Echinus acutus, a species of sea urchins. Stock Photo
RMBJNC7B–Echinus acutus, a species of sea urchins.
. Animal biology. Biology; Zoology; Physiology. SURVEY OF INVERTEBRATES 85 The nervous system is essentially a nerve ring encircling the mouth, with a branch extending into each arm, but there is no central, dominating nerve mass that is comparable to a brain, and only. Fig. 47.— A, Sea Urchin, Asthenosoma, oral view; B, Sea Cucumber, Cucu- maria; C, Sea Lily, Metacrinus. (From Thomson, Ludvig, and Carpenter.) the simplest sense organs, the tube feet acting largely in the latter capacity. The functions of a circulatory and respiratory system are carried on by the coelomic fluid — mostly sea-wa Stock Photo
RMRN5MMC–. Animal biology. Biology; Zoology; Physiology. SURVEY OF INVERTEBRATES 85 The nervous system is essentially a nerve ring encircling the mouth, with a branch extending into each arm, but there is no central, dominating nerve mass that is comparable to a brain, and only. Fig. 47.— A, Sea Urchin, Asthenosoma, oral view; B, Sea Cucumber, Cucu- maria; C, Sea Lily, Metacrinus. (From Thomson, Ludvig, and Carpenter.) the simplest sense organs, the tube feet acting largely in the latter capacity. The functions of a circulatory and respiratory system are carried on by the coelomic fluid — mostly sea-wa
. Animal biology. Zoology; Biology. 210 METAZOAN PHYLA different classes resemble each other in a general way, but each is quite distinct. That of a starfish is known as a bipinnaria or brachiolaria, that of a brittle star as an ophiopluteus, that of a sea urchin as an echino- pluteus, and that of a sea cucumber as an auricularia. 242. Behavior.—In the echinoderms the nervous system does not seem to control the muscles as does a centralized system in other animals but simply maintains a certain tonus, a condition accompanied by readi- ness to respond to stimuli. The response itself is, general Stock Photo
RMRN5JKA–. Animal biology. Zoology; Biology. 210 METAZOAN PHYLA different classes resemble each other in a general way, but each is quite distinct. That of a starfish is known as a bipinnaria or brachiolaria, that of a brittle star as an ophiopluteus, that of a sea urchin as an echino- pluteus, and that of a sea cucumber as an auricularia. 242. Behavior.—In the echinoderms the nervous system does not seem to control the muscles as does a centralized system in other animals but simply maintains a certain tonus, a condition accompanied by readi- ness to respond to stimuli. The response itself is, general
. Jelly-fish, star-fish and sea-urchins [microform] : being a research on primitive nervous systems. Nervous system; Jellyfishes; Starfishes; Sea urchins; Nerveux, Système; Méduses; Astérides; Echinides. STAR-FISH AND SEA-URCHINS. 263 sea-cucumbers and lily-stars (Fig. 38). Without, however, waiting to consider these, I shall go a little more particularly into the modification of Star-fish structure which is presented by the sea-urchin, or Echinus (Fig. 39).. Fig. 37.—A Brittle-star. (I'rom CasscU's " Nat. Hist.") Externally, the animal presents the form of an orange, and is complete Stock Photo
RMRJ1FG6–. Jelly-fish, star-fish and sea-urchins [microform] : being a research on primitive nervous systems. Nervous system; Jellyfishes; Starfishes; Sea urchins; Nerveux, Système; Méduses; Astérides; Echinides. STAR-FISH AND SEA-URCHINS. 263 sea-cucumbers and lily-stars (Fig. 38). Without, however, waiting to consider these, I shall go a little more particularly into the modification of Star-fish structure which is presented by the sea-urchin, or Echinus (Fig. 39).. Fig. 37.—A Brittle-star. (I'rom CasscU's " Nat. Hist.") Externally, the animal presents the form of an orange, and is complete
. The Biological bulletin. Biology; Zoology; Biology; Marine Biology. NEURAL DEVELOPMENT IN ECHINOIDS 271. Figure 1. Diagrams of pluteus larvae. (A) Previously demonstrated sites of innervation (solid fill) in a sea urchin larva (Nakajima. 1986; Bisgrove and Burke, 1987; Thorndyke et ai. 1992). (B) The extent of the nervous system, as revealed in this study. (C) The main areas of S 1-Li IR (gray) in the early 4-armed. early 6-armed. and 8-armed pluteus. (D) The mam areas of S2-Li IR (gray) in the 6-armed pluteus. (E) The main areas of 5HT-L1 IR (gray) in the early 4-armed. early 6-armed. and 8 Stock Photo
RMRHKKYY–. The Biological bulletin. Biology; Zoology; Biology; Marine Biology. NEURAL DEVELOPMENT IN ECHINOIDS 271. Figure 1. Diagrams of pluteus larvae. (A) Previously demonstrated sites of innervation (solid fill) in a sea urchin larva (Nakajima. 1986; Bisgrove and Burke, 1987; Thorndyke et ai. 1992). (B) The extent of the nervous system, as revealed in this study. (C) The main areas of S 1-Li IR (gray) in the early 4-armed. early 6-armed. and 8-armed pluteus. (D) The mam areas of S2-Li IR (gray) in the 6-armed pluteus. (E) The main areas of 5HT-L1 IR (gray) in the early 4-armed. early 6-armed. and 8
. Text book of zoology. Zoology. Fig. 78 and 79. Diagram- matic longitudinal section of a Star-fisli and of a Sea- urchin, pass'ng through a radins on the right, an inter- radius on the left, a anus, i gut, fc body-wall, I cEecum of the gut, m mouth, ma madreporite, n radial nerve, o in Fig. 78 eye, in Fig. 79 sensory spot, p ampulla, r- radial canal, s stone canal, sk skeletal plate. The Polian vesicles, eio. are left out.— Orig. The nervous system in all Echinoderms consists of a nerve- ring round the mouth, from which nerve cords pass off to the radii. In Starfish and Crinoids both the ring Stock Photo
RMRE3NPW–. Text book of zoology. Zoology. Fig. 78 and 79. Diagram- matic longitudinal section of a Star-fisli and of a Sea- urchin, pass'ng through a radins on the right, an inter- radius on the left, a anus, i gut, fc body-wall, I cEecum of the gut, m mouth, ma madreporite, n radial nerve, o in Fig. 78 eye, in Fig. 79 sensory spot, p ampulla, r- radial canal, s stone canal, sk skeletal plate. The Polian vesicles, eio. are left out.— Orig. The nervous system in all Echinoderms consists of a nerve- ring round the mouth, from which nerve cords pass off to the radii. In Starfish and Crinoids both the ring
. Elementary zoology. Zoology. BRANCH ECHINODERMATA: STARFISHES, ETC. 115 tain small pigment-cells and communicate with the nervous system. From a general inspection of the sea-urchin's shell the Echinoderm characteristics, namely, radial symmetry and the presence of the water-vascular system, are readily seen. While at first glance there is apparent little similarity between the starfish and sea-urchin, neverthe- less careful examination shows that the two animals -are. Fig. 21.—"Test" of sea-urchin, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, with spines removed. (From specimen.) alike in the Stock Photo
RMRCX2N4–. Elementary zoology. Zoology. BRANCH ECHINODERMATA: STARFISHES, ETC. 115 tain small pigment-cells and communicate with the nervous system. From a general inspection of the sea-urchin's shell the Echinoderm characteristics, namely, radial symmetry and the presence of the water-vascular system, are readily seen. While at first glance there is apparent little similarity between the starfish and sea-urchin, neverthe- less careful examination shows that the two animals -are. Fig. 21.—"Test" of sea-urchin, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, with spines removed. (From specimen.) alike in the
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