Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli. Corridoio dei Morti. Stock Photo
RMT2MY77–Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli. Corridoio dei Morti.
scheletri di cittadini pompeiani morti per la cenere del Vesuvio Stock Photo
RF2R1EFC4–scheletri di cittadini pompeiani morti per la cenere del Vesuvio
Cripta dei Tre Scheletri, Capuchin Cemetery, Church of Santa Maria della Concezione Stock Photo
RMBW248C–Cripta dei Tre Scheletri, Capuchin Cemetery, Church of Santa Maria della Concezione
Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Mariano Pietro Vecchiarelli (d.1639). Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli (St Peter in Chains). Stock Photo
RMKD9DF4–Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Mariano Pietro Vecchiarelli (d.1639). Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli (St Peter in Chains).
Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Cinzio Aldobrandini (1551-1610) by Carlo Bizzaccheri (1656-1721), Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli. Stock Photo
RMTR8T9X–Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Cinzio Aldobrandini (1551-1610) by Carlo Bizzaccheri (1656-1721), Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli.
Victims of the first century AD eruption of Vesuvius near Herculaneum, Italy Stock Photo
RMERCGWK–Victims of the first century AD eruption of Vesuvius near Herculaneum, Italy
Skeletons chasing each other - Modern graffiti in a street of the south suburbs in the Milan city - Milan, Italy, 2019 Stock Photo
RF2AP3CDB–Skeletons chasing each other - Modern graffiti in a street of the south suburbs in the Milan city - Milan, Italy, 2019
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BBN–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family Stock Photo
RMR0NWMM–Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family
Poisoned water Stock Photo
RMB0G5JN–Poisoned water
Trieste . npoco ne veniva accresciuta limportanza di Trieste, che verso la fine del II secolodovette raggiungere il sommo della sua bellezza latina. ** * Ora gli edifici della città romana sono spa-riti quasi totalmente; ma gli scavi non cessanodi ricondurne al sole gli scheletri. Nel su-burbio, verso Bagnòli, hanno trovato tracciedellantico Acquedotto che portava le acquedalla Valle della Lussandra ; a S. Sabba nelvallone di Muggia i fondamenti di una ful-lonica ; e resti di ville e di terme versoBarcola, e sulla riviera duinate, che fuprediletta anche dagli Aquileiesi, abitanti inluoghi natu Stock Photo
RM2AN2JP8–Trieste . npoco ne veniva accresciuta limportanza di Trieste, che verso la fine del II secolodovette raggiungere il sommo della sua bellezza latina. ** * Ora gli edifici della città romana sono spa-riti quasi totalmente; ma gli scavi non cessanodi ricondurne al sole gli scheletri. Nel su-burbio, verso Bagnòli, hanno trovato tracciedellantico Acquedotto che portava le acquedalla Valle della Lussandra ; a S. Sabba nelvallone di Muggia i fondamenti di una ful-lonica ; e resti di ville e di terme versoBarcola, e sulla riviera duinate, che fuprediletta anche dagli Aquileiesi, abitanti inluoghi natu
Poisoned water Stock Photo
RMB0G8GK–Poisoned water
70/5000 Syria, motorcycle in the desert, a camel skeleton, 1940-50 Stock Photo
RMRGKW41–70/5000 Syria, motorcycle in the desert, a camel skeleton, 1940-50
Poisoned water Stock Photo
RMB0E6HW–Poisoned water
At Bumeliana the desert wind uncovers the skeletons of the fallen in October 1911 during the Italo turkish war Stock Photo
RMCFM3D9–At Bumeliana the desert wind uncovers the skeletons of the fallen in October 1911 during the Italo turkish war
Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli. Altare con Crocifisso. Stock Photo
RMT2MY2Y–Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli. Altare con Crocifisso.
Ceiling, Cripta dei Tre Scheletri, Capuchin Cemetery, Church of Santa Maria della Concezione Stock Photo
RMBW247J–Ceiling, Cripta dei Tre Scheletri, Capuchin Cemetery, Church of Santa Maria della Concezione
Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Mariano Pietro Vecchiarelli (d.1639). Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli (St Peter in Chains). Stock Photo
RMKD9DKB–Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Mariano Pietro Vecchiarelli (d.1639). Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli (St Peter in Chains).
Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Cinzio Aldobrandini (1551-1610) by Carlo Bizzaccheri (1656-1721), Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli. Stock Photo
RMTR8TA2–Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Cinzio Aldobrandini (1551-1610) by Carlo Bizzaccheri (1656-1721), Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli.
Victims of the first century AD eruption of Vesuvius near Herculaneum, Italy Stock Photo
RMERCGW3–Victims of the first century AD eruption of Vesuvius near Herculaneum, Italy
An altar made of bones in thef Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of Stock Photo
RM2WT2BCG–An altar made of bones in thef Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of
Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family Stock Photo
RMR0NTT7–Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family
Le isole della laguna veneta . , la cosi detta Isola delle Donne, popolata in principiodagli Altinati. poi ricca e adorna di molte chiese, tra le quali una dedicata a San-tAdriano o Ariano, dal quale prese il nome più moderno, e annessa a un chiostro dimonache nobili. Iettata dalle com-nti marine, impaludata ed insalubre, Costanziaco. LE ISOLE DELLA LAGUNA lOQ divenne un covo di serpi e di ladroni, finì di smembrarsi e spopolarsi, tanto che,nel 1665, fu destinata dalla Repubblica a raccogliere le ossa spolpate dei riboccanticimiteri veneziani, confuso ammasso di scheletri innominati, di cui li Stock Photo
RM2AKP26Y–Le isole della laguna veneta . , la cosi detta Isola delle Donne, popolata in principiodagli Altinati. poi ricca e adorna di molte chiese, tra le quali una dedicata a San-tAdriano o Ariano, dal quale prese il nome più moderno, e annessa a un chiostro dimonache nobili. Iettata dalle com-nti marine, impaludata ed insalubre, Costanziaco. LE ISOLE DELLA LAGUNA lOQ divenne un covo di serpi e di ladroni, finì di smembrarsi e spopolarsi, tanto che,nel 1665, fu destinata dalla Repubblica a raccogliere le ossa spolpate dei riboccanticimiteri veneziani, confuso ammasso di scheletri innominati, di cui li
Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli. Il celebre affresco che ispiro a'livella, di Antonio de Curtis, in arte Totò Stock Photo
RMT2MWT3–Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli. Il celebre affresco che ispiro a'livella, di Antonio de Curtis, in arte Totò
Skeleton detail, Cripta dei Tre Scheletri, Capuchin Cemetery, Church of Santa Maria della Concezione Stock Photo
RMBW2480–Skeleton detail, Cripta dei Tre Scheletri, Capuchin Cemetery, Church of Santa Maria della Concezione
Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Cinzio Aldobrandini (1551-1610) by Carlo Bizzaccheri (1656-1721), Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli. Memento Mori Stock Photo
RMKD8NRG–Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Cinzio Aldobrandini (1551-1610) by Carlo Bizzaccheri (1656-1721), Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli. Memento Mori
Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Cinzio Aldobrandini (1551-1610) by Carlo Bizzaccheri (1656-1721), Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli. Stock Photo
RMTR8TA5–Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Cinzio Aldobrandini (1551-1610) by Carlo Bizzaccheri (1656-1721), Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli.
Victims of the first century AD eruption of Vesuvius near Herculaneum, Italy Stock Photo
RMERCGX4–Victims of the first century AD eruption of Vesuvius near Herculaneum, Italy
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BC0–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family Stock Photo
RMR0NX51–Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family
Descrizione di Pompeii . ta : Nw^navn -(NW)*H3ni>iNannw(iaT) fl388Nl/NW^-MI>M(NT) Vi furono inoltre scoperti più scheletri, fraquali unodi donna, avente il proprio nome CASSIA inciso nella-nello che portava al dito , ed insieme alle sue ossa il ISOLA DUODECIMA 159 mondo muliebre, consistente di due armille di oro cia-scuna del peso di una libbra, di un astuccio, di altrianelli, di pendenti, e di più monete dello stesso me-tallo. Dallatrio entravasi anche in un conclave, in cui sta-vano due gradinate per accedere alle stanze superiori,e vi si trovava F ingresso di un cubicolo servile, non Stock Photo
RM2AN6FRE–Descrizione di Pompeii . ta : Nw^navn -(NW)*H3ni>iNannw(iaT) fl388Nl/NW^-MI>M(NT) Vi furono inoltre scoperti più scheletri, fraquali unodi donna, avente il proprio nome CASSIA inciso nella-nello che portava al dito , ed insieme alle sue ossa il ISOLA DUODECIMA 159 mondo muliebre, consistente di due armille di oro cia-scuna del peso di una libbra, di un astuccio, di altrianelli, di pendenti, e di più monete dello stesso me-tallo. Dallatrio entravasi anche in un conclave, in cui sta-vano due gradinate per accedere alle stanze superiori,e vi si trovava F ingresso di un cubicolo servile, non
Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli. Corridoio dei Morti Stock Photo
RMT2MY4N–Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli. Corridoio dei Morti
Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Mariano Pietro Vecchiarelli (d.1639). Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli (St Peter in Chains). Stock Photo
RMKD9DDP–Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Mariano Pietro Vecchiarelli (d.1639). Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli (St Peter in Chains).
Victims of the first century AD eruption of Vesuvius near Herculaneum, Italy Stock Photo
RMERCGTP–Victims of the first century AD eruption of Vesuvius near Herculaneum, Italy
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BBR–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family Stock Photo
RMR0NTHP–Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family
. Atti della Società toscana di scienze naturali, residente in Pisa. Natural history; Science; Science. Figura 2. Figura 1. 2° Insenature più o meno profonde penetranti i cristalli. Quando la corrosione ha raggiunto tale stadio, i quarzi, bizzar- ramente compenetrati, si presentano come scheletri. Si osservano però an- che spesso cristalli scheletriformi che ancora conservano bastantemente in- tatto il contorno poliedrico. Fra la corrosione operata dal magma e la forma cristallina non sono riuscito a trovar mai una benché minima relazione. {Fig. 2). 3" Rottura dei cristalli, conseguenza d Stock Photo
RMRJW35W–. Atti della Società toscana di scienze naturali, residente in Pisa. Natural history; Science; Science. Figura 2. Figura 1. 2° Insenature più o meno profonde penetranti i cristalli. Quando la corrosione ha raggiunto tale stadio, i quarzi, bizzar- ramente compenetrati, si presentano come scheletri. Si osservano però an- che spesso cristalli scheletriformi che ancora conservano bastantemente in- tatto il contorno poliedrico. Fra la corrosione operata dal magma e la forma cristallina non sono riuscito a trovar mai una benché minima relazione. {Fig. 2). 3" Rottura dei cristalli, conseguenza d
Affresco raffigurante la giustizia, Corridoio dei Morti, Catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli Stock Photo
RMT2R9G6–Affresco raffigurante la giustizia, Corridoio dei Morti, Catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli
Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Mariano Pietro Vecchiarelli (d.1639). Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli (St Peter in Chains). Stock Photo
RMKD9DH0–Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Mariano Pietro Vecchiarelli (d.1639). Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli (St Peter in Chains).
Victims of the first century AD eruption of Vesuvius near Herculaneum, Italy Stock Photo
RMERCGWC–Victims of the first century AD eruption of Vesuvius near Herculaneum, Italy
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BC4–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family Stock Photo
RMR0NX60–Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family
. Atti della Società toscana di scienze naturali, residente in Pisa. Natural history; Science; Science. Figura 2. Figura 1. 2° Insenature più o meno profonde penetranti i cristalli. Quando la corrosione ha raggiunto tale stadio, i quarzi, bizzar- ramente compenetrati, si presentano come scheletri. Si osservano però an- che spesso cristalli scheletriformi che ancora conservano bastantemente in- tatto il contorno poliedrico. Fra la corrosione operata dal magma e la forma cristallina non sono riuscito a trovar mai una benché minima relazione. {Fig. 2). 3" Rottura dei cristalli, conseguenza d Stock Photo
RMRJW35A–. Atti della Società toscana di scienze naturali, residente in Pisa. Natural history; Science; Science. Figura 2. Figura 1. 2° Insenature più o meno profonde penetranti i cristalli. Quando la corrosione ha raggiunto tale stadio, i quarzi, bizzar- ramente compenetrati, si presentano come scheletri. Si osservano però an- che spesso cristalli scheletriformi che ancora conservano bastantemente in- tatto il contorno poliedrico. Fra la corrosione operata dal magma e la forma cristallina non sono riuscito a trovar mai una benché minima relazione. {Fig. 2). 3" Rottura dei cristalli, conseguenza d
Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli Stock Photo
RMT2MX2G–Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli
Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Cinzio Aldobrandini (1551-1610) by Carlo Bizzaccheri (1656-1721), Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli. Memento Mori Stock Photo
RMKD8NX8–Rome. Italy. Tomb of Cardinal Cinzio Aldobrandini (1551-1610) by Carlo Bizzaccheri (1656-1721), Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli. Memento Mori
Victims of the first century AD eruption of Vesuvius near Herculaneum, Italy Stock Photo
RMERCGXJ–Victims of the first century AD eruption of Vesuvius near Herculaneum, Italy
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BBT–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family Stock Photo
RMR0NWNF–Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family
Catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli. Il Guardiano dei morti, essere sovrumano costruito con ossa umane in grande numero Stock Photo
RMT2MWP0–Catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli. Il Guardiano dei morti, essere sovrumano costruito con ossa umane in grande numero
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BCA–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family -Gian Gastone De’ Medici Stock Photo
RMR0NTD0–Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family -Gian Gastone De’ Medici
Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli Stock Photo
RMT2MWW1–Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli
A small altar made of objects and money left by the faithful as a sign of devotion, in the Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of pe Stock Photo
RM2WT2BC1–A small altar made of objects and money left by the faithful as a sign of devotion, in the Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of pe
Italy Florence The exhumation on De'Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici Stock Photo
RMR0NW1E–Italy Florence The exhumation on De'Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici
Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli Stock Photo
RMT2MWXB–Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BCE–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family Stock Photo
RMR0NX0T–Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family
Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli. Nel corridoio dei morti, sulla destra, il celebre affresco che ispiro a'livella, di Totò Stock Photo
RMT2MY9B–Affreschi nelle catacombe di San Gaudioso, Napoli. Nel corridoio dei morti, sulla destra, il celebre affresco che ispiro a'livella, di Totò
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BCF–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family Stock Photo
RMR0NX2P–Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BBP–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici Stock Photo
RMR0NW9Y–Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici
A faithful while praying in the Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera o Stock Photo
RM2WT2BBX–A faithful while praying in the Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera o
Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family Stock Photo
RMR0NX3M–Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family
A small altar made of objects and money left by the faithful as a sign of devotion, in the Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of pe Stock Photo
RM2WT2BCC–A small altar made of objects and money left by the faithful as a sign of devotion, in the Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of pe
Italy Florence The exhumation on Medici Family -Cosimo I and Eleonora da Toledo Stock Photo
RMR0NTAE–Italy Florence The exhumation on Medici Family -Cosimo I and Eleonora da Toledo
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BC6–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family Stock Photo
RMR0NTWX–Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BC5–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on De’Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici Stock Photo
RMR0NWTJ–Italy Florence The exhumation on De’Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BC2–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on De’Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici Stock Photo
RMR0NWR6–Italy Florence The exhumation on De’Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BC3–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on Medici Family - Cosimo I and Eleonora From Toledo Stock Photo
RMR0NT9Y–Italy Florence The exhumation on Medici Family - Cosimo I and Eleonora From Toledo
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BCB–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici Stock Photo
RMR0NWKT–Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BC8–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici Stock Photo
RMR0NWD2–Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici
Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep Stock Photo
RM2WT2BC9–Internal view of Fontanelle cemetery. Over 40,000 skulls and skeletons of people, victims of the great plague of 1656 and the cholera of 1836, are kep
Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici Stock Photo
RMR0NWJJ–Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici
Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. A view of the skeletons of the fugitive victims of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD on the ancient beach, open to the public for the first time, in the archaeological excavations of Herculaneum. Stock Photo
RM2XCYGM1–Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. A view of the skeletons of the fugitive victims of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD on the ancient beach, open to the public for the first time, in the archaeological excavations of Herculaneum.
Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici Stock Photo
RMR0NW3W–Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici
Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. A view of the skeletons of the fugitive victims of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD on the ancient beach, open to the public for the first time, in the archaeological excavations of Herculaneum. Stock Photo
RM2XCYGGP–Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. A view of the skeletons of the fugitive victims of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD on the ancient beach, open to the public for the first time, in the archaeological excavations of Herculaneum.
Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family Stock Photo
RMR0NWYP–Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family
Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. A view of the skeletons of the fugitive victims of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD on the ancient beach, open to the public for the first time, in the archaeological excavations of Herculaneum. Stock Photo
RM2XCYGJP–Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. A view of the skeletons of the fugitive victims of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD on the ancient beach, open to the public for the first time, in the archaeological excavations of Herculaneum.
Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici Stock Photo
RMR0NW7G–Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family - Gian Gastone De’ Medici
Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. A view of the skeletons of the fugitive victims of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD on the ancient beach, open to the public for the first time, in the archaeological excavations of Herculaneum. Stock Photo
RM2XCYGKR–Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. A view of the skeletons of the fugitive victims of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD on the ancient beach, open to the public for the first time, in the archaeological excavations of Herculaneum.
Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family Stock Photo
RMR0NX21–Italy Florence The exhumation on De’ Medici Family
Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. A view of the ancient beach, with the skeletons of the fugitive victims of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, open to the public for the first time, in the archaeological excavations of Herculaneum. Stock Photo
RM2XCYG9G–Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. A view of the ancient beach, with the skeletons of the fugitive victims of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, open to the public for the first time, in the archaeological excavations of Herculaneum.
Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family -Gian Gastone De’ Medici Stock Photo
RMR0NTF3–Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family -Gian Gastone De’ Medici
Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. A view of the ancient beach, with the skeletons of the fugitive victims of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, open to the public for the first time, in the archaeological excavations of Herculaneum. Stock Photo
RM2XCYG9W–Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. A view of the ancient beach, with the skeletons of the fugitive victims of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, open to the public for the first time, in the archaeological excavations of Herculaneum.
Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family Stock Photo
RMR0NWHC–Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family
Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. The Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, looks at he skeletons of the victims of the eruption of 79 AD, during the inauguration of the ancient beach inside the archaeological excavations of Ercolano, open to the public for the first time. Stock Photo
RM2XCYGF1–Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. The Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, looks at he skeletons of the victims of the eruption of 79 AD, during the inauguration of the ancient beach inside the archaeological excavations of Ercolano, open to the public for the first time.
The dance of death. The Dance of death originates in mediaeval plays and folk rituals performed on the Feast of the Holy Innocents (28 December), and in funeral sermons. In the most popular version, Death (in the form of a skeleton) dances in succession with people representing particular social ranks (Pope, emperor, king, lawyer, peasant, etc.) and takes away each in turn, demonstrating that nobody however exalted in this life, can escape death. Stock Photo
RM2X17MFA–The dance of death. The Dance of death originates in mediaeval plays and folk rituals performed on the Feast of the Holy Innocents (28 December), and in funeral sermons. In the most popular version, Death (in the form of a skeleton) dances in succession with people representing particular social ranks (Pope, emperor, king, lawyer, peasant, etc.) and takes away each in turn, demonstrating that nobody however exalted in this life, can escape death.
Italy Marche Urbania Chiesa dei Morti Skeletons (. mummy ) Stock Photo
RMWBAHJJ–Italy Marche Urbania Chiesa dei Morti Skeletons (. mummy )
Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. The Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, looks at he skeletons of the victims of the eruption of 79 AD, during the inauguration of the ancient beach inside the archaeological excavations of Ercolano, open to the public for the first time. Stock Photo
RM2XCYGF7–Ercolano, Italy, 19 June 2024. The Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, looks at he skeletons of the victims of the eruption of 79 AD, during the inauguration of the ancient beach inside the archaeological excavations of Ercolano, open to the public for the first time.
Italy Marche Urbania Chiesa dei Morti Skeletons (. mummy ) Stock Photo
RMWBAHJH–Italy Marche Urbania Chiesa dei Morti Skeletons (. mummy )
Italy Campania Ercolano - Skeletons of the fugitives Herculaneum, fornici Skeletons of the fugitives of the fornix Stock Photo
RMT52XEX–Italy Campania Ercolano - Skeletons of the fugitives Herculaneum, fornici Skeletons of the fugitives of the fornix
Italy Campania Pompeii Casts of fugitives Pompeii, House of M. Fabio Rufo Casts of fugitives found in 1961 mold Stock Photo
RMT58MBR–Italy Campania Pompeii Casts of fugitives Pompeii, House of M. Fabio Rufo Casts of fugitives found in 1961 mold
Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family Stock Photo
RMR0NT34–Italy Florence The exhumation on De' Medici Family
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