Vintage nazi loot plunder ww2 world war ii Stock Photos and Images
Vintage Nazi Loot Plunder WW2 World War II American military 'Monument Men ' encountered German Nazi loot repositories such as this one all across Europe. Here, piles of boxes, records, and clothing are guarded by an American GI inside a church in Ellingen, Germany. The church had been used by the Nazis as a secret depot for clothing 'requisitioned' from Belgium France and Holland 1945 Stock Photo
RMR6K17Y–Vintage Nazi Loot Plunder WW2 World War II American military 'Monument Men ' encountered German Nazi loot repositories such as this one all across Europe. Here, piles of boxes, records, and clothing are guarded by an American GI inside a church in Ellingen, Germany. The church had been used by the Nazis as a secret depot for clothing 'requisitioned' from Belgium France and Holland 1945