Wolverine, glutton, carcajou or quickhatch, Gulo gulo. Mustela gulo, Ursus gulo, Ursus luscus. Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaw’s General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/wolverine-glutton-carcajou-or-quickhatch-gulo-gulo-mustela-gulo-ursus-gulo-ursus-luscus-copperplate-engraving-by-james-heath-from-george-shaws-general-zoology-mammalia-g-kearsley-fleet-street-london-1800-image569874845.html
RM2T34151–Wolverine, glutton, carcajou or quickhatch, Gulo gulo. Mustela gulo, Ursus gulo, Ursus luscus. Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaw’s General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800.
Wolverine (Gulo gulo) den, Kuhmo, Finland Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/wolverine-gulo-gulo-den-kuhmo-finland-image612036368.html
RM2XFMJHM–Wolverine (Gulo gulo) den, Kuhmo, Finland
. Le Jardin des plantes : description. Le RossoMAK {Gutlo arcticus, Desm. Ursus gulo, Lin. Le Glouton,BuFF. La Volverenne, Penn. Le Vielfras des Danois; le Gieedk desLapons.). Sa taille est celle dun gros chien braque, mais il a les jambes Olaiis Magnus est, je crois, le premier naturaliste qui ait parlédu glouton, mais pour exagérer beaucoup sa voracité, qui a passéen proverbe. Cet auteur raconte que, quand il dévore un cadavre,il se remplit au point davoir le ventre gros comme un tambour;puis il se presse le corps entre deux arbres pour se vider, retourneensuite au cadavre, revient se presse Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/le-jardin-des-plantes-description-le-rossomak-gutlo-arcticus-desm-ursus-gulo-lin-le-gloutonbuff-la-volverenne-penn-le-vielfras-des-danois-le-gieedk-deslapons-sa-taille-est-celle-dun-gros-chien-braque-mais-il-a-les-jambes-olaiis-magnus-est-je-crois-le-premier-naturaliste-qui-ait-parldu-glouton-mais-pour-exagrer-beaucoup-sa-voracit-qui-a-passen-proverbe-cet-auteur-raconte-que-quand-il-dvore-un-cadavreil-se-remplit-au-point-davoir-le-ventre-gros-comme-un-tambourpuis-il-se-presse-le-corps-entre-deux-arbres-pour-se-vider-retourneensuite-au-cadavre-revient-se-presse-image337140954.html
RM2AGE2MA–. Le Jardin des plantes : description. Le RossoMAK {Gutlo arcticus, Desm. Ursus gulo, Lin. Le Glouton,BuFF. La Volverenne, Penn. Le Vielfras des Danois; le Gieedk desLapons.). Sa taille est celle dun gros chien braque, mais il a les jambes Olaiis Magnus est, je crois, le premier naturaliste qui ait parlédu glouton, mais pour exagérer beaucoup sa voracité, qui a passéen proverbe. Cet auteur raconte que, quand il dévore un cadavre,il se remplit au point davoir le ventre gros comme un tambour;puis il se presse le corps entre deux arbres pour se vider, retourneensuite au cadavre, revient se presse
Wolverine, glutton, carcajou or quickhatch, Gulo gulo. Mustela gulo, Ursus gulo, Ursus luscus. Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaws General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/wolverine-glutton-carcajou-or-quickhatch-gulo-gulo-mustela-gulo-ursus-gulo-ursus-luscus-copperplate-engraving-by-james-heath-from-george-shaws-general-zoology-mammalia-g-kearsley-fleet-street-london-1800-image571822802.html
RM2T68NPX–Wolverine, glutton, carcajou or quickhatch, Gulo gulo. Mustela gulo, Ursus gulo, Ursus luscus. Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaws General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800.
Raccoon, Procyon lotor, and wolverine, glutton, carcajou or quickhatch, Gulo gulo. Raccoon, Ursus lotor, and wolverene, Ursus luscus. Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaw’s General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/raccoon-procyon-lotor-and-wolverine-glutton-carcajou-or-quickhatch-gulo-gulo-raccoon-ursus-lotor-and-wolverene-ursus-luscus-copperplate-engraving-by-james-heath-from-george-shaws-general-zoology-mammalia-g-kearsley-fleet-street-london-1800-image569874848.html
RM2T34154–Raccoon, Procyon lotor, and wolverine, glutton, carcajou or quickhatch, Gulo gulo. Raccoon, Ursus lotor, and wolverene, Ursus luscus. Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaw’s General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800.
American wolverine, Gulo gulo luscus 1, and striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis 2. (Ursus luscus and Viverra mephitis) Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Carl Bertuch's Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1810. A 12-volume encyclopedia for children illustrated with almost 1,200 engraved plates on natural history, science, costume, mythology, etc., published from 1790-1830. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/american-wolverine-gulo-gulo-luscus-1-and-striped-skunk-mephitis-mephitis-2-ursus-luscus-and-viverra-mephitis-handcoloured-copperplate-engraving-from-carl-bertuchs-bilderbuch-fur-kinder-picture-book-for-children-weimar-1810-a-12-volume-encyclopedia-for-children-illustrated-with-almost-1200-engraved-plates-on-natural-history-science-costume-mythology-etc-published-from-1790-1830-image560435898.html
RM2RFP1KP–American wolverine, Gulo gulo luscus 1, and striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis 2. (Ursus luscus and Viverra mephitis) Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Carl Bertuch's Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1810. A 12-volume encyclopedia for children illustrated with almost 1,200 engraved plates on natural history, science, costume, mythology, etc., published from 1790-1830.
. The quadrupeds of North America [microform]. Mammals; Rodentia; Mammifères; Rongeurs. 212 THE WOLVERENE. GENERAt, RBMARKfl. This ypeoie.N has been arranged by dilli i^iit authors under several genera. Linnaeus placed it under both MtJ«TEi,LA and LTnsus. Storr esta- blished for it the genus Gulo, which was formed from the specific name, as it had been called Ursus Gulo, by Linx.kus. Stork's grnci' iiaino has been since adopted by Cuvier and other modern naturalists. liRAv named it Grisoxia. Linn/eus is notwithstanding entitled to the specific name, although this is tlit result oi an error int Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-quadrupeds-of-north-america-microform-mammals-rodentia-mammifres-rongeurs-212-the-wolverene-generat-rbmarkfl-this-ypeoien-has-been-arranged-by-dilli-iiit-authors-under-several-genera-linnaeus-placed-it-under-both-mtjteila-and-ltnsus-storr-esta-blished-for-it-the-genus-gulo-which-was-formed-from-the-specific-name-as-it-had-been-called-ursus-gulo-by-linxkus-storks-grnci-iiaino-has-been-since-adopted-by-cuvier-and-other-modern-naturalists-lirav-named-it-grisoxia-linneus-is-notwithstanding-entitled-to-the-specific-name-although-this-is-tlit-result-oi-an-error-int-image232824116.html
RMREP1F0–. The quadrupeds of North America [microform]. Mammals; Rodentia; Mammifères; Rongeurs. 212 THE WOLVERENE. GENERAt, RBMARKfl. This ypeoie.N has been arranged by dilli i^iit authors under several genera. Linnaeus placed it under both MtJ«TEi,LA and LTnsus. Storr esta- blished for it the genus Gulo, which was formed from the specific name, as it had been called Ursus Gulo, by Linx.kus. Stork's grnci' iiaino has been since adopted by Cuvier and other modern naturalists. liRAv named it Grisoxia. Linn/eus is notwithstanding entitled to the specific name, although this is tlit result oi an error int
American black bear, Ursus americanus 1, glutton, Gulo gulo 3, and European badger, Meles meles 4. Copperplate engraving by J. Scott after Sydenham Edwards from Abraham Rees' Cyclopedia or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, Paternoster Row, London, July 1, 1811. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/american-black-bear-ursus-americanus-1-glutton-gulo-gulo-3-and-european-badger-meles-meles-4-copperplate-engraving-by-j-scott-after-sydenham-edwards-from-abraham-rees-cyclopedia-or-universal-dictionary-of-arts-sciences-and-literature-longman-hurst-rees-orme-and-brown-paternoster-row-london-july-1-1811-image571912520.html
RM2T6CT74–American black bear, Ursus americanus 1, glutton, Gulo gulo 3, and European badger, Meles meles 4. Copperplate engraving by J. Scott after Sydenham Edwards from Abraham Rees' Cyclopedia or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, Paternoster Row, London, July 1, 1811.
American black bear, Ursus americanus 1, glutton, Gulo gulo 3, and European badger, Meles meles 4. Copperplate engraving by J. Scott after Sydenham Edwards from Abraham Rees' Cyclopedia or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, Paternoster Row, London, July 1, 1811. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/american-black-bear-ursus-americanus-1-glutton-gulo-gulo-3-and-european-badger-meles-meles-4-copperplate-engraving-by-j-scott-after-sydenham-edwards-from-abraham-rees-cyclopedia-or-universal-dictionary-of-arts-sciences-and-literature-longman-hurst-rees-orme-and-brown-paternoster-row-london-july-1-1811-image541422603.html
RM2PCRX1F–American black bear, Ursus americanus 1, glutton, Gulo gulo 3, and European badger, Meles meles 4. Copperplate engraving by J. Scott after Sydenham Edwards from Abraham Rees' Cyclopedia or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, Paternoster Row, London, July 1, 1811.
American black bear, Ursus americanus 1, polar bear, Ursus maritimus 2, glutton, Gulo gulo 3, and European badger, Meles meles 4. Copperplate engraving by J. Scott after Sydenham Edwards from Abraham Rees' Cyclopedia or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, Paternoster Row, London, July 1, 1811. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/american-black-bear-ursus-americanus-1-polar-bear-ursus-maritimus-2-glutton-gulo-gulo-3-and-european-badger-meles-meles-4-copperplate-engraving-by-j-scott-after-sydenham-edwards-from-abraham-rees-cyclopedia-or-universal-dictionary-of-arts-sciences-and-literature-longman-hurst-rees-orme-and-brown-paternoster-row-london-july-1-1811-image541422172.html
RM2PCRWE4–American black bear, Ursus americanus 1, polar bear, Ursus maritimus 2, glutton, Gulo gulo 3, and European badger, Meles meles 4. Copperplate engraving by J. Scott after Sydenham Edwards from Abraham Rees' Cyclopedia or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, Paternoster Row, London, July 1, 1811.
Wolverene or glutton Gulo gulo (Ursus luscus) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-wolverene-or-glutton-gulo-gulo-ursus-luscus-30354649.html
RMBNANJH–Wolverene or glutton Gulo gulo (Ursus luscus)
. Andersch bros. hunters and trappers guide illustrating the fur bearing animals of North America the skins of which have a market value. Hunting; Trapping. [from old catalog]; Game laws. Andersch Bros.' Hunters and Trappers Ouide. 35 THE WOLVERENE. (Ger. Vielfrass, Fr. Glouton, Eng. Ghitton, Lat. Gulo lusciis.) HIS carnivorous animal, the clumsiest of the marten or weasel species, is known under various names, and its nomenclature may be interesting as well as amusing to the average hunter and trapper : Latin—Gulo antiquorum, Murtela rufo-fusca, Medio dorsi nigro, Murtela gulo, Ursus gulo, Me Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/andersch-bros-hunters-and-trappers-guide-illustrating-the-fur-bearing-animals-of-north-america-the-skins-of-which-have-a-market-value-hunting-trapping-from-old-catalog-game-laws-andersch-bros-hunters-and-trappers-ouide-35-the-wolverene-ger-vielfrass-fr-glouton-eng-ghitton-lat-gulo-lusciis-his-carnivorous-animal-the-clumsiest-of-the-marten-or-weasel-species-is-known-under-various-names-and-its-nomenclature-may-be-interesting-as-well-as-amusing-to-the-average-hunter-and-trapper-latingulo-antiquorum-murtela-rufo-fusca-medio-dorsi-nigro-murtela-gulo-ursus-gulo-me-image236798516.html
RMRN72WT–. Andersch bros. hunters and trappers guide illustrating the fur bearing animals of North America the skins of which have a market value. Hunting; Trapping. [from old catalog]; Game laws. Andersch Bros.' Hunters and Trappers Ouide. 35 THE WOLVERENE. (Ger. Vielfrass, Fr. Glouton, Eng. Ghitton, Lat. Gulo lusciis.) HIS carnivorous animal, the clumsiest of the marten or weasel species, is known under various names, and its nomenclature may be interesting as well as amusing to the average hunter and trapper : Latin—Gulo antiquorum, Murtela rufo-fusca, Medio dorsi nigro, Murtela gulo, Ursus gulo, Me
American black bear, Ursus americanus 1, polar bear, Ursus maritimus 2, glutton, Gulo gulo 3, and European badger, Meles meles 4. Copperplate engraving by J. Scott after Sydenham Edwards from Abraham Rees' Cyclopedia or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, Paternoster Row, London, July 1, 1811. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/american-black-bear-ursus-americanus-1-polar-bear-ursus-maritimus-2-glutton-gulo-gulo-3-and-european-badger-meles-meles-4-copperplate-engraving-by-j-scott-after-sydenham-edwards-from-abraham-rees-cyclopedia-or-universal-dictionary-of-arts-sciences-and-literature-longman-hurst-rees-orme-and-brown-paternoster-row-london-july-1-1811-image571912244.html
RM2T6CRW8–American black bear, Ursus americanus 1, polar bear, Ursus maritimus 2, glutton, Gulo gulo 3, and European badger, Meles meles 4. Copperplate engraving by J. Scott after Sydenham Edwards from Abraham Rees' Cyclopedia or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, Paternoster Row, London, July 1, 1811.
Raccoon, Procyon lotor, and wolverine, glutton, carcajou or quickhatch, Gulo gulo. Raccoon, Ursus lotor, and wolverene, Ursus luscus. Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaws General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/raccoon-procyon-lotor-and-wolverine-glutton-carcajou-or-quickhatch-gulo-gulo-raccoon-ursus-lotor-and-wolverene-ursus-luscus-copperplate-engraving-by-james-heath-from-george-shaws-general-zoology-mammalia-g-kearsley-fleet-street-london-1800-image571913689.html
RM2T6CWMW–Raccoon, Procyon lotor, and wolverine, glutton, carcajou or quickhatch, Gulo gulo. Raccoon, Ursus lotor, and wolverene, Ursus luscus. Copperplate engraving by James Heath from George Shaws General Zoology: Mammalia, G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, London, 1800.
Wolverene or glutton. . Gulo gulo (Ursus luscus) . . Illustration copied from Edwards. 'The wolverene, the glutton and the caracajou are indiscriminately charged with the possession of voracious and insatiable appetites: they are all said to be the vultures of quadrupeds.'. . Handcoloured copperplate engraving from 'The Naturalist's Pocket Magazine; or, Complete Cabinet of the Curiosities and Beauties of Nature' (17981802) published by Harrison, London. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/wolverene-or-glutton-gulo-gulo-ursus-luscus-illustration-copied-from-edwards-the-wolverene-the-glutton-and-the-caracajou-are-indiscriminately-charged-with-the-possession-of-voracious-and-insatiable-appetites-they-are-all-said-to-be-the-vultures-of-quadrupeds-handcoloured-copperplate-engraving-from-the-naturalists-pocket-magazine-or-complete-cabinet-of-the-curiosities-and-beauties-of-nature-17981802-published-by-harrison-london-image220442227.html
RMPPJ08K–Wolverene or glutton. . Gulo gulo (Ursus luscus) . . Illustration copied from Edwards. 'The wolverene, the glutton and the caracajou are indiscriminately charged with the possession of voracious and insatiable appetites: they are all said to be the vultures of quadrupeds.'. . Handcoloured copperplate engraving from 'The Naturalist's Pocket Magazine; or, Complete Cabinet of the Curiosities and Beauties of Nature' (17981802) published by Harrison, London.