The naturalist's guide in collecting and preserving objects of natural history Boston Fields Osgood & co. 1870 birds collection and preservation Massachusetts taxidermy zoological specimens, An illustration of a bird, specifically a pigeon, displaying various anatomical features labeled with letters. Each letter corresponds to a specific part of the bird's body, including the beak, wings, tail, and legs. This educational diagram is designed to assist in the study of avian anatomy and is part of a guide on the proper methods for preparing and mounting birds for scientific purposes. The caption Stock Photo
RM2YXWD65–The naturalist's guide in collecting and preserving objects of natural history Boston Fields Osgood & co. 1870 birds collection and preservation Massachusetts taxidermy zoological specimens, An illustration of a bird, specifically a pigeon, displaying various anatomical features labeled with letters. Each letter corresponds to a specific part of the bird's body, including the beak, wings, tail, and legs. This educational diagram is designed to assist in the study of avian anatomy and is part of a guide on the proper methods for preparing and mounting birds for scientific purposes. The caption
. A Reference handbook of the medical sciences : embracing the entire range of scientific and practical medicine and allied science. severestrain which is sometimes im-posed upon the internal hand inthe use of the combined method at the brim ; but it isusually inferior to the combined method after the great-est diameter of the head has passed the superior strait.Like all methods of manual extraction, it is greatly in-creased in value by the application of proper suprapubicpressure by an assistant. In its performance the feet are seized by one hand andthe body drawn as far backward as the perin Stock Photo
RM2AG4104–. A Reference handbook of the medical sciences : embracing the entire range of scientific and practical medicine and allied science. severestrain which is sometimes im-posed upon the internal hand inthe use of the combined method at the brim ; but it isusually inferior to the combined method after the great-est diameter of the head has passed the superior strait.Like all methods of manual extraction, it is greatly in-creased in value by the application of proper suprapubicpressure by an assistant. In its performance the feet are seized by one hand andthe body drawn as far backward as the perin
The Heraklion Archaeological Museum Late Roman Period sculpture rooms, Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3W5W–The Heraklion Archaeological Museum Late Roman Period sculpture rooms, Crete, Greece.
. The encyclopedia of practical horticulture; a reference system of commercial horticulture, covering the practical and scientific phases of horticulture, with special reference to fruits and vegetables;. Gardening; Fruit-culture; Vegetable gardening. CRANBERRY 839 planted, with proper care, it will last for a long time. Bogs are known to be 40 years old. In the last few years there have been many improvements in the methods of building the bogs. It has been proven that by using the best meth- ods the profits have been greatly in- creased. In Wisconsin on three classes of bogs, semi-wild, semi Stock Photo
RMPFY1CH–. The encyclopedia of practical horticulture; a reference system of commercial horticulture, covering the practical and scientific phases of horticulture, with special reference to fruits and vegetables;. Gardening; Fruit-culture; Vegetable gardening. CRANBERRY 839 planted, with proper care, it will last for a long time. Bogs are known to be 40 years old. In the last few years there have been many improvements in the methods of building the bogs. It has been proven that by using the best meth- ods the profits have been greatly in- creased. In Wisconsin on three classes of bogs, semi-wild, semi
. Atlanta City Directory. e invoked to the curativeeffects of water to the other methods employed. Swedish Massage, in its latest adaptation; alsoOsteopathic and Karopatic Treatment will be given. The art of breathing properly will be taught atlength. The results that have been accomplishedin the treatment of nasal, eye, ear, throat, bronchial,lung, stomach and internal disorders, through thepractice of scientific deep breathing are nothingshort of marvelous. Proper mental concentrationis taught in order that the greatest possible benefitmay be derived from the scientific breathing method. Die Stock Photo
RM2AFT4XH–. Atlanta City Directory. e invoked to the curativeeffects of water to the other methods employed. Swedish Massage, in its latest adaptation; alsoOsteopathic and Karopatic Treatment will be given. The art of breathing properly will be taught atlength. The results that have been accomplishedin the treatment of nasal, eye, ear, throat, bronchial,lung, stomach and internal disorders, through thepractice of scientific deep breathing are nothingshort of marvelous. Proper mental concentrationis taught in order that the greatest possible benefitmay be derived from the scientific breathing method. Die
The Heraklion Archaeological Museum Late Roman Period sculpture room bias relief plaque, Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3TN8–The Heraklion Archaeological Museum Late Roman Period sculpture room bias relief plaque, Crete, Greece.
. The encyclopedia of practical horticulture; a reference system of commercial horticulture, covering the practical and scientific phases of horticulture, with special reference to fruits and vegetables;. Gardening; Fruit-culture; Vegetable gardening. STRAWBERRY—PLANTING 1919 like a fan, as shown in the illustration (Fig. 6). The soil should be pressed firmly against the roots of the plant. Fig. 6, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 show the proper and improper methods of setting. No. 1 represents the proper way of setting the. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have be Stock Photo
RMPFXM4P–. The encyclopedia of practical horticulture; a reference system of commercial horticulture, covering the practical and scientific phases of horticulture, with special reference to fruits and vegetables;. Gardening; Fruit-culture; Vegetable gardening. STRAWBERRY—PLANTING 1919 like a fan, as shown in the illustration (Fig. 6). The soil should be pressed firmly against the roots of the plant. Fig. 6, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 show the proper and improper methods of setting. No. 1 represents the proper way of setting the. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have be
Zoological Society bulletin . ys are again placedin running water, maintained at a proper tem-perature, and the process of development, whichhas been delayed by the cold during the ship-ment, goes forward again to its completion. Up to the period when the young fishes areplanted in streams and lakes to look after them-selves, the work of the fish culturist, the productof modern scientific methods, is far more certainof its results than is the work of the agriculturistor horticulturist. When our visitors view theblack-spotted trout hatched and reared in theAquarium, we beg that they will recall Stock Photo
RM2AXFX1T–Zoological Society bulletin . ys are again placedin running water, maintained at a proper tem-perature, and the process of development, whichhas been delayed by the cold during the ship-ment, goes forward again to its completion. Up to the period when the young fishes areplanted in streams and lakes to look after them-selves, the work of the fish culturist, the productof modern scientific methods, is far more certainof its results than is the work of the agriculturistor horticulturist. When our visitors view theblack-spotted trout hatched and reared in theAquarium, we beg that they will recall
The Heraklion Archaeological Museum Late Roman Period bas relief horse plaque, Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3W0E–The Heraklion Archaeological Museum Late Roman Period bas relief horse plaque, Crete, Greece.
. Scientific American Volume 82 Number 12 (March 1900). GOFEFOD, 200 DIAUETEBS, 1-36 SECOND EZFOSUBE. scopic organisms, but from the physical which includesthe photographic side, much care is required in theselection and manipulation of the proper microscopiclenses, in connection with the source of light employed,stain used upon the subject to be photographed, if amounted slide, and the chemistry necessarily connected. COFEFOD, 260 DIAHETEBS, 1-40 SECOND EXFOSTTBE. with the handling of the photographic plate itself, inorder to obtain the best results. The different general methods employed in Stock Photo
RM2AG148B–. Scientific American Volume 82 Number 12 (March 1900). GOFEFOD, 200 DIAUETEBS, 1-36 SECOND EZFOSUBE. scopic organisms, but from the physical which includesthe photographic side, much care is required in theselection and manipulation of the proper microscopiclenses, in connection with the source of light employed,stain used upon the subject to be photographed, if amounted slide, and the chemistry necessarily connected. COFEFOD, 260 DIAHETEBS, 1-40 SECOND EXFOSTTBE. with the handling of the photographic plate itself, inorder to obtain the best results. The different general methods employed in
The Heraklion Archaeological Museum Late Roman Period sculpture detail, Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3WPW–The Heraklion Archaeological Museum Late Roman Period sculpture detail, Crete, Greece.
. Scientific American Volume 82 Number 12 (March 1900). COFEFOD, 260 DIAHETEBS, 1-40 SECOND EXFOSTTBE. with the handling of the photographic plate itself, inorder to obtain the best results. The different general methods employed in this worktogether with proper magnification for certain forms,kind of illuminant, with ray filters, exposure, and char-acter of plate, require separate treatment, as the chief. AFFABATUS FOB INSTANTANEOUS FHOTO-UICB06BAFHY. object of this article is to describe a new apparatus formaking instantaneous photographs of living micro-scopic animals. After having worked u Stock Photo
RM2AG1455–. Scientific American Volume 82 Number 12 (March 1900). COFEFOD, 260 DIAHETEBS, 1-40 SECOND EXFOSTTBE. with the handling of the photographic plate itself, inorder to obtain the best results. The different general methods employed in this worktogether with proper magnification for certain forms,kind of illuminant, with ray filters, exposure, and char-acter of plate, require separate treatment, as the chief. AFFABATUS FOB INSTANTANEOUS FHOTO-UICB06BAFHY. object of this article is to describe a new apparatus formaking instantaneous photographs of living micro-scopic animals. After having worked u
Knossos cooking pans and decorated seats at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum of Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3M46–Knossos cooking pans and decorated seats at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum of Crete, Greece.
Scientific American Volume 20 Number 03 (January 1869) . ise to very peculiar methods of manufacture, whiekin the skill and taste required for their performance and; th.dbeauty of their product are unexcelled by any other departmentof industry. : The chief seat of the glass manufacture in the United Statesis Pittsburgh, which contains in the city proper and its imme-diate* vicinity sixty-eight glassworks, making over half theglass consumed in the country. In a subsequent article weshall take ourTeaders through some of these busy hives, andshow them by what unique means and adroit operations so Stock Photo
RM2AWDADX–Scientific American Volume 20 Number 03 (January 1869) . ise to very peculiar methods of manufacture, whiekin the skill and taste required for their performance and; th.dbeauty of their product are unexcelled by any other departmentof industry. : The chief seat of the glass manufacture in the United Statesis Pittsburgh, which contains in the city proper and its imme-diate* vicinity sixty-eight glassworks, making over half theglass consumed in the country. In a subsequent article weshall take ourTeaders through some of these busy hives, andshow them by what unique means and adroit operations so
The Heraklion Archaeological Museum lintel sculpture limestone reliefs of seated women wearing poloi and ancient panthers, Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3M83–The Heraklion Archaeological Museum lintel sculpture limestone reliefs of seated women wearing poloi and ancient panthers, Crete, Greece.
Hardware merchandising September-December 1919 . Tire Tool works from the hub with a lever onthe ground doing all the hard workthrough scientific principles. One of thefeatures of the tool is the forcing away of the bead from the rim when stuckon. This is easily done with either ofthree different methods. The Case tiretool, the manufacturers claim, is idealfor quick work in cold weather, and in-sures proper tire care without labor, asno force is required. AIR HOSE CHUCK The Lox-On air hose chuck, manu-factured by the Automatic Safety TireValve Corporation, 1765 Broadway, NewYork, is a decided Stock Photo
RM2AKBEE7–Hardware merchandising September-December 1919 . Tire Tool works from the hub with a lever onthe ground doing all the hard workthrough scientific principles. One of thefeatures of the tool is the forcing away of the bead from the rim when stuckon. This is easily done with either ofthree different methods. The Case tiretool, the manufacturers claim, is idealfor quick work in cold weather, and in-sures proper tire care without labor, asno force is required. AIR HOSE CHUCK The Lox-On air hose chuck, manu-factured by the Automatic Safety TireValve Corporation, 1765 Broadway, NewYork, is a decided
The Throne Room in situ at the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, a Museum of Minoan Culture on the Greek Island of Crete. Stock Photo
RF2EY3J09–The Throne Room in situ at the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, a Museum of Minoan Culture on the Greek Island of Crete.
. The publications of the Pennsylvania chestnut tree blight commission, 1911-1913. Department of Forestry, or otherwise, toconduct scientific investigations into the nature and causes of suchdisease and the means of preventing its introduction, continuance,and spread; to establish, regulate, maintain, and enforce quarantineagainst the introduction and spread of such disease; and, from timeto time, to adopt and prescribe such regulations and methods of pro-cedure as to it may seem necessary and proper for carrying intoeffect the purpose of this Act, and exercising the powers and au-thority here Stock Photo
RM2CEP8HG–. The publications of the Pennsylvania chestnut tree blight commission, 1911-1913. Department of Forestry, or otherwise, toconduct scientific investigations into the nature and causes of suchdisease and the means of preventing its introduction, continuance,and spread; to establish, regulate, maintain, and enforce quarantineagainst the introduction and spread of such disease; and, from timeto time, to adopt and prescribe such regulations and methods of pro-cedure as to it may seem necessary and proper for carrying intoeffect the purpose of this Act, and exercising the powers and au-thority here
Acrobat leaping over a bull fresco at the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, a Museum of Minoan Culture on the Greek Island of Crete. Stock Photo
RF2EY3HK0–Acrobat leaping over a bull fresco at the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, a Museum of Minoan Culture on the Greek Island of Crete.
. A system of instruction in X-ray methods and medical uses of light, hot-air, vibration and high-frequency currents : a pictorial system of teaching by clinical instruction plates with explanatory text : a series of photographic clinics in standard uses of scientific therapeutic apparatus for surgical and medical practitioners : prepared especially for the post-graduate home study of surgeons, general physicians, dentists, dermatologists and specialists in the treatment of chronic diseases, and sanitarium practice . Plate 8. —This figure illustrates the proper method of dropping a plumb line Stock Photo
RM2CRT9F4–. A system of instruction in X-ray methods and medical uses of light, hot-air, vibration and high-frequency currents : a pictorial system of teaching by clinical instruction plates with explanatory text : a series of photographic clinics in standard uses of scientific therapeutic apparatus for surgical and medical practitioners : prepared especially for the post-graduate home study of surgeons, general physicians, dentists, dermatologists and specialists in the treatment of chronic diseases, and sanitarium practice . Plate 8. —This figure illustrates the proper method of dropping a plumb line
Procession Fresco in the Rooms of Minoan Frescos at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3REJ–Procession Fresco in the Rooms of Minoan Frescos at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete, Greece.
. The Oölogist: for the student of birds, their nests and eggs . half tones, showing the advance methods that now obtain in Oology.It contains the following special matter. 1. An introduction. 2 A history of Birds Egg Catalogues. 3. A history ofthis Catalogue. 4. Prices in this Catalogue. What they mean. 5. Directionsfor collecting and preparing eggs. 6. Copy of Standard Data Blank. 7. Illus-trations of proper way to mark eggs. 8. Illustrations showing proper cabinetarrangements of specimens. 9. Report of the Cfommittee of Twenty-five onprices. 10. Names both common and scientific of all North Stock Photo
RM2CP4X1B–. The Oölogist: for the student of birds, their nests and eggs . half tones, showing the advance methods that now obtain in Oology.It contains the following special matter. 1. An introduction. 2 A history of Birds Egg Catalogues. 3. A history ofthis Catalogue. 4. Prices in this Catalogue. What they mean. 5. Directionsfor collecting and preparing eggs. 6. Copy of Standard Data Blank. 7. Illus-trations of proper way to mark eggs. 8. Illustrations showing proper cabinetarrangements of specimens. 9. Report of the Cfommittee of Twenty-five onprices. 10. Names both common and scientific of all North
Procession fresco at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum in the Rooms of Minoan Frescos, Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3R6W–Procession fresco at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum in the Rooms of Minoan Frescos, Crete, Greece.
. The oist . two hundred pages, well illus-trated, by half tones, showing the advance methods that now obtain in Oology.It contains the following special matter. 1. An introduction. 2 A history of Birds Egg Catalogues. 3. A history ofthis Catalogue. 4. Prices in this Catalogue. What they mean. 5. Direction^for collecting and preparing eggs. 6. Copy of Standard Data Blank. 7. Illus-trations of proper way to mark eggs. 8. Illustrations showing proper cabinetarrangements of specimens. 9. Report of the Committee of Twenty-five onprices. 10. Names both common and scientific of all North American Bi Stock Photo
RM2CNYYCG–. The oist . two hundred pages, well illus-trated, by half tones, showing the advance methods that now obtain in Oology.It contains the following special matter. 1. An introduction. 2 A history of Birds Egg Catalogues. 3. A history ofthis Catalogue. 4. Prices in this Catalogue. What they mean. 5. Direction^for collecting and preparing eggs. 6. Copy of Standard Data Blank. 7. Illus-trations of proper way to mark eggs. 8. Illustrations showing proper cabinetarrangements of specimens. 9. Report of the Committee of Twenty-five onprices. 10. Names both common and scientific of all North American Bi
The Heraklion Archaeological Museum display of Minoan art and Cretan artifacts from Prehistoric to Late Roman, Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3JED–The Heraklion Archaeological Museum display of Minoan art and Cretan artifacts from Prehistoric to Late Roman, Crete, Greece.
. The oist . ted, by half tones, showing the advance methods that now obtain in Oology.It contains the following special matter. 1. An introduction. 2 A history of Birds Egg Catalogues. 3. A history efthis Catalogue. 4. Prices in this Catalogue. What they mean. 5. Directionjfor collecting and preparing eggs. 6. Copy of Standard Data Blank. 7. lllu.-trations of proper way to mark eggs. 8. lllustrations showing proper cabinetarrangements of specimens. 9. Report of the Committee of Tv/enty-five tnprices. 10. Names both common and scientific of all North American Birds andPrices adopted for the ex Stock Photo
RM2CNYX81–. The oist . ted, by half tones, showing the advance methods that now obtain in Oology.It contains the following special matter. 1. An introduction. 2 A history of Birds Egg Catalogues. 3. A history efthis Catalogue. 4. Prices in this Catalogue. What they mean. 5. Directionjfor collecting and preparing eggs. 6. Copy of Standard Data Blank. 7. lllu.-trations of proper way to mark eggs. 8. lllustrations showing proper cabinetarrangements of specimens. 9. Report of the Committee of Tv/enty-five tnprices. 10. Names both common and scientific of all North American Birds andPrices adopted for the ex
The Heraklion Archaeological Museum Minoan art and Cretan artifacts from the Prehistoric to the Late Roman Periods, Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3TGJ–The Heraklion Archaeological Museum Minoan art and Cretan artifacts from the Prehistoric to the Late Roman Periods, Crete, Greece.
. The oist . two hundred pages, well illus-trated, by half tones, showing the advance methods that now obtain in Oology.It contains the following special matter. 1. An introduction. 2 A history of Birds Egg Catalogues. 3. A history cfthis Catalogue. 4. Prices in this Catalogue. What they mean. 5. Directionsfor collecting and preparing eggs. 6. Copy of Standard Data Blank. 7. Illus-trations of proper way to mark eggs. 8. Illustrations showing proper cabinetarrangements of specimens. 9. Report of the Committee of Twenty-five onprices. 10. Names both common and scientific of all North American Bi Stock Photo
RM2CNYXTG–. The oist . two hundred pages, well illus-trated, by half tones, showing the advance methods that now obtain in Oology.It contains the following special matter. 1. An introduction. 2 A history of Birds Egg Catalogues. 3. A history cfthis Catalogue. 4. Prices in this Catalogue. What they mean. 5. Directionsfor collecting and preparing eggs. 6. Copy of Standard Data Blank. 7. Illus-trations of proper way to mark eggs. 8. Illustrations showing proper cabinetarrangements of specimens. 9. Report of the Committee of Twenty-five onprices. 10. Names both common and scientific of all North American Bi
Minoan ladies dancing fresco at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3RRY–Minoan ladies dancing fresco at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete, Greece.
. The oist . red pages, well illuvtrated, by half tones, showing the advance methods that now obtain in OoLijy.It contains the following special matter. 1. An introduction. 2 A history of Birds Egg Catalogues. 3. A history < 1this Catalogue. 4. Prices in this Catalogue. What they mean. 5. Direction;for collecting and preparing eggs. 6. Copy of Standard Data Blank. 7. IHu3-trations of proper way to mark eggs. 8. Illustrations showing proper cabinetarrangements of specimens. 9. Report of the Committee of Twenty-five enprices. 10. Names both common and scientific of all North American Birds an Stock Photo
RM2CNYWK7–. The oist . red pages, well illuvtrated, by half tones, showing the advance methods that now obtain in OoLijy.It contains the following special matter. 1. An introduction. 2 A history of Birds Egg Catalogues. 3. A history < 1this Catalogue. 4. Prices in this Catalogue. What they mean. 5. Direction;for collecting and preparing eggs. 6. Copy of Standard Data Blank. 7. IHu3-trations of proper way to mark eggs. 8. Illustrations showing proper cabinetarrangements of specimens. 9. Report of the Committee of Twenty-five enprices. 10. Names both common and scientific of all North American Birds an
Dolphin Fresco at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3TA1–Dolphin Fresco at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete, Greece.
. The oist . owing the advance methods that now obtain in Ool:)sy.It contains the following special matter. 1. An introduction. 2 A history of Birds Egg Catalogues. 3. A h.storythis Catalogue. 4. Prices in this Catalogue. What they mean. 5. Dlre.t.Oufor collecting and preparing eggs. 6. Copy of Standard Data Blank. 7. Ii:u ■trations of proper way to mark eggs. 8. lllustrations showing pre per cabinetarrangements of specimens. 9. Report of the Committee of Twenty-five inprices. 10. Names both common and scientific of all North American Birds andPrices adopted for the exchange of specimens of eg Stock Photo
RM2CNYWJP–. The oist . owing the advance methods that now obtain in Ool:)sy.It contains the following special matter. 1. An introduction. 2 A history of Birds Egg Catalogues. 3. A h.storythis Catalogue. 4. Prices in this Catalogue. What they mean. 5. Dlre.t.Oufor collecting and preparing eggs. 6. Copy of Standard Data Blank. 7. Ii:u ■trations of proper way to mark eggs. 8. lllustrations showing pre per cabinetarrangements of specimens. 9. Report of the Committee of Twenty-five inprices. 10. Names both common and scientific of all North American Birds andPrices adopted for the exchange of specimens of eg
Practical and beautiful ceramic vessels to store oils and food at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum on Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3N3R–Practical and beautiful ceramic vessels to store oils and food at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum on Crete, Greece.
. The encyclopedia of practical horticulture; a reference system of commercial horticulture, covering the practical and scientific phases of horticulture, with special reference to fruits and vegetables;. Gardening; Fruit-culture; Vegetable gardening. STRAWBERRY—PLANTING 1919 like a fan, as shown in the illustration (Fig. 6). The soil should be pressed firmly against the roots of the plant. Fig. 6, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 show the proper and improper methods of setting. No. 1 represents the proper way of setting the. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have be Stock Photo
RMRD7R19–. The encyclopedia of practical horticulture; a reference system of commercial horticulture, covering the practical and scientific phases of horticulture, with special reference to fruits and vegetables;. Gardening; Fruit-culture; Vegetable gardening. STRAWBERRY—PLANTING 1919 like a fan, as shown in the illustration (Fig. 6). The soil should be pressed firmly against the roots of the plant. Fig. 6, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 show the proper and improper methods of setting. No. 1 represents the proper way of setting the. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have be
Practical and beautiful ceramic vessels to store oils and food at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum on Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3MW3–Practical and beautiful ceramic vessels to store oils and food at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum on Crete, Greece.
. The encyclopedia of practical horticulture; a reference system of commercial horticulture, covering the practical and scientific phases of horticulture, with special reference to fruits and vegetables;. Gardening; Fruit-culture; Vegetable gardening. CRANBERRY 839 planted, with proper care, it will last for a long time. Bogs are known to be 40 years old. In the last few years there have been many improvements in the methods of building the bogs. It has been proven that by using the best meth- ods the profits have been greatly in- creased. In Wisconsin on three classes of bogs, semi-wild, semi Stock Photo
RMRD7T8C–. The encyclopedia of practical horticulture; a reference system of commercial horticulture, covering the practical and scientific phases of horticulture, with special reference to fruits and vegetables;. Gardening; Fruit-culture; Vegetable gardening. CRANBERRY 839 planted, with proper care, it will last for a long time. Bogs are known to be 40 years old. In the last few years there have been many improvements in the methods of building the bogs. It has been proven that by using the best meth- ods the profits have been greatly in- creased. In Wisconsin on three classes of bogs, semi-wild, semi
Cup-bearer outdoor fresco at the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, a Museum of Minoan Culture on the Greek Island of Crete. Stock Photo
RF2EY3HD3–Cup-bearer outdoor fresco at the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, a Museum of Minoan Culture on the Greek Island of Crete.
. The century book of gardening; a comprehensive work for every lover of the garden. Gardening. [ 45i J. A BIG TOMATO HOUSE. THE CULTURE OF VEGETABLES. By Edwin Beckett. THIS most practical branch of gardening appears at length to be receiving proper attention, and few other departments of horticulture can show a greater advance than the culture of vegetables. No doubt immense improvements have been made in the system of cultivation all through Her Majesty's long reign, especially during recent years, on account of the more scientific methods adopted to bring many of our best vegetables to a h Stock Photo
RMRJDDCJ–. The century book of gardening; a comprehensive work for every lover of the garden. Gardening. [ 45i J. A BIG TOMATO HOUSE. THE CULTURE OF VEGETABLES. By Edwin Beckett. THIS most practical branch of gardening appears at length to be receiving proper attention, and few other departments of horticulture can show a greater advance than the culture of vegetables. No doubt immense improvements have been made in the system of cultivation all through Her Majesty's long reign, especially during recent years, on account of the more scientific methods adopted to bring many of our best vegetables to a h
Practical and beautiful ceramic vessels to store oils and food at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum on Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3MFT–Practical and beautiful ceramic vessels to store oils and food at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum on Crete, Greece.
. Discovery reports. Discovery (Ship); Scientific expeditions. PLANKTON NETS AND APPARATUS i8i APPARATUS AND METHODS PLANKTON NETS AND APPARATUS Six different types of plankton net were used in the investigations: a small silk net on a ring of 50 cm. diameter, a series of four nets of graded mesh, with diameters of 70, 100, 200 and 450 cm. respectively, and the Petersen young-fish trawl, which was used at first with the otter boards as a trawl proper and later as a tow-net on a 200 cm. ring. These nets will be referred to as the N 50, N 70, N 100, N 200, N 450 and TYF respectively. The N 50 wa Stock Photo
RMRCE3BN–. Discovery reports. Discovery (Ship); Scientific expeditions. PLANKTON NETS AND APPARATUS i8i APPARATUS AND METHODS PLANKTON NETS AND APPARATUS Six different types of plankton net were used in the investigations: a small silk net on a ring of 50 cm. diameter, a series of four nets of graded mesh, with diameters of 70, 100, 200 and 450 cm. respectively, and the Petersen young-fish trawl, which was used at first with the otter boards as a trawl proper and later as a tow-net on a 200 cm. ring. These nets will be referred to as the N 50, N 70, N 100, N 200, N 450 and TYF respectively. The N 50 wa
Ceramic vessels at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, the largest display of Minoan art on the Greek Island of Crete. Stock Photo
RF2EY3NC7–Ceramic vessels at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, the largest display of Minoan art on the Greek Island of Crete.
Ceramic vessels at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, the largest display of Minoan art on the Greek Island of Crete. Stock Photo
RF2EY3P2C–Ceramic vessels at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, the largest display of Minoan art on the Greek Island of Crete.
Ceramic vessels at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, the largest display of Minoan art on the Greek Island of Crete. Stock Photo
RF2EY3NM6–Ceramic vessels at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, the largest display of Minoan art on the Greek Island of Crete.
Charging bull at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3PJ0–Charging bull at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete, Greece.
The Heraklion Archaeological Museum display of Minoan art and Cretan artifacts from Prehistoric to Late Roman in Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3KW9–The Heraklion Archaeological Museum display of Minoan art and Cretan artifacts from Prehistoric to Late Roman in Crete, Greece.
Palace of Knossos fresco at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3T4Y–Palace of Knossos fresco at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete, Greece.
Large clay pots at the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion on the Greek Island of Crete, used for storage of oil and food. Stock Photo
RF2EY3J3B–Large clay pots at the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion on the Greek Island of Crete, used for storage of oil and food.
Griffin or Greek mythological creature ancient fresco at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete, Greece. Stock Photo
RF2EY3PYC–Griffin or Greek mythological creature ancient fresco at The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete, Greece.