Spain and Portugal: handbook for travellers . h. The choir contains three pic-tures ascribed to Velasco (p. 560). At the portal is a Turkishcannon-ball from the siege of Ormuz , sent hither by the Spanishcommandant, Alvaro de Noronha. Beyond Odivellas the road leads via, (10 M.) Louret to the Gabeza deMontachique (1332 ft.), on the inner line of the fortifications of Torres Ve-dras, and to Povoa da Galega (475 ft.) and the Alalaia Gvia (1020 ft.). It thendescends via, Enxara dos Cavalleiros, Marmelos Sao Sebastiao, and Mugideirato (53 M.) Torres Vedras (p. 544). b. S. Shore of the Bay of the T Stock Photo
RM2AXE567–Spain and Portugal: handbook for travellers . h. The choir contains three pic-tures ascribed to Velasco (p. 560). At the portal is a Turkishcannon-ball from the siege of Ormuz , sent hither by the Spanishcommandant, Alvaro de Noronha. Beyond Odivellas the road leads via, (10 M.) Louret to the Gabeza deMontachique (1332 ft.), on the inner line of the fortifications of Torres Ve-dras, and to Povoa da Galega (475 ft.) and the Alalaia Gvia (1020 ft.). It thendescends via, Enxara dos Cavalleiros, Marmelos Sao Sebastiao, and Mugideirato (53 M.) Torres Vedras (p. 544). b. S. Shore of the Bay of the T