This map dates to 1917, the time of the First World War, and shows the intricate racial distribution (Italian, Slav, German, and Magyar) in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Stock Photo
RFHCG812–This map dates to 1917, the time of the First World War, and shows the intricate racial distribution (Italian, Slav, German, and Magyar) in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.
'Germany's Western Frontier under the terms of the Peace Treaty', 1918, (c1920). Map showing the border between France and Germany after the signing of the armistice at the end of the First World War. Also shown are: 'International boundaries in 1914; Territory restored to France; New Franco-German frontier; Areas for Plebiscite; Saar Basin, to be administered by the League of Nations; Luxembourg, detached from German Zollverein (Customs Union)'. From "The Great World War: A History", Volume IX, edited by Frank A Mumby. [The Gresham Publishing Company Ltd, London, c1920] Stock Photo
RM2A8E7Y5–'Germany's Western Frontier under the terms of the Peace Treaty', 1918, (c1920). Map showing the border between France and Germany after the signing of the armistice at the end of the First World War. Also shown are: 'International boundaries in 1914; Territory restored to France; New Franco-German frontier; Areas for Plebiscite; Saar Basin, to be administered by the League of Nations; Luxembourg, detached from German Zollverein (Customs Union)'. From "The Great World War: A History", Volume IX, edited by Frank A Mumby. [The Gresham Publishing Company Ltd, London, c1920]
Europe showing the proposed new states. Shows boundaries ca. 1919 after World War I. Shows boundaries established by the Treaty of Versailles and proposed in the Paris peace conference. Insets: Land of the Czecho-slovaks -- 'Kultur's empire' spring of 1918... Hammond's map of Europe Hammond's map of old and new Europe showing peace conference boundaries. Hammond's map of Europe Hammond's map of old and new Europe showing peace conference boundaries, Europe Europe Stock Photo
RM2M5TR5M–Europe showing the proposed new states. Shows boundaries ca. 1919 after World War I. Shows boundaries established by the Treaty of Versailles and proposed in the Paris peace conference. Insets: Land of the Czecho-slovaks -- 'Kultur's empire' spring of 1918... Hammond's map of Europe Hammond's map of old and new Europe showing peace conference boundaries. Hammond's map of Europe Hammond's map of old and new Europe showing peace conference boundaries, Europe Europe
Title Page/cover page from the Locarno Treaties. 1925. Stock Photo
RM2YRK1P8–Title Page/cover page from the Locarno Treaties. 1925.
The Berlin Wall Museum. Das Mauer. Berlin, Germany Stock Photo
RMBHWA59–The Berlin Wall Museum. Das Mauer. Berlin, Germany
The Literary digest history of the world war, compiled from original and contemporary sources: American, British, French, German, and others . Scale of Miles 26° I. /COf^SlCA V6ARDINIA , MONTEl ^ SOUTHERN EUROPE SHOWING ITALY, JUGO-SLAVIA, ALBANIA,BULGARIA AND GREECE ^ , . Decided Undecided Boundane3^,^ ^^B^^HB ? v ? m a ? aiTerritory subject to Plebiscite. ^^^^^^International Territory J:*...-...^ Former International Boundaries jma^smmBS}^.! Bari Taranti Brindisr Gulf of Taraiito Durazzcl + ^t^:^.> Stock Photo!-bari-taranti-brindisr-gulf-of-taraiito-durazzcl-tgt-image340074252.html
RM2AN7M50–The Literary digest history of the world war, compiled from original and contemporary sources: American, British, French, German, and others . Scale of Miles 26° I. /COf^SlCA V6ARDINIA , MONTEl ^ SOUTHERN EUROPE SHOWING ITALY, JUGO-SLAVIA, ALBANIA,BULGARIA AND GREECE ^ , . Decided Undecided Boundane3^,^ ^^B^^HB ? v ? m a ? aiTerritory subject to Plebiscite. ^^^^^^International Territory J:*...-...^ Former International Boundaries jma^smmBS}^.! Bari Taranti Brindisr Gulf of Taraiito Durazzcl + ^t^:^.>
'Photograph taken on March 18, 1919, by an unidentified photographer from the Signal Corps. The image captures the view from German trenches east of Heckon, looking towards France. The notes indicate that this photograph is numbered 185 out of a series of 10.' Stock Photo
RM2RC6W73–'Photograph taken on March 18, 1919, by an unidentified photographer from the Signal Corps. The image captures the view from German trenches east of Heckon, looking towards France. The notes indicate that this photograph is numbered 185 out of a series of 10.'
. The earth and its inhabitants .. . ^ HE j^olitical situation of the twin empire of the Danube is altogether unstable. Vienna and Pest are geographical centres, no doubt, but the incompatibility of the races inhabiting the empire has caused its boundaries to fluctuate in accordance with the fortunes of war, and with the success of diplomatic intrigues or matrimonial alliances. There was a time when the house of Habsburg was the most powerful in the world. The boastful inscription of A E I 0 U {Austriœ est irnperare orbi tini- verso), still to be seen on some public buildings, recalls that tim Stock Photo
RMMAAN8B–. The earth and its inhabitants .. . ^ HE j^olitical situation of the twin empire of the Danube is altogether unstable. Vienna and Pest are geographical centres, no doubt, but the incompatibility of the races inhabiting the empire has caused its boundaries to fluctuate in accordance with the fortunes of war, and with the success of diplomatic intrigues or matrimonial alliances. There was a time when the house of Habsburg was the most powerful in the world. The boastful inscription of A E I 0 U {Austriœ est irnperare orbi tini- verso), still to be seen on some public buildings, recalls that tim
Sgt. Eikleberg of the Submarine Chasers poses in front of the Number 9 Citizens of Sedan, Ardenes, France. They are inspecting trenches along the river bank which were dug by English prisoners under German supervision. This photograph was taken on November 17, 1918 and received on February 13, 1919. Stock Photo
RM2RCCC4R–Sgt. Eikleberg of the Submarine Chasers poses in front of the Number 9 Citizens of Sedan, Ardenes, France. They are inspecting trenches along the river bank which were dug by English prisoners under German supervision. This photograph was taken on November 17, 1918 and received on February 13, 1919.
Title Page/cover page from the Locarno Treaties. 1925. Stock Photo
RM2YRXPDA–Title Page/cover page from the Locarno Treaties. 1925.
The Literary digest history of the world war, compiled from original and contemporary sources: American, British, French, German, and others . HUNGARY THE MATTHEW8- <OHTHROP WORKS, BUFFALO. N.Y. 18° Longitude East 20° from • Greenwich 22 Kholm* I ^ oJjIl and ROUMANIA Decided Undeoldwl Kovel Boundaries International Territory .fTvT • ^^ *- Former International Boundaries •Rawa^uska^ Former Subdivision Boundaries —^ 1, Part of Hungary with Tran-/ sylvania to Koumania. 3, Bukowina and part ofGalicia, from Austria-Hun- Ni^I gary to Roumania. 4, Bessarabia by agreementwith Ukraine from Russia, n Stock Photo
RM2AN7DMP–The Literary digest history of the world war, compiled from original and contemporary sources: American, British, French, German, and others . HUNGARY THE MATTHEW8- <OHTHROP WORKS, BUFFALO. N.Y. 18° Longitude East 20° from • Greenwich 22 Kholm* I ^ oJjIl and ROUMANIA Decided Undeoldwl Kovel Boundaries International Territory .fTvT • ^^ *- Former International Boundaries •Rawa^uska^ Former Subdivision Boundaries —^ 1, Part of Hungary with Tran-/ sylvania to Koumania. 3, Bukowina and part ofGalicia, from Austria-Hun- Ni^I gary to Roumania. 4, Bessarabia by agreementwith Ukraine from Russia, n
. War echoes; or Germany and Austria in the crisis .. . troops England sendsagainst us the fewer she will have in cousinship with a degree of warmthin direct ratio to your degree ofstrength. Because she has the onlything in the world you really need toround out your boundaries. You mean Canada? I mean Canada? Of course, I re-alize it is inconceivable you will ever,or at least soon, attempt to take it.But why? Because Great Britain hasrealized so cleverly that the only pos-sible way in which she can defend itis by making you her friend and put-ting you on honor. supremely pre-eminent, diplomacy Stock Photo
RM2CE71P7–. War echoes; or Germany and Austria in the crisis .. . troops England sendsagainst us the fewer she will have in cousinship with a degree of warmthin direct ratio to your degree ofstrength. Because she has the onlything in the world you really need toround out your boundaries. You mean Canada? I mean Canada? Of course, I re-alize it is inconceivable you will ever,or at least soon, attempt to take it.But why? Because Great Britain hasrealized so cleverly that the only pos-sible way in which she can defend itis by making you her friend and put-ting you on honor. supremely pre-eminent, diplomacy
. Mediæval and modern history . Loncritude Settled boundaries Unsettled boundaries. ^^M^S^^E [^ =^i Greenwich 40 vereignty to be determinedby popular vote Areas under control of theLeague of Nations § 730] SOME RESULTS OF THE WORLD WAR 671 730. Some Assured Results of the World War. Not untilsufficient time has elapsed to prove the stability of the work ofthe Paris Peace Conference will it be possible to make anythinglike a complete appraisal of the results of the World War. How-ever, there are already certain assured outcomes of the fatefulstruggle of which we should here make note because of Stock Photo
RM2CDEF36–. Mediæval and modern history . Loncritude Settled boundaries Unsettled boundaries. ^^M^S^^E [^ =^i Greenwich 40 vereignty to be determinedby popular vote Areas under control of theLeague of Nations § 730] SOME RESULTS OF THE WORLD WAR 671 730. Some Assured Results of the World War. Not untilsufficient time has elapsed to prove the stability of the work ofthe Paris Peace Conference will it be possible to make anythinglike a complete appraisal of the results of the World War. How-ever, there are already certain assured outcomes of the fatefulstruggle of which we should here make note because of
. The earth and its inhabitants ... Geography. CHAPTER IX. STATISTICS OF AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.. ^ HE j^olitical situation of the twin empire of the Danube is altogether unstable. Vienna and Pest are geographical centres, no doubt, but the incompatibility of the races inhabiting the empire has caused its boundaries to fluctuate in accordance with the fortunes of war, and with the success of diplomatic intrigues or matrimonial alliances. There was a time when the house of Habsburg was the most powerful in the world. The boastful inscription of A E I 0 U {Austriœ est irnperare orbi tini- verso), still Stock Photo
RMRE6Y6E–. The earth and its inhabitants ... Geography. CHAPTER IX. STATISTICS OF AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.. ^ HE j^olitical situation of the twin empire of the Danube is altogether unstable. Vienna and Pest are geographical centres, no doubt, but the incompatibility of the races inhabiting the empire has caused its boundaries to fluctuate in accordance with the fortunes of war, and with the success of diplomatic intrigues or matrimonial alliances. There was a time when the house of Habsburg was the most powerful in the world. The boastful inscription of A E I 0 U {Austriœ est irnperare orbi tini- verso), still
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