. Catalogue of the silver plate (Greek, Etruscan and Roman) in the British Museum. TRULLA: MARS AND REA SILVIA. Plate X.. ^/ /^ ■*f-^; 1 y* ■t^i—HfMWuty r Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/catalogue-of-the-silver-plate-greek-etruscan-and-roman-in-the-british-museum-trulla-mars-and-rea-silvia-plate-x-f-1-y-tihfmwuty-r-image370433810.html
RM2CEJM2X–. Catalogue of the silver plate (Greek, Etruscan and Roman) in the British Museum. TRULLA: MARS AND REA SILVIA. Plate X.. ^/ /^ ■*f-^; 1 y* ■t^i—HfMWuty r
. Catalogue of the silver plate (Greek, Etruscan and Roman) in the British Museum. UJ en<o O C£ Q z< < LUH< a Qm COCO o m UJ Plate IX.. TRULLA: MARS AND REA SILVIA. Plate X. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/catalogue-of-the-silver-plate-greek-etruscan-and-roman-in-the-british-museum-uj-enlto-o-c-q-zlt-lt-luhlt-a-qm-coco-o-m-uj-plate-ix-trulla-mars-and-rea-silvia-plate-x-image370433972.html
RM2CEJM8M–. Catalogue of the silver plate (Greek, Etruscan and Roman) in the British Museum. UJ en<o O C£ Q z< < LUH< a Qm COCO o m UJ Plate IX.. TRULLA: MARS AND REA SILVIA. Plate X.
. Catalogue of the silver plate (Greek, Etruscan and Roman) in the British Museum. Archacol. Joiirn. . yi. 36 andReport of O.xford Meeting, 1850, p. 121.. I 1^. 4;ii = No. 183, 183. Trulla. Iorm as No. 135 ; hemispherical bowl on low foot, with mouldedrim ; handle of usual type, but very elaborately moulded. The top of the handle SILVER TREASURES. 47 is in the form of a doubleloop with a flower andvolute projecting each side,and at the base it terminatesalong the rim in swansheads ; along the edge ofthe base are two pairsof flowers with volutesattached. At each end ofthe handle are designs Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/catalogue-of-the-silver-plate-greek-etruscan-and-roman-in-the-british-museum-archacol-joiirn-yi-36-andreport-of-oxford-meeting-1850-p-121-i-1-4ii-=-no-183-183-trulla-iorm-as-no-135-hemispherical-bowl-on-low-foot-with-mouldedrim-handle-of-usual-type-but-very-elaborately-moulded-the-top-of-the-handle-silver-treasures-47-is-in-the-form-of-a-doubleloop-with-a-flower-andvolute-projecting-each-sideand-at-the-base-it-terminatesalong-the-rim-in-swansheads-along-the-edge-ofthe-base-are-two-pairsof-flowers-with-volutesattached-at-each-end-ofthe-handle-are-designs-image370440102.html
RM2CEK03J–. Catalogue of the silver plate (Greek, Etruscan and Roman) in the British Museum. Archacol. Joiirn. . yi. 36 andReport of O.xford Meeting, 1850, p. 121.. I 1^. 4;ii = No. 183, 183. Trulla. Iorm as No. 135 ; hemispherical bowl on low foot, with mouldedrim ; handle of usual type, but very elaborately moulded. The top of the handle SILVER TREASURES. 47 is in the form of a doubleloop with a flower andvolute projecting each side,and at the base it terminatesalong the rim in swansheads ; along the edge ofthe base are two pairsof flowers with volutesattached. At each end ofthe handle are designs
. Catalogue of the silver plate (Greek, Etruscan and Roman) in the British Museum. rident, 77, 93, 135. Trulla, 73, 135, 136, 183, 188-194. Trygon, 5. Tutelary, deity of city, 33. Tyche ?, 33. Urceus, 147. Utia, 126.Utius, 128. Vassinus, 237. Venus, 33 ; and see Aphrodite.Victory, 226 ; and see Nike.Votive tablets, 224-241.VuLCANUs, 235, 236, 237 ?Vulture, i. Water-Nymph, i8( WiNNOWING-FAN ?, Winter, 74. 74- Zeus, 27, 35, 36 ; head of, 62 ; XvKawi, f,and see Jupiter. JO . III.—INDEX OF INSCRIPTIONS. Anu, 154. Aureliani S. II., 169. Cavariani, 152, 153, 165, 166.CURMISSI, 195. D(eo) MARTI ALATO Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/catalogue-of-the-silver-plate-greek-etruscan-and-roman-in-the-british-museum-rident-77-93-135-trulla-73-135-136-183-188-194-trygon-5-tutelary-deity-of-city-33-tyche-33-urceus-147-utia-126utius-128-vassinus-237-venus-33-and-see-aphroditevictory-226-and-see-nikevotive-tablets-224-241vulcanus-235-236-237-vulture-i-water-nymph-i8-winnowing-fan-winter-74-74-zeus-27-35-36-head-of-62-xvkawi-fand-see-jupiter-jo-iiiindex-of-inscriptions-anu-154-aureliani-s-ii-169-cavariani-152-153-165-166curmissi-195-deo-marti-alato-image370436322.html
RM2CEJR8J–. Catalogue of the silver plate (Greek, Etruscan and Roman) in the British Museum. rident, 77, 93, 135. Trulla, 73, 135, 136, 183, 188-194. Trygon, 5. Tutelary, deity of city, 33. Tyche ?, 33. Urceus, 147. Utia, 126.Utius, 128. Vassinus, 237. Venus, 33 ; and see Aphrodite.Victory, 226 ; and see Nike.Votive tablets, 224-241.VuLCANUs, 235, 236, 237 ?Vulture, i. Water-Nymph, i8( WiNNOWING-FAN ?, Winter, 74. 74- Zeus, 27, 35, 36 ; head of, 62 ; XvKawi, f,and see Jupiter. JO . III.—INDEX OF INSCRIPTIONS. Anu, 154. Aureliani S. II., 169. Cavariani, 152, 153, 165, 166.CURMISSI, 195. D(eo) MARTI ALATO
. Catalogue of the silver plate (Greek, Etruscan and Roman) in the British Museum. , No. 360, pi. 3, fig. 3 ; Gaz. Arch. 1884, p. 269 ; Furt-waengler, Ant. Gemmen, iii. p. 302 ; C. /. L. vii. 1285. Surface of bowl somewhat worn ;sides injured in two places. On the Matres see generally Roscher, Lexikon, s.v.; Haverfieldin Arch. Aeliana, N.S. xv. p. 314 and in Joiirn. Rom. Stud. ii. (1912), p. 140 ; VictoriaCounty Hist, of London, i. p. 104. One of the rings found with the trulla is also dedicatedto the Matres [B.M. Cat. of Finger-Rmgs, No. 636). 184. Mirror. Circular; handle attached by means o Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/catalogue-of-the-silver-plate-greek-etruscan-and-roman-in-the-british-museum-no-360-pi-3-fig-3-gaz-arch-1884-p-269-furt-waengler-ant-gemmen-iii-p-302-c-l-vii-1285-surface-of-bowl-somewhat-worn-sides-injured-in-two-places-on-the-matres-see-generally-roscher-lexikon-sv-haverfieldin-arch-aeliana-ns-xv-p-314-and-in-joiirn-rom-stud-ii-1912-p-140-victoriacounty-hist-of-london-i-p-104-one-of-the-rings-found-with-the-trulla-is-also-dedicatedto-the-matres-bm-cat-of-finger-rmgs-no-636-184-mirror-circular-handle-attached-by-means-o-image370439788.html
RM2CEJYMC–. Catalogue of the silver plate (Greek, Etruscan and Roman) in the British Museum. , No. 360, pi. 3, fig. 3 ; Gaz. Arch. 1884, p. 269 ; Furt-waengler, Ant. Gemmen, iii. p. 302 ; C. /. L. vii. 1285. Surface of bowl somewhat worn ;sides injured in two places. On the Matres see generally Roscher, Lexikon, s.v.; Haverfieldin Arch. Aeliana, N.S. xv. p. 314 and in Joiirn. Rom. Stud. ii. (1912), p. 140 ; VictoriaCounty Hist, of London, i. p. 104. One of the rings found with the trulla is also dedicatedto the Matres [B.M. Cat. of Finger-Rmgs, No. 636). 184. Mirror. Circular; handle attached by means o