Textured Lungwort, Lobaria scrobiculata, a Foliose, Epiphytic Lichen in the Peltigeraceae Family Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/textured-lungwort-lobaria-scrobiculata-a-foliose-epiphytic-lichen-in-the-peltigeraceae-family-image466664835.html
RM2J36BN7–Textured Lungwort, Lobaria scrobiculata, a Foliose, Epiphytic Lichen in the Peltigeraceae Family
Skrifter - Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab . artflækket utseende. Av andre karakteristiske laver kan nævnes:Alectoria jubata Nephroma lævigatum Cetraria glauca Parmelia conspersa — chlorophylla Psoroma hypnorum Cladonia gracilis f. chordalis Rhizocarpon geographicum — rangiformis Sphaerophorus coralloides Hæmatomma ventosum Sticta scrobiculata Ochrolechia ericetorum Usnea barbata samt flere skorpelaver. 68 ROLF NORDHAGEN [7 Av moserne var Racomitrium lanuginosum uhyre almiii-delig og vokste ofte i svære kaker. Disse var hyppig dræpt avOchrolechia, som dannet flate sanimenhængende hvi Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/skrifter-det-kongelige-norske-videnskabers-selskab-artflkket-utseende-av-andre-karakteristiske-laver-kan-nvnesalectoria-jubata-nephroma-lvigatum-cetraria-glauca-parmelia-conspersa-chlorophylla-psoroma-hypnorum-cladonia-gracilis-f-chordalis-rhizocarpon-geographicum-rangiformis-sphaerophorus-coralloides-hmatomma-ventosum-sticta-scrobiculata-ochrolechia-ericetorum-usnea-barbata-samt-flere-skorpelaver-68-rolf-nordhagen-7-av-moserne-var-racomitrium-lanuginosum-uhyre-almiii-delig-og-vokste-ofte-i-svre-kaker-disse-var-hyppig-drpt-avochrolechia-som-dannet-flate-sanimenhngende-hvi-image339267460.html
RM2AKXY30–Skrifter - Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab . artflækket utseende. Av andre karakteristiske laver kan nævnes:Alectoria jubata Nephroma lævigatum Cetraria glauca Parmelia conspersa — chlorophylla Psoroma hypnorum Cladonia gracilis f. chordalis Rhizocarpon geographicum — rangiformis Sphaerophorus coralloides Hæmatomma ventosum Sticta scrobiculata Ochrolechia ericetorum Usnea barbata samt flere skorpelaver. 68 ROLF NORDHAGEN [7 Av moserne var Racomitrium lanuginosum uhyre almiii-delig og vokste ofte i svære kaker. Disse var hyppig dræpt avOchrolechia, som dannet flate sanimenhængende hvi
. The Bryologist. Mosses; Liverworts; Lichens; Botany; Bryology. -58- Sticta scrobiculata (Scop.) Ach. Fig. 7. The thallus is large, almost round, is irregularly pitted, in color is a light green and at the margin is usually- darker, with a reddish tinge. The rounded, wavy lobes are frequently covered with light gray soredia. The under surface is a light brown with a close nap through which appear pale spots, smaller and rounder than those in 5, amplissima Fig. 7. Sticta scrobiculata. Red, V,. P^^^onaria, Apo- thecia are very rare, they are small and scattered, the disk is a dark brown with an Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-bryologist-mosses-liverworts-lichens-botany-bryology-58-sticta-scrobiculata-scop-ach-fig-7-the-thallus-is-large-almost-round-is-irregularly-pitted-in-color-is-a-light-green-and-at-the-margin-is-usually-darker-with-a-reddish-tinge-the-rounded-wavy-lobes-are-frequently-covered-with-light-gray-soredia-the-under-surface-is-a-light-brown-with-a-close-nap-through-which-appear-pale-spots-smaller-and-rounder-than-those-in-5-amplissima-fig-7-sticta-scrobiculata-red-v-ponaria-apo-thecia-are-very-rare-they-are-small-and-scattered-the-disk-is-a-dark-brown-with-an-image234243592.html
RMRH2M2G–. The Bryologist. Mosses; Liverworts; Lichens; Botany; Bryology. -58- Sticta scrobiculata (Scop.) Ach. Fig. 7. The thallus is large, almost round, is irregularly pitted, in color is a light green and at the margin is usually- darker, with a reddish tinge. The rounded, wavy lobes are frequently covered with light gray soredia. The under surface is a light brown with a close nap through which appear pale spots, smaller and rounder than those in 5, amplissima Fig. 7. Sticta scrobiculata. Red, V,. P^^^onaria, Apo- thecia are very rare, they are small and scattered, the disk is a dark brown with an