Socialite tamara beckwith looks piece by artist stella vine Stock Photos and Images
Socialite Tamara Beckwith looks at a piece by artist Stella Vine, of student Rachel Whitear entitled 'Rachel' during the 1st Anniversary party and launch of new exhibition 'New Blood' at the Saatchi Gallery, County Hall on Southbank in central London. The exhibition features new artists from the UK and international art world, most of it previously unseen. Stock Photo
RMG6WPFY–Socialite Tamara Beckwith looks at a piece by artist Stella Vine, of student Rachel Whitear entitled 'Rachel' during the 1st Anniversary party and launch of new exhibition 'New Blood' at the Saatchi Gallery, County Hall on Southbank in central London. The exhibition features new artists from the UK and international art world, most of it previously unseen.
Socialite Tamara Beckwith looks at a piece by artist Stella Vine, of student Rachel Whitear entitled 'Rachel' during the 1st Anniversary party and launch of new exhibition 'New Blood' at the Saatchi Gallery, County Hall on Southbank in central London. The exhibition features new artists from the UK and international art world, most of it previously unseen. Stock Photo
RMG6W12G–Socialite Tamara Beckwith looks at a piece by artist Stella Vine, of student Rachel Whitear entitled 'Rachel' during the 1st Anniversary party and launch of new exhibition 'New Blood' at the Saatchi Gallery, County Hall on Southbank in central London. The exhibition features new artists from the UK and international art world, most of it previously unseen.
Socialite Tamara Beckwith looks at a piece by artist Stella Vine, of Princess Diana entitled 'Hi Paul I'm Scared...' during the 1st Anniversary party and launch of new exhibition 'New Blood' at the Saatchi Gallery, County Hall on Southbank in central London. The exhibition features new artists from the UK and international art world, most of it previously unseen. Stock Photo
RMG6WPFN–Socialite Tamara Beckwith looks at a piece by artist Stella Vine, of Princess Diana entitled 'Hi Paul I'm Scared...' during the 1st Anniversary party and launch of new exhibition 'New Blood' at the Saatchi Gallery, County Hall on Southbank in central London. The exhibition features new artists from the UK and international art world, most of it previously unseen.