The kingdom of Siam.. . one hills of Lopburi, Saraburi,Buachum, and the Prabart district there are numer-ous caves, many of which contain thick Saltpetre. -^ deposits of bat guano. From time im-memorial these have been worked for potassiumnitrate, for the manufacture of gunpowder andmedicine. At the present time it is still worked in-termittently for the same purposes, and within thelast few years some has been sold in Bangkok forthe manufacture of fireworks. Quite recently at-tempts have been made to work it on a considerablescale and export it to Japan. The difficulties totransport are, howe Stock Photo
RM2AJ1BHK–The kingdom of Siam.. . one hills of Lopburi, Saraburi,Buachum, and the Prabart district there are numer-ous caves, many of which contain thick Saltpetre. -^ deposits of bat guano. From time im-memorial these have been worked for potassiumnitrate, for the manufacture of gunpowder andmedicine. At the present time it is still worked in-termittently for the same purposes, and within thelast few years some has been sold in Bangkok forthe manufacture of fireworks. Quite recently at-tempts have been made to work it on a considerablescale and export it to Japan. The difficulties totransport are, howe
. Highland Echo 1915-1925. sulting compound isone of the most powerful explos-ives known. The chief supply of ni-trogen is the saltpeter or potassiumnitrate of Chile. However, nitrogen(can be fixed from the air by meansof an electric spark. Mr. Andrew Majure is an artistwhen it comes to a harp solo. It isa treat to hear him perform. Hegav the well-known ballad NellieGray, and later in encores a medleyof popular ballads. We hope to hearyour harp again Majure. The conclusion of the programwas one wave of laughter after an-other produced by Jimmy Kingswell selected jokes. Such as: Jonahand the wh Stock Photo
RM2AFPMP0–. Highland Echo 1915-1925. sulting compound isone of the most powerful explos-ives known. The chief supply of ni-trogen is the saltpeter or potassiumnitrate of Chile. However, nitrogen(can be fixed from the air by meansof an electric spark. Mr. Andrew Majure is an artistwhen it comes to a harp solo. It isa treat to hear him perform. Hegav the well-known ballad NellieGray, and later in encores a medleyof popular ballads. We hope to hearyour harp again Majure. The conclusion of the programwas one wave of laughter after an-other produced by Jimmy Kingswell selected jokes. Such as: Jonahand the wh
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