Narrow-leaved scaly fern, Pleopeltis angusta. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J. Swan after a botanical illustration by William Jackson Hooker from his own 'Exotic Flora,' Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1823. Hooker (1785-1865) was an English botanist who specialized in orchids and ferns, and was director of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew from 1841. Stock Photo
RMP6BHH5–Narrow-leaved scaly fern, Pleopeltis angusta. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J. Swan after a botanical illustration by William Jackson Hooker from his own 'Exotic Flora,' Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1823. Hooker (1785-1865) was an English botanist who specialized in orchids and ferns, and was director of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew from 1841.
Narrow-leaved scaly fern, Pleopeltis angusta. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J. Swan after a botanical illustration by William Jackson Hooker from his own 'Exotic Flora,' Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1823. Hooker (1785-1865) was an English botanist who specialized in orchids and ferns, and was director of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew from 1841. Stock Photo
RM2A77B4Y–Narrow-leaved scaly fern, Pleopeltis angusta. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J. Swan after a botanical illustration by William Jackson Hooker from his own 'Exotic Flora,' Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1823. Hooker (1785-1865) was an English botanist who specialized in orchids and ferns, and was director of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew from 1841.
A. Ceterach officinarum. B. Gymnogramma leptophylla. C. Blechnum spicant. The scale fern, Scaly spleenwort Stock Photo
RMH4NT7B–A. Ceterach officinarum. B. Gymnogramma leptophylla. C. Blechnum spicant. The scale fern, Scaly spleenwort
Trees and shrubs of Central Park . e, and off to the east ofit, well back on the lawn, are black cherry (withrough scaly bark), and two willow oaks east of it.The oaks you know at once by their willow-like leaves.They are small trees, about eighteen or twenty feet highnow, and are remarkably healthy in every respect.The leaves are certainly anything but oak-like in ap-pearance. The willow oak belongs to the sub-group of i6o oaks which botanists have designated as the thick-leaved oaks, which are almost evergreen in the South,but are, of course, deciduous at the North. This groupincludes the wa Stock Photo
RM2AM87CK–Trees and shrubs of Central Park . e, and off to the east ofit, well back on the lawn, are black cherry (withrough scaly bark), and two willow oaks east of it.The oaks you know at once by their willow-like leaves.They are small trees, about eighteen or twenty feet highnow, and are remarkably healthy in every respect.The leaves are certainly anything but oak-like in ap-pearance. The willow oak belongs to the sub-group of i6o oaks which botanists have designated as the thick-leaved oaks, which are almost evergreen in the South,but are, of course, deciduous at the North. This groupincludes the wa
Polyporus squamosus commonly known as Dryad's Saddle, a bracket fungi. Stock Photo
RMWCKN9W–Polyporus squamosus commonly known as Dryad's Saddle, a bracket fungi.
RF2TBJYC9–Hoplia argentea beetle on Greater yellow rattle (Rhinanthus angustifolius)
A. Ceterach officinarum. B. Gymnogramma leptophylla. C. Blechnum spicant. The scale fern, Scaly spleenwort, The small reimagined Stock Photo
RFRADX7D–A. Ceterach officinarum. B. Gymnogramma leptophylla. C. Blechnum spicant. The scale fern, Scaly spleenwort, The small reimagined
. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Small Leaved Horsebean 543 brown bark is about 3 mm. thick, smooth or somewhat scaly. The twigs are zig- zag, short-hcury when young, smooth when older, yellowish green, and bear spines 2 cm. long or less. The leaves are obscurely bipin- nate; the pinnae, springing from a very short enlarged spinescent stalk, are 2 to 4 dm. long, with a very flat rachis 2 to 3 mm. wide, supporting 25 to 30 pairs of distant leaflets, which Stock Photo
RMPG1C6B–. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Small Leaved Horsebean 543 brown bark is about 3 mm. thick, smooth or somewhat scaly. The twigs are zig- zag, short-hcury when young, smooth when older, yellowish green, and bear spines 2 cm. long or less. The leaves are obscurely bipin- nate; the pinnae, springing from a very short enlarged spinescent stalk, are 2 to 4 dm. long, with a very flat rachis 2 to 3 mm. wide, supporting 25 to 30 pairs of distant leaflets, which
Landscape with blue spruces and juniper bushes. Stock Photo
RFJCAMH2–Landscape with blue spruces and juniper bushes.
Blue spruce Stock Photo
RFENDWWH–Blue spruce
Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem Stock Photo
RMDM27R8–Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem
An illustrated flora of the An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian ed2illustratedflo02brit Year: 1913 29. Crataegus ovata Sargent. Ovate- leaved Thorn. Fig. 2363. Sarg. Man. Trees A tree, sometimes 30° high, with yellow, scaly, bark similar to that of a young Piatanus, the spines i' long. Leaves ovate-elliptic or obovate, i Y-2I' long, S'-2' wide, obtuse or acute at the apex, broadly cuneate or rounded at the base, Stock Photo
RMRX9CNE–An illustrated flora of the An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian ed2illustratedflo02brit Year: 1913 29. Crataegus ovata Sargent. Ovate- leaved Thorn. Fig. 2363. Sarg. Man. Trees A tree, sometimes 30° high, with yellow, scaly, bark similar to that of a young Piatanus, the spines i' long. Leaves ovate-elliptic or obovate, i Y-2I' long, S'-2' wide, obtuse or acute at the apex, broadly cuneate or rounded at the base,
. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian . 29. Crataegus ovata Sargent. Ovate- leaved Thorn. Fig. 2363. Sarg. Man. Trees A tree, sometimes 30° high, with yellow, scaly, bark similar to that of a young Piatanus, the spines i' long. Leaves ovate-elliptic or obovate, i Y-2I' long, S'-2' wide, obtuse or acute at the apex, broadly cuneate or rounded at the base, coarsely serrate or doubly serrate, often with irregular cre Stock Photo
RMMAA6WA–. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian . 29. Crataegus ovata Sargent. Ovate- leaved Thorn. Fig. 2363. Sarg. Man. Trees A tree, sometimes 30° high, with yellow, scaly, bark similar to that of a young Piatanus, the spines i' long. Leaves ovate-elliptic or obovate, i Y-2I' long, S'-2' wide, obtuse or acute at the apex, broadly cuneate or rounded at the base, coarsely serrate or doubly serrate, often with irregular cre
Scaly-fern species, Pleopeltis macrocarpa (Sword-leaved scaly-fern, Pleopeltis ensifolia). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J. Swan after a botanical illustration by William Jackson Hooker from his own 'Exotic Flora,' Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1823. Hooker (1785-1865) was an English botanist who specialized in orchids and ferns, and was director of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew from 1841. Stock Photo
RMP6BGW0–Scaly-fern species, Pleopeltis macrocarpa (Sword-leaved scaly-fern, Pleopeltis ensifolia). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J. Swan after a botanical illustration by William Jackson Hooker from his own 'Exotic Flora,' Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1823. Hooker (1785-1865) was an English botanist who specialized in orchids and ferns, and was director of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew from 1841.
Scaly-fern species, Pleopeltis macrocarpa (Sword-leaved scaly-fern, Pleopeltis ensifolia). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J. Swan after a botanical illustration by William Jackson Hooker from his own 'Exotic Flora,' Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1823. Hooker (1785-1865) was an English botanist who specialized in orchids and ferns, and was director of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew from 1841. Stock Photo
RM2A77B51–Scaly-fern species, Pleopeltis macrocarpa (Sword-leaved scaly-fern, Pleopeltis ensifolia). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J. Swan after a botanical illustration by William Jackson Hooker from his own 'Exotic Flora,' Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1823. Hooker (1785-1865) was an English botanist who specialized in orchids and ferns, and was director of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew from 1841.
Splended fringe myrtle, Verticordia insignia, twiggy calythrix, Calythrix virgata, oleander-leaved melaleuca, Melaleuca neriifolia, scaly-branched melaleuca, Melaleuca squamea, and common myrtle, Myrtus communis. Handfinished chromolithograph by Henry Noel Humphreys after an illustration by Jane Loudon from Mrs. Jane Loudon's Ladies Flower Garden or Ornamental Greenhouse Plants, William S. Orr, London, 1849. Stock Photo
RMKTRHMJ–Splended fringe myrtle, Verticordia insignia, twiggy calythrix, Calythrix virgata, oleander-leaved melaleuca, Melaleuca neriifolia, scaly-branched melaleuca, Melaleuca squamea, and common myrtle, Myrtus communis. Handfinished chromolithograph by Henry Noel Humphreys after an illustration by Jane Loudon from Mrs. Jane Loudon's Ladies Flower Garden or Ornamental Greenhouse Plants, William S. Orr, London, 1849.
Flowers of Provence : Cistus albidus Stock Photo
RMJ2GAX9–Flowers of Provence : Cistus albidus
. Field and woodland plants. THE Grass VETCHi^ixn. 94 FIELD AND WOODLAND PLANTS inconspicuous hut an interesting little plant. It is sometimesplaced in the same order {Aralirrfce) as the Ivy, while somebotanists regard it as belonging to the Honeysuckle family (orderCaprifoliac(p). It has a scaly, creeping, thick,underground stem or. The Strawberry-leaved CrNQiTEFOiL. rhizome, and a four-angled aerial stem ; and the whole plant emitsthe scent of musk. The flowers aie small, of a yellowish-green colour,and are clustered together into five-flowered, terminal heads. Thepetals are spreading, the s Stock Photo
RM2AG390T–. Field and woodland plants. THE Grass VETCHi^ixn. 94 FIELD AND WOODLAND PLANTS inconspicuous hut an interesting little plant. It is sometimesplaced in the same order {Aralirrfce) as the Ivy, while somebotanists regard it as belonging to the Honeysuckle family (orderCaprifoliac(p). It has a scaly, creeping, thick,underground stem or. The Strawberry-leaved CrNQiTEFOiL. rhizome, and a four-angled aerial stem ; and the whole plant emitsthe scent of musk. The flowers aie small, of a yellowish-green colour,and are clustered together into five-flowered, terminal heads. Thepetals are spreading, the s
Polyporus squamosus commonly known as Dryad's Saddle, a bracket fungi. Stock Photo
RMWCKN8R–Polyporus squamosus commonly known as Dryad's Saddle, a bracket fungi.
. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Fig. 221. — Thin-leaved Aldet. 5. RHOMBIC-LEAVED ALDER —Alnns rhombifoUa Nuttall This tree is one of the largest North American alders, attaining a height of 25 meters or more and a trunk diameter of about I meter; it ranges from Washington and Idaho, through Oregon to San Ber- nardino county CaUfomia, occurring most abundantly in river valleys. The dark brown bark is thick, somewhat fissured and scaly. The young twigs ar Stock Photo
RMPG1DH0–. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Fig. 221. — Thin-leaved Aldet. 5. RHOMBIC-LEAVED ALDER —Alnns rhombifoUa Nuttall This tree is one of the largest North American alders, attaining a height of 25 meters or more and a trunk diameter of about I meter; it ranges from Washington and Idaho, through Oregon to San Ber- nardino county CaUfomia, occurring most abundantly in river valleys. The dark brown bark is thick, somewhat fissured and scaly. The young twigs ar
Landscape with blue spruces and juniper bushes. Stock Photo
RFJCANM0–Landscape with blue spruces and juniper bushes.
Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem Stock Photo
RMDM27PC–Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem
Splended fringe myrtle, Verticordia insignia, twiggy calythrix, Calythrix virgata, oleander-leaved melaleuca, Melaleuca neriifolia, scaly-branched melaleuca, Melaleuca squamea, and common myrtle, Myrtus communis. Handfinished chromolithograph by Henry Noel Humphreys after an illustration by Jane Loudon from Mrs. Jane Loudon's Ladies Flower Garden or Ornamental Greenhouse Plants, William S. Orr, London, 1849. Stock Photo
RM2BT5J2G–Splended fringe myrtle, Verticordia insignia, twiggy calythrix, Calythrix virgata, oleander-leaved melaleuca, Melaleuca neriifolia, scaly-branched melaleuca, Melaleuca squamea, and common myrtle, Myrtus communis. Handfinished chromolithograph by Henry Noel Humphreys after an illustration by Jane Loudon from Mrs. Jane Loudon's Ladies Flower Garden or Ornamental Greenhouse Plants, William S. Orr, London, 1849.
Trunk of a sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) shot in a broad-leaved ravine forest (Slovenia). Stock Photo
RMJNRE70–Trunk of a sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) shot in a broad-leaved ravine forest (Slovenia).
An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian . 66 HYDRO PHYLLACEAE. Vol. III.. H, patens Britton, of Minnesota, differs in having the calyx-segments appressed to the corolla,the corolla-segments with spreading tips. 2. Hydrophyllum macrophyllum Nutt.Large-leaved Water-leaf. Fig. 3485. H. macrophyllum Nutt. Journ. Phila. Acad. 7: in. 1834. Perennial by scaly rootstocks, villous-hirsuteall over; stem rather stout, 2°-3° high Stock Photo
RM2AJ4J5Y–An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian . 66 HYDRO PHYLLACEAE. Vol. III.. H, patens Britton, of Minnesota, differs in having the calyx-segments appressed to the corolla,the corolla-segments with spreading tips. 2. Hydrophyllum macrophyllum Nutt.Large-leaved Water-leaf. Fig. 3485. H. macrophyllum Nutt. Journ. Phila. Acad. 7: in. 1834. Perennial by scaly rootstocks, villous-hirsuteall over; stem rather stout, 2°-3° high
. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Short-leaved Pine 33 The trunk is tall and somewhat tapering, the branches rather slender, slightly pendulous, forming a rounded or conic top. The bark is often 2.5 cm. thick, coarsely fissured into large irregular plates with close reddish scales. The twigs are stout, very brittle, pale green to violet with a bluish bloom, becoming dark purplish red, finally darker and scaly. The branch-buds are ovoid, gradually nar- row Stock Photo
RMPG0H95–. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Short-leaved Pine 33 The trunk is tall and somewhat tapering, the branches rather slender, slightly pendulous, forming a rounded or conic top. The bark is often 2.5 cm. thick, coarsely fissured into large irregular plates with close reddish scales. The twigs are stout, very brittle, pale green to violet with a bluish bloom, becoming dark purplish red, finally darker and scaly. The branch-buds are ovoid, gradually nar- row
Landscape with blue spruces and juniper bushes. Stock Photo
RFJCANT8–Landscape with blue spruces and juniper bushes.
Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem Stock Photo
RMDM27T4–Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem
Bark of a sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) shot in a broad-leaved ravine forest (Slovenia). Stock Photo
RMHNB4PN–Bark of a sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) shot in a broad-leaved ravine forest (Slovenia).
An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian . rolina, west toMinnesota and Kansas. May-June. 4. Hydrophyllum canadense L. Broad-leaved Water-leaf. Fig. 3487. H. canadense L. Syst. Ed. 10, 919. 1759. Perennial by scaly rootstocks; stems ratherslender, commonly simple, glabrous or nearly so,i°-2i° high. Leaves nearly orbicular, cordate,sparingly pubeScent, at least above, palmately5 g-lobed, the lower long-petioled, often 1 Stock Photo
RM2AJ4HXJ–An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian . rolina, west toMinnesota and Kansas. May-June. 4. Hydrophyllum canadense L. Broad-leaved Water-leaf. Fig. 3487. H. canadense L. Syst. Ed. 10, 919. 1759. Perennial by scaly rootstocks; stems ratherslender, commonly simple, glabrous or nearly so,i°-2i° high. Leaves nearly orbicular, cordate,sparingly pubeScent, at least above, palmately5 g-lobed, the lower long-petioled, often 1
. The cultivated evergreens; a handbook of the coniferous and most important broad-leaved evergreens planted for ornament in the United States and Canada. Evergreens; Conifers. 280 THE CULTIVATED EVERGREENS 14. P. Koyamai, Shiras. (P. Moramomi, Hort.). Narrow pyramidal tree to 60 feet tall; bark grayish-brown, scaly, peeling off in thin flakes; branchlets reddish-brown and slightly bloomy, the lateral ones glandular-pubescent, the leading shoots nearly glabrous; winter-buds conical, brown, resinous; leaves quadrangular, slightly compressed, straight or curved, acute or obtuse, ]/i-}4 inch long Stock Photo
RMPFX4KD–. The cultivated evergreens; a handbook of the coniferous and most important broad-leaved evergreens planted for ornament in the United States and Canada. Evergreens; Conifers. 280 THE CULTIVATED EVERGREENS 14. P. Koyamai, Shiras. (P. Moramomi, Hort.). Narrow pyramidal tree to 60 feet tall; bark grayish-brown, scaly, peeling off in thin flakes; branchlets reddish-brown and slightly bloomy, the lateral ones glandular-pubescent, the leading shoots nearly glabrous; winter-buds conical, brown, resinous; leaves quadrangular, slightly compressed, straight or curved, acute or obtuse, ]/i-}4 inch long
Yellow flowers of Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem Stock Photo
RMDXH58P–Yellow flowers of Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem
Trunk of a sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) Stock Photo
RMHNDXFT–Trunk of a sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus)
. Australian rain-forest trees, excluding the species confined to the tropics. Rain forests; Trees. FamiJii MYllTACEAE.. Fig. 198.—Pexda (Xanthofstemon oppositifolius). Kin Kin, about 26.2" Some trees do not have so much scaly bark as is indicated in this example. The long, pinnate-leaved Xjlant behind the figure on right is a young specimen of Panaa: Mv.rrayi. (Photo.: W. D. F.). Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the origin Stock Photo
RMRJPD5H–. Australian rain-forest trees, excluding the species confined to the tropics. Rain forests; Trees. FamiJii MYllTACEAE.. Fig. 198.—Pexda (Xanthofstemon oppositifolius). Kin Kin, about 26.2" Some trees do not have so much scaly bark as is indicated in this example. The long, pinnate-leaved Xjlant behind the figure on right is a young specimen of Panaa: Mv.rrayi. (Photo.: W. D. F.). Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the origin
. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Fig. 589. — Striped Maple. 3. BROAD-LEAVED MAPLE —Acer macrophyUum Pursh A forest tree of the Pacific coast, attaining a height of at least 32 meters and a trunk diameter of about i meter, and ranging from southern Alaska to southern California, and known also as White maple. The furrowed brown bark is scaly and rather thick. The twigs are quite smooth, at first light green, red in the winter and subsequently gray. When u Stock Photo
RMPG1BAF–. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Fig. 589. — Striped Maple. 3. BROAD-LEAVED MAPLE —Acer macrophyUum Pursh A forest tree of the Pacific coast, attaining a height of at least 32 meters and a trunk diameter of about i meter, and ranging from southern Alaska to southern California, and known also as White maple. The furrowed brown bark is scaly and rather thick. The twigs are quite smooth, at first light green, red in the winter and subsequently gray. When u
Yellow flowers of Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem Stock Photo
RMDXH4TY–Yellow flowers of Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem
. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. 06 HYDRO PHYLLACEAE. Vol. III.. H. patens Britton, of Minnesota, differs in having the calyx-segments appressed to the corolla, the corolla-segments with spreading tips. 2. Hydrophyllum macrophyllum Nutt. Large-leaved Water-leaf. Fig. 3485. H. macrophyllum Nutt. Journ. Phila. Acad. 7: in. 1834. Perennial by scaly rootstocks, villous-hirsute all over; stem rathe Stock Photo
RMRDKC7H–. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. 06 HYDRO PHYLLACEAE. Vol. III.. H. patens Britton, of Minnesota, differs in having the calyx-segments appressed to the corolla, the corolla-segments with spreading tips. 2. Hydrophyllum macrophyllum Nutt. Large-leaved Water-leaf. Fig. 3485. H. macrophyllum Nutt. Journ. Phila. Acad. 7: in. 1834. Perennial by scaly rootstocks, villous-hirsute all over; stem rathe
. The cultivated evergreens; a handbook of the coniferous and most important broad-leaved evergreens planted for ornament in the United States and Canada. Evergreens; Conifers. ENUMERATION OF CONIFERS 259 Tree to ()8. Abies Var. Apollinis, Beiss. (A. Apollims, Link). Branchlets j'^ellowish: leaves more crowded above, only a few leaves below spreading downward and forward, thicker and broader, acute or sometimes obtusish.—Introduced in 1850 to Germany. 21. A. cUicica, Carr. Cilician F. Fig. 68 and Plate XXVII. 100 feet tall; bark ashy-gray, smooth, scaly in old trees; winter-buds small, with fe Stock Photo
RMPFX4M2–. The cultivated evergreens; a handbook of the coniferous and most important broad-leaved evergreens planted for ornament in the United States and Canada. Evergreens; Conifers. ENUMERATION OF CONIFERS 259 Tree to ()8. Abies Var. Apollinis, Beiss. (A. Apollims, Link). Branchlets j'^ellowish: leaves more crowded above, only a few leaves below spreading downward and forward, thicker and broader, acute or sometimes obtusish.—Introduced in 1850 to Germany. 21. A. cUicica, Carr. Cilician F. Fig. 68 and Plate XXVII. 100 feet tall; bark ashy-gray, smooth, scaly in old trees; winter-buds small, with fe
Yellow flowers of Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem Stock Photo
RMDXH5HF–Yellow flowers of Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem
. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. H. patens Britton, of Minnesota, differs in having the calyx-segments appressed to the corolla, the corolla-segments with spreading tips. 2. Hydrophyllum macrophyllum Nutt. Large-leaved Water-leaf. Fig. 3485. H. macrophyllum Nutt. Journ. Phila. Acad. 7: in. 1834. Perennial by scaly rootstocks, villous-hirsute all over; stem rather stout, 20-3° high. Lower leave Stock Photo
RMRDKC7A–. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. H. patens Britton, of Minnesota, differs in having the calyx-segments appressed to the corolla, the corolla-segments with spreading tips. 2. Hydrophyllum macrophyllum Nutt. Large-leaved Water-leaf. Fig. 3485. H. macrophyllum Nutt. Journ. Phila. Acad. 7: in. 1834. Perennial by scaly rootstocks, villous-hirsute all over; stem rather stout, 20-3° high. Lower leave
Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem Stock Photo
RMDHGD20–Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem
. The cultivated evergreens; a handbook of the coniferous and most important broad-leaved evergreens planted for ornament in the United States and Canada. Evergreens; Conifers. 280 THE CULTIVATED EVERGREENS 14. P. Koyamai, Shiras. (P. Moramomi, Hort.). Narrow pyramidal tree to 60 feet tall; bark grayish-brown, scaly, peeling off in thin flakes; branchlets reddish-brown and slightly bloomy, the lateral ones glandular-pubescent, the leading shoots nearly glabrous; winter-buds conical, brown, resinous; leaves quadrangular, slightly compressed, straight or curved, acute or obtuse, ]/i-}4 inch long Stock Photo
RMRD6T5Y–. The cultivated evergreens; a handbook of the coniferous and most important broad-leaved evergreens planted for ornament in the United States and Canada. Evergreens; Conifers. 280 THE CULTIVATED EVERGREENS 14. P. Koyamai, Shiras. (P. Moramomi, Hort.). Narrow pyramidal tree to 60 feet tall; bark grayish-brown, scaly, peeling off in thin flakes; branchlets reddish-brown and slightly bloomy, the lateral ones glandular-pubescent, the leading shoots nearly glabrous; winter-buds conical, brown, resinous; leaves quadrangular, slightly compressed, straight or curved, acute or obtuse, ]/i-}4 inch long
Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem Stock Photo
RMDETEMM–Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem
. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Fig. 589. — Striped Maple. 3. BROAD-LEAVED MAPLE —Acer macrophyUum Pursh A forest tree of the Pacific coast, attaining a height of at least 32 meters and a trunk diameter of about i meter, and ranging from southern Alaska to southern California, and known also as White maple. The furrowed brown bark is scaly and rather thick. The twigs are quite smooth, at first light green, red in the winter and subsequently gray. When u Stock Photo
RMRDCN6F–. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Fig. 589. — Striped Maple. 3. BROAD-LEAVED MAPLE —Acer macrophyUum Pursh A forest tree of the Pacific coast, attaining a height of at least 32 meters and a trunk diameter of about i meter, and ranging from southern Alaska to southern California, and known also as White maple. The furrowed brown bark is scaly and rather thick. The twigs are quite smooth, at first light green, red in the winter and subsequently gray. When u
Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem Stock Photo
RMDHGCBG–Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem
. Bulletin. 1901-13. Agriculture; Agriculture. PLANTS FURNTSHIXG MEDICINAL LEAVES AND HERBS. 37 GUM PLANT. (1) Grindelia rohusta Nutt.; (2) Grindelia squarrosa (Pur.-^h) Dunal. Pkannacopoeial name.—Grindelia. Other common names.—(2) Broad-leaved gum plant, scaly grindelia. Habitat and range.—The gum plant {Grindelia rohusta) occurs in the States west of the Rocky Mountains, while the broad-leaved gum plant {G. squamosa) is more widely distributed, being of common occurrence on the plains and prairies from the Saskatchewan to Minnesota, south to Texas and Mexico, and westward to California. Des Stock Photo
RMRGW4TH–. Bulletin. 1901-13. Agriculture; Agriculture. PLANTS FURNTSHIXG MEDICINAL LEAVES AND HERBS. 37 GUM PLANT. (1) Grindelia rohusta Nutt.; (2) Grindelia squarrosa (Pur.-^h) Dunal. Pkannacopoeial name.—Grindelia. Other common names.—(2) Broad-leaved gum plant, scaly grindelia. Habitat and range.—The gum plant {Grindelia rohusta) occurs in the States west of the Rocky Mountains, while the broad-leaved gum plant {G. squamosa) is more widely distributed, being of common occurrence on the plains and prairies from the Saskatchewan to Minnesota, south to Texas and Mexico, and westward to California. Des
Yellow flowers of Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem Stock Photo
RMDXH432–Yellow flowers of Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem
. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian. Botany. 29. Crataegus ovata Sargent. Ovate- leaved Thorn. Fig. 2363. Sarg. Man. Trees A tree, sometimes 30° high, with yellow, scaly, bark similar to that of a young Piatanus, the spines i' long. Leaves ovate-elliptic or obovate, i Y-2I' long, S'-2' wide, obtuse or acute at the apex, broadly cuneate or rounded at the base, coarsely serrate or doubly serrate, often with irregu Stock Photo
RMRDT50M–. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian. Botany. 29. Crataegus ovata Sargent. Ovate- leaved Thorn. Fig. 2363. Sarg. Man. Trees A tree, sometimes 30° high, with yellow, scaly, bark similar to that of a young Piatanus, the spines i' long. Leaves ovate-elliptic or obovate, i Y-2I' long, S'-2' wide, obtuse or acute at the apex, broadly cuneate or rounded at the base, coarsely serrate or doubly serrate, often with irregu
Yellow flowers of Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem Stock Photo
RMDXH4BX–Yellow flowers of Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurge plant with triangular scale like leaves spiraling on stem
. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. 29. Crataegus ovata Sargent. Ovate- leaved Thorn. Fig. 2363. Crataegus ovata Sarg. Man. Trees 402. 1905. A tree, sometimes 30° high, with yellow, scaly, bark similar to that of a young Platanus, the spines l' long. Leaves ovate-elliptic or obovate, i}'-2f' long, J'-2' wide, obtuse or acute at the apex, broadly cuneate or rounded at the base, coarsely serrate or Stock Photo
RMRDJR8X–. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. 29. Crataegus ovata Sargent. Ovate- leaved Thorn. Fig. 2363. Crataegus ovata Sarg. Man. Trees 402. 1905. A tree, sometimes 30° high, with yellow, scaly, bark similar to that of a young Platanus, the spines l' long. Leaves ovate-elliptic or obovate, i}'-2f' long, J'-2' wide, obtuse or acute at the apex, broadly cuneate or rounded at the base, coarsely serrate or
. Bulletin. Agriculture. PLANTS I'UKNlSHlNt; M KDICI N AL LEAVES AND 11 KKBS. 37 GUM PLANT. (1) GrindeUa rohusLa Null.; (2) GnndcUu squarrosd (Pursh) Dimal. Pharmaco panel I name.—Grindelia. Other common names.—(2) IJroad-leaved gum plant, scaly grindelia. Habitat and range.—The gum plant (Grindelia robusta) occurs in the States west of the Rocky Mountainti, while the broad-leaved gum plant (G. s(piarrosa) is more widely distributed, being of common occurrence on the plains and prairies from the Saskatchewan to Minnesota, south to Texas and Mexico, and westward to California. Description.—The Stock Photo
RMRH16XJ–. Bulletin. Agriculture. PLANTS I'UKNlSHlNt; M KDICI N AL LEAVES AND 11 KKBS. 37 GUM PLANT. (1) GrindeUa rohusLa Null.; (2) GnndcUu squarrosd (Pursh) Dimal. Pharmaco panel I name.—Grindelia. Other common names.—(2) IJroad-leaved gum plant, scaly grindelia. Habitat and range.—The gum plant (Grindelia robusta) occurs in the States west of the Rocky Mountainti, while the broad-leaved gum plant (G. s(piarrosa) is more widely distributed, being of common occurrence on the plains and prairies from the Saskatchewan to Minnesota, south to Texas and Mexico, and westward to California. Description.—The
. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Small Leaved Horsebean 543 brown bark is about 3 mm. thick, smooth or somewhat scaly. The twigs are zig- zag, short-hcury when young, smooth when older, yellowish green, and bear spines 2 cm. long or less. The leaves are obscurely bipin- nate; the pinnae, springing from a very short enlarged spinescent stalk, are 2 to 4 dm. long, with a very flat rachis 2 to 3 mm. wide, supporting 25 to 30 pairs of distant leaflets, which Stock Photo
RMRDBF57–. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Small Leaved Horsebean 543 brown bark is about 3 mm. thick, smooth or somewhat scaly. The twigs are zig- zag, short-hcury when young, smooth when older, yellowish green, and bear spines 2 cm. long or less. The leaves are obscurely bipin- nate; the pinnae, springing from a very short enlarged spinescent stalk, are 2 to 4 dm. long, with a very flat rachis 2 to 3 mm. wide, supporting 25 to 30 pairs of distant leaflets, which
. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Fig. 221. — Thin-leaved Aldet. 5. RHOMBIC-LEAVED ALDER —Alnns rhombifoUa Nuttall This tree is one of the largest North American alders, attaining a height of 25 meters or more and a trunk diameter of about I meter; it ranges from Washington and Idaho, through Oregon to San Ber- nardino county CaUfomia, occurring most abundantly in river valleys. The dark brown bark is thick, somewhat fissured and scaly. The young twigs ar Stock Photo
RMRDCPRN–. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Fig. 221. — Thin-leaved Aldet. 5. RHOMBIC-LEAVED ALDER —Alnns rhombifoUa Nuttall This tree is one of the largest North American alders, attaining a height of 25 meters or more and a trunk diameter of about I meter; it ranges from Washington and Idaho, through Oregon to San Ber- nardino county CaUfomia, occurring most abundantly in river valleys. The dark brown bark is thick, somewhat fissured and scaly. The young twigs ar
. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Short-leaved Pine 33 The trunk is tall and somewhat tapering, the branches rather slender, slightly pendulous, forming a rounded or conic top. The bark is often 2.5 cm. thick, coarsely fissured into large irregular plates with close reddish scales. The twigs are stout, very brittle, pale green to violet with a bluish bloom, becoming dark purplish red, finally darker and scaly. The branch-buds are ovoid, gradually nar- row Stock Photo
RMRDBHF3–. North American trees : being descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies . Trees. Short-leaved Pine 33 The trunk is tall and somewhat tapering, the branches rather slender, slightly pendulous, forming a rounded or conic top. The bark is often 2.5 cm. thick, coarsely fissured into large irregular plates with close reddish scales. The twigs are stout, very brittle, pale green to violet with a bluish bloom, becoming dark purplish red, finally darker and scaly. The branch-buds are ovoid, gradually nar- row
. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. I. Thalictrum alpinum L. Arctic or Dwarf Meadow-Rue. Fig. 1932. Thalictrum alpinum L. Sp. PI. 545. 1753. Smooth or slightly glandular, i'-i2' high. Leaves small, tufted at the summits of scaly rootstocks, biter- nate; the scapiform stem -leafless or i-leaved near the base; leaflets cuneate-obovate or orbicular, firm, 3-5- lobed at the apex, margins revolute; pa Stock Photo
RMRDJTYB–. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. I. Thalictrum alpinum L. Arctic or Dwarf Meadow-Rue. Fig. 1932. Thalictrum alpinum L. Sp. PI. 545. 1753. Smooth or slightly glandular, i'-i2' high. Leaves small, tufted at the summits of scaly rootstocks, biter- nate; the scapiform stem -leafless or i-leaved near the base; leaflets cuneate-obovate or orbicular, firm, 3-5- lobed at the apex, margins revolute; pa
. The cultivated evergreens; a handbook of the coniferous and most important broad-leaved evergreens planted for ornament in the United States and Canada. Evergreens; Conifers. ENUMERATION OF CONIFERS 259 Tree to ()8. Abies Var. Apollinis, Beiss. (A. Apollims, Link). Branchlets j'^ellowish: leaves more crowded above, only a few leaves below spreading downward and forward, thicker and broader, acute or sometimes obtusish.—Introduced in 1850 to Germany. 21. A. cUicica, Carr. Cilician F. Fig. 68 and Plate XXVII. 100 feet tall; bark ashy-gray, smooth, scaly in old trees; winter-buds small, with fe Stock Photo
RMRD6T6D–. The cultivated evergreens; a handbook of the coniferous and most important broad-leaved evergreens planted for ornament in the United States and Canada. Evergreens; Conifers. ENUMERATION OF CONIFERS 259 Tree to ()8. Abies Var. Apollinis, Beiss. (A. Apollims, Link). Branchlets j'^ellowish: leaves more crowded above, only a few leaves below spreading downward and forward, thicker and broader, acute or sometimes obtusish.—Introduced in 1850 to Germany. 21. A. cUicica, Carr. Cilician F. Fig. 68 and Plate XXVII. 100 feet tall; bark ashy-gray, smooth, scaly in old trees; winter-buds small, with fe
. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. Genus 2. WILLOW FAMILY. 593. 2. Salix amygdaloides Anders. Peach-leaved Willow. Fig. 1452. Salix amygdaloides Anders, Ofv. Handl. Vet. Akad. 1858: 114. 1858. A small tree, similar to the preceding species, sometimes 700 high and the trunk 20 in diameter, the brown bark scaly. Leaves lanceolate or ovate- lanceolate, pubescent when young, glabrous when old, dark Stock Photo
RMRDK112–. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. Genus 2. WILLOW FAMILY. 593. 2. Salix amygdaloides Anders. Peach-leaved Willow. Fig. 1452. Salix amygdaloides Anders, Ofv. Handl. Vet. Akad. 1858: 114. 1858. A small tree, similar to the preceding species, sometimes 700 high and the trunk 20 in diameter, the brown bark scaly. Leaves lanceolate or ovate- lanceolate, pubescent when young, glabrous when old, dark
. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. 2. Salix amygdaloides Anders. Peach-leaved Willow. Fig. 1452. Salix amygdaloides Anders, Ofv. Handl. Vet. Akad. 1858: 114. 1858. A small tree, similar to the preceding species, sometimes 700 high and the trunk 20 in diameter, the brown bark scaly. Leaves lanceolate or ovate- lanceolate, pubescent when young, glabrous when old, dark green above, paler and slight Stock Photo
RMRDK10N–. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. 2. Salix amygdaloides Anders. Peach-leaved Willow. Fig. 1452. Salix amygdaloides Anders, Ofv. Handl. Vet. Akad. 1858: 114. 1858. A small tree, similar to the preceding species, sometimes 700 high and the trunk 20 in diameter, the brown bark scaly. Leaves lanceolate or ovate- lanceolate, pubescent when young, glabrous when old, dark green above, paler and slight