Walter Raleigh establishes the colony of Virginia of which he is made governor by Queen Elizabeth I. Date: 1584 Stock Photo
RMG3BFXH–Walter Raleigh establishes the colony of Virginia of which he is made governor by Queen Elizabeth I. Date: 1584
'The Ark Royal', 1588. Artist: Unknown. Stock Photo
RMHT2F78–'The Ark Royal', 1588. Artist: Unknown.
Sir Walter Raleigh (22nd January 1552 - 29th October 1618) at the burning of San Josef. Stock Photo
RMG2N095–Sir Walter Raleigh (22nd January 1552 - 29th October 1618) at the burning of San Josef.
Sir Walter Raleigh (1554-1618) , English Writer, Poet, Soldier, Politician and Explorer with his Crew in the New World on His Second Expedition in 1617 to Venezuela in Search of El Dorado (Engraving, 1888) Stock Photo
RMM4XGP3–Sir Walter Raleigh (1554-1618) , English Writer, Poet, Soldier, Politician and Explorer with his Crew in the New World on His Second Expedition in 1617 to Venezuela in Search of El Dorado (Engraving, 1888)
Engraving depicting Sir Walter Raleigh's Conquest of the City of St Joseph in the Isle of Trinidad. Walter Raleigh, an English landed gentleman, writer, poet, soldier, politician, courtier, spy and explorer. Dated 16th Century Stock Photo
RMH3YPHX–Engraving depicting Sir Walter Raleigh's Conquest of the City of St Joseph in the Isle of Trinidad. Walter Raleigh, an English landed gentleman, writer, poet, soldier, politician, courtier, spy and explorer. Dated 16th Century
A Portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh (1554-1618) was an English landed gentleman, writer, poet, soldier, politician, courtier, spy and explorer. He became a favourite of Queen Elizabeth I and in 1585, was knighted and appointed warden of the stannaries - the tin mines of Cornwall and Devon, Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall, and vice-admiral of the two counties. He sat in parliament as member for Devonshire in 1585 and 1586. In the Armada year of 1588, Raleigh had some involvement with defence against the Spanish at Devon when his ship, the Ark Raleigh, became Lord High Admiral Howard's flagship. Stock Photo
RMPCTMTY–A Portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh (1554-1618) was an English landed gentleman, writer, poet, soldier, politician, courtier, spy and explorer. He became a favourite of Queen Elizabeth I and in 1585, was knighted and appointed warden of the stannaries - the tin mines of Cornwall and Devon, Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall, and vice-admiral of the two counties. He sat in parliament as member for Devonshire in 1585 and 1586. In the Armada year of 1588, Raleigh had some involvement with defence against the Spanish at Devon when his ship, the Ark Raleigh, became Lord High Admiral Howard's flagship.
'Sir Walter Raleigh', (1933). Creator: Unknown. Stock Photo
RMR8BKFN–'Sir Walter Raleigh', (1933). Creator: Unknown.
Sir Walter Raleigh and his expedition at Trinidad off South America 1595. Hand-colored woodcut Stock Photo
RMA9PR2K–Sir Walter Raleigh and his expedition at Trinidad off South America 1595. Hand-colored woodcut
Sir Walter Raleigh's (1554-1618) armies and the conquest of St Joseph on Trinidad.. . . . Stock Photo
RMWH8EWE–Sir Walter Raleigh's (1554-1618) armies and the conquest of St Joseph on Trinidad.. . . .
Sir Walter Raleigh's conquest of Trinidad Stock Photo
RMC2DREF–Sir Walter Raleigh's conquest of Trinidad
Statue of Sir Walter Raleigh at Greenwich national Maritime Museum, with Cutty Sark ship in background, London, UK Stock Photo
RMD7CG15–Statue of Sir Walter Raleigh at Greenwich national Maritime Museum, with Cutty Sark ship in background, London, UK
Famous Voyages - Sir Walter Raleigh and The Quest for 'El Dorado' expedition 1595 Stock Photo
RMM5D0X2–Famous Voyages - Sir Walter Raleigh and The Quest for 'El Dorado' expedition 1595
'Sir Walter Raleigh Landing in Virginia', c1900. Native Americans depicted prostrating themselves to European invaders. '"It is", says Professor Laughton, "to Raleigh [that] belongs the credit of having, first of Englishmen, pointed out the way to the formation of a greater England beyond the seas, but he had no personal share in the expeditions, and he was never in his whole life near the coast of Virginia". From "Heroes of History", by Alfred H. Miles, illustrated by Howard Davie [Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd, London] Stock Photo
RM2YX4AG0–'Sir Walter Raleigh Landing in Virginia', c1900. Native Americans depicted prostrating themselves to European invaders. '"It is", says Professor Laughton, "to Raleigh [that] belongs the credit of having, first of Englishmen, pointed out the way to the formation of a greater England beyond the seas, but he had no personal share in the expeditions, and he was never in his whole life near the coast of Virginia". From "Heroes of History", by Alfred H. Miles, illustrated by Howard Davie [Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd, London]
The coming of the peoples . ^?^. m-s THE DEFEAT OF THE SPANISH ARMADA The gathering of the Armada in the spring of 1588 interfered with the plans of theVirginia colonies. Every ship and every man was needed in England for the defenceof the country. England was fighting for her life and she knew it. One of the reliefexpeditions fitted out by Sir Walter Raleigh under the command of Grenville wasstopped by the Lord High Admiral and the ships seized for the navy. Stock Photo
RM2AX8X9N–The coming of the peoples . ^?^. m-s THE DEFEAT OF THE SPANISH ARMADA The gathering of the Armada in the spring of 1588 interfered with the plans of theVirginia colonies. Every ship and every man was needed in England for the defenceof the country. England was fighting for her life and she knew it. One of the reliefexpeditions fitted out by Sir Walter Raleigh under the command of Grenville wasstopped by the Lord High Admiral and the ships seized for the navy.
Quayside image with moored boats. Stock Photo
RMB5K3HW–Quayside image with moored boats.
Sir Walter Raleigh (1554-1618) imprisoned in the Tower of London. He had become a favourite of Queen Elizabeth I until 1591, when he secretly married to Elizabeth 'Bess' Throckmorton, one of the Queen's ladies-in-waiting. When the unauthorised marriage was discovered the Queen ordered Raleigh to be imprisoned and Bess dismissed from court. Both were imprisoned in the Tower of London in June 1592. He was released from prison in August 1592 to manage a recently returned expedition and attack on the Spanish coast after which he was sent back to the Tower, but by early 1593 was released. Stock Photo
RMPCTMW3–Sir Walter Raleigh (1554-1618) imprisoned in the Tower of London. He had become a favourite of Queen Elizabeth I until 1591, when he secretly married to Elizabeth 'Bess' Throckmorton, one of the Queen's ladies-in-waiting. When the unauthorised marriage was discovered the Queen ordered Raleigh to be imprisoned and Bess dismissed from court. Both were imprisoned in the Tower of London in June 1592. He was released from prison in August 1592 to manage a recently returned expedition and attack on the Spanish coast after which he was sent back to the Tower, but by early 1593 was released.
'Portrait of Sir John Pennington, showing English armour and Vandyke collar. Reign of Charles I.', c1610-1630, (1937). John Penington (1584-1646), English admiral and vice-admiral under Sir Walter Raleigh. From "History of American Costume - Book One 1607-1800", by Elisabeth McClellan. [Tudor Publishing Company, New York, 1937] Stock Photo
RMW6P7H0–'Portrait of Sir John Pennington, showing English armour and Vandyke collar. Reign of Charles I.', c1610-1630, (1937). John Penington (1584-1646), English admiral and vice-admiral under Sir Walter Raleigh. From "History of American Costume - Book One 1607-1800", by Elisabeth McClellan. [Tudor Publishing Company, New York, 1937]
Home school of American history; embracing the growth and achievements of our country from the earliest days of discovery and settlement to the present eventful year .. . went backto port. The men were a sorrylot, and at Newfoundland he sentanother ship home with the sickand the mutineers. Of the threevessels remaining, the largest waswrecked and all but fifteen drowned.Sir Humphrey was on the smallestboat on his way home, when one dai-k night it foundered, carrying down allon board. The famous Sir Walter Raleigh, a half-brother of Gilbert, and a greatfavorite at the court of Queen Elizabeth, Stock Photo
RM2AWTN2C–Home school of American history; embracing the growth and achievements of our country from the earliest days of discovery and settlement to the present eventful year .. . went backto port. The men were a sorrylot, and at Newfoundland he sentanother ship home with the sickand the mutineers. Of the threevessels remaining, the largest waswrecked and all but fifteen drowned.Sir Humphrey was on the smallestboat on his way home, when one dai-k night it foundered, carrying down allon board. The famous Sir Walter Raleigh, a half-brother of Gilbert, and a greatfavorite at the court of Queen Elizabeth,
'The Ark Royal', 1588. Artist: Unknown. Stock Photo
RMW7F238–'The Ark Royal', 1588. Artist: Unknown.
The coming of the peoples . ^?^. m-s THE DEFEAT OF THE SPANISH ARMADA The gathering of the Armada in the spring of 1588 interfered with the plans of theVirginia colonies. Every ship and every man was needed in England for the defenceof the country. England was fighting for her life and she knew it. One of the reliefexpeditions fitted out by Sir Walter Raleigh under the command of Grenville wasstopped by the Lord High Admiral and the ships seized for the navy.. POCAHONTAS CLAIMING THE LIFE OF THE CONDEMNED MANAT THE EXECUTION STONE It was an iron-bound rule, under the old Indian laws, that a pr Stock Photo
RM2AX8WGW–The coming of the peoples . ^?^. m-s THE DEFEAT OF THE SPANISH ARMADA The gathering of the Armada in the spring of 1588 interfered with the plans of theVirginia colonies. Every ship and every man was needed in England for the defenceof the country. England was fighting for her life and she knew it. One of the reliefexpeditions fitted out by Sir Walter Raleigh under the command of Grenville wasstopped by the Lord High Admiral and the ships seized for the navy.. POCAHONTAS CLAIMING THE LIFE OF THE CONDEMNED MANAT THE EXECUTION STONE It was an iron-bound rule, under the old Indian laws, that a pr
The book of British ballads . surface of the water than before. FromOrteliuss map of Scotland (1595), we copy the annexed representation, which givesas fair a sample of these ships, as can be obtained. TheM large lower sails, the long streamers that reach nearly to /k the deck, and the high narrow hull, are conspicuous fea- ?MMt K tures. They were exceedingly liable to accidents. Sir w^b^F* Walter Raleigh informs us that the Mary Rose, a4f] II —ijjL goodly ship of the largest size, by a little sway of the ship in casting about, her ports being within sixteen inches ofthe water, was overset a Stock Photo
RM2AKHP47–The book of British ballads . surface of the water than before. FromOrteliuss map of Scotland (1595), we copy the annexed representation, which givesas fair a sample of these ships, as can be obtained. TheM large lower sails, the long streamers that reach nearly to /k the deck, and the high narrow hull, are conspicuous fea- ?MMt K tures. They were exceedingly liable to accidents. Sir w^b^F* Walter Raleigh informs us that the Mary Rose, a4f] II —ijjL goodly ship of the largest size, by a little sway of the ship in casting about, her ports being within sixteen inches ofthe water, was overset a
. Bill Nye's history of the United States. nneapolis. OTHER DISCOVERIES—WET AND DRY. 31 The ground has not been disturbed since dis-covered by Father Marquette. The English also discovered America from timeto time, the Cabots finding Labrador while en-deavoring to go to Asia via the North, and Fro-bisher discovered Baffin Bay in 1576 while on alike mission. The Spanish discovered the watermostly, and England the ice belonging to NorthAmerica. Sir Francis Drake also discovered the PacificOcean, and afterward sailed an English ship onits waters, discovering Oregon. Sir Walter Raleigh, with the e Stock Photo
RM2CEG5R5–. Bill Nye's history of the United States. nneapolis. OTHER DISCOVERIES—WET AND DRY. 31 The ground has not been disturbed since dis-covered by Father Marquette. The English also discovered America from timeto time, the Cabots finding Labrador while en-deavoring to go to Asia via the North, and Fro-bisher discovered Baffin Bay in 1576 while on alike mission. The Spanish discovered the watermostly, and England the ice belonging to NorthAmerica. Sir Francis Drake also discovered the PacificOcean, and afterward sailed an English ship onits waters, discovering Oregon. Sir Walter Raleigh, with the e
. Alden's Oxford guide : with key-plan of the University and city, and numerous engravings . nted by Bishop Carpenter in the 15th century. Oriel is peculiarly rich in biographical reminiscences. We find on its books.such names as Barclay, author ot The Ship of Fools; Sir Walter Raleigh,Prynne, and Bishop Butler : and in later times many of its members took aconspicuous part in the Tractarian movement. John Keble (see 10) at theearly age of eighteen became a Fellow of the college, and took his place at tliehigh table and senior common-room, among that remarkable body of menwhich even then gave Stock Photo
RM2CDKCAN–. Alden's Oxford guide : with key-plan of the University and city, and numerous engravings . nted by Bishop Carpenter in the 15th century. Oriel is peculiarly rich in biographical reminiscences. We find on its books.such names as Barclay, author ot The Ship of Fools; Sir Walter Raleigh,Prynne, and Bishop Butler : and in later times many of its members took aconspicuous part in the Tractarian movement. John Keble (see 10) at theearly age of eighteen became a Fellow of the college, and took his place at tliehigh table and senior common-room, among that remarkable body of menwhich even then gave
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