. The Bible panorama, or The Holy Scriptures in picture and story. dancing, to meet him,being full of joy at seeing her father, for she was his only child. But when hesaw her he was greatly troubled, and rent his clothes, and told her of the vowhe had made. Then she answered, My father, if thou hast made a vow to theLord, do to me as thou hast said; but let me alone two months, that I may goupon the mountains and mourn with my companions. Jephthah should not have kept the vow which it was wrong in him to make.God had commanded the Israelites to offer up oxen, and goats, and lambs, asburnt offe
![. The Bible panorama, or The Holy Scriptures in picture and story. dancing, to meet him,being full of joy at seeing her father, for she was his only child. But when hesaw her he was greatly troubled, and rent his clothes, and told her of the vowhe had made. Then she answered, My father, if thou hast made a vow to theLord, do to me as thou hast said; but let me alone two months, that I may goupon the mountains and mourn with my companions. Jephthah should not have kept the vow which it was wrong in him to make.God had commanded the Israelites to offer up oxen, and goats, and lambs, asburnt offe Stock Photo](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2AFNR6W/the-bible-panorama-or-the-holy-scriptures-in-picture-and-story-dancing-to-meet-himbeing-full-of-joy-at-seeing-her-father-for-she-was-his-only-child-but-when-hesaw-her-he-was-greatly-troubled-and-rent-his-clothes-and-told-her-of-the-vowhe-had-made-then-she-answered-my-father-if-thou-hast-made-a-vow-to-thelord-do-to-me-as-thou-hast-said-but-let-me-alone-two-months-that-i-may-goupon-the-mountains-and-mourn-with-my-companions-jephthah-should-not-have-kept-the-vow-which-it-was-wrong-in-him-to-makegod-had-commanded-the-israelites-to-offer-up-oxen-and-goats-and-lambs-asburnt-offe-2AFNR6W.jpg)
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The Reading Room / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
2AFNR6WFile size:
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1421 x 1758 px | 24.1 x 29.8 cm | 9.5 x 11.7 inches | 150dpiMore information:
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. The Bible panorama, or The Holy Scriptures in picture and story. dancing, to meet him, being full of joy at seeing her father, for she was his only child. But when hesaw her he was greatly troubled, and rent his clothes, and told her of the vowhe had made. Then she answered, My father, if thou hast made a vow to theLord, do to me as thou hast said; but let me alone two months, that I may goupon the mountains and mourn with my companions. Jephthah should not have kept the vow which it was wrong in him to make.God had commanded the Israelites to offer up oxen, and goats, and lambs, asburnt offerings, not their children. The heathen nations offered their children toidols, and were punished for doing it. Jephthah should have repented of his vow, and asked forgiveness for making it. But the Bible tells us, that after two monthshe took his daughter, and did with her as he had promised; and all the youngwomen of Israel mourned for her. Jephthah was judge over the people forsix years; and he died and was buried in one of the cities of the land of Gilead. 96. JEPHTHAHS DAUGHTER COMES OUT FIRST TO MEET THM ON HIS RETURN FROM BATTLE. ny JriKiKs XI.:«. Illllllllllillllll