fragment corner fitting with two staples, fragment corner fitting with two staples, copper alloy, 2.9 x 1.0 cm, x, Netherlands, Utrecht, Wijk bij Duurstede, Wijk bij Duurstede, Dorestad Stock Photo
RM2B0DA45–fragment corner fitting with two staples, fragment corner fitting with two staples, copper alloy, 2.9 x 1.0 cm, x, Netherlands, Utrecht, Wijk bij Duurstede, Wijk bij Duurstede, Dorestad
Staples Corner, Cook County, US, United States, Illinois, N 42 8' 21'', S 88 1' 18'', map, Cartascapes Map published in 2024. Explore Cartascapes, a map revealing Earth's diverse landscapes, cultures, and ecosystems. Journey through time and space, discovering the interconnectedness of our planet's past, present, and future. Stock Photo
RM2Y21A4F–Staples Corner, Cook County, US, United States, Illinois, N 42 8' 21'', S 88 1' 18'', map, Cartascapes Map published in 2024. Explore Cartascapes, a map revealing Earth's diverse landscapes, cultures, and ecosystems. Journey through time and space, discovering the interconnectedness of our planet's past, present, and future.
A stapler Stock Photo
RMAM73W5–A stapler
. Hogology. Orii J. MillerDelhi, low4. A Portable Lot. irrvrr. npDvCNfoa. va- The material required to make thisportable fence or lot is sixteen piecesof plank 8 feet long; 6x1 inch for thesides; eight pieces of plank 3 feet long,6x1 inch for the corner strips, fourpairs of hinges, four sets of hooks,staples and nails for the two divisionsor whole lot. Ninety-six PART II Stock Photo
RM2CEHWR9–. Hogology. Orii J. MillerDelhi, low4. A Portable Lot. irrvrr. npDvCNfoa. va- The material required to make thisportable fence or lot is sixteen piecesof plank 8 feet long; 6x1 inch for thesides; eight pieces of plank 3 feet long,6x1 inch for the corner strips, fourpairs of hinges, four sets of hooks,staples and nails for the two divisionsor whole lot. Ninety-six PART II
Black Stapler Stock Photo
RFA2RPGY–Black Stapler
Staples Corner, Plymouth County, US, United States, Massachusetts, N 41 51' 40'', S 70 56' 18'', map, Cartascapes Map published in 2024. Explore Cartascapes, a map revealing Earth's diverse landscapes, cultures, and ecosystems. Journey through time and space, discovering the interconnectedness of our planet's past, present, and future. Stock Photo
RM2Y1RY7B–Staples Corner, Plymouth County, US, United States, Massachusetts, N 41 51' 40'', S 70 56' 18'', map, Cartascapes Map published in 2024. Explore Cartascapes, a map revealing Earth's diverse landscapes, cultures, and ecosystems. Journey through time and space, discovering the interconnectedness of our planet's past, present, and future.
A black stapler Stock Photo
RMAT1YE1–A black stapler
. Hogology. irrvrr. npDvCNfoa. va- The material required to make thisportable fence or lot is sixteen piecesof plank 8 feet long; 6x1 inch for thesides; eight pieces of plank 3 feet long,6x1 inch for the corner strips, fourpairs of hinges, four sets of hooks,staples and nails for the two divisionsor whole lot. Ninety-six PART II. 10X12FEED ROOM -A 8X12 PEN 8Xr2 PEN 8X12PEN 8X12PEN IZLriAZj II FEED II TROUGHS 11 PLATFORM IN FRONT a-^FTWlDE-. AAA—doors; CCC—offset 8 Inches wide around pens to prevent pigs from beingmashed. This house is used by Earl H. Tiffany, Middleburg, Virginia. Farrowing Ho Stock Photo
RM2CEHWN8–. Hogology. irrvrr. npDvCNfoa. va- The material required to make thisportable fence or lot is sixteen piecesof plank 8 feet long; 6x1 inch for thesides; eight pieces of plank 3 feet long,6x1 inch for the corner strips, fourpairs of hinges, four sets of hooks,staples and nails for the two divisionsor whole lot. Ninety-six PART II. 10X12FEED ROOM -A 8X12 PEN 8Xr2 PEN 8X12PEN 8X12PEN IZLriAZj II FEED II TROUGHS 11 PLATFORM IN FRONT a-^FTWlDE-. AAA—doors; CCC—offset 8 Inches wide around pens to prevent pigs from beingmashed. This house is used by Earl H. Tiffany, Middleburg, Virginia. Farrowing Ho
. Hogology. g CT.WCDDfNEWCARLUltlOHIO L Thirty-tzvo PART II A Slop Cart The attached drawing indicates theparts to use in the construction of avery handy and efficient slop cart. Iwill endeavor to explain how it isset up. Nos. 1 are the wheels; No. 3slips over the hanger No. 2 thruthe square hole in the hangers. Thenbrace iron No. 5 bolts to hanger No. two staples, straddling the iron ateach corner. Lugs No. 4 bolt onside of barrel No. 9 in the center andthe single tree No. 7 bolts on crosspice No. la, and the Nos. 4 will swingin the grooves No. 3. The long pointof No. 3 is on the rear. The bo Stock Photo
RM2CEJAP2–. Hogology. g CT.WCDDfNEWCARLUltlOHIO L Thirty-tzvo PART II A Slop Cart The attached drawing indicates theparts to use in the construction of avery handy and efficient slop cart. Iwill endeavor to explain how it isset up. Nos. 1 are the wheels; No. 3slips over the hanger No. 2 thruthe square hole in the hangers. Thenbrace iron No. 5 bolts to hanger No. two staples, straddling the iron ateach corner. Lugs No. 4 bolt onside of barrel No. 9 in the center andthe single tree No. 7 bolts on crosspice No. la, and the Nos. 4 will swingin the grooves No. 3. The long pointof No. 3 is on the rear. The bo
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