THE DOUBLE DEALER by William Congreve design: Tanya Moiseiwitsch lighting: David Hersey director: Peter Wood John Harding (Mellefont), Judi Bowker (Cynthia) Olivier Theatre, National Theatre (NT), London SE1 27/09/1978 Stock Photo
RM2D97F5W–THE DOUBLE DEALER by William Congreve design: Tanya Moiseiwitsch lighting: David Hersey director: Peter Wood John Harding (Mellefont), Judi Bowker (Cynthia) Olivier Theatre, National Theatre (NT), London SE1 27/09/1978
. The life of James Monroe. e, as bril-liantly bookish as he was caustic of speech, was ofBritish blood and quite un-Virginian; but Monroe mayhave been too mindful of Stratford and Chantilly andmay have permitted his natural Potomac pride toinfluence his judgment. For a young man brought upas Monroe was, Lee was a name to conjure with,from whatever part of the world its owner came. But to many of the American officers Charles Leewas a double-dealer — a dastard, indeed. Why didhe act so capriciously? Why did he dally? He wouldsell out America for a dukedom — this recreant ally,this false friend Stock Photo
RM2AG2K3H–. The life of James Monroe. e, as bril-liantly bookish as he was caustic of speech, was ofBritish blood and quite un-Virginian; but Monroe mayhave been too mindful of Stratford and Chantilly andmay have permitted his natural Potomac pride toinfluence his judgment. For a young man brought upas Monroe was, Lee was a name to conjure with,from whatever part of the world its owner came. But to many of the American officers Charles Leewas a double-dealer — a dastard, indeed. Why didhe act so capriciously? Why did he dally? He wouldsell out America for a dukedom — this recreant ally,this false friend
Accurate guol LET NG TYLES THE ' BEST 7 LIGHT Hoosier Stoves and Ranges 'Hoosier Steel' 'Hoosier Oak' .Rsk your dealer for the Gillette tosday and 'shave yourself' with ease comfort and economy. The Gillette Safety Razor consists of triple silver plated holder and 12 double. edged blades packed in velvet lined so inexpensive that when dull may be thrown away as you would an old pen. 207 Times Building GILLUIt SAIIS (OMPANY afet az- COLD GALVANIZING. Electra- Plating TES NICK EL AND Rubber Pump Valves For Cold and Hot Water Oils Acids High Pressure Mine Service and for every pumping requiremen Stock Photo
RM2ABY2GJ–Accurate guol LET NG TYLES THE ' BEST 7 LIGHT Hoosier Stoves and Ranges 'Hoosier Steel' 'Hoosier Oak' .Rsk your dealer for the Gillette tosday and 'shave yourself' with ease comfort and economy. The Gillette Safety Razor consists of triple silver plated holder and 12 double. edged blades packed in velvet lined so inexpensive that when dull may be thrown away as you would an old pen. 207 Times Building GILLUIt SAIIS (OMPANY afet az- COLD GALVANIZING. Electra- Plating TES NICK EL AND Rubber Pump Valves For Cold and Hot Water Oils Acids High Pressure Mine Service and for every pumping requiremen
THE DOUBLE DEALER by William Congreve design: Tanya Moiseiwitsch lighting: David Hersey director: Peter Wood Robert Stephens (Maskwell), Sara Kestelman (Lady Touchwood) Olivier Theatre, National Theatre (NT), London SE1 27/09/1978 Stock Photo
RM2D97F5N–THE DOUBLE DEALER by William Congreve design: Tanya Moiseiwitsch lighting: David Hersey director: Peter Wood Robert Stephens (Maskwell), Sara Kestelman (Lady Touchwood) Olivier Theatre, National Theatre (NT), London SE1 27/09/1978
. Field, cover, and trap shooting. Embracing hints for skilled marksmen; instructions for young sportsmen; haunts and habits of game birds; flight and resorts of water fowl; breeding and breaking of dogs. Shooting; Dogs. These Guns are pronounced by every dealer and sports- man who has handled them to he the finest finished and closest and strongest shooting -Guns in the market. The barrels are of beautiful pattern and finish, and the locks and mountings of the best quality. For sale by all the first-class Gun Dealers at our prices : Side Snap Action $100.00 to $110.00 Top Snap Action, Double Stock Photo
RMRE3843–. Field, cover, and trap shooting. Embracing hints for skilled marksmen; instructions for young sportsmen; haunts and habits of game birds; flight and resorts of water fowl; breeding and breaking of dogs. Shooting; Dogs. These Guns are pronounced by every dealer and sports- man who has handled them to he the finest finished and closest and strongest shooting -Guns in the market. The barrels are of beautiful pattern and finish, and the locks and mountings of the best quality. For sale by all the first-class Gun Dealers at our prices : Side Snap Action $100.00 to $110.00 Top Snap Action, Double
THE DOUBLE DEALER by William Congreve design: Tanya Moiseiwitsch lighting: David Hersey director: Peter Wood Sara Kestelman (Lady Touchwood), Ralph Richardson (Lord Touchwood) Olivier Theatre, National Theatre (NT), London SE1 27/09/1978 Stock Photo
RM2D97F58–THE DOUBLE DEALER by William Congreve design: Tanya Moiseiwitsch lighting: David Hersey director: Peter Wood Sara Kestelman (Lady Touchwood), Ralph Richardson (Lord Touchwood) Olivier Theatre, National Theatre (NT), London SE1 27/09/1978
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. HERE are a few people who would rather buy straw- berriea in January than in June, but—ask any dealer— the bulk of the retailers* profits are made in the height of the season. Think it over. Did you ever stop to consider that the flower of the season is the easiest flower to sell? And the one that turns in the real profits I Every observant person has noted that certain retail florists have been able to double, perhaps triple or quadruple, their volume of business within a compara- tively short time, say two or three or four years, while other reta Stock Photo
RMRRRG6B–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. HERE are a few people who would rather buy straw- berriea in January than in June, but—ask any dealer— the bulk of the retailers* profits are made in the height of the season. Think it over. Did you ever stop to consider that the flower of the season is the easiest flower to sell? And the one that turns in the real profits I Every observant person has noted that certain retail florists have been able to double, perhaps triple or quadruple, their volume of business within a compara- tively short time, say two or three or four years, while other reta
THE DOUBLE DEALER by William Congreve design: Tanya Moiseiwitsch lighting: David Hersey director: Peter Wood Sara Kestelman (Lady Touchwood), Michael Bryant (Sir Paul Plyant) Olivier Theatre, National Theatre (NT), London SE1 27/09/1978 Stock Photo
RM2D97F5X–THE DOUBLE DEALER by William Congreve design: Tanya Moiseiwitsch lighting: David Hersey director: Peter Wood Sara Kestelman (Lady Touchwood), Michael Bryant (Sir Paul Plyant) Olivier Theatre, National Theatre (NT), London SE1 27/09/1978
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Greenhouse Glass WE ME THE WOILB'S LMQEST PROMCEIS Ask the dealer for prices, or write us direct if the dealer doesn't handle our product. We guarantee uniform Graiding, Flattening, Annealingr and Careful Packinsr* ''fiET ACQUAINTED" WITH OUR SPECIALTIES 29-34-39-ounce Glass AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS CO. General Offices: Fanners' Bank Building, PITTSBURGH, PA. Mention The Rerlew when yon write. BEST QUALITY EXTRA HEAVY PROMPT SHIPMENT Greenhouse Glass SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH ABSOLUTELY THE BEST ON THE MARKET Write Ua for Prices BAUR WINDOW GLAS Stock Photo
RMRRBFNT–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Greenhouse Glass WE ME THE WOILB'S LMQEST PROMCEIS Ask the dealer for prices, or write us direct if the dealer doesn't handle our product. We guarantee uniform Graiding, Flattening, Annealingr and Careful Packinsr* ''fiET ACQUAINTED" WITH OUR SPECIALTIES 29-34-39-ounce Glass AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS CO. General Offices: Fanners' Bank Building, PITTSBURGH, PA. Mention The Rerlew when yon write. BEST QUALITY EXTRA HEAVY PROMPT SHIPMENT Greenhouse Glass SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH ABSOLUTELY THE BEST ON THE MARKET Write Ua for Prices BAUR WINDOW GLAS
THE DOUBLE DEALER by William Congreve design: Tanya Moiseiwitsch lighting: David Hersey director: Peter Wood l-r: Robert Stephens (Maskwell), Ralph Richardson (Lord Touchwood) Olivier Theatre, National Theatre (NT), London SE1 27/09/1978 Stock Photo
RM2D97F5Y–THE DOUBLE DEALER by William Congreve design: Tanya Moiseiwitsch lighting: David Hersey director: Peter Wood l-r: Robert Stephens (Maskwell), Ralph Richardson (Lord Touchwood) Olivier Theatre, National Theatre (NT), London SE1 27/09/1978
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Greenhouse Glass WE ARE THE WORLD'S LARGEST PRODUCERS Ask the dealer for prices, or write us direct if the dealer doesn't handle our product. We guarantee uniform Gradinsr, Flattening, Annealing: and Careful Packingf. ''GET ACQUAINTED" WITH OUR SPECIALTIES 29-34-39-ounce Glass AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS CO. General Offices: Farmers' Bank Building, PITTSBURGH, PA. Mention The Review when you write. BEST QUALITY EXTRA HEAVY PROMPT SHIPMtINT Greenhouse Glass SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH ABSOLUTELY THE BEST ON THE MARKET WRITE US FOR PRICES Baur Window G Stock Photo
RMRRC6FE–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Greenhouse Glass WE ARE THE WORLD'S LARGEST PRODUCERS Ask the dealer for prices, or write us direct if the dealer doesn't handle our product. We guarantee uniform Gradinsr, Flattening, Annealing: and Careful Packingf. ''GET ACQUAINTED" WITH OUR SPECIALTIES 29-34-39-ounce Glass AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS CO. General Offices: Farmers' Bank Building, PITTSBURGH, PA. Mention The Review when you write. BEST QUALITY EXTRA HEAVY PROMPT SHIPMtINT Greenhouse Glass SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH ABSOLUTELY THE BEST ON THE MARKET WRITE US FOR PRICES Baur Window G
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. GREENHOUSE GLASS We are the World's Largest Producers Ask the dealers for prices, or write us'direct if the dealer doesn't handle our product. We guarantee uniform Chr»ding^, Flattening^, Annealingf and Careful Packing;. ,.,, ^-.- . **Get acquainted" with our Specialties 29 - 34 - 39 - oze GLASS AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS CO. General Offices, rarmers' Bank Building, PinSBURG, PA. M—tloe Tlw Briwr wfcte ywi wrlf. GREENHOUSE / HOTBED 6LASS 8x10,10x12 and 10x14 inch, single, at $1.60 per box of 50 square feet. ALL SIZES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH Wri Stock Photo
RMRRR9RA–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. GREENHOUSE GLASS We are the World's Largest Producers Ask the dealers for prices, or write us'direct if the dealer doesn't handle our product. We guarantee uniform Chr»ding^, Flattening^, Annealingf and Careful Packing;. ,.,, ^-.- . **Get acquainted" with our Specialties 29 - 34 - 39 - oze GLASS AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS CO. General Offices, rarmers' Bank Building, PinSBURG, PA. M—tloe Tlw Briwr wfcte ywi wrlf. GREENHOUSE / HOTBED 6LASS 8x10,10x12 and 10x14 inch, single, at $1.60 per box of 50 square feet. ALL SIZES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH Wri
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. HERE are a few people who would rather buy straw- berriea in January than in June, but—ask any dealer— the bulk of the retailers* profits are made in the height of the season. Think it over. Did you ever stop to consider that the flower of the season is the easiest flower to sell? And the one that turns in the real profits I Every observant person has noted that certain retail florists have been able to double, perhaps triple or quadruple, their volume of business within a compara- tively short time, say two or three or four years, while other reta Stock Photo
RMRRRG65–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. HERE are a few people who would rather buy straw- berriea in January than in June, but—ask any dealer— the bulk of the retailers* profits are made in the height of the season. Think it over. Did you ever stop to consider that the flower of the season is the easiest flower to sell? And the one that turns in the real profits I Every observant person has noted that certain retail florists have been able to double, perhaps triple or quadruple, their volume of business within a compara- tively short time, say two or three or four years, while other reta
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. We are the World's Largest Producers Ask the dealers for prices, or write us direct if the dealer doesn't handle our product. We sruarantee uniform Grading, Flattening, Annealings and Careful Packing, **Get acquainted*' with our Specialties 29 • 34 - 39 - oz. GLASS AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS CQ. General Offices, Farmers' Bank Building, PlTTSBURli. PA. MentlOB The BeTlaw whea yn WTl^>a. GREENHOUSE / HOTBED GLASS 8x10,10x12 and 10x14 inch, single, at 11.60 per box of 60 square feet. ALL SIZES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH Write vm for mices. BAUR WINDOW Stock Photo
RMRRP5EH–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. We are the World's Largest Producers Ask the dealers for prices, or write us direct if the dealer doesn't handle our product. We sruarantee uniform Grading, Flattening, Annealings and Careful Packing, **Get acquainted*' with our Specialties 29 • 34 - 39 - oz. GLASS AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS CQ. General Offices, Farmers' Bank Building, PlTTSBURli. PA. MentlOB The BeTlaw whea yn WTl^>a. GREENHOUSE / HOTBED GLASS 8x10,10x12 and 10x14 inch, single, at 11.60 per box of 60 square feet. ALL SIZES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH Write vm for mices. BAUR WINDOW
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. GREENHOUSE GLASS We are the World's Largest Producers Ask tbe dealers for prices, or write us direct if the dealer doesn't handle our product. We guarantee uniform Grading^, Flattening^* Annealing* and CSarelul Packing^. -**«et acquainted" with our Specialties 29 - 34 f 39 - oz. GLASS AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS CO. General Offices, Fanners' Bank Building, PinSBURG, PA. M—ti0» The HTlew whea ZS* write. GREENHOUSE / HOTBED GLASS 8x10,10x12 and 10x14 inch, single, at $1.50 per box of 60 square feet. ALL SIZES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH Wdte us for mi Stock Photo
RMRRT892–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. GREENHOUSE GLASS We are the World's Largest Producers Ask tbe dealers for prices, or write us direct if the dealer doesn't handle our product. We guarantee uniform Grading^, Flattening^* Annealing* and CSarelul Packing^. -**«et acquainted" with our Specialties 29 - 34 f 39 - oz. GLASS AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS CO. General Offices, Fanners' Bank Building, PinSBURG, PA. M—ti0» The HTlew whea ZS* write. GREENHOUSE / HOTBED GLASS 8x10,10x12 and 10x14 inch, single, at $1.50 per box of 60 square feet. ALL SIZES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH Wdte us for mi
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. We are the World's Largest Producers Ask the dealers for prices, or write us direct if the dealer doesn't handle our product. We guarantee uniform Grading^, Flattening;, Annealing and Careful Packing;. ''Get acquainted" with our Specialties 29 - 34 - 39 - oz. GLASS AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS CO. General Offices, farmers' Bank Building, PinSBURG, PA. MentloM Th> HotIcw whea yon write. GREENHOUSE / HOTBED GLASS 8x10, 10x12 and 10x14 inch, single, at $1.50 per box of 50 square feet. ALL SIZES. SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH Write us for prices. BAUR WI Stock Photo
RMRRNRAE–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. We are the World's Largest Producers Ask the dealers for prices, or write us direct if the dealer doesn't handle our product. We guarantee uniform Grading^, Flattening;, Annealing and Careful Packing;. ''Get acquainted" with our Specialties 29 - 34 - 39 - oz. GLASS AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS CO. General Offices, farmers' Bank Building, PinSBURG, PA. MentloM Th> HotIcw whea yon write. GREENHOUSE / HOTBED GLASS 8x10, 10x12 and 10x14 inch, single, at $1.50 per box of 50 square feet. ALL SIZES. SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH Write us for prices. BAUR WI
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Greenhouse Glass WE ABE TIE WOBLD'S LMGEST PBOBICEBS Ask the dealer for prices, or write us direct if the dealer doesn't handle our product. We guarantee uniform Gradinsf, Flattening, Annealing and Careful Packing. "GET ACQUAINTED" WITH ODR SPECIALTIES 29-34-39-ounce Glass AMERICAN WINDOW SLASS CO. General Offices: Farmers' Bank Building, PinSBURGH, PiL Mention The HPTlew when yon write. BEST QUALITY EXTRA HEAVY PROMPT SHIPMENT Greenhouse Glass SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH ABSOLUTELY THE BEST ON THE MARKET WriU U» for Prie»9 BAUR WINDOW GLA Stock Photo
RMRRABG8–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Greenhouse Glass WE ABE TIE WOBLD'S LMGEST PBOBICEBS Ask the dealer for prices, or write us direct if the dealer doesn't handle our product. We guarantee uniform Gradinsf, Flattening, Annealing and Careful Packing. "GET ACQUAINTED" WITH ODR SPECIALTIES 29-34-39-ounce Glass AMERICAN WINDOW SLASS CO. General Offices: Farmers' Bank Building, PinSBURGH, PiL Mention The HPTlew when yon write. BEST QUALITY EXTRA HEAVY PROMPT SHIPMENT Greenhouse Glass SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH ABSOLUTELY THE BEST ON THE MARKET WriU U» for Prie»9 BAUR WINDOW GLA
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. We are the World's Largest Producers Ask the dealers for prices, or write as direct if the dealer doeen't handla onr product. We guarantee uniform QraUUngt nattanini*, AnaaaliBS aad Careful PaeUnff. '* Get acgaalnted ** with our Specialties 34 - 39 - oz. GLASS 20 AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS CO. GmmiiI Offices, fncn' BMk BMf. PITTSBUHiH. PA. Mention Tke ReTlwr wfa— yea wrtte. GREENHOUSE / HOTBED GLASS 8x10, 10x12 and 10x14 inch, single, at $1.50 per box of 50 square feet. ALL SIZES. SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH Write ua for prices. BAUR WINDOW GLASS CO., EA Stock Photo
RMRRP67P–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. We are the World's Largest Producers Ask the dealers for prices, or write as direct if the dealer doeen't handla onr product. We guarantee uniform QraUUngt nattanini*, AnaaaliBS aad Careful PaeUnff. '* Get acgaalnted ** with our Specialties 34 - 39 - oz. GLASS 20 AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS CO. GmmiiI Offices, fncn' BMk BMf. PITTSBUHiH. PA. Mention Tke ReTlwr wfa— yea wrtte. GREENHOUSE / HOTBED GLASS 8x10, 10x12 and 10x14 inch, single, at $1.50 per box of 50 square feet. ALL SIZES. SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH Write ua for prices. BAUR WINDOW GLASS CO., EA
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Waner and DMTvar Vemi TELEPIME J. J. FELLOURIS 116 W. 28th St^ BIEW YORK Wholesale Dealer in all kinds of ' Bronie and Or«*n Oalai EVERGREENS 23isfurmmi Wholesale Cut Hewer Prices. Philadelphia, June 18, 1919. Per 100 Beauties, Long $25.00 @ $30, Beauties, 'Short 6.00 Hadley, Russell, Long 15.00 @ Hadley, Russell, Short 4.00 @ Double White Klllarney, Long... 6.00 ® Double White Klllarney, Short.. 3.00 @ Maryland, Long 6.00 & Maryland, Short 3.00 ® Shawyer, Long 8.00 @ Shawyer, Short 4.00 @ Ophelia, Columbia, Long <... 6.00 @ Ophelia, Columbi Stock Photo
RMRRKDKK–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Waner and DMTvar Vemi TELEPIME J. J. FELLOURIS 116 W. 28th St^ BIEW YORK Wholesale Dealer in all kinds of ' Bronie and Or«*n Oalai EVERGREENS 23isfurmmi Wholesale Cut Hewer Prices. Philadelphia, June 18, 1919. Per 100 Beauties, Long $25.00 @ $30, Beauties, 'Short 6.00 Hadley, Russell, Long 15.00 @ Hadley, Russell, Short 4.00 @ Double White Klllarney, Long... 6.00 ® Double White Klllarney, Short.. 3.00 @ Maryland, Long 6.00 & Maryland, Short 3.00 ® Shawyer, Long 8.00 @ Shawyer, Short 4.00 @ Ophelia, Columbia, Long <... 6.00 @ Ophelia, Columbi
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. PENCIL No.l74 '7'i ;:>„^ MfKAT3G>xN°2x Retulmr Lansth, 7 iach.. For Sal* at your Dealer. Made in fiwe grades Conoeded to be the Fineat Pencil made for general use. EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK Wholesale Cut Flower Prices. Boston, May 17. 1921. Per 100 American Reauty $35.00 Shawyer, Russell $4.00® 16.00 Killarney 2.00 @ 8.00 Miller 3.00 @ 10.00 Crusader 4.00 Cai 12.00 Pilgrim 4.00 @ 16.00 Milady, Mock 4.00 @ 12.00 Cecile Brunner 1.00® 2.00 Francis Scott Key. Itadiiince 4.00 @ 12.00 White Klllarney 2.00 @ 8.00 Double White Killarney 2.00® 8 Stock Photo
RMRRDM3H–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. PENCIL No.l74 '7'i ;:>„^ MfKAT3G>xN°2x Retulmr Lansth, 7 iach.. For Sal* at your Dealer. Made in fiwe grades Conoeded to be the Fineat Pencil made for general use. EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK Wholesale Cut Flower Prices. Boston, May 17. 1921. Per 100 American Reauty $35.00 Shawyer, Russell $4.00® 16.00 Killarney 2.00 @ 8.00 Miller 3.00 @ 10.00 Crusader 4.00 Cai 12.00 Pilgrim 4.00 @ 16.00 Milady, Mock 4.00 @ 12.00 Cecile Brunner 1.00® 2.00 Francis Scott Key. Itadiiince 4.00 @ 12.00 White Klllarney 2.00 @ 8.00 Double White Killarney 2.00® 8
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