Parma ham with tomato in Balsamico vinegar and Arugula salad (Restaurant L'O, Horgen CH) Stock Photo
RMBFA00B–Parma ham with tomato in Balsamico vinegar and Arugula salad (Restaurant L'O, Horgen CH)
The American family physician : or, Domestic guide to health : for the use of physicians, families, plantations, ships, travelers, etc. . t is unhealthy and is not fit to eat. When the thigh, or ham of the hog, is salted and smoked, it forms ham,a stimulating food, fit only for laborious persons, and which on account ofits difficult digestibility frequently disagrees with many. It proves whole-some only to those with whom it agrees. It is best cooked by boiling;when fried, it is rendered very indigestible, and should not be eaten bydyspeptics and persons of sedentary occupations. Sausages may Stock Photo
RM2AJGKJ4–The American family physician : or, Domestic guide to health : for the use of physicians, families, plantations, ships, travelers, etc. . t is unhealthy and is not fit to eat. When the thigh, or ham of the hog, is salted and smoked, it forms ham,a stimulating food, fit only for laborious persons, and which on account ofits difficult digestibility frequently disagrees with many. It proves whole-some only to those with whom it agrees. It is best cooked by boiling;when fried, it is rendered very indigestible, and should not be eaten bydyspeptics and persons of sedentary occupations. Sausages may
3d illustration of a man crouching in front of a black motorcycle with woman in the background in a dark tunnel entrance. Stock Photo
RF2GN775C–3d illustration of a man crouching in front of a black motorcycle with woman in the background in a dark tunnel entrance.
Effective farming; a text-book for Effective farming; a text-book for American schools effectivefarming00samp Year: 1919 Fig, 179. — Points of the hog, three-quarters front view. 2, face; 3, eye; 4, ears; 5, jowl; 7, shoulder vein, or neck vein; 8, shoulder; 9, arm; 11, leg; 14, topline; 15, crops; 16, back; 17, loin; 18, side; 19, ribs; 20, belly; 21, fore flank; 22, underline, or bottom line; 23, hind flank; 24, hip; 25, rump; 26, tail; 28, thigh; 29, buttock; 31, hock. produced. The chief breeds are Berkshire, Poland-China, Chester White, Duroc-Jersey, and Hampshire. Three of these origina Stock Photo
RMRX9J93–Effective farming; a text-book for Effective farming; a text-book for American schools effectivefarming00samp Year: 1919 Fig, 179. — Points of the hog, three-quarters front view. 2, face; 3, eye; 4, ears; 5, jowl; 7, shoulder vein, or neck vein; 8, shoulder; 9, arm; 11, leg; 14, topline; 15, crops; 16, back; 17, loin; 18, side; 19, ribs; 20, belly; 21, fore flank; 22, underline, or bottom line; 23, hind flank; 24, hip; 25, rump; 26, tail; 28, thigh; 29, buttock; 31, hock. produced. The chief breeds are Berkshire, Poland-China, Chester White, Duroc-Jersey, and Hampshire. Three of these origina
. Effective farming; a text-book for American schools . Fig, 179. — Points of the hog, three-quarters front view. 2, face; 3, eye; 4, ears; 5, jowl; 7, shoulder vein, or neck vein; 8, shoulder; 9, arm; 11, leg; 14, topline; 15, crops; 16, back; 17, loin; 18, side; 19, ribs; 20, belly; 21, fore flank; 22, underline, or bottom line; 23, hind flank; 24, hip; 25, rump; 26, tail; 28, thigh; 29, buttock; 31, hock. produced. The chief breeds are Berkshire, Poland-China, Chester White, Duroc-Jersey, and Hampshire. Three of these originated in America and two in England. The external parts of swine are Stock Photo
RMMA7487–. Effective farming; a text-book for American schools . Fig, 179. — Points of the hog, three-quarters front view. 2, face; 3, eye; 4, ears; 5, jowl; 7, shoulder vein, or neck vein; 8, shoulder; 9, arm; 11, leg; 14, topline; 15, crops; 16, back; 17, loin; 18, side; 19, ribs; 20, belly; 21, fore flank; 22, underline, or bottom line; 23, hind flank; 24, hip; 25, rump; 26, tail; 28, thigh; 29, buttock; 31, hock. produced. The chief breeds are Berkshire, Poland-China, Chester White, Duroc-Jersey, and Hampshire. Three of these originated in America and two in England. The external parts of swine are
Diseases of swine, with particluar reference to hog-cholera . an thatgiven when injection is made into the muscles of the thigh, asabsorption probably is not so good from the connective tissues asfrom the muscles of the thigh. Orchitis in Boars.—Another objection to the use of the intra-muscular injection in male hogs is the fact that in boars, if a severeinflammation follows the injection of the serum, the swelling mayspread up the perineal region and involve the scrotum and produceinflammation of the testicles. This very frequently leaves theanimal worthless for breeding purposes. USE OF SER Stock Photo
RM2AKY467–Diseases of swine, with particluar reference to hog-cholera . an thatgiven when injection is made into the muscles of the thigh, asabsorption probably is not so good from the connective tissues asfrom the muscles of the thigh. Orchitis in Boars.—Another objection to the use of the intra-muscular injection in male hogs is the fact that in boars, if a severeinflammation follows the injection of the serum, the swelling mayspread up the perineal region and involve the scrotum and produceinflammation of the testicles. This very frequently leaves theanimal worthless for breeding purposes. USE OF SER
3d illustration of a man next to a motorcycle looking back at two women in a dark tunnel entrance. Stock Photo
RF2G4FP18–3d illustration of a man next to a motorcycle looking back at two women in a dark tunnel entrance.
Diseases of swine, with particluar reference to hog-cholera . ^means of a sponge or clean cloth. The favorite point of injection. Fig. 70.—Method of holding small shoat for injection of serum.H. K. Mulford Co.) (Photo by of the serum in these smaller shoats is deep into the muscles of theinner surface of the thigh. At the spot where the needle is to beinserted the skin is touched with tincture of iodin and all is nowready for the injection. Before giving the injection the temperature of the hog should USE OF SERUM IN HOG-CHOLERA 371 be taken, to determine whether or not there is any evidence o Stock Photo
RM2AKY5GK–Diseases of swine, with particluar reference to hog-cholera . ^means of a sponge or clean cloth. The favorite point of injection. Fig. 70.—Method of holding small shoat for injection of serum.H. K. Mulford Co.) (Photo by of the serum in these smaller shoats is deep into the muscles of theinner surface of the thigh. At the spot where the needle is to beinserted the skin is touched with tincture of iodin and all is nowready for the injection. Before giving the injection the temperature of the hog should USE OF SERUM IN HOG-CHOLERA 371 be taken, to determine whether or not there is any evidence o
3d illustration of a man standing next to a motorcycle with a lone woman in the background inside a dark tunnel entrance. Stock Photo
RF2G4FNXJ–3d illustration of a man standing next to a motorcycle with a lone woman in the background inside a dark tunnel entrance.
Diseases of swine, with particluar reference to hog-cholera . e would be a bigreduction in the cost of serum treatment. Manner of Securing Virus Blood.—The method of securingvirus blood by means of injection of susceptible pigs with a virusof known quality is so far superior to other methods that it wouldseem advisable to give a detailed description of this method: MANUFACTURE OF HOG-CHOLERA SERUM 337 As already stated, there is selected for this purpose a virus thatis of the very best quality obtainable. This is injected in doses of2 to 5 c.c. into the muscles of the inner side of the thigh. Stock Photo
RM2AKYCBA–Diseases of swine, with particluar reference to hog-cholera . e would be a bigreduction in the cost of serum treatment. Manner of Securing Virus Blood.—The method of securingvirus blood by means of injection of susceptible pigs with a virusof known quality is so far superior to other methods that it wouldseem advisable to give a detailed description of this method: MANUFACTURE OF HOG-CHOLERA SERUM 337 As already stated, there is selected for this purpose a virus thatis of the very best quality obtainable. This is injected in doses of2 to 5 c.c. into the muscles of the inner side of the thigh.
3d illustration of a man walking next to a black motorcycle with two women in the background in a dark tunnel entrance. Stock Photo
RF2GN772D–3d illustration of a man walking next to a black motorcycle with two women in the background in a dark tunnel entrance.
All about animalsFacts, stories and anecdotes . thehunters thigh instead. The beast then turned and tried to trample the manto complete his work, when another hunter put his rifle just in front of theanimals ear and killed it. The native hunters who were withthe party weremuch surprised to see how easily the great pig put the white man to rout. On another occasion a babyroussa charged into a camp just as somehunters were about to eat their evening meal. The men rushed for their rifles,but before they could get a single shot the beast had vanished. As it did not THE BUSH-HOG. return to the atta Stock Photo
RM2AWRJKB–All about animalsFacts, stories and anecdotes . thehunters thigh instead. The beast then turned and tried to trample the manto complete his work, when another hunter put his rifle just in front of theanimals ear and killed it. The native hunters who were withthe party weremuch surprised to see how easily the great pig put the white man to rout. On another occasion a babyroussa charged into a camp just as somehunters were about to eat their evening meal. The men rushed for their rifles,but before they could get a single shot the beast had vanished. As it did not THE BUSH-HOG. return to the atta
3d illustration of a man walking next to a black motorcycle with two women in the background in a dark tunnel entrance. Stock Photo
RF2G4FP14–3d illustration of a man walking next to a black motorcycle with two women in the background in a dark tunnel entrance.
. Hog cholera, its nature and control . Plate 15. Method of holding shoat for injectingserum in axillary space permanent mark is desired, the ear may benotched. Assuming that the animals are fastened in smallpens when the veterinarian arrives, confinementof the individual during the process of immuniza- METHODS OF USING ANTI-HOG-CHOLERA SERUM 121 tion is the next step. As a site of injection, onemay select the armpit, medial surface of the thigh,or the area immediately behind the ear. The site. Ilate 16. An improvised method of holding shoats forimmunizing. Injecting serum in axillary space ch Stock Photo
RM2CE3NXR–. Hog cholera, its nature and control . Plate 15. Method of holding shoat for injectingserum in axillary space permanent mark is desired, the ear may benotched. Assuming that the animals are fastened in smallpens when the veterinarian arrives, confinementof the individual during the process of immuniza- METHODS OF USING ANTI-HOG-CHOLERA SERUM 121 tion is the next step. As a site of injection, onemay select the armpit, medial surface of the thigh,or the area immediately behind the ear. The site. Ilate 16. An improvised method of holding shoats forimmunizing. Injecting serum in axillary space ch
3d illustration of a man wearing sunglasses crouching in front of a black motorcycle with woman in the background in a dark tunnel entrance. Stock Photo
RF2G4FNX7–3d illustration of a man wearing sunglasses crouching in front of a black motorcycle with woman in the background in a dark tunnel entrance.
. Common diseases of farm animals. Veterinary medicine. HOG-CHOLERA 281 able symptoms, or a higli body temperature, consists in injecting hypodermically or intramuscularly anti-hog-cholera serum (Fig. 87). The region into which the serum and cholera blood may be injected are the inside of the thigh, within the arm, flank and side of the neck (Fig. 86). Two hypodermic syringes, holding. Fig. 86.—Preparing the hog for vaccination by washing the part where the serum is in- jected with a disinfectant. Fig. 87.—Vaccinating a hog. about twenty cubic centimetres and six cubic centimetres, and having Stock Photo
RMREFKN9–. Common diseases of farm animals. Veterinary medicine. HOG-CHOLERA 281 able symptoms, or a higli body temperature, consists in injecting hypodermically or intramuscularly anti-hog-cholera serum (Fig. 87). The region into which the serum and cholera blood may be injected are the inside of the thigh, within the arm, flank and side of the neck (Fig. 86). Two hypodermic syringes, holding. Fig. 86.—Preparing the hog for vaccination by washing the part where the serum is in- jected with a disinfectant. Fig. 87.—Vaccinating a hog. about twenty cubic centimetres and six cubic centimetres, and having
3d illustration of a man standing next to a motorcycle looking into the distance with a lone woman in the background inside a dark tunnel entrance. Stock Photo
RF2G4FNXF–3d illustration of a man standing next to a motorcycle looking into the distance with a lone woman in the background inside a dark tunnel entrance.
. The breeds of live-stock : by live-stock breeders . Livestock. 452 THE BREEDS OF LIVE-STOCK X' %t Fio. 96. â Largo Yorkshire hour. ham of the fat or lard type of hog. The flesh of the ham should be carried weh round the inside of the thigh, and the ham generaUy shows a tapering appearance toward the hock. The bone is fairly heavy, but should be clean and flinty in appearance. The leg is longer than the leg ^ of the fat hog. The color is white. Black hair on any part should disqualify. Black or blue spots on the slvin do not disqualify, but are ob- jected to, and the aim of breeders is to re Stock Photo
RMRDYW9B–. The breeds of live-stock : by live-stock breeders . Livestock. 452 THE BREEDS OF LIVE-STOCK X' %t Fio. 96. â Largo Yorkshire hour. ham of the fat or lard type of hog. The flesh of the ham should be carried weh round the inside of the thigh, and the ham generaUy shows a tapering appearance toward the hock. The bone is fairly heavy, but should be clean and flinty in appearance. The leg is longer than the leg ^ of the fat hog. The color is white. Black hair on any part should disqualify. Black or blue spots on the slvin do not disqualify, but are ob- jected to, and the aim of breeders is to re
3d illustration of a man wearing sunglasses sitting on a black motorcycle with two women in the background in a dark tunnel entrance. Stock Photo
RF2G4FR50–3d illustration of a man wearing sunglasses sitting on a black motorcycle with two women in the background in a dark tunnel entrance.
. Judging farm animals . Livestock. JUDGING THE LARD TYPE OF SWINE 505 a conformation associated with a narrow thigh and ham. If the hocks are widely separated, and the legs and toes point in—a rather unusual position behind—then the legs are usually bowed, and furnish a weak support to the body. The butcher is not interested in this matter of position of leg and bone, if the ham is sufficiently thick and deep, but as a matter of inheritance, the strength of bone and proper carriage of leg have a vital bearing on the character of the. Fig. 281.—"It is a common tendency for the hog to shov Stock Photo
RMRDYNC6–. Judging farm animals . Livestock. JUDGING THE LARD TYPE OF SWINE 505 a conformation associated with a narrow thigh and ham. If the hocks are widely separated, and the legs and toes point in—a rather unusual position behind—then the legs are usually bowed, and furnish a weak support to the body. The butcher is not interested in this matter of position of leg and bone, if the ham is sufficiently thick and deep, but as a matter of inheritance, the strength of bone and proper carriage of leg have a vital bearing on the character of the. Fig. 281.—"It is a common tendency for the hog to shov
. Common diseases of farm animals. Veterinary medicine. HOG-CHOLERA 281 able s^^llptoms, or a liiiili bodj temperature, consists in injecting hypodermlcally or intramuscularly anti-liog-cliolera serum (Fig. 87). TJie region into wliieli the serum and cholera blood may be injected are the inside of the thigh, within the arm, flank and side of the neck (Fig. 86). Two hypodermic syringes, holding. Fig. 86.—Preparing the hog for vaccination by washing the part where the serum is in- jected with a disinfectant. Fig. S7.—Vaccinating a hog. about twenty cubic centimetres and six cubic centimetres, an Stock Photo
RMREFKWX–. Common diseases of farm animals. Veterinary medicine. HOG-CHOLERA 281 able s^^llptoms, or a liiiili bodj temperature, consists in injecting hypodermlcally or intramuscularly anti-liog-cliolera serum (Fig. 87). TJie region into wliieli the serum and cholera blood may be injected are the inside of the thigh, within the arm, flank and side of the neck (Fig. 86). Two hypodermic syringes, holding. Fig. 86.—Preparing the hog for vaccination by washing the part where the serum is in- jected with a disinfectant. Fig. S7.—Vaccinating a hog. about twenty cubic centimetres and six cubic centimetres, an
. Effective farming; a text-book for American schools. Agriculture. Fig, 179. — Points of the hog, three-quarters front view. 2, face; 3, eye; 4, ears; 5, jowl; 7, shoulder vein, or neck vein; 8, shoulder; 9, arm; 11, leg; 14, topline; 15, crops; 16, back; 17, loin; 18, side; 19, ribs; 20, belly; 21, fore flank; 22, underline, or bottom line; 23, hind flank; 24, hip; 25, rump; 26, tail; 28, thigh; 29, buttock; 31, hock. produced. The chief breeds are Berkshire, Poland-China, Chester White, Duroc-Jersey, and Hampshire. Three of these originated in America and two in England. The external parts Stock Photo
RMRDGPW7–. Effective farming; a text-book for American schools. Agriculture. Fig, 179. — Points of the hog, three-quarters front view. 2, face; 3, eye; 4, ears; 5, jowl; 7, shoulder vein, or neck vein; 8, shoulder; 9, arm; 11, leg; 14, topline; 15, crops; 16, back; 17, loin; 18, side; 19, ribs; 20, belly; 21, fore flank; 22, underline, or bottom line; 23, hind flank; 24, hip; 25, rump; 26, tail; 28, thigh; 29, buttock; 31, hock. produced. The chief breeds are Berkshire, Poland-China, Chester White, Duroc-Jersey, and Hampshire. Three of these originated in America and two in England. The external parts