Transactions . ickness of about two or threemillimeters, which space will be found in thedried skull between the upper surfaces of thecondyle and the roof of the glenoid fossa, sothat when the condyle is thrown in the socket,the teeth fail to occlude. Another excellent method is to select athin accommodating subject without super-fluous flesh on the jaws. In this way themovements not only of the mandible as awhole, but every portion, especially thecondyles and ramus, can be distinctly seenand felt.—Dr. W. E. Walker, New Or-leans. Articulators. To Dr. W. E. Walkerwe are especially indebted for Stock Photo
RM2AJBAN9–Transactions . ickness of about two or threemillimeters, which space will be found in thedried skull between the upper surfaces of thecondyle and the roof of the glenoid fossa, sothat when the condyle is thrown in the socket,the teeth fail to occlude. Another excellent method is to select athin accommodating subject without super-fluous flesh on the jaws. In this way themovements not only of the mandible as awhole, but every portion, especially thecondyles and ramus, can be distinctly seenand felt.—Dr. W. E. Walker, New Or-leans. Articulators. To Dr. W. E. Walkerwe are especially indebted for
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER788–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Archive image from page 427 of Die descriptive und topographische Anatomie. Die descriptive und topographische Anatomie des Menschen diedescriptiveun00heit Year: 1896 388 Gehirnnerven. n: dental. N; « SUPER. ANTER— BOCHDALEK AN5A SUPRA- MAXILL. / 5G9. Der zweite Ast (Humus maxillaris) des Nervus trigeminus. Der IL, Ramus maxillaris, gleichfalls sensitiv, gelangt durch das Foramen rotundum des Keilbeins aus der Schädelhühle in die Fossa spheno- palatina und erzeugt folgende Aeste: a) Den Jochwangennerv, Nervus zygomaticus, welcher, durch die Fissura orbitalis inferior in die Augenhöhle Stock Photo
RMW06H5F–Archive image from page 427 of Die descriptive und topographische Anatomie. Die descriptive und topographische Anatomie des Menschen diedescriptiveun00heit Year: 1896 388 Gehirnnerven. n: dental. N; « SUPER. ANTER— BOCHDALEK AN5A SUPRA- MAXILL. / 5G9. Der zweite Ast (Humus maxillaris) des Nervus trigeminus. Der IL, Ramus maxillaris, gleichfalls sensitiv, gelangt durch das Foramen rotundum des Keilbeins aus der Schädelhühle in die Fossa spheno- palatina und erzeugt folgende Aeste: a) Den Jochwangennerv, Nervus zygomaticus, welcher, durch die Fissura orbitalis inferior in die Augenhöhle
. Regional anesthesia : its technic and clinical application . Fig. 42.—The maxillary i and its branches. cavity through the sphenomaxillary fissure. It lies in the floor of theorbit in the infra-orbital groove and canal, and emerges through theinfra-orbital foramen, where it breaks up fanwise into three terminalgroups of branches (Fig. 42). Within the sphenomaxillary fossa themaxillary nerve gives off the sphenopalatine, the posterior and middlesuperior dental, and the temporomalar nerves; in the infra-orbital BLOCKING OF CRANIAL NERVES 73 groove, the middle (sometimes) and the anterior super Stock Photo
RM2CE1Y97–. Regional anesthesia : its technic and clinical application . Fig. 42.—The maxillary i and its branches. cavity through the sphenomaxillary fissure. It lies in the floor of theorbit in the infra-orbital groove and canal, and emerges through theinfra-orbital foramen, where it breaks up fanwise into three terminalgroups of branches (Fig. 42). Within the sphenomaxillary fossa themaxillary nerve gives off the sphenopalatine, the posterior and middlesuperior dental, and the temporomalar nerves; in the infra-orbital BLOCKING OF CRANIAL NERVES 73 groove, the middle (sometimes) and the anterior super
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER73K–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Elementary anatomy and physiology : for colleges, academies, and other schools elementaryanato00hitc Year: 1869 An Anterior View of the Ligaments of the Vertebrae and Ribs. 1, The Anterior Vertebral Ligament. 2, The Anterior Costo- vertebral Ligament. 3, The Internal Transverse Ligament. 4, The Inter-Ar- ticular Ligament, connecting the Head of the Rib to the Intervertebral Sub- stance. A View of the Articulation of the Lower Jaw, given by sawing through the Joint. 1, The Glenoid Fossa. 2, The Tubercle for the Condyle in its Forward move- ments. 3, The Inter-Articular Cartilage. 4, The Super Stock Photo
RMRYH2YX–Elementary anatomy and physiology : for colleges, academies, and other schools elementaryanato00hitc Year: 1869 An Anterior View of the Ligaments of the Vertebrae and Ribs. 1, The Anterior Vertebral Ligament. 2, The Anterior Costo- vertebral Ligament. 3, The Internal Transverse Ligament. 4, The Inter-Ar- ticular Ligament, connecting the Head of the Rib to the Intervertebral Sub- stance. A View of the Articulation of the Lower Jaw, given by sawing through the Joint. 1, The Glenoid Fossa. 2, The Tubercle for the Condyle in its Forward move- ments. 3, The Inter-Articular Cartilage. 4, The Super
. The science and art of midwifery . O. OBTURATOR FORAMEN. -Outer surface of os Innominatum. ward. The crest of the ilium terminates, front and rear, in bonyprominences, termed respectively the anterior and posterior superior 144 LABOlt. spinous processes. Beneath the upper spines, and separated from themby curved indentations, are two lower, less sharply defined projections,termed the anterior and posterior inferior spinous processes. Behindthe iliac fossa is situated an ear-shaped articular surface, the super-ficies auricularis, which corresponds to the surface of similar namedescribed upon Stock Photo
RM2CJ34M8–. The science and art of midwifery . O. OBTURATOR FORAMEN. -Outer surface of os Innominatum. ward. The crest of the ilium terminates, front and rear, in bonyprominences, termed respectively the anterior and posterior superior 144 LABOlt. spinous processes. Beneath the upper spines, and separated from themby curved indentations, are two lower, less sharply defined projections,termed the anterior and posterior inferior spinous processes. Behindthe iliac fossa is situated an ear-shaped articular surface, the super-ficies auricularis, which corresponds to the surface of similar namedescribed upon
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER746–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
. Handbook of anatomy; being a complete compend of anatomy, including the anatomy of the viscera a chapter on dental anatomy, numerous tables, and incorporating the newer nomenclature adopted by the German anatomical Society, generally designated the Basle nomenclature or BNA . FiG. 114. Scheme of the nuclei and root-fibers of the cranial nerves.(Whitehead, after Edinger.) (Schneiderian) membrane of nares, inner to septum nasi,middle to roof of nasal fossa, outer to superior turbinated bone.2. Optic nerve (n. opticus), special nerve of sight; super-ficial origin, optic chiasms or commissure fo Stock Photo
RM2CDKX02–. Handbook of anatomy; being a complete compend of anatomy, including the anatomy of the viscera a chapter on dental anatomy, numerous tables, and incorporating the newer nomenclature adopted by the German anatomical Society, generally designated the Basle nomenclature or BNA . FiG. 114. Scheme of the nuclei and root-fibers of the cranial nerves.(Whitehead, after Edinger.) (Schneiderian) membrane of nares, inner to septum nasi,middle to roof of nasal fossa, outer to superior turbinated bone.2. Optic nerve (n. opticus), special nerve of sight; super-ficial origin, optic chiasms or commissure fo
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER71B–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
. A treatise on practical anatomy: for students of anatomy and surgery . Fig. 83.—Temporal. Muscle. RiSORIUS. Origin—Fascia over masseter muscle.Insertion—Angle of mouth.Nerve—Facial.Masseter. Origin—Two portions, superficial and deep. Super-ficial, from inferior border of malar and inferior 184 PRACTICAL ANATOMY. border of anterior portion of zygoma ; deep portion, from inferior border of zygoma.Insertion—Angle and external surface of the ramus of the inferior maxillary.Nerve—Inferior maxillary.^ Temporal. Origin—Temporal fossa. Insertion—Superior and anterior portion of coronoid process of i Stock Photo
RM2CE39BR–. A treatise on practical anatomy: for students of anatomy and surgery . Fig. 83.—Temporal. Muscle. RiSORIUS. Origin—Fascia over masseter muscle.Insertion—Angle of mouth.Nerve—Facial.Masseter. Origin—Two portions, superficial and deep. Super-ficial, from inferior border of malar and inferior 184 PRACTICAL ANATOMY. border of anterior portion of zygoma ; deep portion, from inferior border of zygoma.Insertion—Angle and external surface of the ramus of the inferior maxillary.Nerve—Inferior maxillary.^ Temporal. Origin—Temporal fossa. Insertion—Superior and anterior portion of coronoid process of i
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6K5–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
. A history of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight . orum super mare inpraedicta foresta a primo termino supermare sicut aqua cadit in mare sub Col-grimesmore, quae Freiswater dicitur ; etexinde usque ad caput de Colgrimesmoreubi mora se furcat ; et exinde usque adcaput occidentale de Bromhaye per fossa-turn usque ad longum vadum, et de longovado usque ad fossatum de Hurpleya quoddominus rex Ricardus incipere fecit, et defoisato i 110 usque ad vadum de Hareford (Hartford). Et de illo vado per mediamhydam recta linea usque ad originemfontium de Schirebourne quae tenditusque ad praedictam abbatiam d Stock Photo
RM2CDA3H3–. A history of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight . orum super mare inpraedicta foresta a primo termino supermare sicut aqua cadit in mare sub Col-grimesmore, quae Freiswater dicitur ; etexinde usque ad caput de Colgrimesmoreubi mora se furcat ; et exinde usque adcaput occidentale de Bromhaye per fossa-turn usque ad longum vadum, et de longovado usque ad fossatum de Hurpleya quoddominus rex Ricardus incipere fecit, et defoisato i 110 usque ad vadum de Hareford (Hartford). Et de illo vado per mediamhydam recta linea usque ad originemfontium de Schirebourne quae tenditusque ad praedictam abbatiam d
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER73N–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
. The anatomy of the domestic animals . Veterinary anatomy. 366 THE MUSCLES OF THE PIG MUSCLES OF THE LEG AND FOOT The peroneus tertius is a well-developed muscle which is in great part super- ficially situated on the front of the leg. It covers the long digital extensor, with which it is united except in the distal third of the leg. It arises from the extensor fossa of the femur by a common tendon with that muscle, a synovial pouch from the femoro-tibial joint extending down under the origin. This sac is an inch and a half or more (ca. 3 to 4 cm.) in length in large subjects and extends aroun Stock Photo
RMRDY9P7–. The anatomy of the domestic animals . Veterinary anatomy. 366 THE MUSCLES OF THE PIG MUSCLES OF THE LEG AND FOOT The peroneus tertius is a well-developed muscle which is in great part super- ficially situated on the front of the leg. It covers the long digital extensor, with which it is united except in the distal third of the leg. It arises from the extensor fossa of the femur by a common tendon with that muscle, a synovial pouch from the femoro-tibial joint extending down under the origin. This sac is an inch and a half or more (ca. 3 to 4 cm.) in length in large subjects and extends aroun
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6KR–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
. The anatomy of the domestic animals. Veterinary anatomy. 366 THE MUSCLES OF THE PIG MUSCLES OF THE LEG AND FOOT The peroneus tertius is a well-developed muscle which is in great part super- ficially situated on the front of the leg. It covers the long digital extensor, with which it is imitecl except in the distal third of the leg. It arises from the extensor fossa of the femur by a common tendon with that muscle, a synovial pouch from the femoro-tibial joint extending down under the origin. This sac is an inch and a half or more (ca. 3 to 4 cm.) in length in large subjects and extends aroun Stock Photo
RMRN7578–. The anatomy of the domestic animals. Veterinary anatomy. 366 THE MUSCLES OF THE PIG MUSCLES OF THE LEG AND FOOT The peroneus tertius is a well-developed muscle which is in great part super- ficially situated on the front of the leg. It covers the long digital extensor, with which it is imitecl except in the distal third of the leg. It arises from the extensor fossa of the femur by a common tendon with that muscle, a synovial pouch from the femoro-tibial joint extending down under the origin. This sac is an inch and a half or more (ca. 3 to 4 cm.) in length in large subjects and extends aroun
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6FH–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
. The comparative anatomy of the domesticated animals. Veterinary anatomy. THE BEAD. inthirctur^^"^' '''^'' '"' *'^ "^"'™°^ "^^*^*^^^' -^ ^- «-t-ed above toi-elow, and from iX oSvard^on th^^^^^^ ^^-"^ temporal fossa is limited, within, by the parill rfl? 5' ''r'^"J' *^^ Ses 'oraloVt rnf''!r?r'/ notches^Td the eon: ^Mmwiii—Pormed by the premaxiUary bones and the body of the super- Fig. 26.. LATERAL VIEW OF THE HOESE S SKULL. 1, Premaiillary bone; 2, Upper incisors; 3, Upper canine teeth; 4, Superior maxillary bone ; 5, Infraorbital foramen ; 6, Superior maxill Stock Photo!rr-notchestd-the-eon-mmwiiipormed-by-the-premaxiuary-bones-and-the-body-of-the-super-fig-26-lateral-view-of-the-hoese-s-skull-1-premaiillary-bone-2-upper-incisors-3-upper-canine-teeth-4-superior-maxillary-bone-5-infraorbital-foramen-6-superior-maxill-image232453403.html
RMRE54K7–. The comparative anatomy of the domesticated animals. Veterinary anatomy. THE BEAD. inthirctur^^"^' '''^'' '"' *'^ "^"'™°^ "^^*^*^^^' -^ ^- «-t-ed above toi-elow, and from iX oSvard^on th^^^^^^ ^^-"^ temporal fossa is limited, within, by the parill rfl? 5' ''r'^"J' *^^ Ses 'oraloVt rnf''!r?r'/ notches^Td the eon: ^Mmwiii—Pormed by the premaxiUary bones and the body of the super- Fig. 26.. LATERAL VIEW OF THE HOESE S SKULL. 1, Premaiillary bone; 2, Upper incisors; 3, Upper canine teeth; 4, Superior maxillary bone ; 5, Infraorbital foramen ; 6, Superior maxill
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER7AJ–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
. The anatomy of the domestic animals. Veterinary anatomy. 366 THE MUSCLES OF THE PIG MUSCLES OF THE LEG AND FOOT Tlie peroneus tertius is a well-developed muscle which is in great part super- ficially situated on the front of the leg. It covers the long digital extensor, with which it is unitcnl except in the distal third of the leg. It arises from the extensor fossa of the femur by a common tendon with that muscle, a synovial pouch from the femoro-til)ial joint extending down undi'r the origin. 'Vi i- :m inch and a half or more (ca. 3 to 4 cm.) in length in laiiir -iilij. f I- .mil e Stock Photo
RMRN758R–. The anatomy of the domestic animals. Veterinary anatomy. 366 THE MUSCLES OF THE PIG MUSCLES OF THE LEG AND FOOT Tlie peroneus tertius is a well-developed muscle which is in great part super- ficially situated on the front of the leg. It covers the long digital extensor, with which it is unitcnl except in the distal third of the leg. It arises from the extensor fossa of the femur by a common tendon with that muscle, a synovial pouch from the femoro-til)ial joint extending down undi'r the origin. 'Vi i- :m inch and a half or more (ca. 3 to 4 cm.) in length in laiiir -iilij. f I- .mil e
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6PR–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
. The comparative anatomy of the domesticated animals. Veterinary anatomy. horse's head (anterior face). 1, Occipital tuberosity; 2, origin of the mastoid crest; 3, parietal bone; 4, saggital suture ; 5, junc- tion of the parietal and temporal bones; 6, zygomatic arch; 7, frontal bone; 8, frontal suture; 9, temporal fossa; 10, supra-orbital foramen ; 11,12, lachrymal bone ; 13, malar bone ; 14, nasal border of frontal bone ; 15, nasal bone ; 16, suture of nasal bones; 17, super- maxillary bone; 18, infra-orbital foramen; 19, anterior, or pre- maxillary bone; 20, foramen in- cisivum ; 21, incis Stock Photo
RMREFE5B–. The comparative anatomy of the domesticated animals. Veterinary anatomy. horse's head (anterior face). 1, Occipital tuberosity; 2, origin of the mastoid crest; 3, parietal bone; 4, saggital suture ; 5, junc- tion of the parietal and temporal bones; 6, zygomatic arch; 7, frontal bone; 8, frontal suture; 9, temporal fossa; 10, supra-orbital foramen ; 11,12, lachrymal bone ; 13, malar bone ; 14, nasal border of frontal bone ; 15, nasal bone ; 16, suture of nasal bones; 17, super- maxillary bone; 18, infra-orbital foramen; 19, anterior, or pre- maxillary bone; 20, foramen in- cisivum ; 21, incis
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER76X–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
. The comparative anatomy of the domesticated animals. Horses; Veterinary anatomy. horse's head (anterior face). 1, Occipital tuberositv; 2, origin of the mastoid crest; 3, parietal bone; 4, saggital suture ; 5, junc- tion of the parietal and temporal bones; 6, zygomatic arch; 7, frontal bone; 8, frontal suture; 9, temporal fossa; 10, supra-orbital foramen ; 11, 12, lachrymal bone ; 13, malar bone ; 14, nasal border of frontal bone ; 15, nasal bone ; 16, suture of nasal bones; 17, super- maxillary bone ; 18, infra-orbital foramen; 19, anterior, or pre- maxillary bone ; 20. foramen in- cisivum Stock Photo
RMREEXRM–. The comparative anatomy of the domesticated animals. Horses; Veterinary anatomy. horse's head (anterior face). 1, Occipital tuberositv; 2, origin of the mastoid crest; 3, parietal bone; 4, saggital suture ; 5, junc- tion of the parietal and temporal bones; 6, zygomatic arch; 7, frontal bone; 8, frontal suture; 9, temporal fossa; 10, supra-orbital foramen ; 11, 12, lachrymal bone ; 13, malar bone ; 14, nasal border of frontal bone ; 15, nasal bone ; 16, suture of nasal bones; 17, super- maxillary bone ; 18, infra-orbital foramen; 19, anterior, or pre- maxillary bone ; 20. foramen in- cisivum
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6X4–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
. Die descriptive und topographische Anatomie des Menschen. Anatomy. 388 Gehirnnerven. n: dental. N; « SUPER. ANTER—^ BOCHDALEK. AN5A SUPRA- MAXILL. / 5G9. Der zweite Ast (Humus maxillaris) des Nervus trigeminus. Der IL, Ramus maxillaris, gleichfalls sensitiv, gelangt durch das Foramen rotundum des Keilbeins aus der Schädelhühle in die Fossa spheno- palatina und erzeugt folgende Aeste: a) Den Jochwangennerv, Nervus zygomaticus, welcher, durch die Fissura orbitalis inferior in die Augenhöhle tretend, in zwei Zweige zerfällt: den Ramus zygomaticotemporalis (anastomosirt mit dem N. lacrymalis Stock Photo
RMRCNH1K–. Die descriptive und topographische Anatomie des Menschen. Anatomy. 388 Gehirnnerven. n: dental. N; « SUPER. ANTER—^ BOCHDALEK. AN5A SUPRA- MAXILL. / 5G9. Der zweite Ast (Humus maxillaris) des Nervus trigeminus. Der IL, Ramus maxillaris, gleichfalls sensitiv, gelangt durch das Foramen rotundum des Keilbeins aus der Schädelhühle in die Fossa spheno- palatina und erzeugt folgende Aeste: a) Den Jochwangennerv, Nervus zygomaticus, welcher, durch die Fissura orbitalis inferior in die Augenhöhle tretend, in zwei Zweige zerfällt: den Ramus zygomaticotemporalis (anastomosirt mit dem N. lacrymalis
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER76K–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6P9–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER767–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6M3–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER74P–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6R3–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6KD–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6KJ–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6XR–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER71Y–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6PX–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6KA–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER74C–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6KF–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6XG–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6K3–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER70P–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6WY–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER78T–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6F8–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER793–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen Stock Photo
RF2AER6FY–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Calpe, Calp, Spain with harbor and skyline, Penon de Ifach mountain, beach and scenery beyond the city, seen
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7BWF–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7A2B–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7B2J–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7BK2–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7AR1–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7B64–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7AYT–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7BPN–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7AT4–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7BNP–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7BCG–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7ANA–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7AD1–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7BEE–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7ABE–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7AB3–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7B1K–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7A45–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7BX3–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7AX0–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7B4E–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7BW8–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7BJ3–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7AKD–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio
Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio Stock Photo
RF2FH7AE1–Beautiful super wide-angle aerial view of Xabia, Javea, Marina Alta with harbor and skyline, mountains, beach and city, seen from Cabo de San Antonio