Disc around Proxima Centauri,illustration.The closest star to the Sun,Proxima Centauri,has been found to harbour a belt of dust.Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile detected emissions from a dust belt around the small star.It is similar to the asteroid belt in our own solar system,with particles ranging in size from sub-millimetre dust to asteroids kilometers across.The belt of cool dust is one to four times as far from Proxima Centauri as the Earth is from the sun. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-image-disc-around-proxima-centauriillustrationthe-closest-star-to-the-sunproxima-165778030.html
RFKHKRFX–Disc around Proxima Centauri,illustration.The closest star to the Sun,Proxima Centauri,has been found to harbour a belt of dust.Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile detected emissions from a dust belt around the small star.It is similar to the asteroid belt in our own solar system,with particles ranging in size from sub-millimetre dust to asteroids kilometers across.The belt of cool dust is one to four times as far from Proxima Centauri as the Earth is from the sun.
This star-forming region, captured by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, is dominated by the bright, young star IRAS 13481-6124 (upper left), which is about twenty times the mass of our sun and five times its radius, and is surrounded by its pre-natal cocoon. It is the first massive baby star for which astronomers could obtain a detailed look at the dusty disk closely encircling it. The research provides direct evidence that massive stars do form in the same way as their smaller brethren. From this archival Spitzer image, as well as from observations done with the APEX 12-metre sub-millimetre te Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-image-this-star-forming-region-captured-by-nasas-spitzer-space-telescope-169434866.html
RMKRJBW6–This star-forming region, captured by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, is dominated by the bright, young star IRAS 13481-6124 (upper left), which is about twenty times the mass of our sun and five times its radius, and is surrounded by its pre-natal cocoon. It is the first massive baby star for which astronomers could obtain a detailed look at the dusty disk closely encircling it. The research provides direct evidence that massive stars do form in the same way as their smaller brethren. From this archival Spitzer image, as well as from observations done with the APEX 12-metre sub-millimetre te
La flore algologique des régions antarctiques et subantarctiques . tis sub-sphœricis, 5-6 <j. crassis. Sporisignotis. Nous navons malheureuse-ment rencontré quun exem-plaire de cette nouvelle et cu-rieuse espèce. Il se trouvaitparmi les Mousses et les autresAlgues recueillies sur lîleJenny. La colonie est sphérique,globuleuse, à membrane lisse.Elle a un diamètre de sixdixièmes de millimètre. Peut-être nest-ce quune colonieencore jeune, et de ce seul individu on ne peut en déduire la forme exacteet la dimension de lespèce. La gelée est jaune brunâtre ; dans celle-ci, on aperçoit nettement, e Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/la-flore-algologique-des-rgions-antarctiques-et-subantarctiques-tis-sub-sphricis-5-6-ltj-crassis-sporisignotis-nous-navons-malheureuse-ment-rencontr-quun-exem-plaire-de-cette-nouvelle-et-cu-rieuse-espce-il-se-trouvaitparmi-les-mousses-et-les-autresalgues-recueillies-sur-llejenny-la-colonie-est-sphriqueglobuleuse-membrane-lisseelle-a-un-diamtre-de-sixdiximes-de-millimtre-peut-tre-nest-ce-quune-colonieencore-jeune-et-de-ce-seul-individu-on-ne-peut-en-dduire-la-forme-exacteet-la-dimension-de-lespce-la-gele-est-jaune-bruntre-dans-celle-ci-on-aperoit-nettement-e-image340096676.html
RM2AN8MNT–La flore algologique des régions antarctiques et subantarctiques . tis sub-sphœricis, 5-6 <j. crassis. Sporisignotis. Nous navons malheureuse-ment rencontré quun exem-plaire de cette nouvelle et cu-rieuse espèce. Il se trouvaitparmi les Mousses et les autresAlgues recueillies sur lîleJenny. La colonie est sphérique,globuleuse, à membrane lisse.Elle a un diamètre de sixdixièmes de millimètre. Peut-être nest-ce quune colonieencore jeune, et de ce seul individu on ne peut en déduire la forme exacteet la dimension de lespèce. La gelée est jaune brunâtre ; dans celle-ci, on aperçoit nettement, e
. Journal of anatomy . plotting out thediameters of the palate on millimetre paper. On the other hand, a satisfactory method of estimating the degree ofthe occipital projection of the skull and brain may be worked out. Atpresent I express the degree of occipital projection by the position ofthe inion. For instance, in the skull shown in fig. 3 the occipital pro-jection is expressed by ^g : viz. that the occiput projects 10 mm. behindthe inion and that the most projecting point is 20 mm. above the sub-cerebral plane. At present there is no exact method of recording this Description of a New Cra Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/journal-of-anatomy-plotting-out-thediameters-of-the-palate-on-millimetre-paper-on-the-other-hand-a-satisfactory-method-of-estimating-the-degree-ofthe-occipital-projection-of-the-skull-and-brain-may-be-worked-out-atpresent-i-express-the-degree-of-occipital-projection-by-the-position-ofthe-inion-for-instance-in-the-skull-shown-in-fig-3-the-occipital-pro-jection-is-expressed-by-g-viz-that-the-occiput-projects-10-mm-behindthe-inion-and-that-the-most-projecting-point-is-20-mm-above-the-sub-cerebral-plane-at-present-there-is-no-exact-method-of-recording-this-description-of-a-new-cra-image370160718.html
RM2CE67NJ–. Journal of anatomy . plotting out thediameters of the palate on millimetre paper. On the other hand, a satisfactory method of estimating the degree ofthe occipital projection of the skull and brain may be worked out. Atpresent I express the degree of occipital projection by the position ofthe inion. For instance, in the skull shown in fig. 3 the occipital pro-jection is expressed by ^g : viz. that the occiput projects 10 mm. behindthe inion and that the most projecting point is 20 mm. above the sub-cerebral plane. At present there is no exact method of recording this Description of a New Cra
. Journal of anatomy . allyilluminated, the anterior end of the cribriform plate can also be determined.When the human skull is inverted (see fig. 2) and the rod pushed within itto an extent of 130-14-0 mm., the skull is supported at two points—at thesub-occipital perforation and at the presphenoid surface. The skull isoriented then on the sub-cerebral plane. On each side of it is a plate Description of a New Craniometer, etc. 253 of wood (A A) placed on exactly the same plane as the orienting rod. Thelateral plates are graduated in the millimetre scale, zero being placed attheir commencement Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/journal-of-anatomy-allyilluminated-the-anterior-end-of-the-cribriform-plate-can-also-be-determinedwhen-the-human-skull-is-inverted-see-fig-2-and-the-rod-pushed-within-itto-an-extent-of-130-14-0-mm-the-skull-is-supported-at-two-pointsat-thesub-occipital-perforation-and-at-the-presphenoid-surface-the-skull-isoriented-then-on-the-sub-cerebral-plane-on-each-side-of-it-is-a-plate-description-of-a-new-craniometer-etc-253-of-wood-a-a-placed-on-exactly-the-same-plane-as-the-orienting-rod-thelateral-plates-are-graduated-in-the-millimetre-scale-zero-being-placed-attheir-commencement-image370160727.html
RM2CE67NY–. Journal of anatomy . allyilluminated, the anterior end of the cribriform plate can also be determined.When the human skull is inverted (see fig. 2) and the rod pushed within itto an extent of 130-14-0 mm., the skull is supported at two points—at thesub-occipital perforation and at the presphenoid surface. The skull isoriented then on the sub-cerebral plane. On each side of it is a plate Description of a New Craniometer, etc. 253 of wood (A A) placed on exactly the same plane as the orienting rod. Thelateral plates are graduated in the millimetre scale, zero being placed attheir commencement
. Beitrge zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz. 288 Multiplication inconnue. (Borzi pretend avoir vu les zoospores bici- liees (4—6 |x); elles naitraient dans des especes de sporanges terminaux (?) Microthamnium Kützingia- num Naeg., 1. c, Tab. Phyc. III, t. I. Caracteres du genre: a. genuinum. Cellules 3-5 [X., 2—3 fois plus longues ; ra- muscules un peu en massue vers le som- met ou cylindriques, divariques, plus ou moins courbes. Thalle 100-200 (i. ß. strictissimum (Rabh. sub. spec.) Schmidl. 1. c. 169 ; M. vexator Cooke. Thalle V2— -/g de millimetre, dresse; ramuscules dresses; cellules 3— 4 | Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/beitrge-zur-kryptogamenflora-der-schweiz-288-multiplication-inconnue-borzi-pretend-avoir-vu-les-zoospores-bici-liees-46-x-elles-naitraient-dans-des-especes-de-sporanges-terminaux-microthamnium-ktzingia-num-naeg-1-c-tab-phyc-iii-t-i-caracteres-du-genre-a-genuinum-cellules-3-5-x-23-fois-plus-longues-ra-muscules-un-peu-en-massue-vers-le-som-met-ou-cylindriques-divariques-plus-ou-moins-courbes-thalle-100-200-i-strictissimum-rabh-sub-spec-schmidl-1-c-169-m-vexator-cooke-thalle-v2-g-de-millimetre-dresse-ramuscules-dresses-cellules-3-4-image234752663.html
RMRHWWBK–. Beitrge zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz. 288 Multiplication inconnue. (Borzi pretend avoir vu les zoospores bici- liees (4—6 |x); elles naitraient dans des especes de sporanges terminaux (?) Microthamnium Kützingia- num Naeg., 1. c, Tab. Phyc. III, t. I. Caracteres du genre: a. genuinum. Cellules 3-5 [X., 2—3 fois plus longues ; ra- muscules un peu en massue vers le som- met ou cylindriques, divariques, plus ou moins courbes. Thalle 100-200 (i. ß. strictissimum (Rabh. sub. spec.) Schmidl. 1. c. 169 ; M. vexator Cooke. Thalle V2— -/g de millimetre, dresse; ramuscules dresses; cellules 3— 4 |
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