Friedrich Trendelenburg, 1844-1924, was a German surgeon, reproduction photo from the year 1895, digital improved Stock Photo
RFHFACB2–Friedrich Trendelenburg, 1844-1924, was a German surgeon, reproduction photo from the year 1895, digital improved
135 Friedrich Trendelenburg Stock Photo
OP-Tisch nach Trendelenburg 1901. Stock Photo
RM2EFX317–OP-Tisch nach Trendelenburg 1901.
Indoors shot of an abandoned hospital corridor with an old Trendelenburg table in the corridor Stock Photo
RF2C7C6NE–Indoors shot of an abandoned hospital corridor with an old Trendelenburg table in the corridor
Meeting of the German-French commission for economic cooperation, 1931 Stock Photo
RMC45EMX–Meeting of the German-French commission for economic cooperation, 1931
The art of anaesthesia . Fi<;. 16.—Tabic in Trendelenburg position.. Fig. 17.—Patient ready for Trendelenburg position. COMPLETE GENERAL ANAESTHESIA Stock Photo
RM2AKCP31–The art of anaesthesia . Fi<;. 16.—Tabic in Trendelenburg position.. Fig. 17.—Patient ready for Trendelenburg position. COMPLETE GENERAL ANAESTHESIA
Multifunctional hospital bed for intensive care unit Stock Photo
RF2YTXMWA–Multifunctional hospital bed for intensive care unit
homecare adjustable electric hospital bed at home Stock Photo
RM2PPKWTM–homecare adjustable electric hospital bed at home
side view of homecare electric hospital bed with sick person holding handle at home Stock Photo
RF2P4GTTR–side view of homecare electric hospital bed with sick person holding handle at home
side view of electric hospital bed at home Stock Photo
RM2PPKERA–side view of electric hospital bed at home
curved hospital bed with patient holding handle Stock Photo
RF2PYC77M–curved hospital bed with patient holding handle
adjustable hospital bed and crutches at home Stock Photo
RM2PPM7W0–adjustable hospital bed and crutches at home
curved electric hospital bed with patient at home Stock Photo
RM2PPKET0–curved electric hospital bed with patient at home
hospital bed with patient holding handle at home Stock Photo
RM2PPKWTK–hospital bed with patient holding handle at home
empty cup and patient in homecare hospital bed Stock Photo
RM2PPKERG–empty cup and patient in homecare hospital bed
. Fig. 317. Wirkung kurzdauernder Reize des Vagus auf das Froschherz. Nach Engelmann, a, b, c, einmalige Reizungen; d, 20malige Wiederholung der Reizung an derselben Stelle des Zylinderumfanges. 1 Trendelenburg, ebenda, 1902, Suppl., S. 312. - Muskens, Amer. journ. of physiol., 1, S. 488; 1898. 3 Engelmann, Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., phydol. Abt., 1900; S. 334. 1 Ruttgers, Zeitschr. f. Biol., 67, S. 25; 1916. Stock Photo
RMMCR8A4–. Fig. 317. Wirkung kurzdauernder Reize des Vagus auf das Froschherz. Nach Engelmann, a, b, c, einmalige Reizungen; d, 20malige Wiederholung der Reizung an derselben Stelle des Zylinderumfanges. 1 Trendelenburg, ebenda, 1902, Suppl., S. 312. - Muskens, Amer. journ. of physiol., 1, S. 488; 1898. 3 Engelmann, Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., phydol. Abt., 1900; S. 334. 1 Ruttgers, Zeitschr. f. Biol., 67, S. 25; 1916.
Meeting of the German-French commission for economic cooperation, 1931 Stock Photo
RMC45EN2–Meeting of the German-French commission for economic cooperation, 1931
The art of anaesthesia . Fig. 17.—Patient ready for Trendelenburg position. COMPLETE GENERAL ANAESTHESIA. Fia. 18.—Patient in Trendelenburg position. Stock Photo
RM2AKCNR0–The art of anaesthesia . Fig. 17.—Patient ready for Trendelenburg position. COMPLETE GENERAL ANAESTHESIA. Fia. 18.—Patient in Trendelenburg position.
Meeting of the German-French Commission for Economic Cooperation, 1931 Stock Photo
RMC45EMP–Meeting of the German-French Commission for Economic Cooperation, 1931
Multifunctional hospital bed for intensive care unit Stock Photo
RF2YTXMW9–Multifunctional hospital bed for intensive care unit
side view of homecare electric hospital bed at home Stock Photo
RF2N74MF9–side view of homecare electric hospital bed at home
sloped electric hospital bed with patient at home Stock Photo
RF2PYA8C5–sloped electric hospital bed with patient at home
sloped hospital bed with patient holding handle Stock Photo
RM2PPKET1–sloped hospital bed with patient holding handle
Trendelenburg Op. Varizen Titel Stock Photo
. The practitioner's medical dictionary; containing all the words and phrases generally used in medicine and the allied sciences, with their proper pronunciation, derivation, and definition. Walchers Position.. The Trendelenburg Posture. Stock Photo
RM2AG1191–. The practitioner's medical dictionary; containing all the words and phrases generally used in medicine and the allied sciences, with their proper pronunciation, derivation, and definition. Walchers Position.. The Trendelenburg Posture.
Multifunctional hospital bed for intensive care unit Stock Photo
RF2YTXMWG–Multifunctional hospital bed for intensive care unit
side view of homecare adjustable electric hospital bed at home Stock Photo
RF2NH9J8K–side view of homecare adjustable electric hospital bed at home
side view of hospital bed with sick person at home Stock Photo
RF2PYC77A–side view of hospital bed with sick person at home
electric hospital bed, crutches and table at home Stock Photo
RM2PPKERK–electric hospital bed, crutches and table at home
. The practitioner's medical dictionary; containing all the words and phrases generally used in medicine and the allied sciences, with their proper pronunciation, derivation, and definition. The Trendelenburg Posture.. The Dorso-sacral Posture. Lateral View. Stock Photo
RM2AG111B–. The practitioner's medical dictionary; containing all the words and phrases generally used in medicine and the allied sciences, with their proper pronunciation, derivation, and definition. The Trendelenburg Posture.. The Dorso-sacral Posture. Lateral View.
side view of curved homecare electric hospital bed with patient at home Stock Photo
RF2N74MFC–side view of curved homecare electric hospital bed with patient at home
tabe and hospital bed with woman holding handle Stock Photo
RF2PYA8C2–tabe and hospital bed with woman holding handle
Trendelenburg Op. Lungenembolie Titel Stock Photo
The American text-book of obstetrics for practitioners and students . Fig. 299.—The hanging dorsal or Walcher posture. Lengthening of the conjugate of tbe brii. ^ Fio. 300.—The arched dorsal or combined Trendelenburg-Walcher posture. Stock Photo
RM2AX20BE–The American text-book of obstetrics for practitioners and students . Fig. 299.—The hanging dorsal or Walcher posture. Lengthening of the conjugate of tbe brii. ^ Fio. 300.—The arched dorsal or combined Trendelenburg-Walcher posture.
homecare adjustable electric hospital bed with sick person holding handle and table with medicine on foreground at home Stock Photo
RF2NRJY55–homecare adjustable electric hospital bed with sick person holding handle and table with medicine on foreground at home
hospital bed with sick person and table at home Stock Photo
RF2PYC77T–hospital bed with sick person and table at home
OP Tisch nach Trendelenburg 1901 Stock Photo
An American text-book of genito-urinary diseases, syphilis and diseases of the skin . Fig. 99.—Watsons scissors-cautery. Some authors prefer the transverse incision above the pubes, dividingthe recti muscles, as advised by Trendelenburg.1 Kiimmel2 sutured thebladder and drained through the perineum with a Nelaton catheter. For. Fig. 100.—Prostate-scissors (Jessop). the cases in which the obstruction at the neck of the bladder is dense, Keyes3accomplishes its thorough removal by means of the rongeur, thus solving Stock Photo
RM2AKJTG9–An American text-book of genito-urinary diseases, syphilis and diseases of the skin . Fig. 99.—Watsons scissors-cautery. Some authors prefer the transverse incision above the pubes, dividingthe recti muscles, as advised by Trendelenburg.1 Kiimmel2 sutured thebladder and drained through the perineum with a Nelaton catheter. For. Fig. 100.—Prostate-scissors (Jessop). the cases in which the obstruction at the neck of the bladder is dense, Keyes3accomplishes its thorough removal by means of the rongeur, thus solving
side view of sloped homecare electric hospital bed with patient at home Stock Photo
RF2NRJY5T–side view of sloped homecare electric hospital bed with patient at home
dishes on table and patient holding handle on bed Stock Photo
RF2PY8BGN–dishes on table and patient holding handle on bed
Friedrich Trendelenburg Stock Photo
A Reference handbook of the medical sciences embracing the entire range of scientific and practical medicine and allied science . umbilicus. It is necessarj- to gothrough the pyramidalis muscle down to the pubiccartilage. If the woman be fat, the umbilicus is re-moved and the incision extended above this. Uponentering the abdomen the table is lowered into the exag-gerated Trendelenburg position. The intestines andomentum are gently taken from the pelvis and placed inthe abdomen, and the sigmoid llexure is straightened out.The curvature of the loins upon each side of the spineabove the pelvic b Stock Photo
RM2AJE552–A Reference handbook of the medical sciences embracing the entire range of scientific and practical medicine and allied science . umbilicus. It is necessarj- to gothrough the pyramidalis muscle down to the pubiccartilage. If the woman be fat, the umbilicus is re-moved and the incision extended above this. Uponentering the abdomen the table is lowered into the exag-gerated Trendelenburg position. The intestines andomentum are gently taken from the pelvis and placed inthe abdomen, and the sigmoid llexure is straightened out.The curvature of the loins upon each side of the spineabove the pelvic b
side view of curved homecare electric hospital bed with patient holding handle at home Stock Photo
RF2P4GTW6–side view of curved homecare electric hospital bed with patient holding handle at home
cup, medicines and patient holding handle on bed Stock Photo
RF2PYA8BW–cup, medicines and patient holding handle on bed
A manual of modern surgery : an exposition of the accepted doctrines and approved operative procedures of the present time, for the use of students and practitioners . r part of the abdomen is of great assistanceto the operator. It is called the Trendelenburg position ; and maybe obtained by placing an inclined plane of wood under the hips andthighs, or by the use of a special form of operating table. By the toilet of the peritoneum is meant the removal of all blood 616 DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN AND PELVIS. and other fluids by irrigation or by sponges pushed into the pelvic orlumbar fossae. This Stock Photo
RM2AKFKT3–A manual of modern surgery : an exposition of the accepted doctrines and approved operative procedures of the present time, for the use of students and practitioners . r part of the abdomen is of great assistanceto the operator. It is called the Trendelenburg position ; and maybe obtained by placing an inclined plane of wood under the hips andthighs, or by the use of a special form of operating table. By the toilet of the peritoneum is meant the removal of all blood 616 DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN AND PELVIS. and other fluids by irrigation or by sponges pushed into the pelvic orlumbar fossae. This
side view of sloped homecare electric hospital bed with patient holding handle at home Stock Photo
RF2N74MFD–side view of sloped homecare electric hospital bed with patient holding handle at home
The art of anaesthesia . sults if the knees are not flexed, as shown in Figs.19 and 20. The object of the Trendelenburg position is to securebetter exposure of the pelvic organs by virtue of the dis-placement by gravity of the abdominal viscera. It is mostadvantageously used in thin subjects. It is contraindicatedin cases presenting free pelvic pus. This position pro-duces engorgement of the blood vessels of the head andneck. The pharyngeal structures and the tongue areswollen and often give rise to obstructed respiration.Where there is danger of acute cardiac dilatation througha preceding acu Stock Photo
RM2AKCPCD–The art of anaesthesia . sults if the knees are not flexed, as shown in Figs.19 and 20. The object of the Trendelenburg position is to securebetter exposure of the pelvic organs by virtue of the dis-placement by gravity of the abdominal viscera. It is mostadvantageously used in thin subjects. It is contraindicatedin cases presenting free pelvic pus. This position pro-duces engorgement of the blood vessels of the head andneck. The pharyngeal structures and the tongue areswollen and often give rise to obstructed respiration.Where there is danger of acute cardiac dilatation througha preceding acu
empty cup with saucer, medicines and bottle of water on table and patient in homecare hospital bed on background at home Stock Photo
RF2N74MEG–empty cup with saucer, medicines and bottle of water on table and patient in homecare hospital bed on background at home
An American text-book of genito-urinary diseases, syphilis and diseases of the skin . ded borderto the inner wall of the sac, as Trendelenburg had done. Before finishing thisoperation, however, he explored the ureter and found a stricture, which causedhim to abandon the operation for valve-formation and to resect the stricture. The valve-formation can be remedied by a plastic operation after pre-vious opening of the dilated pelvis following lumbar nephrotomy. It isnatural to select the lumbar region for entering the pelvis, because the opera-tion is extra-peritoneal, and consequently there is Stock Photo
RM2AKJ2M4–An American text-book of genito-urinary diseases, syphilis and diseases of the skin . ded borderto the inner wall of the sac, as Trendelenburg had done. Before finishing thisoperation, however, he explored the ureter and found a stricture, which causedhim to abandon the operation for valve-formation and to resect the stricture. The valve-formation can be remedied by a plastic operation after pre-vious opening of the dilated pelvis following lumbar nephrotomy. It isnatural to select the lumbar region for entering the pelvis, because the opera-tion is extra-peritoneal, and consequently there is
side view of homecare adjustable electric hospital bed, crutches and table with medicine at home Stock Photo
RF2N74MED–side view of homecare adjustable electric hospital bed, crutches and table with medicine at home
Cesarean section . ard center. The amount of hemorrhage is usually not excessive and is easily con-trolled. There is always some danger of injuring the bladder and ofopening the peritoneal cavity, but if the dissection is made with careneither of these accidents should occur. During the separation of thebladder the left ureter and uterine artery are visible in most cases and,therefore, should be safe from injury, but carelessness may result dis-astrously. The employment of the Trendelenburg position during theoperation is almost imperative. The operation can be performed in the i6o CESAREAN SE Stock Photo
RM2ANBT1R–Cesarean section . ard center. The amount of hemorrhage is usually not excessive and is easily con-trolled. There is always some danger of injuring the bladder and ofopening the peritoneal cavity, but if the dissection is made with careneither of these accidents should occur. During the separation of thebladder the left ureter and uterine artery are visible in most cases and,therefore, should be safe from injury, but carelessness may result dis-astrously. The employment of the Trendelenburg position during theoperation is almost imperative. The operation can be performed in the i6o CESAREAN SE
white cup with saucer and medicines on table and sick woman holding handle of homecare hospital bed on background at home Stock Photo
RF2NRJY4K–white cup with saucer and medicines on table and sick woman holding handle of homecare hospital bed on background at home
A manual of modern surgery : an exposition of the accepted doctrines and approved operative procedures of the present time, for the use of students and practitioners . Patient in Trendelenburg position. (Davexport,) Whenever it is believed that a purulent cavity has not been perfectlycleansed and that purulent material remains, it becomes necessary toleave a drainage tube or gauze wick in the wound at the time of ad-justing the sutures. Healthy peritoneum absorbs aseptic fluids rapidly,but a diseased peritoneum does so very slowly. In such cases, andwhere there is very great transudation of fl Stock Photo
RM2AKFKK4–A manual of modern surgery : an exposition of the accepted doctrines and approved operative procedures of the present time, for the use of students and practitioners . Patient in Trendelenburg position. (Davexport,) Whenever it is believed that a purulent cavity has not been perfectlycleansed and that purulent material remains, it becomes necessary toleave a drainage tube or gauze wick in the wound at the time of ad-justing the sutures. Healthy peritoneum absorbs aseptic fluids rapidly,but a diseased peritoneum does so very slowly. In such cases, andwhere there is very great transudation of fl
side view of homecare adjustable electric hospital bed with sick person holding handle at home Stock Photo
RF2NH9J92–side view of homecare adjustable electric hospital bed with sick person holding handle at home
Preparatory and after treatment in operative cases . andard. Modi-fications of construction to suit the taste and class of practice ofthe surgeon are simple questions of mechanical art. The portable apparatuses designed to be placed on the ordi-nary deal table to permit of Trendelenburg posture, lithotomyposition, etc., are also much in vogue. These are extremely use-ful and satisfactorily efficient, if it be not necessary to change theposture of the patient during the operation. The disturbance ofthe arrangement of the sterile surroundings consequent upon themanipulations involved under these Stock Photo
RM2AJCP87–Preparatory and after treatment in operative cases . andard. Modi-fications of construction to suit the taste and class of practice ofthe surgeon are simple questions of mechanical art. The portable apparatuses designed to be placed on the ordi-nary deal table to permit of Trendelenburg posture, lithotomyposition, etc., are also much in vogue. These are extremely use-ful and satisfactorily efficient, if it be not necessary to change theposture of the patient during the operation. The disturbance ofthe arrangement of the sterile surroundings consequent upon themanipulations involved under these
side view of homecare adjustable electric hospital bed with sick person and table with medicine at home Stock Photo
RF2P4GTTF–side view of homecare adjustable electric hospital bed with sick person and table with medicine at home
. Manual of operative surgery. fter anesthesia is induced in the usual manner Kanavel con-tinues the administration of ether by the rectal method, while Halstead per-formiS tracheotomy and gives chloroform through a Trendelenburg cannula.To the author it seems that laryngotomy and the use of chloroform throughButlins cannula is simpler and safer than tracheotomy. The advantage ofanesthetizing through a tracheotomy or laryngotomy cannula over the rectalmethod consists in the ability to plug the pharynx thoroughly and the avoid-ance of all respiratory troubles. Before giving the anesthetic, plug Stock Photo
RM2AG6BD1–. Manual of operative surgery. fter anesthesia is induced in the usual manner Kanavel con-tinues the administration of ether by the rectal method, while Halstead per-formiS tracheotomy and gives chloroform through a Trendelenburg cannula.To the author it seems that laryngotomy and the use of chloroform throughButlins cannula is simpler and safer than tracheotomy. The advantage ofanesthetizing through a tracheotomy or laryngotomy cannula over the rectalmethod consists in the ability to plug the pharynx thoroughly and the avoid-ance of all respiratory troubles. Before giving the anesthetic, plug
cup with saucer and bottle of water on table and sick person holding handle of homecare hospital bed on background at home Stock Photo
RF2NH9JA3–cup with saucer and bottle of water on table and sick person holding handle of homecare hospital bed on background at home
The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . cciput down, through the abdominal walls, into the pelvicinlet (Fig. iioi). Before the internal hand is removed the operator must satisfyhimself that the large fontanelle is actually higher than the small one, and thatthe vertex is about to engage. In difficult cases the Trendelenburg posture willbe of great assistance. Humphrey used the knee-elbow posture for the patient,(c) Drawing down the occiput {Thorns method): The posture of the patient isthe same as above, but the operator sits or stands on the Stock Photo
RM2AX3TP1–The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . cciput down, through the abdominal walls, into the pelvicinlet (Fig. iioi). Before the internal hand is removed the operator must satisfyhimself that the large fontanelle is actually higher than the small one, and thatthe vertex is about to engage. In difficult cases the Trendelenburg posture willbe of great assistance. Humphrey used the knee-elbow posture for the patient,(c) Drawing down the occiput {Thorns method): The posture of the patient isthe same as above, but the operator sits or stands on the
side view of homecare adjustable electric hospital bed and crutches at home Stock Photo
RF2NRJY4E–side view of homecare adjustable electric hospital bed and crutches at home
Operative surgery . FiG- 62.—Clevelands table, Trendelenburg position. fied to conform to the special and newly born demands of surgical contemplating the purchase of a special article of this kind should con-fer with those in active touch with improved technique, rather than relyentirely on the belated representations of surgical tomes. Xo surgeon shouldso exaggerate the demands of an occasion as to require the procurement of a 66 OPERATIVE SURGERY. special operating table, when the exercise of reasonable forethought andingenuity on his part will enable him to meet the necessary r Stock Photo
RM2AJ3AHR–Operative surgery . FiG- 62.—Clevelands table, Trendelenburg position. fied to conform to the special and newly born demands of surgical contemplating the purchase of a special article of this kind should con-fer with those in active touch with improved technique, rather than relyentirely on the belated representations of surgical tomes. Xo surgeon shouldso exaggerate the demands of an occasion as to require the procurement of a 66 OPERATIVE SURGERY. special operating table, when the exercise of reasonable forethought andingenuity on his part will enable him to meet the necessary r
. Modern surgery, general and operative. Fig. 895.—Isolation of the venae thy-reoideae imae (Kocher). Fig. .—Isolation and clamping of the isthmus(Kocher). recurrent laryngeal nerve and greatly lessens the risk of injuring the parathy-roids. Ether is given unless there is grave respiratory difficulty with myocardialdegeneration, and half an hour before administering the ether the patient isgiven a hypodermatic injection of ^4 gi- of morpliin and Hoo gr. of atropin. Theether is continued by intratracheal insufflation. When anesthetized, the patientis placed in the reversed Trendelenburg positio Stock Photo
RM2AG6HM2–. Modern surgery, general and operative. Fig. 895.—Isolation of the venae thy-reoideae imae (Kocher). Fig. .—Isolation and clamping of the isthmus(Kocher). recurrent laryngeal nerve and greatly lessens the risk of injuring the parathy-roids. Ether is given unless there is grave respiratory difficulty with myocardialdegeneration, and half an hour before administering the ether the patient isgiven a hypodermatic injection of ^4 gi- of morpliin and Hoo gr. of atropin. Theether is continued by intratracheal insufflation. When anesthetized, the patientis placed in the reversed Trendelenburg positio
. Clinical gyncology, medical and surgical. y occur in assuming thisposition are that the thighs are not held perpendicularly, and the hack ishunched up. The hack should rather sway downward, so as to he some-what concave, a position which relaxes the abdominal muscles. THE TRENDELENBURG POSITION. There is one other position which in recent years has grown in favor asa position for operating,—viz., the Trendelenburg. In this position theknees arc raised high above the head, so that the body slants upward fromthe shoulders. (Fig. 10.) This allows the abdominal viscera to gravitate towards the d Stock Photo
RM2AFYCWJ–. Clinical gyncology, medical and surgical. y occur in assuming thisposition are that the thighs are not held perpendicularly, and the hack ishunched up. The hack should rather sway downward, so as to he some-what concave, a position which relaxes the abdominal muscles. THE TRENDELENBURG POSITION. There is one other position which in recent years has grown in favor asa position for operating,—viz., the Trendelenburg. In this position theknees arc raised high above the head, so that the body slants upward fromthe shoulders. (Fig. 10.) This allows the abdominal viscera to gravitate towards the d
A text-book of practical obstetrics, comprising pregnancy, labor, and the puerpal state, and obstetric surgery . y cleansed.It must be remembered that septic infection is the sole risk thewoman runs in the hands of an operator familiar with thetechnique. ECTOPIC GESTATION. 197 The operation is likely to prove of shorter duration if thewoman be placed in the Trendelenburg position. This positionmay be improvised by tying an ordinary kitchen-chair to thetable so as to form the inclined plane. (See next page.) In addition to the instruments, the operator should haveprepared at least four large, f Stock Photo
RM2AWW8FH–A text-book of practical obstetrics, comprising pregnancy, labor, and the puerpal state, and obstetric surgery . y cleansed.It must be remembered that septic infection is the sole risk thewoman runs in the hands of an operator familiar with thetechnique. ECTOPIC GESTATION. 197 The operation is likely to prove of shorter duration if thewoman be placed in the Trendelenburg position. This positionmay be improvised by tying an ordinary kitchen-chair to thetable so as to form the inclined plane. (See next page.) In addition to the instruments, the operator should haveprepared at least four large, f
Plastic surgery; its principles and practice . Fig. 405.—Operation for macrotia {Martino, Trendelenburg, and J. Joseph).—i. Awedge of tissue including the full thickness of the auricle of the necessary size, DKC isremoved. This reduces the length of the ear. In order to make the edge DK correspondin length with the edge CK, and at the same time to reduce the width of the ear, the tri-angles EFL and GMH are removed. If the lobule is also enlarged this is reduced by theexcision of the triangle of tissue ANB. 2. The edges FL to EL, and GM to HM, are firstsutured, then the edges DK to CK, and fina Stock Photo
RM2AJ9H1B–Plastic surgery; its principles and practice . Fig. 405.—Operation for macrotia {Martino, Trendelenburg, and J. Joseph).—i. Awedge of tissue including the full thickness of the auricle of the necessary size, DKC isremoved. This reduces the length of the ear. In order to make the edge DK correspondin length with the edge CK, and at the same time to reduce the width of the ear, the tri-angles EFL and GMH are removed. If the lobule is also enlarged this is reduced by theexcision of the triangle of tissue ANB. 2. The edges FL to EL, and GM to HM, are firstsutured, then the edges DK to CK, and fina
Gynecology . for Prolapse and Procidentia PROCIDENTIA The technic usually employed by the author for advanced cases of procidentiais as follows: (1) High amputation of the cervix is performed by the Hegar method de-scribed on page 522. (2) An extensive anterior colpoplasty is then done by the authors methoddescribed on page 530. OPERATIONS FOR UTERINE MALPOSITION 597 (3) Perineoplasty is performed according to the technic described for themodified Emmet operation on page 538. (4) The patient is then placed in the Trendelenburg position, the abdomenopened by a small incision, and the uterus and Stock Photo
RM2ANJ05T–Gynecology . for Prolapse and Procidentia PROCIDENTIA The technic usually employed by the author for advanced cases of procidentiais as follows: (1) High amputation of the cervix is performed by the Hegar method de-scribed on page 522. (2) An extensive anterior colpoplasty is then done by the authors methoddescribed on page 530. OPERATIONS FOR UTERINE MALPOSITION 597 (3) Perineoplasty is performed according to the technic described for themodified Emmet operation on page 538. (4) The patient is then placed in the Trendelenburg position, the abdomenopened by a small incision, and the uterus and
Preparatory and after treatment in operative cases . Fig. 89.—Operating Table Arranged for Hartleys Position. the Hartley position with the foot rest attached to prevent slippingof the patient. In neither of these illustrations are the shouldersupports shown, which are of course only attached when the Tren-delenburg posture is to be employed. Fig. 90 shows the table inthe Trendelenburg position with shoulder supports attached, thoughthe head section should perhaps be best slightly raised to show 146 THE OPERATING ROOM the most generally employed Trendelenburg position. If the footsection is dr Stock Photo
RM2AJD4ME–Preparatory and after treatment in operative cases . Fig. 89.—Operating Table Arranged for Hartleys Position. the Hartley position with the foot rest attached to prevent slippingof the patient. In neither of these illustrations are the shouldersupports shown, which are of course only attached when the Tren-delenburg posture is to be employed. Fig. 90 shows the table inthe Trendelenburg position with shoulder supports attached, thoughthe head section should perhaps be best slightly raised to show 146 THE OPERATING ROOM the most generally employed Trendelenburg position. If the footsection is dr
The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . ps (Figs. 1050 and 1051).—This isperhaps superior, in filling certain indications, to both the knee-chest and* Clinical Notes on Uterine Surgery. POSTURE IN OBSTETRICS. 873 Trendelenburg positions. It is far more acceptable to the patient, who canassume it for an indefinite period. She may lie at first in the ordinary lateraldecubitus and then have one side of the pelvis gradually elevated by slippingcushions under the hip. Other cushions are placed beneath the head andchest, as these structures suppor Stock Photo
RM2AX5B1N–The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . ps (Figs. 1050 and 1051).—This isperhaps superior, in filling certain indications, to both the knee-chest and* Clinical Notes on Uterine Surgery. POSTURE IN OBSTETRICS. 873 Trendelenburg positions. It is far more acceptable to the patient, who canassume it for an indefinite period. She may lie at first in the ordinary lateraldecubitus and then have one side of the pelvis gradually elevated by slippingcushions under the hip. Other cushions are placed beneath the head andchest, as these structures suppor
Preparatory and after treatment in operative cases . Fig. 129.—Extemporized Operating Table. blanket. Kitchen table covered with which permit of the supine position and may be tilted to obtaina moderate degree of Trendelenburg elevation. However, it is tobe remembered, as already stated, when the Trendelenburg posture. Fig. 130.—Extemporized Operating Table Covered with Blanket and Rubber Sheet. or the lithotomy position is necessary, special apparatus for thepurpose should be employed. 178 THE OPERATING ROOM The deal table usually found in kitchen or laundry is moreuseful than the dining-room Stock Photo
RM2AJCNHM–Preparatory and after treatment in operative cases . Fig. 129.—Extemporized Operating Table. blanket. Kitchen table covered with which permit of the supine position and may be tilted to obtaina moderate degree of Trendelenburg elevation. However, it is tobe remembered, as already stated, when the Trendelenburg posture. Fig. 130.—Extemporized Operating Table Covered with Blanket and Rubber Sheet. or the lithotomy position is necessary, special apparatus for thepurpose should be employed. 178 THE OPERATING ROOM The deal table usually found in kitchen or laundry is moreuseful than the dining-room
Plastic surgery; its principles and practice . Fig. 405.—Operation for macrotia {Martino, Trendelenburg, and J. Joseph).—i. Awedge of tissue including the full thickness of the auricle of the necessary size, DKC isremoved. This reduces the length of the ear. In order to make the edge DK correspondin length with the edge CK, and at the same time to reduce the width of the ear, the tri-angles EFL and GMH are removed. If the lobule is also enlarged this is reduced by theexcision of the triangle of tissue ANB. 2. The edges FL to EL, and GM to HM, are firstsutured, then the edges DK to CK, and fina Stock Photo
RM2AJ9GJT–Plastic surgery; its principles and practice . Fig. 405.—Operation for macrotia {Martino, Trendelenburg, and J. Joseph).—i. Awedge of tissue including the full thickness of the auricle of the necessary size, DKC isremoved. This reduces the length of the ear. In order to make the edge DK correspondin length with the edge CK, and at the same time to reduce the width of the ear, the tri-angles EFL and GMH are removed. If the lobule is also enlarged this is reduced by theexcision of the triangle of tissue ANB. 2. The edges FL to EL, and GM to HM, are firstsutured, then the edges DK to CK, and fina
The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . ht in the latter, and it might perhaps be better described as a hybrid POSTURE IN OBSTETRICS. 875 posture in which the size and height of the pelvis are simultaneously affected.Each position is described in detail. 3. Trendelenburg Posture (Fig. 1052).—While this posture appears to be alineal descendant of an old method of applying taxis in hernia, its use has becomegeneral only of late years, so that the knee-chest position is very much itssenior in obstetric practice. A woman in the Trendelenburg pos Stock Photo
RM2AX59R4–The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . ht in the latter, and it might perhaps be better described as a hybrid POSTURE IN OBSTETRICS. 875 posture in which the size and height of the pelvis are simultaneously affected.Each position is described in detail. 3. Trendelenburg Posture (Fig. 1052).—While this posture appears to be alineal descendant of an old method of applying taxis in hernia, its use has becomegeneral only of late years, so that the knee-chest position is very much itssenior in obstetric practice. A woman in the Trendelenburg pos
The etiology of osseous deformities of the head, face, jaws and teeth . eresult of traumatism due to injury in utero^ or at the time ofdelivery, or even subsequently, except by direct force, andsecondarily to a slow inflammatory process, to my thinking,will not account for these deformities. Indeed, fracture of THE HEAD, FACE, JAAVS ANJ) TEETH L^57 soft tissue, such as the vomer before ossitication, is not p(^ssi-ble. The theory advanced by Trendelenburg, and supportedby many specialists today, is so absurd that it would seemalmost unnecessary to say anything about it at this time, butas this Stock Photo
RM2AX2W0M–The etiology of osseous deformities of the head, face, jaws and teeth . eresult of traumatism due to injury in utero^ or at the time ofdelivery, or even subsequently, except by direct force, andsecondarily to a slow inflammatory process, to my thinking,will not account for these deformities. Indeed, fracture of THE HEAD, FACE, JAAVS ANJ) TEETH L^57 soft tissue, such as the vomer before ossitication, is not p(^ssi-ble. The theory advanced by Trendelenburg, and supportedby many specialists today, is so absurd that it would seemalmost unnecessary to say anything about it at this time, butas this
Archives of internal medicine . —T. H. KELLY 255 and vice versa, is not of a very convincing nature. Shur and Weisel,9Goldzieher and Molnar.1 and Goldzieher11 have tried to prove that theblood of chronic nephritics contains an excess of adrenalin; and theyhave attributed the high blood-pressure found in this disease to theaction of this excess. It this were a fact we should have an exampleof a pressor effect without a corresponding glycogenic one. But OCon-nor.12 Broking and Trendelenburg,13 and Falta and Flemming14 haveshown that the methods used for determining the amount of adrenalsecretion Stock Photo
RM2AWXTAY–Archives of internal medicine . —T. H. KELLY 255 and vice versa, is not of a very convincing nature. Shur and Weisel,9Goldzieher and Molnar.1 and Goldzieher11 have tried to prove that theblood of chronic nephritics contains an excess of adrenalin; and theyhave attributed the high blood-pressure found in this disease to theaction of this excess. It this were a fact we should have an exampleof a pressor effect without a corresponding glycogenic one. But OCon-nor.12 Broking and Trendelenburg,13 and Falta and Flemming14 haveshown that the methods used for determining the amount of adrenalsecretion
Surgical therapeutics and operative technique . Fig. 244.-—Diagrammatic Figure showingA Large Na so-Pharyngeal Polypus, thePharyngeal Prolongation of which hasbeen grasped with a Gouge-Forceps. The raspatory has just been introduced, andits extremity embraces the upper part of thepedicle. (The operation is being carried outin the Trendelenburg position.). Fig. 245.—Diagrammatic Figure showing the Position op the Raspatory atthe Moment at which it detaches the Pedicle of the Polypus from :tsSeat op Implantation on the Basilar Apophysis. 134 SURGICAL THERAPEUTICS AND OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE Stock Photo
RM2AWT0TT–Surgical therapeutics and operative technique . Fig. 244.-—Diagrammatic Figure showingA Large Na so-Pharyngeal Polypus, thePharyngeal Prolongation of which hasbeen grasped with a Gouge-Forceps. The raspatory has just been introduced, andits extremity embraces the upper part of thepedicle. (The operation is being carried outin the Trendelenburg position.). Fig. 245.—Diagrammatic Figure showing the Position op the Raspatory atthe Moment at which it detaches the Pedicle of the Polypus from :tsSeat op Implantation on the Basilar Apophysis. 134 SURGICAL THERAPEUTICS AND OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE
A nurse's handbook of obstetrics . Fig. 126a. Prolapse of the umbilical cord. (Bumm.) As the head comes down the com. pression of the cord between the fetal skull and the pelvic brim will shut off its circulationcompletely.. Fig. 126b.—Knee-chest position. (Potter). The back must be straight or slightly concaveand the thighs perpendicular. TRENDELENBURG POSITION. whatever, except for special reasons of the utmost urgency. If,however, she knows that the cord has prolapsed, she should sendat once for the physician and then put the patient in the knee-chest position, or in the Trendelenburg posit Stock Photo
RM2AKHJ73–A nurse's handbook of obstetrics . Fig. 126a. Prolapse of the umbilical cord. (Bumm.) As the head comes down the com. pression of the cord between the fetal skull and the pelvic brim will shut off its circulationcompletely.. Fig. 126b.—Knee-chest position. (Potter). The back must be straight or slightly concaveand the thighs perpendicular. TRENDELENBURG POSITION. whatever, except for special reasons of the utmost urgency. If,however, she knows that the cord has prolapsed, she should sendat once for the physician and then put the patient in the knee-chest position, or in the Trendelenburg posit
Plastic surgery; its principles and practice . d loop of intestine. (Rutkowsky, 1899,and othefs.) (3) By freshening and uniting the edges of the defective bladder,after bringing together the widely separated pubic bones. To accom-plish this, Trendelenburg divides the sacroiliac synchondrosis on each side.Konig, Koch, and others secure the same result by division or fractureof the horizontal and descending rami of the pubes, followed by sutureof the loosened margins of the bladder. Passavant uses an orthopedicpressure apparatus to bring the bones together. 300 PLASTIC SURGERY (4) Schlange mobil Stock Photo
RM2AJC5MP–Plastic surgery; its principles and practice . d loop of intestine. (Rutkowsky, 1899,and othefs.) (3) By freshening and uniting the edges of the defective bladder,after bringing together the widely separated pubic bones. To accom-plish this, Trendelenburg divides the sacroiliac synchondrosis on each side.Konig, Koch, and others secure the same result by division or fractureof the horizontal and descending rami of the pubes, followed by sutureof the loosened margins of the bladder. Passavant uses an orthopedicpressure apparatus to bring the bones together. 300 PLASTIC SURGERY (4) Schlange mobil
The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . ^A^*. Fig. 1053.—-Trendelenburg-Walcher Posture, showing the Parturient Tract andTHE Degree of Pelvic Inclination. Note the downward rotation of the sym-physis and the enlargement of the pelvic inlet.—{From a photograph taken at the Emer-gency Hospital.) knee-elbow position may be used, although I have found the exaggerated latero-prone or Trendelenburg posture to answer better. In the puerperium, for thefirst two or three days the dorsal posture is advisable (page 694). After thethird day the patien Stock Photo
RM2AX56DB–The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine . ^A^*. Fig. 1053.—-Trendelenburg-Walcher Posture, showing the Parturient Tract andTHE Degree of Pelvic Inclination. Note the downward rotation of the sym-physis and the enlargement of the pelvic inlet.—{From a photograph taken at the Emer-gency Hospital.) knee-elbow position may be used, although I have found the exaggerated latero-prone or Trendelenburg posture to answer better. In the puerperium, for thefirst two or three days the dorsal posture is advisable (page 694). After thethird day the patien
Pyelography (pyelo-ureterography) a study of the normal and pathologic anatomy of the renal pelvis and ureter . Fig. 136.—Inflammatory dilatation in the ureter. 168 PYELOGRAPHY opaque fluid is seen outlining the bladder with the patientin the Trendelenburg position; the fluid has gravitated intothe left ureter to a short distance, and demonstrates thewell-marked inflammatory dilatation. A moderate degree of inflammatory dilatation may easilybe confused with a considerable degree of return flow in anelastic normal ureter. As a rule, however, the outline caused. Fig. 137.—Normal pelvis with retu Stock Photo
RM2AKH4D3–Pyelography (pyelo-ureterography) a study of the normal and pathologic anatomy of the renal pelvis and ureter . Fig. 136.—Inflammatory dilatation in the ureter. 168 PYELOGRAPHY opaque fluid is seen outlining the bladder with the patientin the Trendelenburg position; the fluid has gravitated intothe left ureter to a short distance, and demonstrates thewell-marked inflammatory dilatation. A moderate degree of inflammatory dilatation may easilybe confused with a considerable degree of return flow in anelastic normal ureter. As a rule, however, the outline caused. Fig. 137.—Normal pelvis with retu
The practice of surgery . Fig. 180.—Removal of myomata. mean shelling out the myomata, one by one, from the uterus. Theoperation is so easy in appropriate cases that nothing more than theillustrations are needed to demonstrate it. Open the abdomen; throw. Fig. 181.—Uterine polyp removed -u-ith scissors. the patient in the Trendelenburg position; wall off the uterus; pull itto the fore with vulsellum forceps, and enucleate the tumors individuallywith knife, scissors, and fingers. In properly selected cases the opera- 300 FEMALE OKGAXS OF GENERATION tion is cxtrcMnely easy, aiul the hemorrhagic Stock Photo
RM2AWHGHC–The practice of surgery . Fig. 180.—Removal of myomata. mean shelling out the myomata, one by one, from the uterus. Theoperation is so easy in appropriate cases that nothing more than theillustrations are needed to demonstrate it. Open the abdomen; throw. Fig. 181.—Uterine polyp removed -u-ith scissors. the patient in the Trendelenburg position; wall off the uterus; pull itto the fore with vulsellum forceps, and enucleate the tumors individuallywith knife, scissors, and fingers. In properly selected cases the opera- 300 FEMALE OKGAXS OF GENERATION tion is cxtrcMnely easy, aiul the hemorrhagic
A nurse's handbook of obstetrics, for use in training-schools . Fig. 107.—Knee-chest position. (Potter). The back must be straight or slightly concaveand the thighs perpendicular. TRENDELENBURG POSITION. 209 whatever, except for special reasons of the utmost urgency. If,however, she knows that the cord has prolapsed, she shouldsend at once for the physician and then put the patient in the knee-chest position (Fig. 107), or in the Trendelenburg posi-. Fig. 108.—Trendelenburg position. tion (Fig. 108), to favor its return into the cavity of the uterus.If the pulsations in the cord cease or even Stock Photo
RM2AWFTRM–A nurse's handbook of obstetrics, for use in training-schools . Fig. 107.—Knee-chest position. (Potter). The back must be straight or slightly concaveand the thighs perpendicular. TRENDELENBURG POSITION. 209 whatever, except for special reasons of the utmost urgency. If,however, she knows that the cord has prolapsed, she shouldsend at once for the physician and then put the patient in the knee-chest position (Fig. 107), or in the Trendelenburg posi-. Fig. 108.—Trendelenburg position. tion (Fig. 108), to favor its return into the cavity of the uterus.If the pulsations in the cord cease or even
The American text-book of obstetrics for practitioners and students . ^ Fio. 300.—The arched dorsal or combined Trendelenburg-Walcher posture.. Fie 801.—Knee-chest posture. 500 AMEBIC AX TEXT-BOOK OF OBSTETRICS. knees touching, or during marked abduction and out-rotation, there isincrease of pelvic inclination ; it is at its least during moderate abductionand slight in-rotation. The size of the angle between the conjugate andhorizon may be of diagnostic importance in drawing our attention to certainpelvic anomalies. Moreover, an alteration in the axis of the uterus and ofthe fetus often depend Stock Photo
RM2AX1YTG–The American text-book of obstetrics for practitioners and students . ^ Fio. 300.—The arched dorsal or combined Trendelenburg-Walcher posture.. Fie 801.—Knee-chest posture. 500 AMEBIC AX TEXT-BOOK OF OBSTETRICS. knees touching, or during marked abduction and out-rotation, there isincrease of pelvic inclination ; it is at its least during moderate abductionand slight in-rotation. The size of the angle between the conjugate andhorizon may be of diagnostic importance in drawing our attention to certainpelvic anomalies. Moreover, an alteration in the axis of the uterus and ofthe fetus often depend
The American text-book of obstetrics for practitioners and students . Fig. 294.—Hanging dorsal posture. it; the lower limbs hanging downward without support. Employed toenlarge the anteroposterior diameter of the inlet for high forceps operationor for extraction of the after-coming head (Figs. 294 and 299). OBSTETRIC SURGERY. 197 5. Inclined Dorsal or Trendelenburg Posture.—On the back, mi anincline, the downward dope from knee (or heel) i shoulder. Employedto make the intestines gravitate from the pelvic cavity toward the upperpari of the abdominal cavity. In laparotomy for ectopic gestation, Stock Photo
RM2AX23HK–The American text-book of obstetrics for practitioners and students . Fig. 294.—Hanging dorsal posture. it; the lower limbs hanging downward without support. Employed toenlarge the anteroposterior diameter of the inlet for high forceps operationor for extraction of the after-coming head (Figs. 294 and 299). OBSTETRIC SURGERY. 197 5. Inclined Dorsal or Trendelenburg Posture.—On the back, mi anincline, the downward dope from knee (or heel) i shoulder. Employedto make the intestines gravitate from the pelvic cavity toward the upperpari of the abdominal cavity. In laparotomy for ectopic gestation,
The practice of surgery . Fig. 181.—Uterine polyp removed -u-ith scissors. the patient in the Trendelenburg position; wall off the uterus; pull itto the fore with vulsellum forceps, and enucleate the tumors individuallywith knife, scissors, and fingers. In properly selected cases the opera- 300 FEMALE OKGAXS OF GENERATION tion is cxtrcMnely easy, aiul the hemorrhagic into the resultin<;- cavitiesis readily couti-ollcd by buried catgut stitches. Finally, sew iij) thewound in the uterus and suspend the organ if it seems inclined to dropback into an abnormal position, ^^ipe out the peritoneal Stock Photo
RM2AWHFCT–The practice of surgery . Fig. 181.—Uterine polyp removed -u-ith scissors. the patient in the Trendelenburg position; wall off the uterus; pull itto the fore with vulsellum forceps, and enucleate the tumors individuallywith knife, scissors, and fingers. In properly selected cases the opera- 300 FEMALE OKGAXS OF GENERATION tion is cxtrcMnely easy, aiul the hemorrhagic into the resultin<;- cavitiesis readily couti-ollcd by buried catgut stitches. Finally, sew iij) thewound in the uterus and suspend the organ if it seems inclined to dropback into an abnormal position, ^^ipe out the peritoneal
Clinical and pathological papers .. . Fio. 1.—Showing lamps, with table in Trendelenburg position.. Fig. 2.—Showing lamps detached from operating table. to the table. For about twenty minutes or half an hourbefore the patient is placed on the table the lamps are turnedon. When the patient is placed upon the table the field ofoperation is cleansed, and dry pads are placed under her.As soon as the operation is begun the lamps are turned out,but on a very cold day, or when the patient is in a veryweakened condition, the lamps are kept lighted throughoutthe operation. If the lamps are turned off a Stock Photo
RM2AWE995–Clinical and pathological papers .. . Fio. 1.—Showing lamps, with table in Trendelenburg position.. Fig. 2.—Showing lamps detached from operating table. to the table. For about twenty minutes or half an hourbefore the patient is placed on the table the lamps are turnedon. When the patient is placed upon the table the field ofoperation is cleansed, and dry pads are placed under her.As soon as the operation is begun the lamps are turned out,but on a very cold day, or when the patient is in a veryweakened condition, the lamps are kept lighted throughoutthe operation. If the lamps are turned off a
The operating room and the patient; a manual of pre- and post-operative treatment . y must be raised by the mitiga-tion of the sepsis, nephritis, and intestinal stasis with portalplethora. Having prepared a patient for the narcosis, the next step is tosee that he is properly placed (Fig. 113) on the table for theoperation. Place an ordinary surcingle snugly around the tableand patients legs just above the knees, have the shoulder sup- ANESTHESIA 139 ports well padded and in place ready for the Trendelenburg orprostatectomy position, the arms at the side, palms down, wellunder the buttocks or f Stock Photo
RM2AWF6TK–The operating room and the patient; a manual of pre- and post-operative treatment . y must be raised by the mitiga-tion of the sepsis, nephritis, and intestinal stasis with portalplethora. Having prepared a patient for the narcosis, the next step is tosee that he is properly placed (Fig. 113) on the table for theoperation. Place an ordinary surcingle snugly around the tableand patients legs just above the knees, have the shoulder sup- ANESTHESIA 139 ports well padded and in place ready for the Trendelenburg orprostatectomy position, the arms at the side, palms down, wellunder the buttocks or f
Modern surgery, general and operative . ds), after any cutting operation, and afterthe infliction of a fracture, avoid as much as possible and for some time move-ments or handling, as fragments of thrombus may be detached. In mesenteric embolism exploratory laparotomy may disclose a perfora-tion which can be closed or a portion of gangrenous gut which can be resected. In aseptic pulmonary embolism enforce absolute rest, give strychnin andmorphin hypodermatically, and inhalations of oxygen. Trendelenburg hassuggested operation for occluding pulmonary embolism (see page 1028). In septic embolic Stock Photo
RM2AJ0YF9–Modern surgery, general and operative . ds), after any cutting operation, and afterthe infliction of a fracture, avoid as much as possible and for some time move-ments or handling, as fragments of thrombus may be detached. In mesenteric embolism exploratory laparotomy may disclose a perfora-tion which can be closed or a portion of gangrenous gut which can be resected. In aseptic pulmonary embolism enforce absolute rest, give strychnin andmorphin hypodermatically, and inhalations of oxygen. Trendelenburg hassuggested operation for occluding pulmonary embolism (see page 1028). In septic embolic
. Modern surgery, general and operative. uccessfully by Dr. Vm. Gibson in iSi2. Itwas first successfully ligated by Valentine Mott in 1827. The patient is placedrecumbent or in the Trendelenburg position. The body is then turned a Httleto the opposite side and the thighs are partly flexed. Bryant says there are ;6o Diseases and Injuries of the Heart and Vessels two linear guides for this artery. Cramptons line is drawn from the apex ofthe cartilage of the last rib downward and a little forward nearly to the crestof the ilium, then carried forward parallel with it to a little below the ante-ri Stock Photo
RM2AGE4MF–. Modern surgery, general and operative. uccessfully by Dr. Vm. Gibson in iSi2. Itwas first successfully ligated by Valentine Mott in 1827. The patient is placedrecumbent or in the Trendelenburg position. The body is then turned a Httleto the opposite side and the thighs are partly flexed. Bryant says there are ;6o Diseases and Injuries of the Heart and Vessels two linear guides for this artery. Cramptons line is drawn from the apex ofthe cartilage of the last rib downward and a little forward nearly to the crestof the ilium, then carried forward parallel with it to a little below the ante-ri
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