Flathead type, Title from item., Curtis no. 3155-10., Forms part of: Edward S. Curtis Collection ., Published in: The North American Indian / Edward S. Curtis. [Seattle, Wash.] : Edward S. Curtis, 1907-30, Suppl. v. 7, pl. 227.. Indians of North America, Clothing & dress, 1910. , Salish Indians, Clothing & dress, 1910. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/flathead-type-title-from-item-curtis-no-3155-10-forms-part-of-edward-s-curtis-collection-published-in-the-north-american-indian-edward-s-curtis-seattle-wash-edward-s-curtis-1907-30-suppl-v-7-pl-227-indians-of-north-america-clothing-dress-1910-salish-indians-clothing-dress-1910-image606854896.html
RM2X78HH4–Flathead type, Title from item., Curtis no. 3155-10., Forms part of: Edward S. Curtis Collection ., Published in: The North American Indian / Edward S. Curtis. [Seattle, Wash.] : Edward S. Curtis, 1907-30, Suppl. v. 7, pl. 227.. Indians of North America, Clothing & dress, 1910. , Salish Indians, Clothing & dress, 1910.
. Bulletin. Ethnology. BULL. 30] SNOQUAMISH SN UTLELATL 607 Snoqualimick.— Ibid., 174. Snoqualmie.—Stevens in H. R. Ex. Doc. 37, 34th Cong., 3d srss., 33,1857. Sno-qual-mie.—Fay in Ind. Art". Kep., 23S, 1858. Snoqualmoo,—U. S". Ind. Treaties, 378, 1873. Sno- qual-mook.—Gibbs in Pac. R. R. Rep., I, 436,1855. Snoquamish. A Salish division about Pt Orchard, Kitsap co., w. Wash.; pop. about 500 in 1850. Shoquamish.—Lane in Ind. Afl. Rep., 162, 1850. Sno-qua-mish.—Starling in ibid., 170, 1852. Snowshoes. Devices worn on the feet to enable the Eskimo and the Indian to walk over snow and ve Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/bulletin-ethnology-bull-30-snoquamish-sn-utlelatl-607-snoqualimick-ibid-174-snoqualmiestevens-in-h-r-ex-doc-37-34th-cong-3d-srss-331857-sno-qual-miefay-in-ind-artquot-kep-23s-1858-snoqualmoou-squot-ind-treaties-378-1873-sno-qual-mookgibbs-in-pac-r-r-rep-i-4361855-snoquamish-a-salish-division-about-pt-orchard-kitsap-co-w-wash-pop-about-500-in-1850-shoquamishlane-in-ind-afl-rep-162-1850-sno-qua-mishstarling-in-ibid-170-1852-snowshoes-devices-worn-on-the-feet-to-enable-the-eskimo-and-the-indian-to-walk-over-snow-and-ve-image234135152.html
RMRGWNNM–. Bulletin. Ethnology. BULL. 30] SNOQUAMISH SN UTLELATL 607 Snoqualimick.— Ibid., 174. Snoqualmie.—Stevens in H. R. Ex. Doc. 37, 34th Cong., 3d srss., 33,1857. Sno-qual-mie.—Fay in Ind. Art". Kep., 23S, 1858. Snoqualmoo,—U. S". Ind. Treaties, 378, 1873. Sno- qual-mook.—Gibbs in Pac. R. R. Rep., I, 436,1855. Snoquamish. A Salish division about Pt Orchard, Kitsap co., w. Wash.; pop. about 500 in 1850. Shoquamish.—Lane in Ind. Afl. Rep., 162, 1850. Sno-qua-mish.—Starling in ibid., 170, 1852. Snowshoes. Devices worn on the feet to enable the Eskimo and the Indian to walk over snow and ve
Flathead profile, Title from item., Curtis no. 3156-10., Forms part of: Edward S. Curtis Collection ., Published in: The North American Indian / Edward S. Curtis. [Seattle, Wash.] : Edward S. Curtis, 1907-30, Suppl. v. 7, pl. 228.. Indians of North America, Clothing & dress, 1910. , Salish Indians, Clothing & dress, 1910. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/flathead-profile-title-from-item-curtis-no-3156-10-forms-part-of-edward-s-curtis-collection-published-in-the-north-american-indian-edward-s-curtis-seattle-wash-edward-s-curtis-1907-30-suppl-v-7-pl-228-indians-of-north-america-clothing-dress-1910-salish-indians-clothing-dress-1910-image606855454.html
RM2X78J92–Flathead profile, Title from item., Curtis no. 3156-10., Forms part of: Edward S. Curtis Collection ., Published in: The North American Indian / Edward S. Curtis. [Seattle, Wash.] : Edward S. Curtis, 1907-30, Suppl. v. 7, pl. 228.. Indians of North America, Clothing & dress, 1910. , Salish Indians, Clothing & dress, 1910.
. Bulletin. Ethnology. BULL. 301 COMAC COMANCHE 327 Salish tribes). Soayalpi.—Hale in U. S. Expl. Exped., VI, 'iO.'i, l!S46. Squaw-a-tosh.—Sucklev in Pac. R. R. Rep., l, 300, l.s55. Squeer-yer-pe.—Ibid. Squiaelps.—Lane in Ind. Aft". Rep., 159, IS.'JO. Sweielpa. —Wilson in Jtmr. Ethnol.Soc. Lond..'292, 1S66. Swi-el-pree.—Rossin Ind. Aflf. Rep., 22,1870. Whe-el-po.—Lewis and Clark, Exped., I, map, 1814. Whe-el-poo.—McVickar, Exped. Lewis and •Clark, II, 38.5, 1S42. Comae. A former Pima rancheria, vis- ited by Kino and Mange in 1699; situated on the Rio (liia, 3 leagues (miles?) below the mo Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/bulletin-ethnology-bull-301-comac-comanche-327-salish-tribes-soayalpihale-in-u-s-expl-exped-vi-ioi-l!s46-squaw-a-toshsucklev-in-pac-r-r-rep-l-300-ls55-squeer-yer-peibid-squiaelpslane-in-ind-aftquot-rep-159-isjo-sweielpa-wilson-in-jtmr-ethnolsoc-lond292-1s66-swi-el-preerossin-ind-aflf-rep-221870-whe-el-polewis-and-clark-exped-i-map-1814-whe-el-poomcvickar-exped-lewis-and-clark-ii-385-1s42-comae-a-former-pima-rancheria-vis-ited-by-kino-and-mange-in-1699-situated-on-the-rio-liia-3-leagues-miles-below-the-mo-image234135573.html
RMRGWP8N–. Bulletin. Ethnology. BULL. 301 COMAC COMANCHE 327 Salish tribes). Soayalpi.—Hale in U. S. Expl. Exped., VI, 'iO.'i, l!S46. Squaw-a-tosh.—Sucklev in Pac. R. R. Rep., l, 300, l.s55. Squeer-yer-pe.—Ibid. Squiaelps.—Lane in Ind. Aft". Rep., 159, IS.'JO. Sweielpa. —Wilson in Jtmr. Ethnol.Soc. Lond..'292, 1S66. Swi-el-pree.—Rossin Ind. Aflf. Rep., 22,1870. Whe-el-po.—Lewis and Clark, Exped., I, map, 1814. Whe-el-poo.—McVickar, Exped. Lewis and •Clark, II, 38.5, 1S42. Comae. A former Pima rancheria, vis- ited by Kino and Mange in 1699; situated on the Rio (liia, 3 leagues (miles?) below the mo