 cm.); it is then compressible an inch or more. 5. The vertico-podalic diameter, V. P., 9^ to 10 inches (24.13-25.4 cm.), is thelength of the fetal ellipse, and is the greatest distance from the ver Stock Photo
RM2AXCR3B–The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . SINCI PUT Fig. 542.—Line of Section and ShapeOF SuBocciPiTO-FRONTAL Plane.—{Au-thors lead-tape tracing.). Fig. 543.—Line of Section and ShapeOF Occipito-frontal Plane.—Authorslead-tape tracing.) diameter of the fetal pelvis. Flexion of the thighs upon the abdomen doubles thisdiameter, making it 4^ inches (11 cm.); it is then compressible an inch or more. 5. The vertico-podalic diameter, V. P., 9^ to 10 inches (24.13-25.4 cm.), is thelength of the fetal ellipse, and is the greatest distance from the ver
The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . ito-posterior position in 2; placentaprasvia in 6; prolapsed cord in 3 ; prolapsed cord and hand in i; prolapsed handin I; deformed pelvis and albuminuria in i; deformed pelvis and shoulder pres-entation in 2; uterine inertia in 2; prolapse of leg in vertex presentation in i;brow presentation in i; hydrocephalus in i; albuminuria in i. Varieties.—Of the 44 cases analyzed, 35 were of the internal podalic variety;3 bipolar; 6 not recorded. 920 OBSTETRIC SURGERY.CLASSIFICATION OF VERSION. Parts CALtSED to Stock Photo
RM2AX3EF2–The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . ito-posterior position in 2; placentaprasvia in 6; prolapsed cord in 3 ; prolapsed cord and hand in i; prolapsed handin I; deformed pelvis and albuminuria in i; deformed pelvis and shoulder pres-entation in 2; uterine inertia in 2; prolapse of leg in vertex presentation in i;brow presentation in i; hydrocephalus in i; albuminuria in i. Varieties.—Of the 44 cases analyzed, 35 were of the internal podalic variety;3 bipolar; 6 not recorded. 920 OBSTETRIC SURGERY.CLASSIFICATION OF VERSION. Parts CALtSED to
A textbook of obstetrics . ? m x f r y i . L -,. Fig. 561.—The upper buttock ismoving downward and the lower shoul-der 1 ising 1 I Dickinson). 1 fig. 562. — Assisting podalic version byexterna] manipulation (Dickinson). If it is, the legs and trunk are pulled upon forcibly, as shown in fig-ures 505 and 566. The childs body being slippery,should usuallybe enveloped in a towel. When the child is born to the umbilicusthe pressure upon the cord is great, and delay in the extractionof the infant beyond this point means an asphyxia so deep that itis unlikely the child will be revived. From this mome Stock Photo
RM2AWR0XT–A textbook of obstetrics . ? m x f r y i . L -,. Fig. 561.—The upper buttock ismoving downward and the lower shoul-der 1 ising 1 I Dickinson). 1 fig. 562. — Assisting podalic version byexterna] manipulation (Dickinson). If it is, the legs and trunk are pulled upon forcibly, as shown in fig-ures 505 and 566. The childs body being slippery,should usuallybe enveloped in a towel. When the child is born to the umbilicusthe pressure upon the cord is great, and delay in the extractionof the infant beyond this point means an asphyxia so deep that itis unlikely the child will be revived. From this mome
. An American text-book of obstetrics. For practitioners and students. ective andthe most commonly employed, as wellas the most dangerous, the hand ispassed into the uterus deeply enoughto seize one or both feet and to bringthem through the cervix. The indications are those already described onpage 942, and the same may be said of the contra-iudications, with emphasison the fact that the reasons there given apply with their fullest vigor to thismethod, which in neglected cases may constitute a difficult and hazardousoperation. The conditions necessary for the performance of internal podalic ve Stock Photo
RM2CF0BX2–. An American text-book of obstetrics. For practitioners and students. ective andthe most commonly employed, as wellas the most dangerous, the hand ispassed into the uterus deeply enoughto seize one or both feet and to bringthem through the cervix. The indications are those already described onpage 942, and the same may be said of the contra-iudications, with emphasison the fact that the reasons there given apply with their fullest vigor to thismethod, which in neglected cases may constitute a difficult and hazardousoperation. The conditions necessary for the performance of internal podalic ve
. A system of obstetrics . Podalic Version when an Arm is Prolapsed. difficult. The means usually recommended for the relief of such con-ditions are the inhalation of chloroform, opium, or alcohol internally,hot baths and douches, the application of cocaine solutions to the cer- SOME DIFFICULTIES ASD DANGERS. 231 vix, a weak faradic current, dilatation manually or by rubber bags, and,as a last resort, multiple incisions of the external os. Prolapse of the arm in transverse positions used to be considered aserious impediment to version, and many ingenious manoeuvres were Louise Bourgeois (1609) Stock Photo
RM2CE4BD6–. A system of obstetrics . Podalic Version when an Arm is Prolapsed. difficult. The means usually recommended for the relief of such con-ditions are the inhalation of chloroform, opium, or alcohol internally,hot baths and douches, the application of cocaine solutions to the cer- SOME DIFFICULTIES ASD DANGERS. 231 vix, a weak faradic current, dilatation manually or by rubber bags, and,as a last resort, multiple incisions of the external os. Prolapse of the arm in transverse positions used to be considered aserious impediment to version, and many ingenious manoeuvres were Louise Bourgeois (1609)
. Chicago medical journal . The accompanying diagram illustrates very nearly the posi-tion then occupied by the foetus. Agreeing in essentials withthe statements before made, the degree of extension of thehead present, taken coincidentally, with the posterior relationsof the vertex secured, to favor podalic version rather than aforceps delivery. Both feet were now firmly grasped, and an effort made, aidedby external manipulation, to rotate the body on its transverse DYSTOCIA. 755 axis, in elevating the head and depressing the pelvic extremity,as well as, longitudinally, to turn the back of the Stock Photo
RM2CDA34C–. Chicago medical journal . The accompanying diagram illustrates very nearly the posi-tion then occupied by the foetus. Agreeing in essentials withthe statements before made, the degree of extension of thehead present, taken coincidentally, with the posterior relationsof the vertex secured, to favor podalic version rather than aforceps delivery. Both feet were now firmly grasped, and an effort made, aidedby external manipulation, to rotate the body on its transverse DYSTOCIA. 755 axis, in elevating the head and depressing the pelvic extremity,as well as, longitudinally, to turn the back of the
. A system of obstetrics . Iinards Abdominal Supporter, ride view. Pinarda Abdominal Supporter, front view. version. When the pelvimetry of primiparae is more generally prac-tised, and physicians are able to estimate more correctly the variouskinds and degrees of pelvic contraction, I believe that external cephalicversion, followed by the high-forceps operation, will be generally pre-ferred to podalic version, and will yield better result- for both motherand child. Prolapse of funis i- generally a contraindication, because podalic ver-sion gives the child a better chance than cephalic version, Stock Photo
RM2CE4C7K–. A system of obstetrics . Iinards Abdominal Supporter, ride view. Pinarda Abdominal Supporter, front view. version. When the pelvimetry of primiparae is more generally prac-tised, and physicians are able to estimate more correctly the variouskinds and degrees of pelvic contraction, I believe that external cephalicversion, followed by the high-forceps operation, will be generally pre-ferred to podalic version, and will yield better result- for both motherand child. Prolapse of funis i- generally a contraindication, because podalic ver-sion gives the child a better chance than cephalic version,
. A system of obstetrics . Braxton Hicks Method, final stage: The left hand makes downward traction tipon the leg,while the right hand presses the head upward. When the long axis of the child coincideswith that of the uterus, the right hand makes downward pressure. METHODS OF OPERATING. 225 Should one foot or both be brought downf If only one, which?These questions have been long and learnedly discussed, but it is nowpretty well agreed that if possible only one foot should be brought down. In primiparse particularly, when the case is conducted a.^ a Fig. %X. Podalic Version in Head Presentatio Stock Photo
RM2CE4BM1–. A system of obstetrics . Braxton Hicks Method, final stage: The left hand makes downward traction tipon the leg,while the right hand presses the head upward. When the long axis of the child coincideswith that of the uterus, the right hand makes downward pressure. METHODS OF OPERATING. 225 Should one foot or both be brought downf If only one, which?These questions have been long and learnedly discussed, but it is nowpretty well agreed that if possible only one foot should be brought down. In primiparse particularly, when the case is conducted a.^ a Fig. %X. Podalic Version in Head Presentatio
. A system of obstetrics . Internal Podalic Version. French method. dorso-anterior transverse positions the French select the same hand asthe presenting shoulder, while the Germans use the hand correspondingto the side on which the feet are to be found (Figs. 77 and 78). Forexample, if the child is lying with back to the front, head in the left PRELIM JX A RY DETAILS. 221 iliac fossa, feet on the right side, and right shoulder presenting, theFrench would use the right hand and the Germans the left. In dorso-posterior transverse presentations both French and Germans would usethe same hand. The Stock Photo
RM2CE4BXT–. A system of obstetrics . Internal Podalic Version. French method. dorso-anterior transverse positions the French select the same hand asthe presenting shoulder, while the Germans use the hand correspondingto the side on which the feet are to be found (Figs. 77 and 78). Forexample, if the child is lying with back to the front, head in the left PRELIM JX A RY DETAILS. 221 iliac fossa, feet on the right side, and right shoulder presenting, theFrench would use the right hand and the Germans the left. In dorso-posterior transverse presentations both French and Germans would usethe same hand. The
. Tri-State medical journal. ejoint; and to perform podalic versionin difficult labor. He was a man ofgreat mechanical genius, as is evincedby the large number of new instru-ments and appliances found in hisbook. He gave the first account of whatis now incorrectly described as Heyssaw, and the club-foot boot, claimed tohave been devised by Mr. Syme of Ed-inburg. Among the many wood cutsof curios, one sees artificial eyes, ears,noses, teeth, arms, legs and hands. Surgeon successively to Henry II.,Francis II., Charles IX., and Henry*III., it was said of Pare that thekings of France transmitted h Stock Photo
RM2CEPG0Y–. Tri-State medical journal. ejoint; and to perform podalic versionin difficult labor. He was a man ofgreat mechanical genius, as is evincedby the large number of new instru-ments and appliances found in hisbook. He gave the first account of whatis now incorrectly described as Heyssaw, and the club-foot boot, claimed tohave been devised by Mr. Syme of Ed-inburg. Among the many wood cutsof curios, one sees artificial eyes, ears,noses, teeth, arms, legs and hands. Surgeon successively to Henry II.,Francis II., Charles IX., and Henry*III., it was said of Pare that thekings of France transmitted h
. A system of obstetrics . t upon the symphysisand soft parts in front. Ifthe head is presenting, itmust be propelled towardthe side on which the occi-put lies. For example, if Braxton Hicks Method of Combined Podalic Version, the Vertex presents ill thefirst stage: One or two fingers of the left hand lift the £rc+ ,-kr.cif1rkr, fl10 i; , •head from the brim and push it toward the left iliac nrSI Position, Oie nilgClS Ill-fossa, while the right hand pushes the breech trans- side the litems ffClltlv liftversely toward the right side (Hicks). , , , i -. i the head and push it towardthe left iliu Stock Photo
RM2CE4BY3–. A system of obstetrics . t upon the symphysisand soft parts in front. Ifthe head is presenting, itmust be propelled towardthe side on which the occi-put lies. For example, if Braxton Hicks Method of Combined Podalic Version, the Vertex presents ill thefirst stage: One or two fingers of the left hand lift the £rc+ ,-kr.cif1rkr, fl10 i; , •head from the brim and push it toward the left iliac nrSI Position, Oie nilgClS Ill-fossa, while the right hand pushes the breech trans- side the litems ffClltlv liftversely toward the right side (Hicks). , , , i -. i the head and push it towardthe left iliu
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