The art of incubation and brooding; . m, and makeroom for others, besides giving them more range. BROODING HOUSES. A continuous brooding house, divided intorooms, should have a passage way through it, andif thirty feet long, or longer, should have a hotwater stove to furnish heat for the brooders, so asto save attention to so many lamps. If the house is furnished with single brooders,each room should be five and one-half feet wideand nine feet long—the length being parallel withthe divisions or dividing fences of yards. If heatedby continuous hot water pipes, the roomsshouldbe nine feet wide—a
![The art of incubation and brooding; . m, and makeroom for others, besides giving them more range. BROODING HOUSES. A continuous brooding house, divided intorooms, should have a passage way through it, andif thirty feet long, or longer, should have a hotwater stove to furnish heat for the brooders, so asto save attention to so many lamps. If the house is furnished with single brooders,each room should be five and one-half feet wideand nine feet long—the length being parallel withthe divisions or dividing fences of yards. If heatedby continuous hot water pipes, the roomsshouldbe nine feet wide—a Stock Photo](
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The Reading Room / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
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1226 x 2038 px | 20.8 x 34.5 cm | 8.2 x 13.6 inches | 150dpiMore information:
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The art of incubation and brooding; . m, and makeroom for others, besides giving them more range. BROODING HOUSES. A continuous brooding house, divided intorooms, should have a passage way through it, andif thirty feet long, or longer, should have a hotwater stove to furnish heat for the brooders, so asto save attention to so many lamps. If the house is furnished with single brooders, each room should be five and one-half feet wideand nine feet long—the length being parallel withthe divisions or dividing fences of yards. If heatedby continuous hot water pipes, the roomsshouldbe nine feet wide—at right angles with the dividingfences, and five and one-half feet long—parallelwith dividing fences. The reason for this arrange-ment will be apparent on examining the differentbrooding apparatus. These rooms will accommo-date from fifty to one hundred chicks, each.137 19* ?feafrafegfrsfrcfcgfcsfctfr«sktfcgfcsfc«fcj?<fc^4>4^&&&4;gfr<fcfcsfr«fccfrgfc<fccfcsfcs£. ® epeJ»«J« e£- els els els els ?•!•. «Js Js 3i ejsejs ejsejs ejs ejs ejs «Js ejsejsejsejs »Js«Js «Js ejs e|5ejsejse|s ejsejse|sejs ejsejs ejsejs ®^ Tgjcfccfrcfccfc sfcsfcsfcsfc>&<&<&&4*4<fai£. 4*4- dfc 4? iife 4* 4- •jasfc -i *fc 4a4i44~ 4*4?4*4. # 4?4?4* J^ BROODING HOUSE WITH HOT AIR BROODERS. This brooding house is fitted with the Von CulinIndoor Hot Air Brooders. The rooms may befive feet wide and nine feet long, or may be madewider, if desired. The position of each brooder isshown (B). The floor is elevated one foot abovethe ground, to allow brooder floor to be on a levelwith the room floor. The top frame shown aroundthe hot air brooder is moveable, and may be takenaway after the chicks get used to the brooder.Or, it may be covered with fine wire netting andplaced on at night where there is danger from ratsor other vermin. BROODING HOUSE WITH HOT WATER SYSTEM. This brooding house is fitted with the Von Culinsystem of hot water pipi