ITALYBRITISH COAL FOR ITALIAN RAILWAYS(M. of I. Request) - The crew take a well-earned cup of tea after offloading the collier. They are - left to right:- 2nd Engineer P.W. Watt 3rd Mate W. Buchanan of Isle of Lewis 2nd Mate W.J. Allan of Aberdeen Chief Steward T.A. Elliot of Cardiff 2nd Radio Officers D. Carter of Kindell Bay 3rd Radio Officer L.M. Westbrook of Leamington Spa 1st Radio Officer K.K. Klosser of Liverpool, and 3rd Engineer T.J. Chamberlain. Photographic negative , British Army Stock Photo
RM2X0PCN5–ITALYBRITISH COAL FOR ITALIAN RAILWAYS(M. of I. Request) - The crew take a well-earned cup of tea after offloading the collier. They are - left to right:- 2nd Engineer P.W. Watt 3rd Mate W. Buchanan of Isle of Lewis 2nd Mate W.J. Allan of Aberdeen Chief Steward T.A. Elliot of Cardiff 2nd Radio Officers D. Carter of Kindell Bay 3rd Radio Officer L.M. Westbrook of Leamington Spa 1st Radio Officer K.K. Klosser of Liverpool, and 3rd Engineer T.J. Chamberlain. Photographic negative , British Army
Calyx . Officers President ......... S. E. BoYETT Vice-President ........ E. T. Miller Secretary ......... J. G. Newton Treasurer ......... J. L. Beringer, |r. Members Altgelt, F. M. Chatham. R. H. Beard, S. A. ? Denman, K. W. Beitel, a., |r. Guerra, F. D. Beitel, J. f. Miller, E. T. Beringer, ]. L., Jr. Newton, ]. G. Boyett, S. E. Ray, S. M.. Jr. Carter, C. R. Steves, E. M.Sulzbacher, L. 141 San Antonio Club Stock Photo
RM2AJDX5T–Calyx . Officers President ......... S. E. BoYETT Vice-President ........ E. T. Miller Secretary ......... J. G. Newton Treasurer ......... J. L. Beringer, |r. Members Altgelt, F. M. Chatham. R. H. Beard, S. A. ? Denman, K. W. Beitel, a., |r. Guerra, F. D. Beitel, J. f. Miller, E. T. Beringer, ]. L., Jr. Newton, ]. G. Boyett, S. E. Ray, S. M.. Jr. Carter, C. R. Steves, E. M.Sulzbacher, L. 141 San Antonio Club