Blonde youth woman performing a side bending yoga pose. Stock Photo
RF2JJ1G5M–Blonde youth woman performing a side bending yoga pose.
Businessman in suit standing and shows outstretched hand with open palm. Stock Photo
RFTBT424–Businessman in suit standing and shows outstretched hand with open palm.
Man in business shirt and blue bow tie shows outstretched hand with open palm. Unhappy sad man asks for money. Lack of money concept. Asking for help, financial assistance. Financial meltdown Stock Photo
RFR7FHR2–Man in business shirt and blue bow tie shows outstretched hand with open palm. Unhappy sad man asks for money. Lack of money concept. Asking for help, financial assistance. Financial meltdown
Sleepy businessman stretching in office. Young man stretched out his arms wide on blurred background. Afro american manager starts day in office with Stock Photo
RFK02CY4–Sleepy businessman stretching in office. Young man stretched out his arms wide on blurred background. Afro american manager starts day in office with
Cute gray cat laying stretched out, relaxing on the sofa. Portrait of elegant Russian Blue Cat. Stock Photo
RFJMAF4W–Cute gray cat laying stretched out, relaxing on the sofa. Portrait of elegant Russian Blue Cat.
. The encyclopaedia of sport. erialu.sed, and the primary consideration in sail-making is that the sail-cloth shall be Ai ; it isno more possible to make a good fitting sailfrom inferior stuff, than it is to make a goodfitting pair of trousers out of shoddy. Thereare many small points in sail-making, indivi-dually of apparently but small importance, thatgo to make a good sail, and it is the combina-tion of all these small items that ensures the hand if it is too slack, the cloth will be stretchedout of shape or burst. The constant and undivided attention of in-telligent and talented men for so Stock Photo
RM2AG9T2A–. The encyclopaedia of sport. erialu.sed, and the primary consideration in sail-making is that the sail-cloth shall be Ai ; it isno more possible to make a good fitting sailfrom inferior stuff, than it is to make a goodfitting pair of trousers out of shoddy. Thereare many small points in sail-making, indivi-dually of apparently but small importance, thatgo to make a good sail, and it is the combina-tion of all these small items that ensures the hand if it is too slack, the cloth will be stretchedout of shape or burst. The constant and undivided attention of in-telligent and talented men for so
Man in business suit standing and shows outstretched hand with open palm. Stock Photo
RFKTFJ36–Man in business suit standing and shows outstretched hand with open palm.
Man in shirt and tie shows outstretched hand with open palm, index finger pointing at palm. Upset man asks for money. Lack of money concept. Asking for help, financial assistance. Financial meltdown Stock Photo
RFR7FHR4–Man in shirt and tie shows outstretched hand with open palm, index finger pointing at palm. Upset man asks for money. Lack of money concept. Asking for help, financial assistance. Financial meltdown
Man in business suit standing and shows outstretched hand with open palm. Stock Photo
RFJW5TJB–Man in business suit standing and shows outstretched hand with open palm.
Cute gray cat laying stretched out, relaxing on the sofa. Portrait of elegant Russian Blue Cat. Stock Photo
RFJMAF50–Cute gray cat laying stretched out, relaxing on the sofa. Portrait of elegant Russian Blue Cat.
Where all is sweet .. . and pulled. If you chance to be therewhen the muscular puller is at work,you will see an exhibition of prac-tical athletics quite as entertainingas anything you ever saw in agymnasium. If the Harvard crewhad the pull of Lowneys clitomen, I am quite sure the Yaleboys would sell their boats andgive all their time to theirbooks. Pulling the clitomakes it wonderfully lightand brittle. After it hasbeen brought to the right 4consistency, it is stretchedout into a long ribbon, stamped off in the proper lengths, and broken. You will doubtless find various other preparations coo Stock Photo
RM2ANC0P7–Where all is sweet .. . and pulled. If you chance to be therewhen the muscular puller is at work,you will see an exhibition of prac-tical athletics quite as entertainingas anything you ever saw in agymnasium. If the Harvard crewhad the pull of Lowneys clitomen, I am quite sure the Yaleboys would sell their boats andgive all their time to theirbooks. Pulling the clitomakes it wonderfully lightand brittle. After it hasbeen brought to the right 4consistency, it is stretchedout into a long ribbon, stamped off in the proper lengths, and broken. You will doubtless find various other preparations coo
Cute gray cat laying stretched out on the floor. Portrait of elegant Russian Blue Cat. Stock Photo
RFJHM79Y–Cute gray cat laying stretched out on the floor. Portrait of elegant Russian Blue Cat.
Man shows outstretched hand with open palm. Stock Photo
RFK0CBK2–Man shows outstretched hand with open palm.
Arts and crafts essays . Stitches andcolour in complex patterns. These Mecnanism-methods of applique and patchwork arepeculiarly adapted to ornamental needle-work which is to lie, or hang, stretchedout flatly, and are not suited thereforeto work in which is involved a calculatedbeauty of effect from folds. (g) There are two or three classes ofembroidery in relief which are not welladapted to embroideries on lissomematerials in which folds are to be con-sidered. Quilting is one of these classes.It may be artistically employed forrendering low-relief ornament, by meansof a stout cord or padding Stock Photo
RM2AXJDNW–Arts and crafts essays . Stitches andcolour in complex patterns. These Mecnanism-methods of applique and patchwork arepeculiarly adapted to ornamental needle-work which is to lie, or hang, stretchedout flatly, and are not suited thereforeto work in which is involved a calculatedbeauty of effect from folds. (g) There are two or three classes ofembroidery in relief which are not welladapted to embroideries on lissomematerials in which folds are to be con-sidered. Quilting is one of these classes.It may be artistically employed forrendering low-relief ornament, by meansof a stout cord or padding
Cute gray cat laying stretched out on the floor. Portrait of elegant Russian Blue Cat. Stock Photo
RFJHM7A0–Cute gray cat laying stretched out on the floor. Portrait of elegant Russian Blue Cat.
Man shows outstretched hand with open palm. Stock Photo
RFK2TN1D–Man shows outstretched hand with open palm.
Where all is sweet .. . rbooks. Pulling the clitomakes it wonderfully lightand brittle. After it hasbeen brought to the right 4consistency, it is stretchedout into a long ribbon, stamped off in the proper lengths, and broken. You will doubtless find various other preparations cooking in the severalkettles, some stirred automatically, others by hand. You will usually find twomen at each kettle, for two experienced heads are none too many in the intri-cate art of candy-cooking. You will see one man constantly taking the tem-perature of the boiling mass with Wrapping Caramels. come upon at least Stock Photo
RM2ANC0CB–Where all is sweet .. . rbooks. Pulling the clitomakes it wonderfully lightand brittle. After it hasbeen brought to the right 4consistency, it is stretchedout into a long ribbon, stamped off in the proper lengths, and broken. You will doubtless find various other preparations cooking in the severalkettles, some stirred automatically, others by hand. You will usually find twomen at each kettle, for two experienced heads are none too many in the intri-cate art of candy-cooking. You will see one man constantly taking the tem-perature of the boiling mass with Wrapping Caramels. come upon at least
Man shows outstretched hand with open palm. Stock Photo
RFK0CBTD–Man shows outstretched hand with open palm.
The Cambridge natural history . on its head for some time, as ifinvestigating the nature of the rocks on which it may settle: itis extremely contractile, turning its head from time to time,anil seldom retaining the same outline for any length of time ; thesetae are protruded, and at times stick out in every direction;they are possibly defensive in function. When fully stretchedout the larva is about -^ nnn. long, but it frequently shortens itsVOL. Ill 2 I 482 RECENT BRACHIOPODA chap. body to two-thirds of this length. The larvae are of a pinkishred coloiu, with eye-spots of ruby red. Their col Stock Photo
RM2AWCR85–The Cambridge natural history . on its head for some time, as ifinvestigating the nature of the rocks on which it may settle: itis extremely contractile, turning its head from time to time,anil seldom retaining the same outline for any length of time ; thesetae are protruded, and at times stick out in every direction;they are possibly defensive in function. When fully stretchedout the larva is about -^ nnn. long, but it frequently shortens itsVOL. Ill 2 I 482 RECENT BRACHIOPODA chap. body to two-thirds of this length. The larvae are of a pinkishred coloiu, with eye-spots of ruby red. Their col
Man in business suit standing and shows outstretched hand with open palm. Stock Photo
RFJW7N5J–Man in business suit standing and shows outstretched hand with open palm.
Rear view on man in business suit standing and shows outstretched hand with open palm. Stock Photo
RFW1JANX–Rear view on man in business suit standing and shows outstretched hand with open palm.
. St. Nicholas [serial]. ust as the quarter-backs arms stretchedout to bring Jim to earth, threw himself in frontof the enemy. Over they went together, rollingand kicking, and Jim, with his breath almostgone, staggered and fell across the goal-line. What if Andy LaGrange, called on to kick thegoal in place of Sargent, did miss it by yards and yards ? The game was won! For anotheryear the crimson-and-gray held the champion-ship ! Crofton was still shouting, still waving, stillcavorting, when LaGrange missed that goal, andstill at it when, after two plays, the final whistlesounded. Hope, standin Stock Photo!-for-anotheryear-the-crimson-and-gray-held-the-champion-ship-!-crofton-was-still-shouting-still-waving-stillcavorting-when-lagrange-missed-that-goal-andstill-at-it-when-after-two-plays-the-final-whistlesounded-hope-standin-image336753786.html
RM2AFTCTX–. St. Nicholas [serial]. ust as the quarter-backs arms stretchedout to bring Jim to earth, threw himself in frontof the enemy. Over they went together, rollingand kicking, and Jim, with his breath almostgone, staggered and fell across the goal-line. What if Andy LaGrange, called on to kick thegoal in place of Sargent, did miss it by yards and yards ? The game was won! For anotheryear the crimson-and-gray held the champion-ship ! Crofton was still shouting, still waving, stillcavorting, when LaGrange missed that goal, andstill at it when, after two plays, the final whistlesounded. Hope, standin
The household cyclopædia of practical receipts and daily wants . thread which was passed round the fingersof the left hand. Hold the shuttle steadily, with the thread stretched outtightly, for, if you slacken it, the loop instantly transfers itself to this thread,and becomes a tight instead of a slip-knot. While holding it thus stretchedout, work up the knot with the second finger, till it comes close up to thethumb. French Stitch.—Instead of letting the thread fall forward, throw it back ina loop over the finger of the left hand, and pass the shuttle up between thethread round the fingers and Stock Photo
RM2AWGTC2–The household cyclopædia of practical receipts and daily wants . thread which was passed round the fingersof the left hand. Hold the shuttle steadily, with the thread stretched outtightly, for, if you slacken it, the loop instantly transfers itself to this thread,and becomes a tight instead of a slip-knot. While holding it thus stretchedout, work up the knot with the second finger, till it comes close up to thethumb. French Stitch.—Instead of letting the thread fall forward, throw it back ina loop over the finger of the left hand, and pass the shuttle up between thethread round the fingers and
Rowing . FIG. I. HOLDING OAR (WRONG).. Fig. 2. HOLDING OAR (RIGHT). ROWING. ^ should be bolow the level of the handle, and the wrists droppedand relaxed, the oar being now quiescent, at right angles to thekeel of the boat, and feathered. The diverse positions of thetwo hands and wrists enable the oar to be wielded with greaterfacility than if alike, and permit of l)oth arms being stretchedout perfectly straight—not crooked or bent—when gettingforward. In rowing the stroke, the body should be inclined forwards,with the backbone perfectly straight, the stomach being keptwell out and down between Stock Photo
RM2AJ2P35–Rowing . FIG. I. HOLDING OAR (WRONG).. Fig. 2. HOLDING OAR (RIGHT). ROWING. ^ should be bolow the level of the handle, and the wrists droppedand relaxed, the oar being now quiescent, at right angles to thekeel of the boat, and feathered. The diverse positions of thetwo hands and wrists enable the oar to be wielded with greaterfacility than if alike, and permit of l)oth arms being stretchedout perfectly straight—not crooked or bent—when gettingforward. In rowing the stroke, the body should be inclined forwards,with the backbone perfectly straight, the stomach being keptwell out and down between
A tour through the Pyrenees . ammothsand mastodons in stone lie crouching over theeastern declivity, one above another, and heapedup over the whole slope. These colossal ridgesshine with a tawny hue like iron rust; the mostenormous of them drink the water of the river attheir base. They look as if warming their bronzedskin in the sun, and sleep, turned over, stretchedout on their side, resting in all attitudes, and alwaysgigantic and frightful. Their deformed paws arecurled up ; their bodies half buried in the earth ;their monstrous backs rest one upon another.When you enter into the midst of Stock Photo
RM2AXGKDP–A tour through the Pyrenees . ammothsand mastodons in stone lie crouching over theeastern declivity, one above another, and heapedup over the whole slope. These colossal ridgesshine with a tawny hue like iron rust; the mostenormous of them drink the water of the river attheir base. They look as if warming their bronzedskin in the sun, and sleep, turned over, stretchedout on their side, resting in all attitudes, and alwaysgigantic and frightful. Their deformed paws arecurled up ; their bodies half buried in the earth ;their monstrous backs rest one upon another.When you enter into the midst of
By trolley through eastern New England . ica was written.The extensive buildings of Phillips Academy are stretchedout over a large campus on the west side of Main Street,and on the opposite side may be seen the TheologicalSeminary, near which is the Mansion House, the home ofHarriet Beecher Stowe. From here lines run through toBradford and Haverhill, on the south of the Merrimac. Leaving Andover, the ride toLawrence is a pleasant one witha wide diversity of scenery.Crossing the Shawsheen River toFree Village, passing over thestate highway and through SouthLawrence, a fine view of the greatdam Stock Photo
RM2AXF9TM–By trolley through eastern New England . ica was written.The extensive buildings of Phillips Academy are stretchedout over a large campus on the west side of Main Street,and on the opposite side may be seen the TheologicalSeminary, near which is the Mansion House, the home ofHarriet Beecher Stowe. From here lines run through toBradford and Haverhill, on the south of the Merrimac. Leaving Andover, the ride toLawrence is a pleasant one witha wide diversity of scenery.Crossing the Shawsheen River toFree Village, passing over thestate highway and through SouthLawrence, a fine view of the greatdam
The making of the Ohio Valley states, 1660-1837 . adventure was born in them, andnursed with their mothers milk. The first buffalo metwith furnished them bed and bedding, as well as meat.Bestriding the huge carcass in triumph, out came thesharp hunting-knife, and off was flayed the shaggy hide. A few choice cutswere quickly re-moved ; flint andsteel struck a fire ;a sharpened stickheld the collops tothe blaze till doneto the huntersturn, when fingerstook the place ofknives and forks,until the cravingsof hunger werefully satisfied. Then, wrapped up in his robe, stretchedout with his feet to the Stock Photo
RM2AJ7BH2–The making of the Ohio Valley states, 1660-1837 . adventure was born in them, andnursed with their mothers milk. The first buffalo metwith furnished them bed and bedding, as well as meat.Bestriding the huge carcass in triumph, out came thesharp hunting-knife, and off was flayed the shaggy hide. A few choice cutswere quickly re-moved ; flint andsteel struck a fire ;a sharpened stickheld the collops tothe blaze till doneto the huntersturn, when fingerstook the place ofknives and forks,until the cravingsof hunger werefully satisfied. Then, wrapped up in his robe, stretchedout with his feet to the
Out-of-Doors in the Holyland . sing through a street, we look into the interiorof a carpenter-shop, with its simple tools, its little pUeof new lumber, its floor littered with chips and shav-ings, and its air full of the pleasant smell of freshlycut wood. There are a few articles of furniturewhich the carpenter has made: a couple of chairs,a table, a stool: and he himself, with his leg stretchedout and his piece of wood held firmly by his nakedtoes, is working busily at a tiny bed which needsonly a pair of rockers to become a cradle. Outsidethe door of the shop a boy of ten or twelve is cuttin Stock Photo
RM2AND0MY–Out-of-Doors in the Holyland . sing through a street, we look into the interiorof a carpenter-shop, with its simple tools, its little pUeof new lumber, its floor littered with chips and shav-ings, and its air full of the pleasant smell of freshlycut wood. There are a few articles of furniturewhich the carpenter has made: a couple of chairs,a table, a stool: and he himself, with his leg stretchedout and his piece of wood held firmly by his nakedtoes, is working busily at a tiny bed which needsonly a pair of rockers to become a cradle. Outsidethe door of the shop a boy of ten or twelve is cuttin
. The chicago Record's war stories : by staff correspondents in the field ; copiously illustrated. LANDING AMERICAN TROOPS AT BAIQUIRI, CUBA. warships left the bar, or Egmont key, at theentrance of Tampa bay, just before sundownof last Tuesday, June 14. The fleet stretchedout on its course almost due south in threelines of ships, the battleship Indiana lead-ing the right line, the gunboat Castine thecenter and the gunboat Annapolis the left.Far to the right and left, at times so far fromthe main body as to be below thehorizon, were the scout ships or flankers,as the army officers call them. Th Stock Photo
RM2AG8JPY–. The chicago Record's war stories : by staff correspondents in the field ; copiously illustrated. LANDING AMERICAN TROOPS AT BAIQUIRI, CUBA. warships left the bar, or Egmont key, at theentrance of Tampa bay, just before sundownof last Tuesday, June 14. The fleet stretchedout on its course almost due south in threelines of ships, the battleship Indiana lead-ing the right line, the gunboat Castine thecenter and the gunboat Annapolis the left.Far to the right and left, at times so far fromthe main body as to be below thehorizon, were the scout ships or flankers,as the army officers call them. Th
The call of the hen; or, The science of selecting and breeding poultry for egg-production . ntering the slight depression between the skull and neck. We will suppose the reader has handled the hen as suggested above.Lay the dead hen as in Fig. 39; take hold of comb or head and pull neckup with right hand, and while holding head up the neck will be stretchedout. Turn the head down with right hand, so the back of the headwill point up and beak will point down as much as possible. This willmake the projection of the brain (arrow 1, Fig. 35) appear more promirnent, so it will be easier to locate i Stock Photo
RM2AXHXKY–The call of the hen; or, The science of selecting and breeding poultry for egg-production . ntering the slight depression between the skull and neck. We will suppose the reader has handled the hen as suggested above.Lay the dead hen as in Fig. 39; take hold of comb or head and pull neckup with right hand, and while holding head up the neck will be stretchedout. Turn the head down with right hand, so the back of the headwill point up and beak will point down as much as possible. This willmake the projection of the brain (arrow 1, Fig. 35) appear more promirnent, so it will be easier to locate i
. The Saturday evening post. vaguely enough,about the white room. It was not untilthey rested on the occupant of the bed nextto his that recognition swept into them. Heraised himself swiftly, trying with hisbandaged hand to point to the pale goldhead that lay on the pillow so near his.The nurse shoved him quietly backward. Yes, I know. But shes all right. Justa little weak. She gave her blood to saveyour life. Pop reached over with his other handand touched the curls. They fluttered asshe turned. Without a word she stretchedout, caught his hand and clung to him.The way the two small hands that Stock Photo
RM2AG16NT–. The Saturday evening post. vaguely enough,about the white room. It was not untilthey rested on the occupant of the bed nextto his that recognition swept into them. Heraised himself swiftly, trying with hisbandaged hand to point to the pale goldhead that lay on the pillow so near his.The nurse shoved him quietly backward. Yes, I know. But shes all right. Justa little weak. She gave her blood to saveyour life. Pop reached over with his other handand touched the curls. They fluttered asshe turned. Without a word she stretchedout, caught his hand and clung to him.The way the two small hands that
The crimson fairy book . isten, and the fox lifted up hisvoice and sang—weeping : Lou, lou, lou ! the famousspinner, the baker of good cakes, the prudent house-keeper is torn from her husband ! Lou, lou, lou ! she isgone ! she is gone ! * Now at last I have found some one who knows theart of lamentation, exclaimed the bear, quite delighted;and he led the fox back to his cave, and bade him beginhis lament over the dead w^ife who was lying stretchedout on her bed of grey moss. But this did not suit thefox at all. One cannot wail properly in this cave, he said, it is much too damp. You had better Stock Photo!-the-famousspinner-the-baker-of-good-cakes-the-prudent-house-keeper-is-torn-from-her-husband-!-lou-lou-lou-!-she-isgone-!-she-is-gone-!-now-at-last-i-have-found-some-one-who-knows-theart-of-lamentation-exclaimed-the-bear-quite-delightedand-he-led-the-fox-back-to-his-cave-and-bade-him-beginhis-lament-over-the-dead-wife-who-was-lying-stretchedout-on-her-bed-of-grey-moss-but-this-did-not-suit-thefox-at-all-one-cannot-wail-properly-in-this-cave-he-said-it-is-much-too-damp-you-had-better-image340277058.html
RM2ANGXT2–The crimson fairy book . isten, and the fox lifted up hisvoice and sang—weeping : Lou, lou, lou ! the famousspinner, the baker of good cakes, the prudent house-keeper is torn from her husband ! Lou, lou, lou ! she isgone ! she is gone ! * Now at last I have found some one who knows theart of lamentation, exclaimed the bear, quite delighted;and he led the fox back to his cave, and bade him beginhis lament over the dead w^ife who was lying stretchedout on her bed of grey moss. But this did not suit thefox at all. One cannot wail properly in this cave, he said, it is much too damp. You had better
Outing . It was a pretty race. The cattle raneasily enough, with long, springy jumpsthat carried them over the ground fasterthan appearances would lead one to be-lieve. The cow-pony, his nose stretchedout, his ears slanted, his eyes snapping withjoy of the chase, flew fairly belly toearth. The rider sat slightly forward,with the cowboys loose seat. A whirl ofdust, strangely insignificant against theimmensity of a desert morning, rose fromthe flying group. Now they disappearedin a ravine, only to scramble out againthe next instant, pace undiminished. Therider merely rose slightly and threw up h Stock Photo
RM2AKXXWW–Outing . It was a pretty race. The cattle raneasily enough, with long, springy jumpsthat carried them over the ground fasterthan appearances would lead one to be-lieve. The cow-pony, his nose stretchedout, his ears slanted, his eyes snapping withjoy of the chase, flew fairly belly toearth. The rider sat slightly forward,with the cowboys loose seat. A whirl ofdust, strangely insignificant against theimmensity of a desert morning, rose fromthe flying group. Now they disappearedin a ravine, only to scramble out againthe next instant, pace undiminished. Therider merely rose slightly and threw up h
Christian Cynosure . , I dreamed of my John lastnight. May be he will come to-day.He may drop in for. dinner; andthe poor, trembling hands preparesome favorite dish for him Dinnercomes and goes but John comes notwith it. Thus, day after day, monthafter month, year after year, passes,till at last, hope deferred makeththe heart sick, aye, sick untodeath; tbe feeble arms are stretchedout no longer. The dim eyes are closed, the grayhairs smoothed for the last time,and th a tired hands are folded toeverlasting rest, and the motherwaits no mere on earth for one whocomes not. God grant that she mayno Stock Photo
RM2AN8569–Christian Cynosure . , I dreamed of my John lastnight. May be he will come to-day.He may drop in for. dinner; andthe poor, trembling hands preparesome favorite dish for him Dinnercomes and goes but John comes notwith it. Thus, day after day, monthafter month, year after year, passes,till at last, hope deferred makeththe heart sick, aye, sick untodeath; tbe feeble arms are stretchedout no longer. The dim eyes are closed, the grayhairs smoothed for the last time,and th a tired hands are folded toeverlasting rest, and the motherwaits no mere on earth for one whocomes not. God grant that she mayno
. Astronomy and the Bible; . d should do this ? It cries out in faith,Behold, what manner of love the Father hath be-stowed upon us. What the stars alone, what the moon itself, couldnot tell, the gospel of the Son of God does tell. And 132 ASTRONOMY AND THE BIBLE if we have been awed by the might of God displayedin His vast universe, we are awed by the depth of Hislove displayed in the blessed gospel of His Son; for weknow that He who is so great that He has stretchedout the universe as you and I would pitch a tent,nevertheless so loved the world, that He gave Hisonly-begotten Son, that whosoe Stock Photo
RM2CJ6AKR–. Astronomy and the Bible; . d should do this ? It cries out in faith,Behold, what manner of love the Father hath be-stowed upon us. What the stars alone, what the moon itself, couldnot tell, the gospel of the Son of God does tell. And 132 ASTRONOMY AND THE BIBLE if we have been awed by the might of God displayedin His vast universe, we are awed by the depth of Hislove displayed in the blessed gospel of His Son; for weknow that He who is so great that He has stretchedout the universe as you and I would pitch a tent,nevertheless so loved the world, that He gave Hisonly-begotten Son, that whosoe
. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest : especially of Washington and Oregon . ooo a hz OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST and leggings, and smoked and sang more. Then,going outside, he pushed with his foot, and stretchedout the earth in all directions, first to the east, thento the north, then to the west, and last to the south.For five nights he repeated this, until the world be-came as large as it is to-day. Each day Silver-Foxtold Coyote to run around the edge and see howlarge it was growing. At first Coyote could dothis very quickly; but the last time he grew oldand gray before he got back. T Stock Photo
RM2CNKR0H–. Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest : especially of Washington and Oregon . ooo a hz OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST and leggings, and smoked and sang more. Then,going outside, he pushed with his foot, and stretchedout the earth in all directions, first to the east, thento the north, then to the west, and last to the south.For five nights he repeated this, until the world be-came as large as it is to-day. Each day Silver-Foxtold Coyote to run around the edge and see howlarge it was growing. At first Coyote could dothis very quickly; but the last time he grew oldand gray before he got back. T
. Natural history of birds, fish, insects, and reptiles . riG.L The0.fthdi.. The Ca/scwcuy. OF BIRDS, FISH, &C. 45 head; his neck, however, which Is shapedsomewhat hke that of a swan, usually measuresthree feet, so that reckoning their height by thetop of the back they seldom are more than fourfeet; and from this cause it is that they havebeen compared by some travellers, when speak-ing of their height, to that of a man on horse-back. From the extremity of the head, which,with the bill, is shaped like that of a duck, tothe origin of the tall, the neck being stretchedout, is full six feet, and Stock Photo
RM2CPDCBY–. Natural history of birds, fish, insects, and reptiles . riG.L The0.fthdi.. The Ca/scwcuy. OF BIRDS, FISH, &C. 45 head; his neck, however, which Is shapedsomewhat hke that of a swan, usually measuresthree feet, so that reckoning their height by thetop of the back they seldom are more than fourfeet; and from this cause it is that they havebeen compared by some travellers, when speak-ing of their height, to that of a man on horse-back. From the extremity of the head, which,with the bill, is shaped like that of a duck, tothe origin of the tall, the neck being stretchedout, is full six feet, and
. The Indians' secrets of health : or, What the white race may learn from the Indian . Yet I deliberately called campby the side of a great snowbank. The fearful invalidwanted to know what I was stopping there for. I toldhim it was to afford him a good sleeping place onthe snow. He expressed his dread, and assured methat such an experience would kill him at once. Itold him that if it did I would see that he was decentlyburied, but that did not seem to dissipate his fears.After a good camp-fire was built, and he had had a warmand comforting supper, and his blankets were stretchedout on the snow Stock Photo
RM2CE5JW9–. The Indians' secrets of health : or, What the white race may learn from the Indian . Yet I deliberately called campby the side of a great snowbank. The fearful invalidwanted to know what I was stopping there for. I toldhim it was to afford him a good sleeping place onthe snow. He expressed his dread, and assured methat such an experience would kill him at once. Itold him that if it did I would see that he was decentlyburied, but that did not seem to dissipate his fears.After a good camp-fire was built, and he had had a warmand comforting supper, and his blankets were stretchedout on the snow
. Memorial of the royal progress in Scotland . people here,and indeed all the way onwards to Kinross. The plain in which Kinross stands, opens beautifully beyondBlair-Adam, and when the Queens eyes first caught sight of thetown, with its two spires, and the wide extent of Lochleven stretchedout on that exquisitely beautiful day, like a mirror, with the woodedpeninsula, occupied by the grounds of Kinross House jutting into it,its bounding hills with their cultivated slopes; and, above all, thebeautiful islet, with its striking ruin, and few picturesque trees re-posing in melancholy silence on t Stock Photo
RM2CE52CN–. Memorial of the royal progress in Scotland . people here,and indeed all the way onwards to Kinross. The plain in which Kinross stands, opens beautifully beyondBlair-Adam, and when the Queens eyes first caught sight of thetown, with its two spires, and the wide extent of Lochleven stretchedout on that exquisitely beautiful day, like a mirror, with the woodedpeninsula, occupied by the grounds of Kinross House jutting into it,its bounding hills with their cultivated slopes; and, above all, thebeautiful islet, with its striking ruin, and few picturesque trees re-posing in melancholy silence on t
. In the child's world : morning talks and stories for kindergartens, primary schools and homes . longenough up in the clouds, and said it would go down to the earthand see what good it could do. So it started. While it was falling it had to pass through a cloud that wasvery cold, and this funny little Raindrop, instead of shrinkingtogether as we do when we are cold, stretched out and stretchedout till it was not round any more, but was long and thin andhard like a needle: and that is just what it was—a little iceneedle. As it went on falling, it met another just like itself. The second one sa Stock Photo
RM2CE5AJH–. In the child's world : morning talks and stories for kindergartens, primary schools and homes . longenough up in the clouds, and said it would go down to the earthand see what good it could do. So it started. While it was falling it had to pass through a cloud that wasvery cold, and this funny little Raindrop, instead of shrinkingtogether as we do when we are cold, stretched out and stretchedout till it was not round any more, but was long and thin andhard like a needle: and that is just what it was—a little iceneedle. As it went on falling, it met another just like itself. The second one sa
. Christian herald and signs of our times . r bread. We pray for our benefactors, whohelped us and saved us from the streets,and from the doors of the Turks. Hadthere not been this relief, a great manywould have accepted Mohammedanism.Glory to God who. by his infinite mercy,moved the hearts of benefactors to feeland sympathize with us. They stretchedout their hands to mitigate our sufferings. This is a true picture of Armenia to-day—true to Christ and all her sufferings;faithful to the end. During the week these additional con-tributions have been received to aid the de-stitute in Armenia: Pre Stock Photo
RM2CDXX4Y–. Christian herald and signs of our times . r bread. We pray for our benefactors, whohelped us and saved us from the streets,and from the doors of the Turks. Hadthere not been this relief, a great manywould have accepted Mohammedanism.Glory to God who. by his infinite mercy,moved the hearts of benefactors to feeland sympathize with us. They stretchedout their hands to mitigate our sufferings. This is a true picture of Armenia to-day—true to Christ and all her sufferings;faithful to the end. During the week these additional con-tributions have been received to aid the de-stitute in Armenia: Pre
. The Victoria Nyanza; the land, the races and their customs, with specimens of some of the dialects . ide remains uncovered. Among the women ofthe Watussi I saw large tanned ox-hides fromwhich the hair had been scraped, and which were then smeared with black ; with these they covered the whole body. Walking in this dress always seemed somewhat awkward, asthe women could onlytake short steps. Theraw hides are stretchedout on the ground bymeans of a number of little wooden pegs, and then scraped for further use.I found no regular musical instruments in Ussindja, but there was a peculiar kind of Stock Photo
RM2CGX99E–. The Victoria Nyanza; the land, the races and their customs, with specimens of some of the dialects . ide remains uncovered. Among the women ofthe Watussi I saw large tanned ox-hides fromwhich the hair had been scraped, and which were then smeared with black ; with these they covered the whole body. Walking in this dress always seemed somewhat awkward, asthe women could onlytake short steps. Theraw hides are stretchedout on the ground bymeans of a number of little wooden pegs, and then scraped for further use.I found no regular musical instruments in Ussindja, but there was a peculiar kind of
. Battles and leaders of the Civil War : being for the most part contributions by Union and Confederate officers . y be-tweenMansfieldandShreveport, whichare forty-two milesapart. This gaveTaylor 16,000 menwith whom hemight give battlein a chosen posi-tion, while Bankssforce was stretchedout to the lengthof a days marchon a single narrowroad in the pineforest and encum-bered and weakenedby guarding twelvemiles of wagonsbearing all his ammunition and provisions through a barren wilderness, deepin the heart of the enemys country. Such, indeed, was Kirby Smiths plan.However, Taylor did not wait f Stock Photo
RM2CGJGT7–. Battles and leaders of the Civil War : being for the most part contributions by Union and Confederate officers . y be-tweenMansfieldandShreveport, whichare forty-two milesapart. This gaveTaylor 16,000 menwith whom hemight give battlein a chosen posi-tion, while Bankssforce was stretchedout to the lengthof a days marchon a single narrowroad in the pineforest and encum-bered and weakenedby guarding twelvemiles of wagonsbearing all his ammunition and provisions through a barren wilderness, deepin the heart of the enemys country. Such, indeed, was Kirby Smiths plan.However, Taylor did not wait f
. More famous homes of Great Britain and their stories . memory remain unsullied amid the sweetness of suchsurroundings. They form a stainless monument which manymay envy and none can destroy ; and these flowers, with theirdear faces upturned, shall be left, humble supplicants thatHeavens mercy may fall on him, as well as on us. 146 Sevens Iball Here we have arrived at the same big gateway we firstentered : on the opposite side of the road the Park is stretchedout in the distance. Its beauties bid fair to equal house and gar-den : oak avenues run along it from end to end, deer lie scatteredabo Stock Photo
RM2CE41B7–. More famous homes of Great Britain and their stories . memory remain unsullied amid the sweetness of suchsurroundings. They form a stainless monument which manymay envy and none can destroy ; and these flowers, with theirdear faces upturned, shall be left, humble supplicants thatHeavens mercy may fall on him, as well as on us. 146 Sevens Iball Here we have arrived at the same big gateway we firstentered : on the opposite side of the road the Park is stretchedout in the distance. Its beauties bid fair to equal house and gar-den : oak avenues run along it from end to end, deer lie scatteredabo
. Exercises for ladies; . en allowed to fall gently into the first po-sition. FOURTH EXERCISE. In the fourth exercise, the arms are stretchedout straight from the shoulders.—(See PlateXV, fig. 2;) and the hands are moved hori- 84 INDIAN SCEPTRE EXERCISE. zontally backwards (See Plate XV, fig. 3,)and forwards, the dumb-bells being in a verticalposition. This employment of the dumb-bells should notat first be persisted in longer than a minute ortwo at a time, but the duration of each suc-ceeding exercise may be gradually increased. n.b. Until the introduction of the Indiansceptres, or Indian clu Stock Photo
RM2CE4HWM–. Exercises for ladies; . en allowed to fall gently into the first po-sition. FOURTH EXERCISE. In the fourth exercise, the arms are stretchedout straight from the shoulders.—(See PlateXV, fig. 2;) and the hands are moved hori- 84 INDIAN SCEPTRE EXERCISE. zontally backwards (See Plate XV, fig. 3,)and forwards, the dumb-bells being in a verticalposition. This employment of the dumb-bells should notat first be persisted in longer than a minute ortwo at a time, but the duration of each suc-ceeding exercise may be gradually increased. n.b. Until the introduction of the Indiansceptres, or Indian clu
. The palace of Minos : a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustrated by the discoveries at Knossos . Fig. 229, a, b, c. Fragments of Faience Plaques {enlarged about i diams^. Animals,Trees,andWater.. Fig. 230, a, b, c. Fragments of Faience Plaques with NegroidForms, {c. 2 diams.) dark-skinned figures is seen in a grotesque attitude squatting like a frog(Fig. 228, z), others are exceptionally small, and with their hands stretchedout as if in the guise of suppliants. Remains of more than one plaque (Fig. 228 c, d, e) depicting the Cretanwild goat Stock Photo
RM2CDHTEE–. The palace of Minos : a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustrated by the discoveries at Knossos . Fig. 229, a, b, c. Fragments of Faience Plaques {enlarged about i diams^. Animals,Trees,andWater.. Fig. 230, a, b, c. Fragments of Faience Plaques with NegroidForms, {c. 2 diams.) dark-skinned figures is seen in a grotesque attitude squatting like a frog(Fig. 228, z), others are exceptionally small, and with their hands stretchedout as if in the guise of suppliants. Remains of more than one plaque (Fig. 228 c, d, e) depicting the Cretanwild goat
. Essex county, N.J., illustrated . t Henry C. Marsh. Charles A. Cam-field, Augustus J. Krook. James II. KIkins, Joseph G. Thomas,(icorge J. Hamburger, Albert I. Hedden. (icorge W. Scheis,Charles .. Slagg, Herbert N. Brand and William H. Fredericks.These men are always a standing menace to fires and readyever to plunge into the thickest and engage in the earliest partof the light. To r.dly round and with strong arms stretchedout where the smoke is the thickest and re.ady to spead thebroad aegis of their power where the bright genius of chemis-try leads ihe advance and beckons them on to where Stock Photo
RM2CDHXCB–. Essex county, N.J., illustrated . t Henry C. Marsh. Charles A. Cam-field, Augustus J. Krook. James II. KIkins, Joseph G. Thomas,(icorge J. Hamburger, Albert I. Hedden. (icorge W. Scheis,Charles .. Slagg, Herbert N. Brand and William H. Fredericks.These men are always a standing menace to fires and readyever to plunge into the thickest and engage in the earliest partof the light. To r.dly round and with strong arms stretchedout where the smoke is the thickest and re.ady to spead thebroad aegis of their power where the bright genius of chemis-try leads ihe advance and beckons them on to where